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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

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And nothing wrong with flying it...if that is what the local population desires.

Even then (which you're claiming to be the case but I have my doubts about that, I have seen no proof of that claim) it may not be a good idea to flag it knowing it insults many others.

This is why there are local elections.

If elected officials don't follow the wishes of their electorate, they can be removed from office at the next election and the flags can be taken down.

Up to the locals to elect whomever they wish.

I am not "claiming (anything) to be the case" should local residents choose to fly the Confederate flag.

I qualified the hypothesis with a very impertinent "if".

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The NRA? Here comes the whack-job fringe left. Did the NRA also kill Cock Robin? Maybe sunk the Titanic?.

I agree Romney is wrong on this. The Confederate flag is a symbol against what the South felt was tyranny against states' rights vs. the strong federal government the North wanted. And, no it doesn't stand for slavery. No matter what the poorly educated say.

Fly your flag for all I care. It advertises S.Carolina for whatever people want it to be.

As for the guns, I thought they were to protect you from the tyrany of overarching government? Why aren't you out there taking potshots at government officals then if that was their intended use?

Instead, they are in the hands of gang bangers, 3 year olds, and whackjob domestic terrorists like this bloke. Tell me how this is protection against tyranical government again?

All countries that have a ban on guns still have problems like this. Norway?

Stuff it.


As a non American, I am left bemused by the continual support for uncontrolled guns in the USA - even taking on the fact that it is the most warlike society in the world. The 2nd amendment was written at a time when muskets and slaves were part of the fabric of the new country to ensure that they could raise an army quickly if the 'Red Coats' returned. It has no relevance in a time when an oppressive govt, the NRA excuse, has Abrams Tanks, gunships, drones and jdams. The real reason the NRA is so anti gun control is that it makes so much money from the arms dealers.

The Confederate flag, to a non American, signifies oppression, slavery, lawlessness, corruption and racial hatred.

Until they get over the fact that they were beaten, the Southern states will continue to be the catalyst of racial and religious hatred that holds the whole country back from being the great nation that most people in the free world want it to be.

You must get your news from the leftist American media.


And having been from a small town in Texass and spent summers in an even smaller one I believe I can say with some accuracy that the citizens of a town are not always right, especially in the south. Flying the Confederate Battle Flag is a deliberate insult and designed to anger black folks. It doesn't show southern pride (isn't that a commercial chicken?) but southern hatred, ignorance, bigotry, racism and stupidity. Defending it shows, well we all know what that shows, whether some can/will admit it-most racist won't even to themselves, and it damn sure isn't humanity. States rights, dawg whistle, dawg whistle.


As a non American, I am left bemused by the continual support for uncontrolled guns in the USA - even taking on the fact that it is the most warlike society in the world. The 2nd amendment was written at a time when muskets and slaves were part of the fabric of the new country to ensure that they could raise an army quickly if the 'Red Coats' returned. It has no relevance in a time when an oppressive govt, the NRA excuse, has Abrams Tanks, gunships, drones and jdams. The real reason the NRA is so anti gun control is that it makes so much money from the arms dealers.

The Confederate flag, to a non American, signifies oppression, slavery, lawlessness, corruption and racial hatred.

Until they get over the fact that they were beaten, the Southern states will continue to be the catalyst of racial and religious hatred that holds the whole country back from being the great nation that most people in the free world want it to be.

You must get your news from the leftist American media.

The "leftist" or also often the "liberal" American media is the main stream media to main stream America.

It's the far out right marginals who don't like what they see and hear, as if there weren't enough right wing media around anyway, which there are. Google any political topic and you get eight pages of right wing media before getting anything else. I've come to prefer Yahoo search because Yahoo seems to filter the right wing media down to proportionate size relative to the total media.

If the right is not reading the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times or journalis like them, then the right is ignoring the MSM so I dunno what they're griping about anyway cause they no longer know what's in the main stream media. I keep seeing cites to the right wing media that are even more whacked out than the left wing media may be.


Permission granted by the author to paste in entirety (see link below: "To assist, I give you my open letter to defenders of the Confederate Flag (feel free to cut/paste, and deploy as needed).").

References to links highlighted in blue can also be found in the link below.

Dear “Heritage Not Hate” Guy:

Stop trying to convince me that your flag fetish, and the Civil War in general, is not about slavery. I will not provide you with the rationale you seek to continue to exercise white privilege and ignore the symbol of violent racism you want to fly on your pickup, your front lawn, or your statehouse dome. Nope. Your “heritage” IS “hate.” The two are one and the same, an inseparable proposition. This is no secret. It never was.

