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I buy Gold with any spare money i have left over and don't look at it like a investment just a form of currency which you can check daily. Earlier in the year the price for 1 Bhat of Gold was 21000 now it is around 19000 Bhat. Guaranteed In the next year the price will go back up to over 20,000. You won't make alot and you won't lose alot but you might make a little or lose a little if you need to sell.

My advice is buy a small safe and dip your toes in the water thumbsup.gif

who guarantees the gold price increase? huh.png

4 years ago gold lovers were convinced gold will go UP and UP and UP. today they are looking at a loss of 38% plus the loss incurred what their capital would have earned in 4 years.

summary: those who bought in 2011 did not lose a little, they lost BIG!

Someone who bought gold in 2009 and sold only 2 years later was looking at a profit of 50%.

But those that bought in 2009 didn't win a little if they sold in 2011, they won BIG

those who were lucky to select the right lotterie numbers won several hundred millions coffee1.gif

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I buy Gold with any spare money i have left over and don't look at it like a investment just a form of currency which you can check daily. Earlier in the year the price for 1 Bhat of Gold was 21000 now it is around 19000 Bhat. Guaranteed In the next year the price will go back up to over 20,000. You won't make alot and you won't lose alot but you might make a little or lose a little if you need to sell.

My advice is buy a small safe and dip your toes in the water thumbsup.gif

who guarantees the gold price increase? huh.png

4 years ago gold lovers were convinced gold will go UP and UP and UP. today they are looking at a loss of 38% plus the loss incurred what their capital would have earned in 4 years.

summary: those who bought in 2011 did not lose a little, they lost BIG!

Someone who bought gold in 2009 and sold only 2 years later was looking at a profit of 50%.

But those that bought in 2009 didn't win a little if they sold in 2011, they won BIG

those who were lucky to select the right lotterie numbers won several hundred millions coffee1.gif

And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.


And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?


And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?

Did I say that it was either a good or no good investment?

Since you're an English teacher, I would have assumed you know how to read.

But in fact, Mr Naam may have missed that those that bought in early 2011 would still have made a very decent profit if the sold before the second quarter 2013.


I buy Gold with any spare money i have left over and don't look at it like a investment just a form of currency which you can check daily. Earlier in the year the price for 1 Bhat of Gold was 21000 now it is around 19000 Bhat. Guaranteed In the next year the price will go back up to over 20,000. You won't make alot and you won't lose alot but you might make a little or lose a little if you need to sell.

My advice is buy a small safe and dip your toes in the water thumbsup.gif

who guarantees the gold price increase? huh.png

4 years ago gold lovers were convinced gold will go UP and UP and UP. today they are looking at a loss of 38% plus the loss incurred what their capital would have earned in 4 years.

summary: those who bought in 2011 did not lose a little, they lost BIG!

Someone who bought gold in 2009 and sold only 2 years later was looking at a profit of 50%.

But those that bought in 2009 didn't win a little if they sold in 2011, they won BIG

that's taking some context out of the picture, i.e. what happened before 2009 and after 2011. Basically in 2009 Gold was around 1000$ and now it's around 1200$ today. So up by 20% in 6 years. Whereas if you bought the S$P500 in 2009 it was around 700 and now it's around 2100, tripling in just 6 years. And as people mentioned, not even taking into consideration that you received very good returns in the form of dividends every year whereas Gold not only doesn't provide you with any return, but you have to calculate the storage cost.

I'm not completely against Gold, but it's more of a diversification play or insurance for times of crisis rather than your standard investment. Re the above comparison with stocks, you could also use other asset classes as comparison, such as Fixed Income or Real Estate. Both of those have done very well too over the last 6 years.


Someone who bought gold in 2009 and sold only 2 years later was looking at a profit of 50%.

But those that bought in 2009 didn't win a little if they sold in 2011, they won BIG

those who were lucky to select the right lotterie numbers won several hundred millions coffee1.gif

And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

the point is that you can always find ideal moments (lows) to buy and sell (highs) in the past as you point out if you bought Gold at 1000$ in 2009 and would have sold in 2011 at 1900$ (all time high), you would have made a return of 90% in just 2 years. It's like winning the lottery. In reality you never hit the low to buy and the absolute high to sell. In reality you can only evaluate whether a product or an asset class is historically cheap or expensive and have a view based on that on future performance.


And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?

