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Yeah i think it's now time to move on....I hope some knowledge about this has been gained by other members....

I cant wait until someone around here, comes asking for help from me again....My answer will be...Very sorry, I am only a guest in this country...

Time to let this Topic die fellas.

The point has been made.

Edited by weegee
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Horrible thing also is...when the FIL gave the land to my wife, he cut off some of her land and gave to the community to build a Temple on....it's not a small piece either, compared to blocks here...and made arrangement for an easment to allow her access to the property...That was the deal for the gift of land...

That road has now all but shrunk to nothing, as the """Boundry""" keeps shifting...

So in Theory...arent they taking Government land also?....

But having a temple close by is also an advantage Weegee. When you die they can just throw you over the fence.biggrin.png

They have never built it....clap2.gif

Well at least one thing less to worry about.

I wouldn't want to read on here, farang found thrown over the fence. biggrin.png

But hey, maybe they are just waiting to extend their plot a bit before they start building laugh.png

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UPDATE:- then thats it....ok

Wife is so upset, with what her own kind have done to her.... she just backed the car over the dog....but he will be ok.

Guess the dog (poor fella) wont feel like our evening sing along tonight....

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A friend in a similar situation erected a locked, gated wall around the plot which stopped it overnight. He cleared the foliage 2-3 times per year thereafter & as far as i'm aware has since sold it.


Edited by evadgib
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UPDATE:- then thats it....ok

Wife is so upset, with what her own kind have done to her.... she just backed the car over the dog....but he will be ok.

Guess the dog (poor fella) wont feel like our evening sing along tonight....

Bloody hell mate, poor little sod. You misses must be up the wall at the moment.

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Since my neighbor wasn't interested in sharing the cost of my perimeter wall, I erected it 20 cm from the borderline, so when he wants a perimeter wall he has to build one by himself.

He removed the concrete boundary post. I called in the land department and asked to measure the land again.

They measured and put the concrete post at the exact same location, after which my neighbor destroyed it with a hammer.

Later he had his land measured, and the land department marked the destroyed stump as the place where his land ends. laugh.png

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Please Try to step back from the inherent, understandable frustration and understand - that it happens to Thais too.smile.png

I'll spare you examples from my own Thai family.

If it helps you at all, we all "get it."thumbsup.gif


It's NOT greener on the other side of the fencewub.png

His wife is Thai I understood from his OP....so I guess he knows that.

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If you believe that you're right, don't give up. Fight for what you believe to be true. Most give in here in Asia and that's why this keeps happening. You need to teach them a lesson so they will think twice the next time. This must stop. Certainly there is someone who will not put up with this if illegal. Don't give in... Don't

Edited by ChiangraiTony
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as others have stated if your wife has land and land documents from government these will show what is owned and what is not. I don't beleive they can alter the originals as others have said. Also your attitude is very negative, unless of course you have already exhuasted all your legal channels, that is not clear from the post.

edited to add

the average Thai will like most peoples take the easiest course, however if you use real paper evidence to show the inconsistancy you will show that what has happened was not the easiest course, you have real evidence - your wife doe3s anyhow in the form of paper work and what ever went with the origianl boundary posts.

It sounds like a typical property dispute which is why in uk and other countries the lawyers specialise in a field such as property, criminal etc,

thus you exhaust every legal channel first, before you accept it is corruption and is the past. Otherwise you playing the victim, which is difficult to stomach

Edited by mmh8
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have you the chanut, check the measurements on it , then if its wrong go to the Ampur with your wife and point it out. dont take any sh.t the chanut is a legal document in Thailand,

Beware of men in black in the middle of the night. Legality is not all cut and dried here. These villages are far from the larger picture of law and order in the cities and in some ways are a law unto themselves. It seems to be a tribal system with a "head man" Your either in good standing with him or your not. I have witnessed this first hand. Good luck in your quest for justice but I would not bet money on your chances. I have my own idea of justice here and thus would not own land(wife's name), business, car or motorbike. The way the hospitals are run is another pet peeve. I have money in the bank here and sometimes question how they operate but they are a necessity. If it were not for the fact that I love my g/f I would pack it up and leave. At this point the keyboard warriors can chime in. In summary corruption at all levels is now acceptable world wide. We are moving into an era of uncertainty. Kind of reminds me of the series "The Game of Thrones" and also the new series "The Ship" which I like as well. We can no longer look to the past for answers as we are heading for uncharted territory.

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as others have stated if your wife has land and land documents from government these will show what is owned and what is not. I don't beleive they can alter the originals as others have said. Also your attitude is very negative, unless of course you have already exhuasted all your legal channels, that is not clear from the post.

edited to add

the average Thai will like most peoples take the easiest course, however if you use real paper evidence to show the inconsistancy you will show that what has happened was not the easiest course, you have real evidence - your wife doe3s anyhow in the form of paper work and what ever went with the origianl boundary posts.

It sounds like a typical property dispute which is why in uk and other countries the lawyers specialise in a field such as property, criminal etc,

thus you exhaust every legal channel first, before you accept it is corruption and is the past. Otherwise you playing the victim, which is difficult to stomach

I have never said here, anything about corruption....Please post the quote if I have.

