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Thai fishing vessels threaten to stop fishing next month


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The said this measure has recently caused vessels with inaccurate licenses to be classified as illegal, preventing them from sailing and has affected the industry:

If the licenses are inaccurate then doesn't that make them illegal?

European Union has yellow carded Thailand for its failure to remove IUU fishing practices, which cause enormous damage worth several hundred billion baht to its fishing industry.

But so will this:

If the request by the associations were not met within next month, all fishing vessels will stop fishing , said the deputy president of the National Fisheries Association of Thailand Mr Monkol Sukcharoenkana.

NFA of Thailand - don't want to do things in compliance with the law. And try to threaten a Junta to let them have their own way.

Whose gonna get some Attitude Adjustment then?

Attitude adjustment? I fear their masters are connected and powerful, so far the Thai administration's efforts to clean up the country have been half hearted and ineffective with most scams continuing unabated. Jet skis in Phuket, illegal beach business barely controlled a few token arrests of human traffickers, will there be some limp compromise on this issue we shall see.

Attitude adjustment appears to be reserved for political irritants, not for those involved in profitable "enterprise"

Yes, hard to tell yourselves off, as it were.

But going public like this, silly boy. He'll be in for it now.

Better to have just lied as usual - all sorted, licensed and ship shape.

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Nothing but hot air talk, they need the work and the fish, they cant make a threat to the EU like they can to the Thai government, and if the licenses are inaccurate, then yes they are illegal and they know this hence the little tantrum

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And in other news, the Union of bank robbers, safe crackers and lock pickers have threatened to stop all activities until harassment by the authorities ceases. "It's diabolical" said their spokesman, Mr Gnasher Bates. "Here we are, trying to earn a decent night's pay for an indecent night's work, and for what? To be shaken down and locked up. Enough is enough. And I'll tell you what, it won't be long before our brothers at the Shoplifters and purse snatcher's association follow us. Then you'll be sorry! Just you wait and see!" The roll-on effect could be huge. Just last night, a senior member of the stuck-at- traffic-light-windscreen-washer's syndicate was heard by this correspondent muttering about a go slow as he threw a bucket of grease over a Toyota at Asoke junction.

Someone put me out of my misery, what Ealing comedy does this scenario belong to ?

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Good - give some of their slave labor a break...

Yes then they can lie about the pool all day or remain glued to a bar stool and pretend they're hard working farang.

You are a typical greedy Thai, can't you see you are destroying the marine live for ever because you take any size and any amount ,

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So basically they are saying they can't make a living without slave labor and fishing in illegal waters... coffee1.gif

That may be even true! Due to the steady overfishing of the Thai Seas, the amount of fish caught today, is hardly enough to pay the captain and the expenses for the ship, let alone any single Baht for the workers or slaves.


Som num nar.

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slave labour is alive and well in this country, that is also why you can afford a maid , which would be impossible in your home country...

ok,they get paid peanuts and that also shows in their minimalistic work

a good live in maid costs bt15,000 a month now plus free accomodationn and utilities. Hardly slave labour!

Better to pay 300-400 per visit once or twice a week. Only TV, film stars, and royalty need daily maid service.

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The said this measure has recently caused vessels with inaccurate licenses to be classified as illegal, preventing them from sailing and has affected the industry:

If the licenses are inaccurate then doesn't that make them illegal?

European Union has yellow carded Thailand for its failure to remove IUU fishing practices, which cause enormous damage worth several hundred billion baht to its fishing industry.

But so will this:

If the request by the associations were not met within next month, all fishing vessels will stop fishing , said the deputy president of the National Fisheries Association of Thailand Mr Monkol Sukcharoenkana.

NFA of Thailand - don't want to do things in compliance with the law. And try to threaten a Junta to let them have their own way.

Whose gonna get some Attitude Adjustment then?

Not any of the them unfortunately, you have to think, the fishing industry has been quite a lucrative business, and so who do you think has shares or owners of some of the boats? answer, the rich and powerful, and how many police, army and politicians are in that group? No attitude adjustment for them, that's a tactic reserved for those that are on the wrong side of the political fence.

As for the boats will stop going out, GREAT!!!!! make it at least a full year or two full ban on commercial fishing, any boat caught fishing the boat owner and the captain MUST be fined and gaoled, and the sea life might have a very slight chance at coming back.

And last but not least, ALL boats must fully and correctly register, and comply with SUSTIANABILLITY in the industry, those that have problem with this, fine pack up n p*ss off

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The Thai fishermen have been braking the law for so long they are finding out about what laws the rest of the world must obey. They have lost there slave labor and there profit are tumbling down. Sorry that it hurts your pockets but with out obeying these laws no country in the world would buy seafood from Thailand. If you stop fishing what are you going to do grow rice. Thai fishing does not dictate there threats to the world!

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Good - give some of their slave labor a break...

Yes then they can lie about the pool all day or remain glued to a bar stool and pretend they're hard working farang.

It may be a surprise to you, but many of the farangs commenting on Thai Visa have put in long years of hard work in order to enjoy the "privileges" whistling.gif of living in Thailand. Whether they are lolling in their pool or supping on their beer is irrelevant, since the comments regarding the Thai fishing industry are spot on.

The Thai fishing fleet has over-fished their own seas and abused their workers and fished out-of-bounds. Perhaps a hiatus in fishing as threatened by the fishing companies will be a welcome thing. A shortage of some species for a while, but a chance (albeit darned slight), for the fish stocks to recover.

If you read through many of Suradit69 post,you will soon realilise that he is a committed apologist for anything that is blatantly wrong in Thailand.

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And in other news, the Union of bank robbers, safe crackers and lock pickers have threatened to stop all activities until harassment by the authorities ceases. "It's diabolical" said their spokesman, Mr Gnasher Bates. "Here we are, trying to earn a decent night's pay for an indecent night's work, and for what? To be shaken down and locked up. Enough is enough. And I'll tell you what, it won't be long before our brothers at the Shoplifters and purse snatcher's association follow us. Then you'll be sorry! Just you wait and see!" The roll-on effect could be huge. Just last night, a senior member of the stuck-at- traffic-light-windscreen-washer's syndicate was heard by this correspondent muttering about a go slow as he threw a bucket of grease over a Toyota at Asoke junction.


Where have you been Ballpoint? I for one have missed your humour which is badly needed in some of the threads.

Been fishing.

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