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Shipping Household Stuff From San Diego

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We will be moving soon any info or opinions on shipping from San Diego would be greatly appreciated.

Ideally I would like to leave with my computor and palm pilot. However I have an exstensive library that I think may be important to have.

Some appliances that are brand new and good quality. Furniture?

In some previous posts I got the impression it was not worth it to ship stuff to Thailand.

Thanks in advance... :o


I do not know if computer power supplys will switch to 220V 50 cycle or not. as thats the power we have here.so you might check with a tech there and find out. Computers are fairly spendy here and the techs arent worth a darn.

As far as furniture and regular appliances,I would say sell there ,as it is of a variety of quality grades here,but is all reasonably priced and you can buy good mattresses like Sealy and other top brands at very good prices. The kitchen appl. are of the higher volts and the reefers are built for this climate and do work quite well. and you can get anything you will want.

I am happy with what has been bought here,and when I moved I brought 1 checked suitcase and a carryon. and now own a 2 story 3 bedroom 2 bath house with all new furniture and fittings.



Thanks for your quick reply. You are confirming what I already thought. I will confirm with my tech guy about computor power, although I've been told it's just a matter of flipping a switch in the back of the computer.

The only real question is sifting through my library and getting some shipping rates on books.

There is a remote possibility I may be doing some AIDS research while I'm there so I will find out if there are different parameters for shipping over stuff that could be research related.

Thanks again... :o


I have been checking on this as well. Many of the newer electronics are designed to automatically detect 110//220v or are switchable. I have a Dell PDA and a Panasonic Camcorder that are like that. I have a Dell computer and monitor that are switchable on the back. In fact, I used the camcorder on a trip to Thailand last month and had no trouble recharging the battery while I was there. Check the handbook on your appliances, or often the voltage specs will be listed on the DC adapter unit if it has one.

As for shipping, I found a web site at http://www.discount-shipping.net/ that offers lost cost sea shipping (if you're not in a hurry). You can ship up to one cubic meter for about US$300 to Bangkok. Also, you can type "shipping+overseas" in your web browser and get a list of other shipping companies.

Hope this helps.



Hi Mandl,

Thanks for the info. The other thing I want to chech is that the 220 power supply is

50 cycles in Thailand and here it is 60 cycles. I want to find out if that will make a difference or not.

There was some conversation here before about this but I'm not able to find it now.

Thanks for the shipping info... :o

Hi Mandl,

Thanks for the info. The other thing I want to chech is that the 220 power supply is

50 cycles in Thailand and here it is 60 cycles. I want to find out if that will make a difference or not.

There was some conversation here before about this but I'm not able to find it now.

Thanks for the shipping info... :o

What visa will you have when you arrive ?



I checked my PDA adapter and it reads "100-240V, 50-60Hz". I think most electronics that are dual-voltage are also set up for 50-60Hz. If you're not sure, check your manual/handbook or adapter before deciding whether to take it along, though.

FYI - when I was in Thailand, the hotel I stayed in had outlets in the bathrooms that you could switch between 110v and 220v. I thought that was great until I tried to plug in a portable DVD player that is 110v and discovered that the plug would not fit into the socket. One side of the plug is larger than the other and the sockets were both the same size (smaller). I didn't check them against the 220v wall outlets elsewhere in the room. I guess the normal 220v outlets have larger sockets because I didn't have a problem with my camcorder adapter.



Hi Doc,

Good question. Not sure. We were planning a trip to the Thai Consulate in LA soon. I was thinking non immigrant O that I believe can be converted to B or can obtain work permit.

There also is the possibility of staying involved with AIDS research in conjunction with UCSD here in San Diego. So a medical visa?

What are your thoughts? :o

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