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Hi all!

I'm curious as to what's involved in recieving a visa for my Thai wife for Australia?


How long do we have to be married before applying?

What do the Aus embassy want to see?


Any help would be appreciated?


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Hi all!

I'm curious as to what's involved in recieving a visa for my Thai wife for Australia?


How long do we have to be married before applying?

What do the Aus embassy want to see?


Any help would be appreciated?


How long have you known her and how long have you been married ?


Well taxi driver I would have replied sooner but??

Give us some more feedback, how long have you been married, how long together.

This has been said and said and said b4 you have to establish a "serious ongoing relationship", go the Dima site here and download the pamphlet "Spouse Migration"

Do your homework and you will be OK



I have known her for 2 years,been married for 1 month.We have alot of photos but the only thing i have with dates is pics stored in my camera phone.


good luck with the Oz embassy - they are the most incredible xxxx in the immigration area, especially the Thais who work there.. You will need to stay here for at least a year or go and come umpteen times. They will interview you umpteen times too. They want letters you have sent with dates on them etc and as much proof as possible - you must realise that a good percentage of those applying are rejected, as they have had huge problems with Aussies marrying bar girls. You can not blame them for that. It is the hardest country in the world to get in to. I know, been married twice to Thais and had to move heaven and earth to get no2 in . Be prepared for a long haul......


I have known her for 2 years,been married for 1 month.We have alot of photos but the only thing i have with dates is pics stored in my camera phone.

Would you class your previous status with her as a de facto relationship ?


Ok the photos would be good anyway, there would be some changes in the 2 years, ie hair styles maybe different clothes etc.

get as much as you can and get that book I told you about


Thanks for that bronco,I looked at that site.Very helpful.

Dr PP,No my previous status with her is this:No kids,both in our 20's,didn't meet in a go-go bar,met her soon after arriving in Thailand 2 years ago(spent 95% of that time together)therefore have had no reason to send letters,emails etc to each other.After being in each others pockets for 2 years we decided to get married(1 month ago which my parents flew over to attend).Nothing Dodgy.100% REAL.

Anyway,sounds like a hassle.I was just curious for the future for a visa for her just to go & visit some friends & family and show her where i come from for a couple of weeks (But i forgot to write some letters to her 2 years ago).Seems unfair when a guy can come over here on holiday then get blue balls,go home and send letters for a year or so and maybe a visit or two.When i've been here by her side for 2 years.And now married.

bronco & Dr PP

Is there any hope or ways around it?Due to my thin evidence.

P.S In the future we would like to go over,not to live.We live here anyway



If you live there, then provide proof, ie visas showing renewals therefore length of stay in LOS, if you work there, then work permits. Letters from friends overseas to you to your address in LOS, dont show the letters just the envelope if you want.

Photos of wedding, stat decs from friends (and employer if you work there) about your relationship, stat dec from Parents saying they met and endorse the relationship, airline tickets to prove they attended wedding

These are a few of my ideas for you so start thinking along those lines.

If you want a spouse visa then the processing time in BKK embassy is meant to be 9 months so do it now, you will be looking at a 3 month wait for your first interview.

good luck with the Oz embassy - they are the most incredible xxxx in the immigration area, especially the Thais who work there.. You will need to stay here for at least a year or go and come umpteen times. They will interview you umpteen times too. They want letters you have sent with dates on them etc and as much proof as possible - you must realise that a good percentage of those applying are rejected, as they have had huge problems with Aussies marrying bar girls. You can not blame them for that. It is the hardest country in the world to get in to. I know, been married twice to Thais and had to move heaven and earth to get no2 in . Be prepared for a long haul......

That's a pretty rough generalisation. I understand things are tough if the female is from a poor/uneducated/sex worker/etc... that type of demographic background that the guys who moan about visa difficulties seem to be attracted to.

But plenty of other females have no trouble and a perfectly pleasant experience at immigration, well... as pleasant as any bureacratic process can be. I'm not saying that you partner has to be royalty or anything, but things like a job, university education, house,well presented/spoken etc... would put her in a different class.


At last I can almost completely agree with you penelope.

The one thing that has to be taken into consideration is the personal opinions that some Case Workers form (for whatever reason) prior to establishing facts relating to the entry criteria.

This is a common problem in quite a few embassies in BKK, if you read the various threads on this subject.


Sorry for the delay,I came to Thailand with large sum of money with intentions to travel the world but stayed here.In the meantime i've been studying with a uni in Oz(when finished i intend to work here).I also sold my car recently and my family gave us a hefty wedding gift.Basically money isn't a problem but recently i was unsure how much to have in my Thai account.Now i know.(400,000 to be sure).I like to keep as much as i can in Oz account.If i prove this to Aus embassy,will it ease things?Can't i sponser her?

Thanks again for help!

Sorry for the delay,I came to Thailand with large sum of money with intentions to travel the world but stayed here.In the meantime i've been studying with a uni in Oz(when finished i intend to work here).I also sold my car recently and my family gave us a hefty wedding gift.Basically money isn't a problem but recently i was unsure how much to have in my Thai account.Now i know.(400,000 to be sure).I like to keep as much as i can in Oz account.If i prove this to Aus embassy,will it ease things?Can't i sponser her?

Thanks again for help!

It is a case of due process Taxi. Apply and take your chances. It will be difficult in the short term. Do you have a joint bank account a joint lease / rental agreement ... a will ... anything ? You need to convince AUSTRALIA not Thailand, so the 400 k isn't part of the present equation.


