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Thai drafters reconsider provision to put non-judges on panel


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Drafters reconsider provision to put non-judges on panel

BANGKOK: -- CHARTER DRAFTERS yesterday considered removing a provision for increasing non-judges on the Judicial Commission, which was included as part of judicial reform.

Paiboon Nititawan, a member of the Constitution Drafting Committee, said after the fourth-day of closed-door meetings to find common ground for some critical issues that the drafters had listened to the concerns of over a thousand judges on Tuesday.

"The judges were worried about their independence and we listened to that and may revise it and go back to the normal procedure," he said

Normally, only two outsiders are permitted to sit on the commission to prevent interference.

This might be revised during article-by-article scrutiny next week. The issue will be tabled again today, he said.

Borwornsak Uwanno, chairman of the CDC, said separately during a seminar at Chulalongkorn University on the future of the constitution that the drafters would still stick with four pillars - people power, clean politics, a just society and self-sufficiency.

Citizens would gain more bargaining power in politics through new forums including provincial citizen scrutiny councils, while national politicsx would be enhanced with a mixed proportional electoral system.

"This constitution will maintain the will set for it since the beginning, but will be flexible to fit various groups' interests," he said.

"So, it is not a version that we dreamed up, and I trust it will help drive Thai society out of a deadlock."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Drafters-reconsider-provision-to-put-non-judges-on-30262656.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-19

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"provincial citizen scrutiny councils"

Just another gateway to corruption and abuse of justice. No details on who or how these councils are created or what checks and balances will control councils from having unmitigated influence over the judiciary.

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