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I got TOT line and was browsing through this forum. Most are about TOT and True, anyone ever use Samart? If all ASPs in Thailand equally suck, then this WoW by Speedy package seems value for money:

WOW by Speedy

2048/512 Kbps

Network support = TOT

590 baht per month

FreeStart up cost.

FreeUSB Modem

FreeE-mail 200 MB

Any thoughts?


It is good, can compare it to True 2500/512 for local Thai Internet it seems that True is faster. Not so for torrents which I know have many Thai seeds, with torrents it seems that Wow from Samart is faster.

International speed between True and WoW from Samart are generally the same.

I pay for WoW something in the 500 Baht range and for True 2500/512 ADSL around 1200 Baht. The free modem of WoW sucks, but that I say quickly if it is USB and highly depend on MS Windows, a OS what I not like to use.

I got TOT line and was browsing through this forum. Most are about TOT and True, anyone ever use Samart? If all ASPs in Thailand equally suck, then this WoW by Speedy package seems value for money:

WOW by Speedy

2048/512 Kbps

Network support = TOT

590 baht per month

FreeStart up cost.

FreeUSB Modem

FreeE-mail 200 MB

Any thoughts?

It's very cheap!


I got TOT line and was browsing through this forum. Most are about TOT and True, anyone ever use Samart? If all ASPs in Thailand equally suck, then this WoW by Speedy package seems value for money:

WOW by Speedy

2048/512 Kbps

Network support = TOT

590 baht per month

FreeStart up cost.

FreeUSB Modem

FreeE-mail 200 MB

Any thoughts?

It's very cheap!

well, considering getting potentially less than half the promised speed, it isn't cheap. But maybe good enuf in Thailand. Called the Call Center, normally need 7 working days to get it working.... and gotta pick up the modem myself at software park or 200B on top of that for delivery. Guess i will be one of the guinea pigs soon.


I see the SOHO service is 1,024/512 1,890 ฿ so you got to wonder how many users are sharing bandwidth on this service which is roughly 1/7 the price per kpbs.


I got TOT line and was browsing through this forum. Most are about TOT and True, anyone ever use Samart? If all ASPs in Thailand equally suck, then this WoW by Speedy package seems value for money:

WOW by Speedy

2048/512 Kbps

Network support = TOT

590 baht per month

FreeStart up cost.

FreeUSB Modem

FreeE-mail 200 MB

Any thoughts?


tks, peter. sadly, i will never know, even if i know the info today, there is no guarantee as subscriptions and cancellations happens everyday.... sigh...

I see the SOHO service is 1,024/512 1,890 ฿ so you got to wonder how many users are sharing bandwidth on this service which is roughly 1/7 the price per kpbs.


I got TOT line and was browsing through this forum. Most are about TOT and True, anyone ever use Samart? If all ASPs in Thailand equally suck, then this WoW by Speedy package seems value for money:

WOW by Speedy

2048/512 Kbps

Network support = TOT

590 baht per month

FreeStart up cost.

FreeUSB Modem

FreeE-mail 200 MB

Any thoughts?


As user of both True and Wow I can say, that Samart is giving me more then you would expect from half the price.

International Internet, who cares, you get the same international speed as everybody (faster then 512/256) gets.

Thailand has in total something like, what 2MB International, as most European countries have like 200MB or more. You can compare whole of Thailand to a small town in India 4 years ago, India can do outsourcing because they have one of the fastest International Internet connections.

I hear Thailand is keen to do IT outsourcing with Japan, guess nobody ever try to test the speed to Japan, most of the time the slowest connection possible.

I visit Japan many times, people in Japan expect "one click on screen Internet" with Voip as clear as Hifi audio, and Thai government want to outsource IT with them, guess they have some secrete bandwidth somewhere.......

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