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Leicester City orgy trio sacked for verbally abusing Thai women


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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

(BTW, I'm not condoning their behaviour at all, which was also disgusting.)

Yeah, I've always questioned this sort of reaction by sports clubs. It happens to rugby players too. "Brcinging the sport into disrepute" is often what's cited.

I think there may be more in it than just one guy saying "slit eye". One guy said it, so why all 3 sacked?

More than the silly racism, I was disturbed by the chap that said "lick it...I SAID LICK IT!!". He sounded quite....more than just domineering, ...almost on the verge of violence. Threatening. And him repeating the order in such a threatening voice, suggests she didn't want to "lick it"...he was forcing her:

I think there was more than just a dumb word that has led to their sacking.

Why would that disturb you? You have never been dominate in a ex before? Telling a girl to do that is not bad. Being dominate in sex is not my forte but I don't look down on it the way you do.

The question is why they got sacked? Just saying slit eye doesn't during sex doesn't seem like a valid reason. Although I didn't watch the vdo I don't see why all 3 would be sacked as well. Their futures gone for comments made during a sex orgy.

Maybe you have not been to a sex orgy before. But verbal abuse is common for both sexes to do. Passive and dominance is also common! It is not like you are making love to a woman you met and like.

Their comments should have been taken lightly to say the least simply because of he circumstances.

Obviously everybody has different standards and morals, maybe yours are quite low?

What is more obvious is your ignorance in other people's preferences towards sex. Perhaps you are the kind of person who just wants a girl to lay down and spread her legs with you on top? Certainly you can not even understand English as it was clearly stated I am not into that sort of dominance in my initial reply. So I am guessing your lack of understanding these players sexual deviance is even greater. Perhaps you need to get out of your wheelchair and experience a little more in life than what you do now. Or read a book or something about sex.

I think the worst part is your idiotic and completely biased opinion on your own lack of understanding what I wrote was accepted and liked by others who apparently missed my point.

They weren't fired because of the sex. Footballers have regularly indulged in orgies and used prostitutes (George Best, Wayne Rooney). They were fired for the ugly racist abuse.

No! They were fired because it became public and their team sponsor is a Thai company.

Well obviously they were fired because the video became public!! Do you think it would have been acceptable if they had been videoed racially abusing Cambodian or Lao prostitutes?

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

(BTW, I'm not condoning their behaviour at all, which was also disgusting.)

I'm guessing because of this

" consequence of events that took place during the club’s end-of-season goodwill tour of Thailand"

They were actually on a playing tour, paid for and set up by the club. Do Leicester city football ambassadors.

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

(BTW, I'm not condoning their behaviour at all, which was also disgusting.)

I'm guessing because of this

" consequence of events that took place during the club’s end-of-season goodwill tour of Thailand"

They were actually on a playing tour, paid for and set up by the club. Do Leicester city football ambassadors.

Plus the clubs owners and main sponsor are Thai.

These guys were on official duty (being paid) at the home country of their employers.

Good they have been dismissed.

Well done LCFC thumbsup.gif

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

Because they were STUPID enough to broadcast it around the world. I watched the video, they were all consenting adults just having fun, but in today's awareness of what happens when you air your dirty laundry, well let's just say they got what they deserved.

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

Because they were STUPID enough to broadcast it around the world. I watched the video, they were all consenting adults just having fun, but in today's awareness of what happens when you air your dirty laundry, well let's just say they got what they deserved.

They didn't broadcast it around the world. They just sent it to friends.

And stupidity isn't a reason for sacking someone if they're a footballer.

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Although the women in the video were clearly sex workers I fail to understand ANYONE who could condone their behaviour! Would they do this in Prague, in Amsterdam.

What we have here is School boy's with politicians wages!

Yes, why not ... ?

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Of course if they had not sent the video to their mates- they paid for sex and presumably enjoyed it - millions do this every day.

Everything you post is out there for ever- this video will surface for years ,

What I find slightly strange is the fact that you would get together with your work colleagues to watch each other have sex- then post it. Is this normal behaviour? If you are playing team sports- nudity in the changing room ( after rugby at school we used to a vast bath for the whole team- probably not very hygienic ! ) is quite healthy.

But surely some things you keep private- is this a sign of a highly sexualised / porn western culture?

I just find it a bit odd.

