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TM.7 renew


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Hi folks. Can someone please tell me how many copies I have to submit of the application for extension of temporary stay along with the usual other things such as photos etc to Immigration. I have an idea it is 2 sets of copies however I would like confirmation as I live 110 kms from Hua Hin and don't want to make two trips.

Thank you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello John,

Do you have to go to Hua Hin to do this? Can't you use the immigration office at the Thai-Burmese border? I went there a week or so ago to do my 90-day report and I was surprised by how informal it all was. The immigration officer said that there was no need to complete any form because all of my information was on the computer.

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Hi mate. The local immigration as you rightly pointed out is hassle free. However they only do 90 day reports and minor things like real entry permits. To renew a one year visa you have to go to Hua Hin which I did do last Tuesday. I have to say in my 8 years of this process this was by far the easiest I have experienced. The whole thing took 45 min. I had all my documents in order and it was a breeze. They sting you on the photo copy though, 3 baht a copy. The copies required is one complete copy and original. Thanks for your input though. Cheers.

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Thanks for the information about Hua Hin. I am happy to hear that it was easier than you expected, but I am sorry to hear that the frontier office only does minor things. I should have realized that from the size of the place.

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