Bit hard when the papers are produced to have the alignment redone, and they change it and tell you thats it....whoosh....land gone.

A legal fact was relayed to me today that maybe, the Amphur papers are changed every 10yrs...and if you havent checked the boundrys, the next Amphur paper may be produced, leaving you with changed boundry lines, you know nothing about.....This I am not sure of yet.

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Well my wife had the exactly same problem with her house out in the sticks some 60km from SiSaket.

The neighbor on the land next hers was slowly but surely taking more and more of her land by parking old crappy pick-up trucks and other farming equipment closer and closer to her house.

The land office was called and they came and did measurements and put a thin rope on the borderline which was carefully photographed by my wife's brother.

Next week the brother in-law erected a wall just inside the borderline, a proper wall (we send him the money for materials), the neighbors was fuming.

Thankfully we live in Pattaya 600km away and my wife is so feed up with all the shit going on up in her old village that she has decided to sell the house and the few rai of rice fields she owns up there.

It's like the village is divided into 2 groups, the village chief has his followers (they don't like my wife, he-he) and then a group that support my wife discretely.

I/we can live without going back to that little dusty village in the middle of nowhere, there is absolutely nothing there of interest for me, its flat land with rice patty fields and nothing else, depressing man.

I always wondered why walls were the 1st thing to go up on land,and maybe nothing else.Now i know.

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Horrible thing also is...when the FIL gave the land to my wife, he cut off some of her land and gave to the community to build a Temple on....it's not a small piece either, compared to blocks here...and made arrangement for an easment to allow her access to the property...That was the deal for the gift of land...

That road has now all but shrunk to nothing, as the """Boundry""" keeps shifting...

So in Theory...arent they taking Government land also?....

In cases like this i use a lawyer but not one in the same town, it never gets to court, a few threatening letters in the right direction usually solves things.

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BJ.."In the majority of cases, just one letter from a lawyer to the appropriate authority letting them know your wife means business, will scare them enough into correcting any errors on their part."

Sounds easy hey?...but you had to see who was here today to know.

Why should we have to Lawyer up and virtually pay for land that is rightfully my wifes in the first place...

Which is the lesser of two evils ... losing the land forever or paying to try and keep what's yours? I know which option I would take, but I am fortunate to have the resources to do that.

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Sorry if I am going to sound harsh, but this is how I feel and think.

Firstly you suffered the same fate as many Thai's suffer on a daily basis and because they have given up on fighting corruption or are too scared to fight it, corruption is getting worse. By giving in to it you are promoting it. The enforcement of law and order starts with people reporting the crime, if that step is not taken there cant be any law enforcement and no rule of law. Without the rule of law there cant be any democracy in this country.

Sorry to burst your bubble but unlike what certain political groups are trying to tell the Thai's and the world, the biggest corruption problem in the country is not the politicians but the civil servants. In your case it was the civil servant that took a bribe and allow the boundries to be moved. Just check the facts, how many elected national politicians that served in the PTP government has been taken to court for corruption ? NONE. How many civil servants have been taken to court many. Most encroachment onto government land have taken place due to civil servants issuing illegal land documents. The hated rice scheme was corrupted by civil servants that stolen rice or issued tainted documents. Hereby I am not saying the PTP government should not be accountable for the rice scheme just indicating who commited the fraud. Who was heavily involved in the human trafficing, the police and the army. Gambling dens under the protection of the police - how many of these cases have there been. The cases of judges taking bribes, but none of them has been taken to court.

As for your support for the dear great leader I have news for you. The present government consist of mostly civil servants. The multi media system for parliament, the appointment of family members and friends as assistants for NLA members and how civil servants was able to save B 100's of millions, are examples of corruption cases thats been swept under the carpet by the present government. Last year this government took B 350 bn that was earmarked for flood prevention projects and said its going to use the money for drought relief, what happened to this money and where has it been spend because there is no projects on the ground. They are now jumping around to spend B 50 bn on drought projects, but by the sound of it this is new money and not part of the B 350 bn. A national crisis on the way and its called a drought and like the PTP government was held accountable for the 2011 floods, todays government will be accountable for the management of the coming drought. History has taught us thats here long enough here that every junta retires rich and with immunity.

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SOUTHERNSTAR.....This is not a political thread for gods sake. It's about land boundries.

I made a quick comment in the OP about it to stress a point about my OP....that's it....I no longer give a Pigs Ding about the politics of here or anywhere else.

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Weegee, I would like a straight clear Yes or No answer. Does your wife have a proper land title that looks like this from the day she took the ownership of land? http://www.samuiforsale.com/images/law/title-deed.gif

I hope he has. We have been in our house 1 year this month. A large plot of land devided into 3 smaller plots. Ours is in the middle . One side of us the new neigbours paid half for the dividing wall and it is spot on, the blokes from tesaban put red paint on two walls then the concrete posts in the ground. The other side of us once again two red lines were painted on the walls and concrete post put in a few days later. The plot is still empty but we have put in a small lawn and a dividing hedge. The red wall marks might disapear with time but the concrete post are there and the whole lot is on the legal docs as posted( no pun intended ) by sitti. Maybe we were just lucky but luck should have nothing to do with how much land is yours.

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