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Union-backed Dems make final push to kill Obama's trade bill


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Union-backed Dems make final push to kill Obama's trade bill

WASHINGTON (AP) — Union-backed Democrats launched a last-ditch effort Thursday to scuttle President Barack Obama's trade agenda by sacrificing a favored program of their own that retrains workers displaced by international trade.

The retraining program is linked to the Democrats' real target: legislation to help Obama advance multi-nation trade agreements. In hopes of bringing down the whole package, which they say imperils jobs at home, numerous House Democrats said they would vote Friday against the retraining measure.

House Republicans were in the odd position of supporting Obama's bid for "fast-track" trade-negotiating authority, while the White House struggled to come up with enough Democratic votes to win passage.

In a closed meeting in the Capitol, top White House officials implored Democrats not to deny Obama the trade authority. Such a vote, they said, would block needed trade expansion for the nation and sink a major priority of the Democratic president.

The sometimes emotional exchanges illustrated the high stakes and intense feelings surrounding Obama's bid for "fast track" trade-negotiating authority. Such authority, which previous presidents have enjoyed, would let Obama present Congress with proposed trade agreements that it could ratify or reject but not change.

Obama hopes to advance the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership and other trade proposals that have been negotiated for years.

Unions vehemently oppose such deals, saying they ship U.S. jobs abroad.

The trade issue's divisiveness was evident when the House voted narrowly, 217-212, on a procedure to advance the package to Friday's expected showdown.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka urged House Democrats to do something once unthinkable — reject the retraining program, known as Trade Adjustment Authority, or TAA — as the best means to kill fast track. Those attending the meeting said Trumka told Democrat he would pray for those who oppose the unions' position.

Some senior Democrats are with Trumka, suggesting Friday's votes could be close and dramatic.

"The TAA is the handmaiden to facilitate the whole deal," said Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore. "We have the potential to stop this whole train and revisit the most egregious provisions" of fast track. "It's counterintuitive for Democrats to be voting against it, but President Trumka came and said vote against it."

The strategy could scuttle the whole package, because many Republicans have long records of opposing the jobs retraining program, which they consider wasteful.

The biggest questions hanging over the House late Thursday were: How many of the 188 Democrats will vote against TAA because it's the best way to kill fast track? And how many of the 246 Republicans might hold their noses and vote for the jobs program in a bid to save fast track?

Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., said of the Democrats: "It's in their hands, they have to pass TAA. We can only deliver a certain number of votes for TAA. So we'll see. We're calling their bluff. If they want to bring it down, then it's going to be a crushing blow to their president."

If the jobs program survives a first vote, the House will vote on fast track. Presumably the politics would be reversed, with many Republicans and as few as 20 Democrats voting for the legislation.

Several Democrats said the sequencing of the trade bill votes was outrageous. "The process is just as horrible as the substance," said Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., who opposes the entire package.

The Senate linked the two measures when it passed the trade package after a long, heated debate earlier this year. Pro-trade lawmakers are desperate not to change the Senate bill in any way, because that would send it back to that chamber, giving opponents multiple chances to try again.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., a fast track supporter, said it's not clear what will happen Friday and it's possible that both fast track and the jobs program will fail. "It's going to be a nail biter," he said.

He said it's cynical for Trumka and others to urge a vote against the training legislation as a means to halt the broader bill.

"I find it a strange strategy that puts at risk the interests of working men and women," Connolly said.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, declined to predict the trade package's fate. "I'm not in the guaranteeing business," Boehner told reporters after conferring with Obama on the phone. "I know he's working on it and I hope he's successful."

The House's top Democrat, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, remained publicly uncommitted. She has sought to maintain leverage to the end to sweeten the package for workers disadvantaged by trade.

In a bid to soften Democratic opposition, Republicans agreed to pay for the jobs program with various tax penalties. Many Democrats had balked at the Senate version, which would fund the jobs program with money once earmarked for Medicare.

The revised plan easily cleared the House Thursday in an opening round of votes. But some Democrats noted the Medicare-funding language technically remains in the Senate-passed fast track bill, scheduled for a crucial vote Friday.

Voting for that bill, they said, could invite campaign attack ads accusing the lawmaker of seeking to cut Medicare. The lawmaker could explain that the diversion of Medicare funds never actually took place, they said. But some cited the political adage, "If you're explaining, you're losing."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-12

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This whole thing is a God Awful trash can of legislation. It has genuine trade interests packaged into a hidden train load of programs that cannot be discussed - (it is kept secret as best can be) because the people will be against at least 6-8 major provisions.

If find it difficult to understand how a Republic that is supposed to operate under Democratic principles thinks that the only way to pass laws is to do it in secret. The other provisions that are onerous are granting even more executive authority to the President for Immigration - one of many reasons for keeping the contents secret.

I am hoping that Conservatives in the House of Representatives will team with the Democrats who are siding with the unions and stop this horrible assault on the Right to OPEN Representation -- by the vote we gave... Hidden legislation is always bad or otherwise it would not be hidden.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Huh? What so secret? The legislation is being handled like any other piece of legislation. It's been discussed in committee and argued about in open session for some time. The votes are not secret. The debates are not secret. A visit to the US House of Representatives and a search for "Trade promotion Authority" brings back 158,000 results.

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Huh? What so secret? The legislation is being handled like any other piece of legislation. It's been discussed in committee and argued about in open session for some time. The votes are not secret. The debates are not secret. A visit to the US House of Representatives and a search for "Trade promotion Authority" brings back 158,000 results.

A easy search shows that the actual document is classified secret. It can only be viewed by members of Congress is a viewing room - no photos allowed. Now there is more than one part -- the main part is secret -- the ancillary parts are not but they are only procedural ... and they have similar acronyms.

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It has nothing to do with Hillary, zero, nada, zip. It has to do with stopping the destruction of what is left of the working/middle class of America and the "ownership" of America by plutocrats and corporations. Obama and anybody else that says this is in anyway a "trade" bill is a liar. It, along with the rest of the secret schemes are nothing but a corporate rule coup. Obama was only elected the 2nd time because he was still the lessor of 2 evils, by a hair.

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It has everything to do with Hillary. Dems are desparately trying to figure out how to run her without the "Obama third term" label, and get as much distance as they can, hopefully without disaffecting the power base that got, and kept him elected. This was a golden wedge-driving opportunity. There'll be more stink bombs hetween now and next November I'm sure.

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You are wrong. Yes the corporate wing sell-out Dems want Hillary because it spite of all the populist rhetoric she has been spouting as of late she will do just as Obama did and turn her back on those that elected her to represent them. She is a neocon/neoliberal bought and sold by Wall Street criminals and banksters. Many realize that. The base is not all in for her and a couple of Dem straw polls show many support Bernie Sanders. Obama's sell out to the multi-national corporations, big pharma, big med, plutocrats and finance shows through in the leaks on the secret corporate, oops trade, bills. The Dems are responding to pressure from the people and thinking about their own next election/re-election. Unions, bless them, have threatened primaries against those that vote for this sell out corporate bill. I hope they do, time to get rid of the Blue Dog Dems i.e Republicans (AKA repugthuglicans) in disguise and elect Dems that represent the people, not corporations like the Republicans do.

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