If you’ve convinced yourself that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of slavery and racism, you’ve managed to ignore what pretty much every prominent Confederate of the 1860s said. That takes some doing. But if you haven’t seen the truth from reading this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or the literally thousands of other documents that attest to the centrality of slavery and race in the Confederacy, then there’s nothing I can do to change your mind. You have entered the realm of fantasy. You are a Silly Person. You have placed yourself in the same category as people who argue that the sun rotates around the earth or that the dinosaurs didn’t exist. You have plugged your ears and chanted la la la la la I’m not listening to you. I would be more successful in breaking through a brick wall with my forehead than in convincing you to, say, read a book once in a while. I will not engage you, because you will not engage reality.

Oh, I know you want me to engage you. You want me to wrestle with your non-sequiturs, fictitious anecdotes about how blacks loved the CSA, and the faux evidence cherry-picked by your Uncle Floyd when he self-published his screed book. You want me, you desperately need me, to see The Truth. You want my nearly two decades’ worth of reading, research, writing, and teaching to be wrong. You want thousands of other scholars and students to also be misguided. You want all of the evidence to not exist. You want historical figures to have said things they simply did not say, and to have not said the things that they did. You want up to be down. You want all of us to believe that your precious flag represents heritage and not hate. Your very identity demands that this be so.

But I will not enable you. I will not be the Sherpa for your climb up Mount Stupid. I will not honor your racist fantasies with my attention. I will not treat your belligerent self-delusion as a somehow valid viewpoint. I. Will. Not.




< For reasons of post brevity snipped an impressive, off-topic tribute to Union black American soldiers >

Subsequently, 150,000 black Americans volunteered to fight for the Union and President Lincoln credited these black soldiers with having made a significant contribution to the successful pursuit of the Union victory.

This post wouldn't be the answer to my question about this:

"It's the racial re-enactments or extensions into the present that I don't like and reject in the absolute."

That I requested specifics about in an earlier reply of mine in this thread here, would it be per chance?

No, probably not, but I can see where it could be mistaken for a "racial re-enactment" by some.

When you get back from your virtual re-visitation of the Civil War and get back on-topic, I'm sure you'll let us know.

If you're doing requests, how about doing a segment on the black freemen and slaves that supported the CSA, please? Just to be fair and balanced.



As good a description as I have seen so far.

Are you trying to provoke Publicus into a seizure or something?

It's OK. He probably won't even read it and if he did he'd write it off

as a lie from the "far right wing" something or other.

I don't accuse posters of lying.

Don't accuse me of it thx.

I talk about wingnuts and the lunar fringe and the like, not of liars. coffee1.gif

I didn't say that you accused posters of lying. Read my statement again for comprehension or maybe I failed to make it clear enough for you?

Hint: I said you would write "it" off as a lie, referring to neither the poster nor the post.

"I talk about wingnuts and the lunar fringe and the like, not of liars." <deleted silly emoticon>

Give us a break, already!

Give yourselves a break along with the rest of us too.

The pointed baiting in the posts above and elsewhere are shameless while also being transparent.

Carry on. clap2.gif


Folks open the link, there's more. A bit of the oops to the dawg whistle people here and from a Phd. historian in Civil War and Reconstruction History. Thanks Chicog. Oh wait, I forgot, right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.


As a non American, I am left bemused by the continual support for uncontrolled guns in the USA - even taking on the fact that it is the most warlike society in the world. The 2nd amendment was written at a time when muskets and slaves were part of the fabric of the new country to ensure that they could raise an army quickly if the 'Red Coats' returned. It has no relevance in a time when an oppressive govt, the NRA excuse, has Abrams Tanks, gunships, drones and jdams. The real reason the NRA is so anti gun control is that it makes so much money from the arms dealers.

The Confederate flag, to a non American, signifies oppression, slavery, lawlessness, corruption and racial hatred.

Until they get over the fact that they were beaten, the Southern states will continue to be the catalyst of racial and religious hatred that holds the whole country back from being the great nation that most people in the free world want it to be.

You must get your news from the leftist American media.

Or a history book ...