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As if a money profiting business (such as a football team) gives two-hoots about families and children!!!! honestly,, dont be so naive .

this is PURELY because of sponsorship and fear of losing their sponsorship money next season. THATS ALL. NOTHING MORE>

their Sponsorer is KING POWER (Thailand).. so you can imagine the Pressure and Embarrassment.

seriously this is nothing to do with kids and image and families.

its 100% about keeping their King power Sponsorship.

Personally, I always thought it was stupid how MPs and sports people resign coz of activities they do OUTSIDE of their work.

if a politician is a pervert,, how does that affect his job ?

Leicester City is not just sponsored by King Power it is owned by King Power. There's a bit of a difference.

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Although the women in the video were clearly sex workers I fail to understand ANYONE who could condone their behaviour! Would they do this in Prague, in Amsterdam.

What we have here is School boy's with politicians wages!

Yes, why not ... ?

Lol.. Prague and Amsterdam.. That's gotta be a tongue in cheek post.. Both are party capitals!

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Of course if they had not sent the video to their mates- they paid for sex and presumably enjoyed it - millions do this every day.

Everything you post is out there for ever- this video will surface for years ,

What I find slightly strange is the fact that you would get together with your work colleagues to watch each other have sex- then post it. Is this normal behaviour? If you are playing team sports- nudity in the changing room ( after rugby at school we used to a vast bath for the whole team- probably not very hygienic ! ) is quite healthy.

But surely some things you keep private- is this a sign of a highly sexualised / porn western culture?

I just find it a bit odd.

It's about racist abuse, not sex.

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

Because they were STUPID enough to broadcast it around the world. I watched the video, they were all consenting adults just having fun, but in today's awareness of what happens when you air your dirty laundry, well let's just say they got what they deserved.

They didn't broadcast it around the world. They just sent it to friends.

And stupidity isn't a reason for sacking someone if they're a footballer.

Believe in UK if they feel they have been unfairly dismissed they can contest it in court. Think they will try?

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Let's get real here. If you supported a football club, would YOU still wear the club shirt in public if one of the players had his bottom-hole licked and he demanded and enjoyed it ? Throw in the racism as well. Off-course you wouldn't. You'd demand the sacking of the three involved, and even then, you would wait a few weeks before you wear the shirt in public.

What you describe there in your humble words (on a "professional" level) is referred to as "rimming" smile.png

Edited by MockingJay
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that's all a monstruous hypocrisy, an orgy is an orgy and those girls knew perfectly what they where doing and with who.i never heard they complained!

who does accept to participate and to be in that kind of games has no probleme earing insults or what ever even worse.and thats also not our problems, we can not judge what people freely accept to do.

bill clinton was having blow jobs in the white house, berlusconi having fun with young prostitutes for decades, the french DSK also doing funny things in hotel rooms with a hotel maid but got out free of charges...thats enough,they tousand and tousand of people doing this things i mean this things happen every day , every where especially with those who have a nice bank account and some conservative want to tell us now that this is inacceptable....come on man....this people worry for their fame or for the fame of the club and the money...thats all....the rest is bla bla

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Leicester sack three players over `racist sex video'

London - Leicester City announced Wednesday the sacking of players Tom Hopper, Adam Smith and James Pearson over their involvement in a "racist sex video" during an end-of-season tour.

Pearson, son of Leicester manager Nigel Pearson, Hopper and Smith were all sacked with immediate effect, Leicester said in a statement.

They are seen laughing as they verbally abuse three Thai women while having sex with them in a Bangkok hotel room during club’s recent tour of Thailand, according to the Mirror, which obtained a copy of the video.

During the video, which the players allegedly shared with friends back in Britain, one of footballers can be heard calling one of the woman a "slit eye," the newspaper said.

The club decided to terminate their contracts despite an apology from the trio.

"Leicester City Football Club is acutely aware of its position, and that of its players, as a representative of the city of Leicester, the Premier League, the Football Association and the club’s supporters," the statement read.

"It is committed to promoting a positive message of community and family values and equality, and to upholding the standards expected of a club with its history, tradition and aspirations."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/sports/Leicester-sack-three-players-over-%60racist-sex-vide-30262570.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-18

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

(BTW, I'm not condoning their behaviour at all, which was also disgusting.)

When they extend their 'own time' to everyone else via a social network, they also extend the invite to offer an opinion ... and to kick their 'own time' into touch.

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

Because they were STUPID enough to broadcast it around the world. I watched the video, they were all consenting adults just having fun, but in today's awareness of what happens when you air your dirty laundry, well let's just say they got what they deserved.

They didn't broadcast it around the world. They just sent it to friends.

