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Rick Perry goes at it again, launches 2016 bid


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Rick Perry has the best story to tell of any GOP contender

"...he does have at least one big thing going for him — far and away the best and most coherent story of any candidate in the field about why his record in office should make you think he could deliver the kind of prosperity the voters crave..."


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They do raise a good point here. That many of his fellow clowns going "I feel sorry for Rick with those criminal charges hanging over him" will definitely be in the minds of voters.

His ambitions this time around – which he is set to outline at a campaign launch rally in Texas – are complicated by felony charges that are likely to linger in the background as an unwelcome distraction throughout the summer.

A grand jury indicted Perry in August 2014 on allegations that he abused his official powers when he threatened to veto funding for an anti-corruption unit unless Austin’s district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg, resigned after a drink-driving conviction. She refused and Perry duly withheld the money.

The 65-year-old has called the charges politically motivated and has strongly maintained he did nothing wrong – but his high-powered legal team has so far failed to have them dismissed.

“It’s a major problem for him directly and indirectly,” said James Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas. “It creates the opportunity for his opponents to offer faux support, even as they remind voters he’s under indictments … I think it’s unlikely that he can ride it out unless something happens and it’s summarily dealt with in his favour.”


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nwo said: first black, than first woman and then first gay or muslim

I think it wouldn't matter what or who if he/she/it would do the job, not attacking other countries, not trying to social engineer the population.....if the IQ would be over 75 it would be perfect....

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Rick Perry has the best story to tell of any GOP contender

"...he does have at least one big thing going for him — far and away the best and most coherent story of any candidate in the field about why his record in office should make you think he could deliver the kind of prosperity the voters crave..."


This CNN interview of yesterday seems to indicate Rick Perry wants to Texas-ize all of the United States. He's completely Texas-centric and wrapped in the Texas flag running for POTUS.

Perry seems to think he's too self-important to fail and that someone from Texas running for prez can't be wrong so how could he lose.


They actually do discuss the Rick Perry Rap. clap2.gif

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Perry thinks he can win. His record with the economy in Texas is excellent.

You can't give a guy credit for the economy who doesn't believe in governments ability to affect things.

The idea is for government to get out of business' way. Allow them to grow without hamstringing them.

" The business of America is business," not more governmental regulation. Rick Perry knows this.

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I never said otherwise. Perry probably won't even be nominated by the republicans but he's one hellufalot better than what the Democratic choices are coming down to.

Lincoln Chaffee? Bernie Sanders? Walter O'Malley? And, ta da, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the candidate that 58% of the voting public does not trust.

Let's get real, indeed.

I'd pick any of those above the gaggle of clowns fighting for the Koch Brothers nomination.

Of course you would...if you had a vote.

Well, I couldn't vote in the Texas races for governor cause I don't live in Texas and I don't vote in Texas, haven't ever lived in Texas, never voted in Texas.

Can I criticize Texas former governor Rick Perry?

Perry is running for the R party nomination for prez, but I'm not a registered Republican so I can't vote in any single Republican party state primary choice vote, not at a caucus, not in a referendum, the works, unless I want to restrict my right to vote which I choose not to do.

Can I criticize him?

Or do I need to wait until Rick Perry is the nominee laugh.png

Cutting through the sarcasm, of course you can criticize Governor Perry. He is running for the nomination for President of the US, of which you are a citizen.

Since it is a national election, I see nothing in there that would restrict criticism to residents or citizens of the State of Texas.

Anybody from some of the smaller insignificant states are welcome to join the chat.

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0:00 - 1:43

Fellow member UG will no doubt claim bias.

Poor old duffer doesn't stand a chance because he does, at heart, have some semblance of ethical behaviour.

Walker will run if not already which will lead to a question of whether someone is willing to vote for a person who is clinically insane. Perry, as I understand, is a climate change denier which at least puts him in good stead. He also works hard stopping minority votes. Along with him being a pro lack of choice advocate makes him a prime candidate.

He is easily led, a bigot big time and wanting of intellect in a general sense. I would therefore not count him out.

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0:00 - 1:43

Fellow member UG will no doubt claim bias.