< For reasons of post brevity snipped an impressive, off-topic tribute to Union black American soldiers >

Subsequently, 150,000 black Americans volunteered to fight for the Union and President Lincoln credited these black soldiers with having made a significant contribution to the successful pursuit of the Union victory.

This post wouldn't be the answer to my question about this:

"It's the racial re-enactments or extensions into the present that I don't like and reject in the absolute."

That I requested specifics about in an earlier reply of mine in this thread here, would it be per chance?

No, probably not.

When you get back from your virtual re-visitation of the Civil War and get back on-topic, I'm sure you'll let us know.

If you're doing requests, how about doing a segment on the black freemen and slaves that supported the CSA, please? Just to be fair and balanced.

how about doing a segment on the black freemen and slaves that supported the CSA, please?

They lost.

Their side lost the war, the whole kit and kaboodle. Their side was both wrong and weak. Fought like hell 24/7 for several years they did and they got whupped. It's a crying shame but that's what those wrongheaded and weakminded nimrods did.

Just don't have time here to address all the losers, only the present and most vocally whining ones. wink.png

My my, some certain people are in a pointed and awfully solicitous mood and mind lately. Of the rather presumptuous and demanding sort they are.

(Oh yeah, that's right...certain people detest smileys biggrin.png )


If Americans want to become fixated on a symbol of suffering, there's one that symbolizes a million times more human and environmental suffering* than the Confederate flag: The crucifix. Perhaps if the flag could kill vampires, then it would be ok to see it waving everywhere.

*If anyone is wondering how the crucifix can symbolize a lot of 'environmental suffering,' consider that a basic tenent of Christianity is to make as many babies as possible, and each new person contributes to environmental destruction.

I forgot to mention, this small group of haters on Thai Visa hates God as well. Thanks for reminding me. Personally, I would give a little more thought to the idea that the crucifix is a symbol of hatred. However, if you want to live in darkness it is up to you.

The Confederate flag has nothing to do with vampires or environmental destruction.

There are some "highly intelligent" blink.png right-wing US-TV members not beeing able to make a difference between hate and criticize. The same with the so called "US-bashers".

I wait for the day when god believers walk over the water.

Well, if you are right about there being some "highly intelligent" posters here, after reading your post, I believe we can eliminate you from that group.


Folks open the link, there's more. A bit of the oops to the dawg whistle people here and from a Phd. historian in Civil War and Reconstruction History. Thanks Chicog. Oh wait, I forgot, right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.

right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.

That's odd...when I make flaming statements such as this...my posts get removed...coffee1.gif


If Americans want to become fixated on a symbol of suffering, there's one that symbolizes a million times more human and environmental suffering* than the Confederate flag: The crucifix. Perhaps if the flag could kill vampires, then it would be ok to see it waving everywhere.

*If anyone is wondering how the crucifix can symbolize a lot of 'environmental suffering,' consider that a basic tenent of Christianity is to make as many babies as possible, and each new person contributes to environmental destruction.

I forgot to mention, this small group of haters on Thai Visa hates God as well. Thanks for reminding me. Personally, I would give a little more thought to the idea that the crucifix is a symbol of hatred. However, if you want to live in darkness it is up to you.

The Confederate flag has nothing to do with vampires or environmental destruction.

There are some "highly intelligent" blink.png right-wing US-TV members not beeing able to make a difference between hate and criticize. The same with the so called "US-bashers".

I wait for the day when god believers walk over the water.

Well, if you are right about there being some "highly intelligent" posters here, after reading your post, I believe we can eliminate you from that group.


At the risk of yet another of my postings being deleted, may I inquire which God you believe in? I ask .. because you brought it up first.

Is it Jesus Christ, the Lord of Mercy, Forgiveness and Peace. Is it the Good Shepard who commanded his followers to turn the other cheek and love his fellow man? Is it he who healed the sick and stood to protect the weak, less fortunate and downtrodden?

Is your God the King of the Jews who fought against tyranny and slavery?

The one whose name is synonymous with mercy and forgiveness?

if so ... how do you reconcile the teachings of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with your beliefs about guns and the countless graves filled via their use?

Would Jesus Christ be for ... or against ... the proliferation of guns?

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful reply. i am confident it will be food for thought and an "ah ha" moment for me. It really could be a one word answer ... For? ... or ... Against?