Did I say that it was either a good or no good investment?

Since you're an English teacher, I would have assumed you know how to read.

But in fact, Mr Naam may have missed that those that bought in early 2011 would still have made a very decent profit if the sold before the second quarter 2013.

Early 2011 gold was around 1500$ before it increased sharply to 1900$ and then went down again. 2nd quarter 2013 gold was around 1400$. Obviously depends which day you take but I don't see a grade trade in that.

Looking at the weekly chart, I don't see any reason to buy gold for speculation at the moment from a purely technical perspective.

When the price breaks through the upper part of the downward channel and the volume picks up I might consider it, but for now the downward trend doesn't look like it's stopped.


A valid point but i don't plan to hold it for 35 years. Maybe 3 years maximum or much less if i am in profit.

I wish that when I was very young I had understood the value of compound interest and its cousin, compound stock growth, reinvested dividends, stock splits and so on. This is what made Warren Buffet the most successful investor on the planet and think about it, Bill Gates.

They both did one thing. They found a company or companies they believed in and simply invested in the company and stood pat. For Bill Gates it was Microsoft and for Warren Buffet it was companies as low tech and easy to understand as Coca Cola.

Any of us could have bought stock in Microsoft or Coke many years ago. Both of those investors benefited from my favorite investment strategy which is investing in something that creates new wealth at a high percentage each step. Since there isn't enough wealth in the world to go around and make all of us rich, I have to hook my wagon to something that creates new wealth.

Bill Gates stumbled onto something that could take a 10 cent DVD and turn it into a $200 licensed copy of Windows or Office. That's a lot of new wealth and it made him the richest man in the world. If someone had bought Microsoft stock early on, even just $5,000 worth he'd be wealthy beyond his dreams.

Coca Cola can take some cheap sugar and some cheap flavorings and make a syrup. Then they can add cheap water and carbonize the result and sell a product that cost them less than the packaging it goes into. What's not to like?

However, most of us buy a Microsoft or a Walmart or and Amazon, make some money and sell to "realize" the gain. We fail to look at the value of the company and what it has and ride its flight to the top. We want to sell and look for something else to make us money when we already have the answer. Also, if market swings make the price go down for a while we want to sell.

I don't know anyone who got wealthy day trading or buying gold or silver, but I do know people who got wealthy by investing in companies they believed in and waiting. I also know people who got wealthy by the magic of compound interest. I know a guy who got wealthy by buying private home mortgages (seller mortgages) at a discount and holding them to maturity and reinvesting his earned interest along the way.


But what has changed since George Walton Williams ended up with the biggest house in Charleston only because he insisted on being paid in gold coins?

" George Walton Williams didn't demand to get paid in gold because he wanted to get rich— he wanted to stay rich."



And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?

Did I say that it was either a good or no good investment?

Since you're an English teacher, I would have assumed you know how to read.

But in fact, Mr Naam may have missed that those that bought in early 2011 would still have made a very decent profit if the sold before the second quarter 2013.

Early 2011 gold was around 1500$ before it increased sharply to 1900$ and then went down again. 2nd quarter 2013 gold was around 1400$. Obviously depends which day you take but I don't see a grade trade in that.

26 January 2011 Gold was 1333 USD and 22 January 2013 gold was 1693 USD, it stayed above 1600 USD until the end of March.



And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?

Did I say that it was either a good or no good investment?

Since you're an English teacher, I would have assumed you know how to read.

But in fact, Mr Naam may have missed that those that bought in early 2011 would still have made a very decent profit if the sold before the second quarter 2013.

If gold cannot be claimed as a good investment then those who wish to cherry pick timed trades that support the idea that it is a good investment are being somewhat disingenuous.


And your point is ??

Your last post actually confirms how pointless your previous post was.

So gold no good as an investment for a retiree since 2011?

Did I say that it was either a good or no good investment?

Since you're an English teacher, I would have assumed you know how to read.

But in fact, Mr Naam may have missed that those that bought in early 2011 would still have made a very decent profit if the sold before the second quarter 2013.

If gold cannot be claimed as a good investment then those who wish to cherry pick timed trades that support the idea that it is a good investment are being somewhat disingenuous.

So it becomes obvious now that you have no comprehension ability.

My remark was to counter Naams remark, that everyone can cherry pick his own dates, and become different results.


