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Rate 10 national cuisines in Pattaya on a scale of 1 to 10 just for fun


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OK, brace yourself, a different concept here.

I have very SUBJECTIVELY chosen 10 national cuisines (or adjusted class of food) represented somewhat or a lot in the Pattaya restaurant scene and rated them on a 1 scale of 1 to 10 (in the next post).

These are generalizations about the quality level of that national cuisine in town, NOT about one particular restaurant.

Although one restaurant can really impact on the overall rating. For example Pastrami and Rye bumps up the American food rating for me.

1 the lowest representing -- pretty much dog food

10 the highest representing -- world class

OK, let's get this show on the road.

Here is the list of 10.

To play, merely copy and paste this list into your post and do your own ratings.

If you have no opinion on some, just leave the rating part blank.



Copy and paste in your post to play.


American (exclude fast food chains)



German / Austrian / Swiss



Japanese / Korean


Middle Eastern



Some of the national cuisines are widely represented and some are only sparsely represented in Pattaya.

Obviously those with no representation or perhaps only one or two restaurants are not included.

The list is limited to 10 so subjective choices were made.

Some of the blends are touchy.

Too late, it's done!

Yes I know there is more to Swiss food than Germanic food and that Japanese and Korean are very different.

Keeping the list to 10 was really hard. Russian should be on the list just based on numbers of restaurants, but I made the subjective choice to leave it out.

Edited by Jingthing
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To play yourself, do as I did with this post and enter your OWN ratings. Or blank if no opinion on some.

American (exclude fast food chains) 4

Chinese 5

French 4

German / Austrian / Swiss 4

Indian 6

Italian 7

Japanese / Korean 6

Mexican 1

Middle Eastern 4

Thai 8

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I now see that I left off UK food.

That's hilarious.
Only room for 10 though.

See you in court. cheesy.gif

Look dudes, if you want to add on some national cuisines that you want to rate on top of the 10, go ahead. This is just for fun, right?

Edited by Jingthing
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American (exclude fast food chains) 5

Chinese 1 for Hong Kong style only for me.

French not tried in pattaya

German / Austrian / Swiss 4

Indian 7

Italian 6

Japanese / Korean 6

Mexican 3

Middle Eastern Not tried in pattaya

Thai 8

Uk -100

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Thanks for playing, onemorechang.

With these fancy concept threads, always a big risk of a total dud, and I wasn't sure it would get even one response.

So worse case scenario averted.

I think it's interesting that both of us rated Thai food overall here as an 8 here,, not 10. I think many people not living in Thailand would think the Thai food would have to be "world class" in any large Thai city.

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I now see that I left off UK food.

That's hilarious.

Only room for 10 though.

See you in court. cheesy.gif

Look dudes, if you want to add on some national cuisines that you want to rate on top of the 10, go ahead. This is just for fun, right?

Of course he left out UK food. It is dreadful. He would have to name a hundred different cuisines to even get it on the list

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1 American (to be considered "off topic" in a voting about food)

8 Chinese (Cap Dara but even more Zign)

4 French (good but worldwide over-rated)

6 German / Austrian / Swiss (many very mediocre to poor in Pattaya but also quite a few very nice)

2 Indian (maybe but just not my thing)

10 Italian (if after next world war only 1 kitchen can remain it MUST be an Italian)

3 Japanese / Korean (Japanese also maybe but again just not my thing, Korean thanks but no thanks)

7 Mexican (hardly know anything about it but each time I try I am happy with what I get)

5 Middle Eastern (as Mexican, should get to know it better to find the hidden gems)

9 Thai (of course)

Having such huge Scandinavian and Russian communities here their absence in this list is surprising

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You're right that I did forget Scandanavian.

Which I would rate in Pattaya maybe 6.

I already mentioned Russian. (My rate in Pattaya 3.)

Please don't obsess about the omissions.

Leaving it to 10 just too difficult.

Again, for the THIRD time, if you want to rate a national cuisine's quality level in Pattaya (or group like Scandanavian, UK, etc.) that is not on the template list, just please ADD it and rate it. No problem!

Edited by Jingthing
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Mexican...8. (When pissed up)

UK...........9. (All day brekky at the Rovers, LK Metro)

Thai.........7. (Don't try hard enough in Patts, but 9 in My house)

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American (exclude fast food chains): 2 (With the exception of Pastrami on Rye, which is very good and would receive a score of 8 in my view, we really do not have what I think is good American food, so I have to give a low overall score)

Chinese: 2 (having lived in China, I have to say the choices are horrible here, but I could care less about dumplings, noodles and pig ears)

French: 2 (nobody makes coq au vin, so forget about it)

German / Austrian / Swiss: 4

Indian: 6 (this is probably the best and most prolific cuisine in the area)

Italian: 3 (with the exception of Made in Italy, there are not many places that serve good Italian food)

Japanese / Korean: 3

Mexican: 1 (can we select -1?...it is so disappointing that not one person can make decent Mexican food here...not decent Mexican, or Cali-Mex or even Tex-Mex; it is all crap on a plate)

Middle Eastern: 3

Thai: 2 (I think the Thai food here is crap on a plate)

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Just another reminder/clarification of the concept here.

These ratings are not supposed to be about rating your favorite food types.

Rather the intention is to ask people to rate the PERFORMANCE of restaurants in Pattaya in producing these different national food types.

Here is a personal example.

If I was going to rate my love of Mexican food on 1 to 10 I would say about 9. It is one of my all time favorite national cuisines.

But my rating for PERFORMANCE of restaurants in Pattaya to produce good Mexican food ... I rated that 1.

So you can see those are entirely different concepts.

There are no "right or wrong" answers in these subjective ratings of Pattaya restaurant PERFORMANCE, but if people are actually just rating based on their favorite food types and not considering the performance in Pattaya part of it (which is actually the only thing being asked about here) that is indeed WRONG for this thread.

To add, Pattaya has become a very major international tourist destination and also a draw for both Thais and foreigners to live in.

In my opinion, there is NO national cuisine (including Thai) that Pattaya presents in a WORLD CLASS manner.

For example, you could say you would go to Hong Kong or Singapore for WORLD CLASS Chinese food.

You would go to New York City to get WORLD CLASS many types of national cuisines.

But Pattaya, I think none.

But some are closer than others ... and there has been noticeable improvement in recent years in some categories as well.

Thank you for your attention and participation in this rating game.

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