Ok...We will apply when we make an actual plan( 9 months before going?).As i said in the opening topic[for future reference].My mother has a joint rental agreement but not me.I mentioned this because she said she can sponser her or whatever she can do to contribute(she loves her daughter in law and is looking forward to seeing her again :D )but this is in the hands of embassy :o

Yes Penelope,she does have a job and will be opening a small restaurant soon,well spoken & presentable etc(as you say this has a huge effect on the bureacratic process.For any country)

Does her visa have to be a spouse visa or can it be a tourist visa?We don't plan on going there for long.

If we have been married for a year,would it be easier or will it always be difficult?

Thanks to all for your help

Guest Lazarus
Thanks for that bronco,I looked at that site.Very helpful.

Dr PP,No my previous status with her is this:No kids,both in our 20's,didn't meet in a go-go bar,met her soon after arriving in Thailand 2 years ago(spent 95% of that time together)therefore have had no reason to send letters,emails etc to each other.After being in each others pockets for 2 years we decided to get married(1 month ago which my parents flew over to attend).Nothing Dodgy.100% REAL.

Anyway,sounds like a hassle.I was just curious for the future for a visa for her just to go & visit some friends & family and show her where i come from for a couple of weeks (But i forgot to write some letters to her 2 years ago).Seems unfair when a guy can come over here on holiday then get blue balls,go home and send letters for a year or so and maybe a visit or two.When i've been here by her side for 2 years.And now married.

bronco & Dr PP

Is there any hope or ways around it?Due to my thin evidence.

P.S In the future we would like to go over,not to live.We live here anyway


Do you have your parents boarding passes/hotel bills etc.

Include them. The Aus embassy is quite weird about what they call evidence of the relationship.


It doesn't have to be a spouse visa, Taxi you can apply for a tourist one.

Now you say you have 9 months b4 you go so you have time to gather some more evidence of a relationship and living arrangements in LOS.

The restauraunt is good, that is another reason to return to LOS.

Play the devils advocate, for every argument for her not to return to LOS come up with a counter argument, it may sound ridiculous but if you strike a bitch CW, then thats what you face, so come up with compelling reasons to return to LOS.

Dont forget if you can get Stat Decs from Family and friends stating you wish to live in LOS with Wife , all the better, you can never get too much.


Bronco we probably would go sooner then 9 months but i thought you said previously that the process takes that long and we haven't got as much evidence as they would like to see.All this time if i had of known it was this hard we could have accumulated much more(if i knew what i know now)mai pen rai...

Thank again



after applying 5 weeks ago. i just picked up my wifes provisional spouse visa today. I thought i could tell you about my story which has similarites to yours taxiguy

i'm 20 shes 22 years old, we've been living together for 1 1/2 yrs

we have a 3 month old daughter.

before we were living in china together and i was working there as a teacher. my then girlfriend got pregnant and we came back to thailand to get married. we got married 5 months ago. my parents and some family came to the wedding. I've been working illegally in thailand for the past 8 months. Ie no work permit. but payslips from my boss in thailand

I spent 7 months on my wifes visa application 40000 baht is too much to lose for a 20 yr old.

We we're blessed to get a saint at the embassy she was the nicest lady. This is the lady who interviewed my wife. my wife said that the lady didn't ask anything my wife just babbled on about me for 45min then asked the embassy lady if she wanted to interview her or not and the lady said she didn't have to anymore.

My wife hasn't a university education and in the applicaiton process no one asked if she was educated or not. We have very little money, not even enough to fly home. I presumed i would required an AOS so i got this filled out by my dad before i applied.

I put my success down to 3 things

like i heard bronco meation numerous times

1. read the application form and partner migration book, answer everything don;t leave anything out. its a legal application, if you follow the guidelines and are rejected then you have a right to legally ask for a review. You have the upper hand.

2. my age basically i felt people felt sorry for me having to deal with such shit

3. luck or maybe reverse luck whos to say things will be better in australia?



5 weeks is verym, very, quick genuine, good luck to you anyway, are you saying the application fee is now 40,000 baht was 30 when I applied?

One point about the application fee, it can be payed in Oz at any DIMA office, it's is cheaper than the embassy, so if you can get someone to do that and send the reciept over all the better.

If you do get knocked back, yes, you have the right of appeal but that costs money (was $1200), the Migration Review Tribunals which are located in every Capital City in Oz, will then look at the case.

So my advice is "do it once, do it right"

good luck


the fee is 37000 baht. the aussie dollar now is 29 to the baht

i say 40000 to exaggerate the pain but really if you count all the stuff like translations evidence collecting and travel its much more then 40000

5 weeks yes well the lady said they've changed the process recently at the embassy they interview you on the day you apply

they say if you have everything, the interview goes well they clear it in australia and you can get the visa in 2 weeks but we had to go wait for a police cleareance and medical...

i had another thought maybe the city in australia you're immigrating has a flexible quota. I know the labour government in sydney 'wanted' to bring in a law saying new migrants were not to stay in sydney for the first 2 year but in some country town because they have problems with huge flow of migrants into some parts of sydney. I'm settleing in brisbane maybe quieter cities get higher preference.


Genuine.....A state Government cannot determine were you must live. That is a Federal decision. The Fed's will direct a skilled migrant application to undertake regional residence if accepted............But, you're right, Brisbane is the best area!! :o


Genuine,it's good to hear your story.It gives me some hope & i hope everthing goes well for you both & baby in Bris Vegas.How did you manage to pay tax with no work permit?and is this an advantage having worked at the time of applying?You said it took 7 months to plan & get everything ready for applying then went in hard.I think i'll do the same.Thanks!

Genuine.....A state Government cannot determine were you must live. That is a Federal decision. The Fed's will direct a skilled migrant application to undertake regional residence if accepted............But, you're right, Brisbane is the best area!! :D

another croweater gone north, oh well I guess we will be heading a bit further north soon :o

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