And stupidity isn't a reason for sacking someone if they're a footballer.

'And stupidity isn't a reason for sacking someone if they're a footballer.' Only if they're not a footballer, then. Presumably because stupidity is a prerequisite for many professional footballers.

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Of course if they had not sent the video to their mates- they paid for sex and presumably enjoyed it - millions do this every day.

Everything you post is out there for ever- this video will surface for years ,

What I find slightly strange is the fact that you would get together with your work colleagues to watch each other have sex- then post it. Is this normal behaviour? If you are playing team sports- nudity in the changing room ( after rugby at school we used to a vast bath for the whole team- probably not very hygienic ! ) is quite healthy.

But surely some things you keep private- is this a sign of a highly sexualised / porn western culture?

I just find it a bit odd.

It's about racist abuse, not sex.

I realise its about racism, but I think you missed the point of my post.

If there had not been a racist comment then would they still have a job? Do you think it's OK for anybody to be able to google a video of you having your c**k sucked by a sex worker.

I suppose the 'lads' on the terraces would like it- but football is a bit more of a family affair .

Just think that common decency seems to have gone out of the window in the UK.

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sounds like the english licking the ar$e of the thais, just like they did with the kao toa murders, poor young players, over prostitutes! prostitutes are not immoral are they

You sad sad man!

It is all too easy to see why Thailand is becoming less friendly to expats, when there are people like yourself.

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Disgusting. Why on earth should they lose their livelihoods because of something they did in their own time which had nothing to do with their ability to do their job? They can still kick a ball just as well as they did before.

(BTW, I'm not condoning their behaviour at all, which was also disgusting.)

Why decide that it is a disgusting decision before even asking the question let alone waiting for the answer? The blaringly obvious answer to your question is that they are role models for young people. The decision is expected as to not sack them would require the club to effectively condone racism.

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that's all a monstruous hypocrisy, an orgy is an orgy and those girls knew perfectly what they where doing and with who.i never heard they complained!

who does accept to participate and to be in that kind of games has no probleme earing insults or what ever even worse.and thats also not our problems, we can not judge what people freely accept to do.

bill clinton was having blow jobs in the white house, berlusconi having fun with young prostitutes for decades, the french DSK also doing funny things in hotel rooms with a hotel maid but got out free of charges...thats enough,they tousand and tousand of people doing this things i mean this things happen every day , every where especially with those who have a nice bank account and some conservative want to tell us now that this is inacceptable....come on man....this people worry for their fame or for the fame of the club and the money...thats all....the rest is bla bla

The girl may well of not even understood the racial slur that was directed at her, but that is not the point, the person does not have to know they have been abused for it to still be abuse, I am sure you can think of some examples that back this up, babies for example. The actual point of this case is the effect that seeing this star racially abusing someone could have on the young fans who happen upon the video. Would seeing this make them think that this kind of racism is in some way acceptable if it comes from a star they follow?

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Of course if they had not sent the video to their mates- they paid for sex and presumably enjoyed it - millions do this every day.

Everything you post is out there for ever- this video will surface for years ,

What I find slightly strange is the fact that you would get together with your work colleagues to watch each other have sex- then post it. Is this normal behaviour? If you are playing team sports- nudity in the changing room ( after rugby at school we used to a vast bath for the whole team- probably not very hygienic ! ) is quite healthy.

But surely some things you keep private- is this a sign of a highly sexualised / porn western culture?

I just find it a bit odd.

It's about racist abuse, not sex.
I realise its about racism, but I think you missed the point of my post.

If there had not been a racist comment then would they still have a job? Do you think it's OK for anybody to be able to google a video of you having your c**k sucked by a sex worker.

I suppose the 'lads' on the terraces would like it- but football is a bit more of a family affair .

Just think that common decency seems to have gone out of the window in the UK.

It's a good question. I don't think it would have caused much of a fuss if it had only been a sex video. Footballers have orgies and use prostitutes, just like many other over-paid people. I reckon it would have blown over in a couple of days and they'd still be playing for Leicester. But racist abuse is a big "no-no" in the business of professional football.

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I certainly agree that racism should be kicked out of football but there's a fair amount of hypocrisy here.

Was Louis Suarez fired for his racist slur at Patrice Evra? Was John Terry fired for his racist comments at Anton Ferdinand? No & no.

It is so easy to fire second-rate footballers when the top grade ones only receive a suspension. If Leicester was not owned by King Power (a company of rip-offs & false entrapment scams) they would more likely have been suspended.

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