Poor old duffer doesn't stand a chance because he does, at heart, have some semblance of ethical behaviour.

Walker will run if not already which will lead to a question of whether someone is willing to vote for a person who is clinically insane. Perry, as I understand, is a climate change denier which at least puts him in good stead. He also works hard stopping minority votes. Along with him being a pro lack of choice advocate makes him a prime candidate.

He is easily led, a bigot big time and wanting of intellect in a general sense. I would therefore not count him out.

Don't forget he denies evolution.
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As further proof that Rick Perry's economic policies have borne much fruit for his state, TEXAS, some of our readers might find the following survey interesting.

For 2015 the top 20 cities for college graduates to start a career in are...

1. Irving, TX
2. Grand Prairie, TX
3. Austin, TX
4. Denver, CO
5. Houston, TX
6. Corpus Christi, TX
7. Fremont, CA
8. Fort Worth, TX
9. Sioux Falls, SD
10. Tulsa, OK
11. Arlington, TX
12. Salt Lake City, UT
13. Minneapolis, MN
14. Dallas, TX
15. Des Moines, IA
16. Seattle. WA
17. Oklahoma City, OK
18. Aurora, CO
19. Plano, TX
20. Omaha, NE

Does anybody notice a trend here? Rick Perry's Texas cities have the following representation...

4 of top 5

6 of top 10

9 of top 20

California has one, Massachusetts has none.

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As further proof that Rick Perry's economic policies have borne much fruit for his state, TEXAS, some of our readers might find the following survey interesting.

For 2015 the top 20 cities for college graduates to start a career in are...

Brilliant news - for those who can afford to go to college.

Meanwhile in the:

I was looking for Texas really hard.

Found it near the bottom at number 46.

Edited by Chicog
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As further proof that Rick Perry's economic policies have borne much fruit for his state, TEXAS, some of our readers might find the following survey interesting.

For 2015 the top 20 cities for college graduates to start a career in are...

1. Irving, TX
2. Grand Prairie, TX
3. Austin, TX
4. Denver, CO
5. Houston, TX
6. Corpus Christi, TX
7. Fremont, CA
8. Fort Worth, TX
9. Sioux Falls, SD
10. Tulsa, OK
11. Arlington, TX
12. Salt Lake City, UT
13. Minneapolis, MN
14. Dallas, TX
15. Des Moines, IA
16. Seattle. WA
17. Oklahoma City, OK
18. Aurora, CO
19. Plano, TX
20. Omaha, NE

Does anybody notice a trend here? Rick Perry's Texas cities have the following representation...

4 of top 5

6 of top 10

9 of top 20

California has one, Massachusetts has none.

Generously assuming the list is accurate, questions remain concerning what Rick Perry did as governor in each of the many categories of Texas' being the 50th ranked state, in each of the many categories of TX being the 49th ranked state, in all of the things in which Texas is the 48th ranked state etc through the 50th up to the 40th ranking.

Texas has several items in each ordinal numeration of the bottom rankings from 50th to 40th (and beyond)

For instance, here's a sampling of but one category from each ordinal ranking among the 50 states.

50th in percentage of population over 25 with high school education.

49th in per capita spending on water quality

48th in SAT scores

47th in percentage of poor who receive Medicaid

46th in average hourly earnings

45th in number of secondary teachers with a degree in the subject they teach

44th in percentage of eligible voters that are registered

43rd in laborforce education

And also selectively they are....

40th in number of physicians

39th in state aid per pupil

37th in implementing SCOTUS decision that unjustified institutionalization of a disabled person is discrimination

Texas and Rick Perry will need all of the bright and the bushy tailed it can get even if they come from Liberty University, Bob Jones University, Texas Christian University or even from Perry's alma mater Texas A&M (Agricultural and Military College) where his GPA was 2.2, in Animal Science.


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0:00 - 1:43

Fellow member UG will no doubt claim bias.

Poor old duffer doesn't stand a chance because he does, at heart, have some semblance of ethical behaviour.

Walker will run if not already which will lead to a question of whether someone is willing to vote for a person who is clinically insane. Perry, as I understand, is a climate change denier which at least puts him in good stead. He also works hard stopping minority votes. Along with him being a pro lack of choice advocate makes him a prime candidate.