And before we "jump the gun" and delete this posting .. please go back a few postings to "....I forgot to mention, this small group of haters on Thai Visa hates God as well. Thanks for reminding me." (CMNightRider)


As a non American, I am left bemused by the continual support for uncontrolled guns in the USA - even taking on the fact that it is the most warlike society in the world. The 2nd amendment was written at a time when muskets and slaves were part of the fabric of the new country to ensure that they could raise an army quickly if the 'Red Coats' returned. It has no relevance in a time when an oppressive govt, the NRA excuse, has Abrams Tanks, gunships, drones and jdams. The real reason the NRA is so anti gun control is that it makes so much money from the arms dealers.

The Confederate flag, to a non American, signifies oppression, slavery, lawlessness, corruption and racial hatred.

Until they get over the fact that they were beaten, the Southern states will continue to be the catalyst of racial and religious hatred that holds the whole country back from being the great nation that most people in the free world want it to be.

You must get your news from the leftist American media.

The "leftist" or also often the "liberal" American media is the main stream media to main stream America.

It's the far out right marginals who don't like what they see and hear, as if there weren't enough right wing media around anyway, which there are. Google any political topic and you get eight pages of right wing media before getting anything else. I've come to prefer Yahoo search because Yahoo seems to filter the right wing media down to proportionate size relative to the total media.

If the right is not reading the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times or journalis like them, then the right is ignoring the MSM so I dunno what they're griping about anyway cause they no longer know what's in the main stream media. I keep seeing cites to the right wing media that are even more whacked out than the left wing media may be.



Permission granted by the author to paste in entirety (see link below: "To assist, I give you my open letter to defenders of the Confederate Flag (feel free to cut/paste, and deploy as needed).").

References to links highlighted in blue can also be found in the link below.

Dear “Heritage Not Hate” Guy:

Stop trying to convince me that your flag fetish, and the Civil War in general, is not about slavery. I will not provide you with the rationale you seek to continue to exercise white privilege and ignore the symbol of violent racism you want to fly on your pickup, your front lawn, or your statehouse dome. Nope. Your “heritage” IS “hate.” The two are one and the same, an inseparable proposition. This is no secret. It never was.

If you’ve convinced yourself that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of slavery and racism, you’ve managed to ignore what pretty much every prominent Confederate of the 1860s said. That takes some doing. But if you haven’t seen the truth from reading this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or the literally thousands of other documents that attest to the centrality of slavery and race in the Confederacy, then there’s nothing I can do to change your mind. You have entered the realm of fantasy. You are a Silly Person. You have placed yourself in the same category as people who argue that the sun rotates around the earth or that the dinosaurs didn’t exist. You have plugged your ears and chanted la la la la la I’m not listening to you. I would be more successful in breaking through a brick wall with my forehead than in convincing you to, say, read a book once in a while. I will not engage you, because you will not engage reality.

Oh, I know you want me to engage you. You want me to wrestle with your non-sequiturs, fictitious anecdotes about how blacks loved the CSA, and the faux evidence cherry-picked by your Uncle Floyd when he self-published his screed book. You want me, you desperately need me, to see The Truth. You want my nearly two decades’ worth of reading, research, writing, and teaching to be wrong. You want thousands of other scholars and students to also be misguided. You want all of the evidence to not exist. You want historical figures to have said things they simply did not say, and to have not said the things that they did. You want up to be down. You want all of us to believe that your precious flag represents heritage and not hate. Your very identity demands that this be so.

But I will not enable you. I will not be the Sherpa for your climb up Mount Stupid. I will not honor your racist fantasies with my attention. I will not treat your belligerent self-delusion as a somehow valid viewpoint. I. Will. Not.


Opinions are like &lt;deleted&gt;.


Folks open the link, there's more. A bit of the oops to the dawg whistle people here and from a Phd. historian in Civil War and Reconstruction History. Thanks Chicog. Oh wait, I forgot, right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.

Liberals rewrite history to make it more palatble for them.


Now lets take a break for sanity sake and after you listen to a little music most of you will feel foolish.

First the flags and then the music and then re write history and re arrange some dates and make the Civil War all about slavery. tongue.png

5. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t actually free all of the slaves.
Since Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a military measure, it didn’t apply to border slave states like Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, all of which had remained loyal to the Union. Lincoln also exempted selected areas of the Confederacy that had already come under Union control in hopes of gaining the loyalty of whites in those states. In practice, then, the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t immediately free a single slave, as the only places it applied were places where the federal government had no control—the Southern states currently fighting against the Union.