26 January 2011 Gold was 1333 USD and 22 January 2013 gold was 1693 USD, it stayed above 1600 USD until the end of March.


You miss the point, either deliberately or otherwise, that those who purchased gold @ 1333 as an investment, are not only down on price but are missing 4 years worth of dividends which has already been pointed out but seems to be ignored somewhat by some. That's a heavy loss in anybody's book, but hey! the world ends next Monday, maybe...


Shanghai Gold Exchange volume climbed to a record today as prices declined incentivizing value driven Chinese buyers as Chinese stocks crashed 7.4%.facepalm.gif

Volumes for bullion (99.99% purity) traded on SGE rise to a record 48.325m grams from 36.356m a day earlier, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. This exceeds the previous record of 45.717m on March 26.


26 January 2011 Gold was 1333 USD and 22 January 2013 gold was 1693 USD, it stayed above 1600 USD until the end of March.


You miss the point, either deliberately or otherwise, that those who purchased gold @ 1333 as an investment, are not only down on price but are missing 4 years worth of dividends which has already been pointed out but seems to be ignored somewhat by some. That's a heavy loss in anybody's book, but hey! the world ends next Monday, maybe...

So everyone who bought gold January 2011 still has it in his possession, and nobody sold in January 2013 with almost 30% profit, or even in 2012 with almost 50% profit?

In your book all investments are held into eternity?

It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.


Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


26 January 2011 Gold was 1333 USD and 22 January 2013 gold was 1693 USD, it stayed above 1600 USD until the end of March.


You miss the point, either deliberately or otherwise, that those who purchased gold @ 1333 as an investment, are not only down on price but are missing 4 years worth of dividends which has already been pointed out but seems to be ignored somewhat by some. That's a heavy loss in anybody's book, but hey! the world ends next Monday, maybe...

So everyone who bought gold January 2011 still has it in his possession, and nobody sold in January 2013 with almost 30% profit, or even in 2012 with almost 50% profit?

In your book all investments are held into eternity?

It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.


Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.

The trouble with most gold bugs is that they tell you that it is always a good time to buy, whether 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and so on. What they won't come out with is the idea that there are times one makes losses depending on when one buys and sells and most importantly, since there is no dividend and no income as such, the capital has to be sold down at interval not necessarily of one's choosing. In reality, buying gold as one's main line investment heading into retirement is really a very bad idea indeed and odd isn't it that hardly anybody wants to hold their hands up for the high price they have been stuck with and still waiting for that bounce. Actually there was the guy in these forums some time ago who wanted to buy up any silver he could lay his hands on at $20 per oz. He's sort of gone quiet lately. As have those who apparently got the patience of angels as they have apparently sat on their hands since 2013. Well fancy that!


You miss the point, either deliberately or otherwise, that those who purchased gold @ 1333 as an investment, are not only down on price but are missing 4 years worth of dividends which has already been pointed out but seems to be ignored somewhat by some. That's a heavy loss in anybody's book, but hey! the world ends next Monday, maybe...

So everyone who bought gold January 2011 still has it in his possession, and nobody sold in January 2013 with almost 30% profit, or even in 2012 with almost 50% profit?

In your book all investments are held into eternity?

It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.


Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.

The trouble with most gold bugs is that they tell you that it is always a good time to buy, whether 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and so on. What they won't come out with is the idea that there are times one makes losses depending on when one buys and sells and most importantly, since there is no dividend and no income as such, the capital has to be sold down at interval not necessarily of one's choosing. In reality, buying gold as one's main line investment heading into retirement is really a very bad idea indeed and odd isn't it that hardly anybody wants to hold their hands up for the high price they have been stuck with and still waiting for that bounce. Actually there was the guy in these forums some time ago who wanted to buy up any silver he could lay his hands on at $20 per oz. He's sort of gone quiet lately. As have those who apparently got the patience of angels as they have apparently sat on their hands since 2013. Well fancy that!

And the same is not applicable to bonds, equities, real estate, commodities or whatever other investment?

Every investment has it highs and lows, but as you know, a loss is only achieved when you sell at a loss.

Do you know where gold will be 1 year or 2 year from now, and then I don't mean some loose predictions, but putting your money where your mouth is.

People who bet big on oil a year ago are now 50% down. Did you know oil was going back to 50$ when it was 130$. Do you know where oil will be 1 year from now?

Do you know any investment that makes you guaranteed rich?

