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Losing too much weight


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Its has been mentioned before but I'll restate the obvious;

Lifestyle, location and dietary changes such as you have gone through can cause weight loss. It also may be medical, psychological or physical (metabolic).

Soliciting medical advice on an expat forum, well, you get what you pay for...

See a doctor for a complete medical workup - the only way you can put your concerns to rest.

Edited by The Man Who Sold the World
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As I understand it the weight loss began with the move to Thailand. Before running off and investing in medical tests I would simply start by figuring out what you are eating on an average day in terms of calories. If you can post it here with approximate amounts, I can estimate the calories for you.

If you are not getting in at least 2,300 - 2,400 calories daily (assuming moderate level of activity and age about 50 - have to adjust if age and activity level differ greatly from this) then there is no need to think in terms of a medical condition before first just increasing your daily calories.

Snacking on nuts -- peanuts, cashews, almonds, whatever you favor ...is a good and nutritious way of doing that BTW.

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I'm male, 173cm, 54kg, in the fifties. I'm skinny, my normal weight is about 64kg. But I know the reason: I'm renewing my teeth.. Normally I eat everything, but no sugar, little fat. If I could chew and bite, id be worried about my weight loss and see a doctor, so that's maybe, OP, what you could give a try.

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I had a weight loss issue when I first came to Thailand 9 years ago. I ate as normal but kept losing weight. I bought one of those "worm" pills that gets rid of several types of worms in the system. I can't remember the exact pill I took, I just remember it had a picture of several different worms that it took care of. About 1 to 2 weeks later I started putting weight back on. Of course now, 9 years later I put a little bit too much weight on. I could afford to lose about 2 to 3 kilos. Anyway, you could try taking one of those "rid-a-worm" pills and see.

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weight loss with no apparent reason ?

time to check for cancer, no joke

yeah you post something and immediately people find out that you have cancer, AIDS a brain tumor and be pregnant.

While it is not impossible it would be better to listen first what he usually eats per day than scare him.

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I have the same problem with weight. Found out there were no microvilli on my intestines (malabsorption). Could be tropical sprue or celiac disease. Do you have any other symptoms besides weight loss? Food sensitivities? Tiredness after eating? Foggy thinking.

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Well, despite the nay-sayers, the responses (or the vast majority of them) have been very useful to me. So thanks to all.

I will go to the doctor,simply because of the wide range of stuff that could be happening.

You have also made me get my problem into perspective and think about things other than simply "how much food" and am I about to die?

I'll let you know what the real doctors say!!

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Try mixing your diet equally between Thai and western food (not burgers and the like) although you may have to cook the latter yourself. Potatoes, both ordinary and sweet and many vegetables are readily available from Makro, along with fresh meat. How about a mince omelette, you can make that whatever size you want!

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I had the same problem. My normal weight is 70kgs plus. Got down to below 60kg at one point. Did a number of tests - nothing came up. Took worming tablets too. I felt fine though. My diet is pretty much Thai, I just stepped it up dramatically and ate more. Like you I get hungry every 3 hrs or so, so now I satisfy that urge and eat heaps. Now I'm up to 68kgs and that looks to be were its staying. Happy enough with that.

In the end, it could be just the way people like us are made. The Thai diet is less conducive to putting on weight than a Western one hence why the weight loss. Just have to make sure you're filling up on good food though - plenty of fruit and veg.

I was in much the same position, about 1 year after arriving here, having worked in an office environment for 40 years, mostly in the RAF, I had put on some excess weight, but others still saw me as being thin or underweight. After arriving here I threw myself in to improving the families farms and gardens, out in the sun all day long, and the weight just fell away, but i started to look quite gaunt and it worried my wife somewhat. I am a non drinker and a non-smoker and a small meal last me quite a while. I am now up to 64.4kg with a BMI of 18.4 look and feel healthier. I mix up my Thai and Western food intake each day.

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From my own experience and mixing with other farangs I can say that quite often already thin people can become even skinnier in Thailand. I think they tend to be more active and have a high metabolism. This is probably a difficult mix in a hot weather country. But I do agree that a check up is probably best.

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From my own experience and mixing with other farangs I can say that quite often already thin people can become even skinnier in Thailand. I think they tend to be more active and have a high metabolism. This is probably a difficult mix in a hot weather country. But I do agree that a check up is probably best.

I saw lots of thin one, but these are the one who start the day with a cold chang beer.

At some amount of alcohol you get slimmer not fatter

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No I was thinking of teachers. After a few months their shirts are billowing in the breeze.

Well teacher doesn't mean that they aren't drinking.

But why do you think teacher loose weight? Frustration?

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I am talking about the younger qualified teachers really. Just busy, buzzy lifestyle. And attempting to live within constraints of lower wage. Just not wanting or being able to look after oneself or adapting to the climate. Commuting and living in Bangkok. Minor health issues such as allergies and colds. It all adds up.

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  • 3 months later...

So, a few months after starting this thread I went back to Europe for month, and sure enough, I gained about 1.5 kg in 4 weeks.

After returning I noticed the weight coming off again... but about a month ago I decided to quit smoking. I have replaced my cigarette consumption with three main substitutes: In the morning I eat fruit, quite a lot of fruit. Then after lunch I "reward" myself with biscuits / chocolate / ice cream. In the evening I drink an extra beer compared to before.

Its not ideal, but I am now at the same weight as I was when I returned from Europe, about 58.5 kg, and it is stable.

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