He is easily led, a bigot big time and wanting of intellect in a general sense. I would therefore not count him out.

Don't forget he denies evolution.

Being in Texas I thought that was a given.

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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

Well, I sure can't vote for this guy. He can't even control his borders.

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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

California, Texas, Florida, New York each has a large number of immigrants yet somehow only the immigrants to Texas seem to drag down the state's stats and rankings among the 50 states.

Maybe Texas needs better quality immigrants or it might just be a matter of Texas needing a better quality state. Yes the business climate in Texas is great because Texas is the Walmart equivalent among all the other states. The ol' cotton picker secessionist Rick Perry continued the status quo in Texas because he too likes it just fine.

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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

Well, I sure can't vote for this guy. He can't even control his borders.

Governor Perry is not in charge of Border Security even for his own state - the Feds are.

The Obama Admin has made it very clear - the U.S. Government is in charge of Border Security ... and Illegal Immigration Control -- in this case both Security and Control are Oxymorons.

The fact that you do not know this tells me that you know very little about the U.S. Government .. .The Border Patrol is part of (another Oxymoron) the Department of Homeland Security with a Cabinet Secretary reporting directly to Obama...

States like Texas with Governor Perry and Arizona do what they can to secure the border... but Federal Lawsuits by the Obama Administration pulled all such authority back to the Federal Government.

Despite this Governor Perry has (under court limitations) created special units to deal with it as best can be - (the Ilegal Alien problem). And by the way - under Federal Statutes those in the USA Illegally are termed Illegal Aliens - the official designation under law.

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Not mincing any words RP is a clamhead. The idea of that moron becoming POTUS is absurd.

I'm forever astonished that the bible thumpers fail to acknowledge any truth in favor of superstition.

Creationism??? What's a long time ricky? Hocus Pocus GoldenSmile1.gif

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Creationism??? What's a long time ricky? Hocus Pocus GoldenSmile1.gif

Creationism is not actually taught in public schools so he lied to a child.

I don't actually know where he stands on the age of the Earth but as a YEC it will be somewhere between 5700 and 10000 years old. There is actually an argument within Creationism as to weather is is 5700 or 10000 (ish). Ludicrous! It is because of this time-frame that he and all the other Republican wing-nuts reject climate change. They cannot accept data from more than 10000 years ago because they 'know' that the Earth and Universe did not exist. This view represents some 40% of the entire US population so he is in no way unusual.

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Those posters (previous post above) who want to label a political candidate - Governor Rick Perry - 'insane' because he will not yield to the Cult of Global Warming and Climate Change is just another example of Leftist's attempts to destroy a candidate based on what this particular poster thinks is incontestable truth. When in fact there are even on this Forum dozens of quite sane and articulate TVF members who have consistently pointed out the fallacy of the propaganda spewed out by the rabid cult of Natural Occurrence Deniers - NODs.

Based on the article cited below, Governor Rick Perry's advisers have most likely briefed him on this subject and have pointed out that recent real scientific revelations have shown that any global warming stopped 15 to 18 years ago... and that it is just another natural cycle of the Sun's effect on the Earth and the rest of the solar system - such as Mars also underwent global warming in about the same period and numerous other proofs. In addition any Conservative candidate for the office of the President, such as Rick Perry, employs scientific advisers who are up to snuff on real scientific data - real data and scientific findings - not data done by cult worshipers who wish to push an agenda of global wealth transfer and government control of business and citizens under the guise of Global Warming / Climate Change - based on a phony set of findings including the totally fraudulent 'hockey stick' falsely touted to be 'proof' of global warming (that had already stopped years before). Perry's science advisers likely know of the findings relative to climate change ... that climate change is a natural occurrence caused by the various cycles of the Sun and associated cosmic rays.

And above all Perry learned in high school that the prime example of natural climate change is the Great Ice Ages and Glaciation of almost about half of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth --- all done and all happening without any possible influence of the small number of humans (Homo Sapiens) beginning 250,000 years ago. It seems that Rick Perry easily figured out that camp fires of human cave dwellers (including Neanderthals) 20,000 years ago did not cause Global Warming and Cooling of that period.