When I read Yahoo finance, every day is a good day to buy stocks because the bull market will continue another 20%, but just 1 article lower it says that we are in for the biggest decline we have ever experienced.


@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.


@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.



It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.

Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


oh dear! what a shame that i never knew what investment means. stupid me never used wiki or google to find out. i was always happy if the last line in my portfolio statement showed a higher figure respectively percentage than the statement before and unhappy when the figure was lower.

but i pledge to improve, read more wiki in future to get the gist of investment and ignore these irrelevant figures and percentages which for 2015 year-to-day show in USD terms meagre +10.17%, in €UR terms satisfactory +21.11% and measured in THB 12.34%




It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.

Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


oh dear! what a shame that i never knew what investment means. stupid me never used wiki or google to find out. i was always happy if the last line in my portfolio statement showed a higher figure respectively percentage than the statement before and unhappy when the figure was lower.

but i pledge to improve, read more wiki in future to get the gist of investment and ignore these irrelevant figures and percentages which for 2015 year-to-day show in USD terms meagre +10.17%, in €UR terms satisfactory +21.11% and measured in THB 12.34%


Was my post addressed at you Naam, or was it addressed at someone else?

Have you never made a significant loss, and then I mean a loss that set you in the negative for the whole year?

Maybe reading classes would be more appropriate for you, you can get them with that English teacher Sheungwan.


My favorite topic. The first 5 words of your post say a lot. But if you do decide to buy, look at American Eagle gold coins. First you have the value of the gold itself, but then there is additional value based on the rarity of the coin, both should increase over time. Very popular option and easy to trade. Your concern about selling half of a 1M baht gold piece is simple, you trade in your piece and get a 500k baht and a 500k baht piece in return. But if gold were such a great investment, why is price of gold falling when Grexit is looming? If the American dollar is on verge of collapse, as so many here are predicting, why is gold falling? Gold is a safe haven right? Maybe not. Gold has few practical uses, certainly not enough to justify it's price imo. The price of gold goes up because of inflation, just like everything else. If you want to own some, fine, just don't call it an investment.

Sorry to tell you this but American Eagles are 92% (22 K) and NOT considered gold in Thailand. You will be hard pressed to sell these to any gold shop. They don't want to start mixing different karats. Thai gold is 96.5% and some shops in Bangkok have 24K. Take your Eagles to a shop tomorrow. As for why gold is in the toilet, can you spell "manipulation" of paper gold? Gold fix has moved into Shanghai/ Singapore exchanges which require physical posted for a short buy. That should change things but it will take time. The billboard coming out of Suvarnhbumi should answer your questions about the future when the Yuan is gold backed.


My favorite topic. The first 5 words of your post say a lot. But if you do decide to buy, look at American Eagle gold coins. First you have the value of the gold itself, but then there is additional value based on the rarity of the coin, both should increase over time. Very popular option and easy to trade. Your concern about selling half of a 1M baht gold piece is simple, you trade in your piece and get a 500k baht and a 500k baht piece in return. But if gold were such a great investment, why is price of gold falling when Grexit is looming? If the American dollar is on verge of collapse, as so many here are predicting, why is gold falling? Gold is a safe haven right? Maybe not. Gold has few practical uses, certainly not enough to justify it's price imo. The price of gold goes up because of inflation, just like everything else. If you want to own some, fine, just don't call it an investment.

Sorry to tell you this but American Eagles are 92% (22 K) and NOT considered gold in Thailand. You will be hard pressed to sell these to any gold shop. They don't want to start mixing different karats. Thai gold is 96.5% and some shops in Bangkok have 24K. Take your Eagles to a shop tomorrow.

You can buy 99.99% gold bullion in Pattaya, Rayong, Bangkok, Chiangmai and several other locations from Ausiris



@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

Ok got it. You know I'm a bit slow to understand you. So what is your view than an Gold or other investments? Can share something about your view and provide some rationale with it?


As we all know ... Any investment can go up as well as down. Gold is a real time, take it with you, in your pocket, investment. As with all investments, as previously stated, it can go up or down in value. Personal circumstances can make gold particularly attractive to some ... But not to others. It's all about choice. When the stock markets go down, some investors turn to gold, but not all.

Their is no clear cut answer to the question of gold being a good investment. Some credence has to be given to the ease of purchase and transportability of the asset. For some that advantage would outweigh any possibility of a high, or any, return. However I am aware of many people that have made considerable profit from gold trading. I also know some that have lost heavily. Much the same story applies to practicly all forms of investments.