So now you know. The Confederate flag was not all about slavery nor was the Civil war and Lincoln did not free all of the slaves.



Are we really re-fighting the American Civil War on a Thailand specific site?

Sometimes i have to sit back and look at us all .. me included .. and laugh.

Came half way around the world to argue about the Civil War.


Are we really re-fighting the American Civil War on a Thailand specific site?

Sometimes i have to sit back and look at us all .. me included .. and laugh.

Came half way around the world to argue about the Civil War.


Check the accent of the guy singing Dixie above.biggrin.png


People can cite all they want, but states' rights is what the Civil War was about. Not slavery. Does that make slavery good? No. Does that mean those that cite the honest facts are 'haters'? No.


Permission granted by the author to paste in entirety (see link below: "To assist, I give you my open letter to defenders of the Confederate Flag (feel free to cut/paste, and deploy as needed).").

References to links highlighted in blue can also be found in the link below.

Dear “Heritage Not Hate” Guy:

Stop trying to convince me that your flag fetish, and the Civil War in general, is not about slavery. I will not provide you with the rationale you seek to continue to exercise white privilege and ignore the symbol of violent racism you want to fly on your pickup, your front lawn, or your statehouse dome. Nope. Your “heritage” IS “hate.” The two are one and the same, an inseparable proposition. This is no secret. It never was.

If you’ve convinced yourself that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of slavery and racism, you’ve managed to ignore what pretty much every prominent Confederate of the 1860s said. That takes some doing. But if you haven’t seen the truth from reading this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or the literally thousands of other documents that attest to the centrality of slavery and race in the Confederacy, then there’s nothing I can do to change your mind. You have entered the realm of fantasy. You are a Silly Person. You have placed yourself in the same category as people who argue that the sun rotates around the earth or that the dinosaurs didn’t exist. You have plugged your ears and chanted la la la la la I’m not listening to you. I would be more successful in breaking through a brick wall with my forehead than in convincing you to, say, read a book once in a while. I will not engage you, because you will not engage reality.

Oh, I know you want me to engage you. You want me to wrestle with your non-sequiturs, fictitious anecdotes about how blacks loved the CSA, and the faux evidence cherry-picked by your Uncle Floyd when he self-published his screed book. You want me, you desperately need me, to see The Truth. You want my nearly two decades’ worth of reading, research, writing, and teaching to be wrong. You want thousands of other scholars and students to also be misguided. You want all of the evidence to not exist. You want historical figures to have said things they simply did not say, and to have not said the things that they did. You want up to be down. You want all of us to believe that your precious flag represents heritage and not hate. Your very identity demands that this be so.

But I will not enable you. I will not be the Sherpa for your climb up Mount Stupid. I will not honor your racist fantasies with my attention. I will not treat your belligerent self-delusion as a somehow valid viewpoint. I. Will. Not.


Opinions are like <deleted>.

You've never heard the phrase "educated opinion" then?


States rights, dawg whistle, dawg whistle. Call it what you like those that can accept the facts know that states rights is a dawg whistle and about slavery and racism. Absolutely amazing how the racist slime out of the woodwork while claiming to not be racists. Then again, some folks just can't accept the truth even about themselves. Chicog's posted article said it right and sure enough, the right deny, deny, deny while claiming a history Phd. in Civil War and reconstruction just made it up as an opinion. How sad and how sick.


Permission granted by the author to paste in entirety (see link below: "To assist, I give you my open letter to defenders of the Confederate Flag (feel free to cut/paste, and deploy as needed).").

References to links highlighted in blue can also be found in the link below.

Dear Heritage Not Hate Guy:

Stop trying to convince me that your flag fetish, and the Civil War in general, is not about slavery. I will not provide you with the rationale you seek to continue to exercise white privilege and ignore the symbol of violent racism you want to fly on your pickup, your front lawn, or your statehouse dome. Nope. Your heritage IS hate. The two are one and the same, an inseparable proposition. This is no secret. It never was.

If youve convinced yourself that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of slavery and racism, youve managed to ignore what pretty much every prominent Confederate of the 1860s said. That takes some doing. But if you havent seen the truth from reading this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or the literally thousands of other documents that attest to the centrality of slavery and race in the Confederacy, then theres nothing I can do to change your mind. You have entered the realm of fantasy. You are a Silly Person. You have placed yourself in the same category as people who argue that the sun rotates around the earth or that the dinosaurs didnt exist. You have plugged your ears and chanted la la la la la Im not listening to you. I would be more successful in breaking through a brick wall with my forehead than in convincing you to, say, read a book once in a while. I will not engage you, because you will not engage reality.

