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Clinton says US must face 'hard truths' about guns, race


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The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World

But if you take out just 4 cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans , the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the entire world, for Murders.

These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the U.S.

ALL 4 of these cities are controlled by Democrats.

It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data right?

No, not absurd, you can conclude the murder rate in those cities is higher than in others.
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If you want to change the Constitution and make registration part of the law or even outlaw firearms it's OK with me. But you are going to have to change the Constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution about hefty restrictions on ammunition for said firearms. According to gun fetishists, crime would not go down as people would simply club themselves to death with an empty revolver.

Only a loon would think the right to bear arms did not include ammunition. Besides last time I checked ammunition was not very difficult to make.

Edit to add. In case anyone gets the wrong idea I am not in favor of guns. One of the reasons I came to Thailand was gun crime in the States.

I think they should ban all guns in the States. I don't see any other way to teach the anti gun people what it is like to be unarmed and be attacked by a gang of terrorists.

I really admire this kind of position. Someone who disagrees with me, considered the facts, and weighs in heavily in favor of logic and fact- even though we reach different conclusions. I applaud you, notmyself.

Yes, perhaps a loon would think this but using stalking horses to effect change that could not otherwise be acted with popular consent is not new. While the clause or rationale escapes me, there is a particular consideration in law whereby actions that have the intended affect of injuring the law, through another, backdoor, mechanism are to be seen as acting upon the law itself. This the targeting of ammo, etc., is a very thinly veiled attack indirectly on the 2nd Amendment and only the most dire of intellects can offer this as seriously unrelated. Wanna change it? Change the constitution as noted. However, there is a reason that the 2nd Amendment is #2- it is the primary redoubt to ensure the others.

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