You pay your money and you take your chances.


And the same is not applicable to bonds, equities, real estate, commodities or whatever other investment?

Every investment has it highs and lows, but as you know, a loss is only achieved when you sell at a loss.

Betting on commodity prices is no better than betting on gold, we are in agreement there. But I have never seen anyone say that regular people should buy/trade commodities, or that your portfolio should consist of 10% oil to hedge against economic meltdown.

But for real estate, bonds, and equities, you can’t compare that to gold. As has already been said, the latter has a yield, even if you do not sell it (real estate only if you buy to rent, but otherwise it’s not really an investment), but also, it has intrinsic value, so you can make an informed decision about when and what to buy. Just because many jump into these securities without doing proper analysis, does not mean that we are clueless about the value of these things.

When it comes to gold though, I have no idea about how it works, and whenever it comes up here, I see statements like price of gold being held down by financial institutions selling paper gold that aren’t backed by physical gold (and somehow the market hasn’t caught onto this), or that all the flat currencies are headed toward worthlessness, and that’s what will make the price of gold go up.

It would be nice if someone would make a coherent argument for why gold is a sound investment. Not just a picture of a graph, links to articles about how some are buying gold, how some economic key numbers are concerning, but an actual coherent argument that gives an explanation of why buying gold is likely going to be a good long term investment.


@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

Ok got it. You know I'm a bit slow to understand you. So what is your view than an Gold or other investments? Can share something about your view and provide some rationale with it?

Why you want to hear my view on gold? Am I considered a credible investor for some reason?

Billphilips has more or less given my view. I buy something, any investment that is, when I feel the time is right and again sell it when I feel the time is right, and don't come brag on this forum with yield figures as if they are cast in stone, like some like to do.

If I buy gold, I hope it will go up, but I can't say that with surety because the outcome depends on so many factors which can not be predicted by me or anyone else.

Look at famous international investors, which have predicted for a few years already that gold will recover, while other no less credible investors have predicted the opposite at the same time.

These days investments, all investments, are influenced by big money. One could also call that manipulated.


@Anthony5: you seem to like Gold as an investment. Can you share with us what your view is on Gold as an investment relative to other asset classes?

by the way I always keep some Gold and wouldn't sell it. But I don't have a strong view on it's performance. I think there will be significant headwinds if the FED starts to tighten monetary policy and if inflation is not picking up soon.

I never said I like gold, learn to read.

Everything can be a an investment in this world. be it gold or coleslaw, the point is to be lucky enough to buy and sell at the right time.

For someone who supposedly doesn't like gold and puts it on a par with coleslaw, the suggestion to an investor that they should trade in and out of anything where they might be caught is of no advantage to them other than as a marker to avoid. For someone either in or approaching retirement the key word is income. Income, income, income. The point about stocks yielding dividend income is that the investor is being paid while they wait. For a stock yielding 4-5%, the dividend is the point and finances one's stay in Thailand. The objective is to live off the income and hopefully avoid selling down one's capital. The frankly amateurish appeals to 'if you had bought in 2011 and sold in 2013 you would have made a profit', ignores those who will have bought in 2013 and are stuck waiting for a bounce and getting zero income. BTW, investing in tubs of coleslaw is not such a good idea either.



It sounds as if you don't get the point of what investment means, the word that you so proudly like to use. As a reminder for you.

Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame.


oh dear! what a shame that i never knew what investment means. stupid me never used wiki or google to find out. i was always happy if the last line in my portfolio statement showed a higher figure respectively percentage than the statement before and unhappy when the figure was lower.

but i pledge to improve, read more wiki in future to get the gist of investment and ignore these irrelevant figures and percentages which for 2015 year-to-day show in USD terms meagre +10.17%, in €UR terms satisfactory +21.11% and measured in THB 12.34%


Was my post addressed at you Naam, or was it addressed at someone else?

Have you never made a significant loss, and then I mean a loss that set you in the negative for the whole year?

Maybe reading classes would be more appropriate for you, you can get them with that English teacher Sheungwan.

'er not an English teacher but for glasses do recommend a pair of Lindberg glasses. Try to avoid the 7-11 non-prescription models, particularly the gold-laminated ones. Cheap and cheerful though.

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