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Fox Newschannel


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Where can I find the Fox News Channel? I used to be able to get it ,but now the network that I probably can’t mention here, no longer carries it.

Does anyone know just where I can once again get it, from here in Thailand?

I have sent emails to Fox and to the satellite company that no longer carries it.

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CNN and BBC offer much better international news coverage. :o

that is why fox is the best cabel news channel in the u.s. they have way better coverage, including sports and they have more people in the field. check out their coverage of the lates lebanese conflict. sorry, bbc sucks worst than cnn.

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CNN and BBC offer much better international news coverage. :o

that is why fox is the best cabel news channel in the u.s. they have way better coverage, including sports and they have more people in the field. check out their coverage of the lates lebanese conflict. sorry, bbc sucks worst than cnn.

Yes the Fox version of Lebanon was the same as the domestic version on CNN.... BIASED.

CNN international gave a very balanced view!!

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CNN and BBC offer much better international news coverage. :o

that is why fox is the best cabel news channel in the u.s. they have way better coverage, including sports and they have more people in the field. check out their coverage of the lates lebanese conflict. sorry, bbc sucks worst than cnn.

Yes the Fox version of Lebanon was the same as the domestic version on CNN.... BIASED.

CNN international gave a very balanced view!!

yes, how poor lebanese suffered and the isralies were targeting civilians.

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CNN and BBC offer much better international news coverage. :o

that is why fox is the best cabel news channel in the u.s. they have way better coverage, including sports and they have more people in the field. check out their coverage of the lates lebanese conflict. sorry, bbc sucks worst than cnn.

Yes the Fox version of Lebanon was the same as the domestic version on CNN.... BIASED.

CNN international gave a very balanced view!!

yes, how poor lebanese suffered and the isralies were targeting civilians.

Exactly, the TRUTH however unpalatable you may find that.

They also covered the damage and fatalities in Israel.

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Did anybody read the original post??

I also would like to see Fox again.

Because it is good???Don't think so but I simply want to make my own choice and for sure it is not necessary to start this ...who is better.... talking. :o

So,on what satelite is fox ?

Edited by dutch
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Where can I find the Fox News Channel? I used to be able to get it ,but now the network that I probably can’t mention here, no longer carries it.

Does anyone know just where I can once again get it, from here in Thailand?

I have sent emails to Fox and to the satellite company that no longer carries it.

I am still getting the US version of Fox on my Pattaya cable channel. It is so superior to CNN/BBC because it presents, analyses & criticises both sides of a case - Dem/Rep, left/right whatever. Some people cannot handle that & prefer the one-sided bigotry, racism & anti-Semitism presented as 'objective' on BBC/CNN.

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Where can I find the Fox News Channel? I used to be able to get it ,but now the network that I probably can’t mention here, no longer carries it.

Does anyone know just where I can once again get it, from here in Thailand?

I have sent emails to Fox and to the satellite company that no longer carries it.

I am still getting the US version of Fox on my Pattaya cable channel. It is so superior to CNN/BBC because it presents, analyses & criticises both sides of a case - Dem/Rep, left/right whatever. Some people cannot handle that & prefer the one-sided bigotry, racism & anti-Semitism presented as 'objective' on BBC/CNN.

ohhhhhh pulease!

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Since I lost FNC off the TV I'm still waiting to find out what happened to Natalee Holloway. And instead of getting wall-to-wall coverage about John Mark Karr I had to wait to read in the newspaper that he wasn't guilty. And the next time Michael Jackson has a court date, who's going to give me live coverage of him stopping at a red light? And what about Amber alerts!? Are Thai people so heartless that they don't even care when some little kid goes missing? Well, at least we've still got Glenn Beck and Nancy Grace.

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Since I lost FNC off the TV I'm still waiting to find out what happened to Natalee Holloway. And instead of getting wall-to-wall coverage about John Mark Karr I had to wait to read in the newspaper that he wasn't guilty. And the next time Michael Jackson has a court date, who's going to give me live coverage of him stopping at a red light? And what about Amber alerts!? Are Thai people so heartless that they don't even care when some little kid goes missing? Well, at least we've still got Glenn Beck and Nancy Grace.

Fox has a website that includes videos from some of their "stars" like Greta who still talks about Natalee Holloway case. You should google it. I am not sure about reports on Michael Jackson though. :o

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I am still getting the US version of Fox on my Pattaya cable channel. It is so superior to CNN/BBC because it presents, analyses & criticises both sides of a case - Dem/Rep, left/right whatever. Some people cannot handle that & prefer the one-sided bigotry, racism & anti-Semitism presented as 'objective' on BBC/CNN.
The flaw of the 'balanced' approached is the premise that there is always two opposing viewpoints of equal merit. And that's simply false. Sometimes there is, and sometimes there isn't. For example: gun control and abortion, two very contentious issues where it would be unfair not to give the same hearing to both sides. Or the evolution/intelligent design 'debate.' On the one side is a scientific theory, on the other is pseudo science. To present both as if they have equal credibility is simply intellectually dishonest and downright absurd. And yet Fox News is the paragon of this approach (though there's certainly plenty of guilt to spread around the larger media).