Rick Perry's stated position on Climate Change and Global Warming - 2011


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Forbes - 2011... Before you Leftists do it ... I will say it for you... Yeah Forbes -- just another Perry campaign piece ... done by some no name business magazine ... You Wish...

What Does Rick Perry Have To Do With Texas' Success?

Texas has done what most of other states — notably the blue coastal ones — have failed to do: create jobs. Over the past decade Texas has created 2.1 million jobs — while New York, California, Massachusetts and Illinois have all lost jobs.



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When liberals have nothing else, they can always attack one's religion...particularly if the person happens to be a Christian.

It looks impressive with the big words and there are always some head nodders that will go along with them.

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When liberals have nothing else, they can always attack one's religion...particularly if the person happens to be a Christian.

It looks impressive with the big words and there are always some head nodders that will go along with them.

Rick Perry, the same as most conservatives, is very strong on individual freedoms... Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion ... that is Free to pursue religious involvement and activities or not as choice of one's own free will ...

Oddly - Liberals and Leftists often decry Christianity but are very tolerant of the totally Intolerant Religion of Islam ... even to the extent of allowing and promoting studies of Islam in schools and ban Christianity and screech and wail at any mention of studies of Christian history or practices ... all the while facilitating prayer rooms outfitted with prayer rugs for Muslims in public schools... But hypocrisy is not a play here - ... sure it isn't...

But politicians like Rick Perry, while Conservative and Christian, show time and again to be tolerant of the rights of Muslims, and Atheists to believe what ever they choose and /or NOT BELIEVE.

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Where Texas Ranks ... in computing Rankings -- keep in mind that Texas has about 4 million Illegal Aliens who are poorly educated, speak little English, use a lot of Welfare and GENERALLY DRAG DOWN ALL STATISTICAL FIGURES...

Well, I sure can't vote for this guy. He can't even control his borders.

Governor Perry is not in charge of Border Security even for his own state - the Feds are.

The Obama Admin has made it very clear - the U.S. Government is in charge of Border Security ... and Illegal Immigration Control -- in this case both Security and Control are Oxymorons.

The fact that you do not know this tells me that you know very little about the U.S. Government .. .The Border Patrol is part of (another Oxymoron) the Department of Homeland Security with a Cabinet Secretary reporting directly to Obama...

States like Texas with Governor Perry and Arizona do what they can to secure the border... but Federal Lawsuits by the Obama Administration pulled all such authority back to the Federal Government.

Despite this Governor Perry has (under court limitations) created special units to deal with it as best can be - (the Ilegal Alien problem). And by the way - under Federal Statutes those in the USA Illegally are termed Illegal Aliens - the official designation under law.

I know quite a bit about the Constitution. But this is Perry we are talking about and Texas. And he seems to be able to solve all other problems, but the one he can't is someone else's fault.

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Several times he has staged public prayer services asking god for rain to end the drought, but it didn't come.

Obviously, god hates him. He must be the antichrist.

And the glasses? The devil has many disguises.


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When liberals have nothing else, they can always attack one's religion...particularly if the person happens to be a Christian.

It looks impressive with the big words and there are always some head nodders that will go along with them.

Rick Perry, the same as most conservatives, is very strong on individual freedoms... Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion ... that is Free to pursue religious involvement and activities or not as choice of one's own free will ...

Oddly - Liberals and Leftists often decry Christianity but are very tolerant of the totally Intolerant Religion of Islam ... even to the extent of allowing and promoting studies of Islam in schools and ban Christianity and screech and wail at any mention of studies of Christian history or practices ... all the while facilitating prayer rooms outfitted with prayer rugs for Muslims in public schools... But hypocrisy is not a play here - ... sure it isn't...

But politicians like Rick Perry, while Conservative and Christian, show time and again to be tolerant of the rights of Muslims, and Atheists to believe what ever they choose and /or NOT BELIEVE.

Believing something doesn't make it true. The rest of us need not suffer your inaction.

RP has little interest in the freedom of anything especially when tolerating the lesser beings.

Edited by cantplay
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