Oh, I know you want me to engage you. You want me to wrestle with your non-sequiturs, fictitious anecdotes about how blacks loved the CSA, and the faux evidence cherry-picked by your Uncle Floyd when he self-published his screed book. You want me, you desperately need me, to see The Truth. You want my nearly two decades worth of reading, research, writing, and teaching to be wrong. You want thousands of other scholars and students to also be misguided. You want all of the evidence to not exist. You want historical figures to have said things they simply did not say, and to have not said the things that they did. You want up to be down. You want all of us to believe that your precious flag represents heritage and not hate. Your very identity demands that this be so.

But I will not enable you. I will not be the Sherpa for your climb up Mount Stupid. I will not honor your racist fantasies with my attention. I will not treat your belligerent self-delusion as a somehow valid viewpoint. I. Will. Not.


Opinions are like <deleted>.

You've never heard the phrase "educated opinion" then?

You can't see the problem with this article? First he calls those that disagree with him 'haters', then continues on with his own hate speech. He's trying to prove his opinion, nothing more. I don't discount that slavery was an issue, but it was a side issue, not the main issue.

Sick, sick people, not many thankfully but very vocal on TV. Thankfully most expats and even many Americans have more than one working brain cell. Those that disagree with the article are haters and they cannot/will not see their own sickness. There is nothing hateful in the article, but the truth does hurt. As I predicted, the right would reject an expert with real knowledge because they can't accept the real facts or the truth.


Now lets take a break for sanity sake and after you listen to a little music most of you will feel foolish.

First the flags and then the music and then re write history and re arrange some dates and make the Civil War all about slavery. tongue.png

5. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t actually free all of the slaves.

Since Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a military measure, it didn’t apply to border slave states like Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, all of which had remained loyal to the Union. Lincoln also exempted selected areas of the Confederacy that had already come under Union control in hopes of gaining the loyalty of whites in those states. In practice, then, the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t immediately free a single slave, as the only places it applied were places where the federal government had no control—the Southern states currently fighting against the Union.

So now you know. The Confederate flag was not all about slavery nor was the Civil war and Lincoln did not free all of the slaves.


Rehashing grade school lessons leads...back to....grade school lessons.

Here anyway is the Civil War Anthem of the Union armies that won the war with accompanying visuals:

Johnny Cash: Battle Hymn of the Republic.


If that link doesn't fly might try this as my browser has a lot of trouble with UTube...

<iframe width="854" height="510" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hAMQE5QT10o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The southern colonies joined the cause of the American Revolution because Britain had abolished slavery. The southern colonies would have perished had slavery been abolished, yet American institutional slavery in the South was at last and finally abolished after the Confederacy failed to preserve the institution so cherished by their forebears. It's about economics plain and simple.


Folks open the link, there's more. A bit of the oops to the dawg whistle people here and from a Phd. historian in Civil War and Reconstruction History. Thanks Chicog. Oh wait, I forgot, right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.

The link wouldn't open for me so I must remain illiterate. I'm sure you will keep us informed on what your gaggle of PhD's are filling your head with.


Oh my, my what did I say about the right wing cannot/will not accept the facts, truth and education? Looks like I was right (right said with a grain of salt) again. Oh never mind it is lost on the mindless. BTW I've long had The Last Waltz, a sad and beautiful song, and I have the Joan Baez version of the night they drove old Dixie down on my hard drive, she changed her first version after learning of her misinterpretation of the lyrics. Oh wait, how oh how could a left winger possibly make a mistake and correct it when the right cannot? Never mind, speaking to the mindless again.


Folks open the link, there's more. A bit of the oops to the dawg whistle people here and from a Phd. historian in Civil War and Reconstruction History. Thanks Chicog. Oh wait, I forgot, right wingers don't believe in education, facts or reality.

Liberals rewrite history to make it more palatble for them.

Next time the right starts African-American history with the Great Society and LBJ as it is choreographed to do I'll ring you up.

The right has no African-American history prior to or before LBJ and the Great Society. LBJ after all got through the Congress the Voting Rights Act of 1965 not to mention the Civil Rights Act of 1964 both of which have since lit the right's hair on fire.

Blacks voting and blacks having Constitutional rights....what on earth would be next.....



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