To be honest, I never watched much cable news when I lived in the U.S. unless there really was some huge breaking news story like the Iraq invasion or Katrina. Other than those special cases, their target audience seems to be those addicted to the most crass, tabloid, sensationalistic, lurid, manufactured controversy/outrage/gossip kind of 'news' that can be produced. I look to news to be informed, not as some quasi-sporting event to root for and see that 'my side' of an issue is aired. It almost seems that in some people ideology has crowded out all functional higher reasoning.

If I could easily get one complete daily U.S. news program (parts are available online), I'd want the PBS Newshour.

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Fox is good, but its clearly conservative while BBC and CNN are clearly liberal oriented. Watch all 3 and make up your own mind.

When I first saw this thread, I thought 'uh-oh,' here come the crazies.....

Thanks for injecting a moment of common sense and simple intelligence into all the hysterical, knee-jerk frothing.

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Fox? :o

All fox viewers own two hats.

Still like to decide for my self.

I hate it when somebody prevent me from looking what I want (legal) and I hate it a little bit if people don't want me to :D

I can understand that. I don't want to decide for you either.

I find CNN almost unwatchable and how people can think it's liberal is beyond me. BBC seems to be really bad, at least the version I get on free cable - mostly previews of their own programs. Or maybe it's just that I have so much more and so much better information right here in my computer. I love the BBC website, for example, that's excellent.

Fox - well, some people love redneck-republican propaganda, suit yourself. I find it completely retarded. I also find it somewhat dangerous because it's really made to _instill_ certain ideas in people's heads, it has trail-blazed the concept of "if you repeat something often enough, it becomes true".

Say the link between Al-Quaeda and Saddam. Regardless of what you think of the Iraq invasion, it's totally clear that there never has been any link between the two. Saddam hated Al-Quaeda and thought it a threat to his regime. But on Fox you would hear the two mentioned in the same sentence pretty much constantly over a period of several months, and most Americans believed it.

The balance between CNN and Fox is like the balance between Burger King and MacDonald's. Make up your own mind: Whopper or Big Mac!

I don't mind conservative, in fact, I am getting more conservative as I am getting older. But that doesn't mean I support corrupt liars. Not one bit.

Sorry for this rant, it just had to get out. I don't mean to offend anyone.

As for balance, there is a subtle problem with it that most people don't understand. It's very basic, however, and it works like this, imagine: I LIE. I tell a big FAT LIE. You tell the truth. A 3rd party wants to make up their own mind. What are they going to do? Not knowing anything else, they search for balance, and think: The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Perfectly reasonable.

What's the problem with this? The problem is that I, the liar, have won. The third party believes a half-lie now. Whereas you, telling the truth, have lost - the truth doesn't come out.

This is very simplified, but it's the basic principle and the major motivation to lie.

Edited by nikster
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Fox? :o

All fox viewers own two hats.

Still like to decide for my self.

I hate it when somebody prevent me from looking what I want (legal) and I hate it a little bit if people don't want me to :D

I can understand that. I don't want to decide for you either.

I find CNN almost unwatchable and how people can think it's liberal is beyond me. BBC seems to be really bad, at least the version I get on free cable - mostly previews of their own programs. Or maybe it's just that I have so much more and so much better information right here in my computer. I love the BBC website, for example, that's excellent.

The BBC TV that you see in Thailand is garbage. It's a small failed attempt to emulate the BBC that we get in the UK. The only decent BBC overseas broadcasts are BBC World Service radio on shortwave (I think they have VHF relays too) which are funded by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (our State Department). If you want a flavour of 'serious' radio that's heard in the UK choose 'listen live' for BBC Radio 4 from the website. You'll obviously have to bear in mind that the programmes are made for a domestic audience. You may also have to make allowances for our sense (that's sense with an 's') of humour :D

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You don't state where you live. If it is in the Pattaya area, Sophon Cable carries it. I like to think I had something to do with that - I campaigned for it a while back. They also carry CNN and BBC which I would not watch with a gun to my head - particularly BBC, being Jewish, with their extreme anti-Israel bias. My $.02 and my last comment on this thread which I am sure it will be a heated one.


Where can I find the Fox News Channel? I used to be able to get it ,but now the network that I probably can’t mention here, no longer carries it.

Does anyone know just where I can once again get it, from here in Thailand?

I have sent emails to Fox and to the satellite company that no longer carries it.

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We have no cable and no telephone in my village

I guess that I should have mentioned that I live about 25 kilometers west from sa Kaeo. I live in a very small village of 500 people. I have the only telephone here. After the village headman’s telephone went belly up, the phone company wanted him to pay the repair cost. The headman didn’t or couldn’t pay so I made the man an offer for him to sign the phone over to me. I paid the phone company to run 2 kilometers of wire to my house to get me onto the “landline”. As it turns out the “landline” actually goes to some kind of a radio transmitter and my bandwidth speed is BELOW 28.8

The only TV I get is from my big dish that has both C-Band and KU band. I get maybe 800 channels but no Fox.

I forgot to mention that 750 of those channels are of a language that I don’t understand.


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