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Songkhla prison riot leaves a dozen of wardens injured


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I bet the lady signing in the inset is well happy with that picture.

Looks like a "selfie" in the making !!

Thai news often has someone making sign language so the deaf can keep up with the news...whistling.gif

Yes, I know. However the still captured of the lady was not the most flattering.

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Prison reform is long over due in this country while the abysmal conditions in the Thai prisons are a reflection of the mentality of Thai society at large.

Like someone else pointed out, the majority of the prisoners in the prison system are in there for infractions of the laws that hardly warrant their incarceration for long periods of time.

That aspect of crime and punishment in Thailand will not change while everyone knows the rich and powerful will not be serving anytime in prison for their crimes overall and too often, heinous crimes included.


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Set them free.

Why ?

Because more than half of them are in there because of poor representation of crap lawyers.

1 third were fit up for a crime they did not commit, and the rest are in for smoking pot or saying the wrong thing on a Facebook page.

Let them free.

In the overall scheme of things, I don't disagree with your comments... BUT... at what point do you open all prison gates & "let them all free" ?

Very difficult call. Thailand's dysfunctional legal & judicial system OR total anarchy.

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200 does seem rather a lot, particularly if they were not previously acquainted. On a more serious note, rocks and bricks are being thrown! Why have prison inmates got access to rocks and stones?

Smashed up the walls/pathways?
OK buddy the questions are gonna get harder now, smashed up with what? Toothbrush, food plate, prison provided sledge hammer, CD DVD, toffee hammer?
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Awww, the poor prisoners don't like it in prison. The bleeding hearts say set them free because it is overcrowded. Or you could shoot a couple of dozen rioters and solve the problem that way.

Prisons are a re place to keep the mentally deficient (also the mentally ill, unfortunately, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference) away from the more normal people. A side benefit is it stops them from breeding. Anybody who wants to argue they aren't morons should re-read the OP - the part about which 2 buildings were burnt down.

Is your motive to stir the pot, to incite an angry reply?

Let's look at your comment, Prisons are a place to keep the mentally deficient (also the mentally ill, unfortunately, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference) away from the more normal people. You are wrong, as you usually are. I'm gong to leave that ignorant statement there as it sums you up quite nicely. Prisons are not intended for the mentally ill. It is not a place for people who have schizophrenia, addiction induced hallucinations or behaviours, dementia etc. You have no understanding of mental illness, and I will be surprised if you have much of an education whether formal or self taught.

It stops them from breeding? Wow. You really are a piece of work. You are filled with a lot of anger and hate and it is demonstrated in each and every one of your posts.

Prisons are not intended for the mentally ill - correct. But with a lack of treatment facilities, that's where a lot of them end up. Spend a little time around the court system and prisons, as I have done as a volunteer, and you will be amazed at the stupidity exhibited by many of those caught up in the system. Male prisoners like to write the name of their favourite motorcycle on the walls - the only one I haven't seen misspelt was BSA. Stupid people commit stupid crimes where the penalty far exceeds any possible profit, and the chances of not being caught are almost nil. And when they get out, they do it again, because they have got some great ideas from someone equally as stupid.

My hate and anger is directed at educated people who use the stupid and uneducated for their own criminal goals, and those willing to overlook that criminality in the name of "democracy".

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History shows when prisons are not administered correctly or correctly enough or harshly and inhumanly administered the prisoners will riot as a means to vent their anger from suffering and discomforts.

Prison riots in the USA are far more common while prisons run in a more benevolent fashion historically have less riots or non at all.

Check this out.



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Set them free.

The 50 extra inmates can stay at your place!

Obviously you have never spent time in a prison. Some would be more than welcome.

When you have been the head of the inmates committee and sat with the warden weekly to discuss inmates problems, reply again.

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