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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash


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A Big Bike racing a Benz ,bit like me racing Hamilton...I've got an idea the car was unlit and parked drunk

Haven't seen any reference / comment on the police guy being checked for drugs and alcohol, this should be undertaken to try and establish why the car was parked where it was.

Guess this would be too much to ask - easier to put all the blame on the girl.

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Speed kills. And she must have been motoring. Hope they spend that poor copper's life for something.

Speed doesn't kill , lack of attention signals and awareness kills.

So,if your going at 10klms/hr and make mistakes,you don't die.On the other hand,if your going 100klms/hr and make mistakes,somebody dies.It is the sudden stop that kills,when speeding.

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Speed kills. And she must have been motoring. Hope they spend that poor copper's life for something.

Speed doesn't kill , lack of attention signals and awareness kills.

So,if your going at 10klms/hr and make mistakes,you don't die.On the other hand,if your going 100klms/hr and make mistakes,somebody dies.It is the sudden stop that kills,when speeding.

This is an English study done recently:

Pedestrian Safety and the Experienced Driver
Experienced drivers exceeding the limit actually reduce overall road safety risk. Experience counts. How bizarre is that? If the pedestrian wants to worry about something, they might worry about the 99.99% of injury that won't involve a normal everyday experienced speeding driver killing them when they walk out into the road without looking. If the reader is frothing at the mouth, then stay with us, and we'll go through the figures for the emotive case of a pedestrian failing to look and stepping in front of a vehicle in a 30mph limit, the dominant speed limit for pedestrian casualties. If you want to get the speeding driver then you can cite 4x, that a speeding driver is nearly four times as likely to kill someone if they are involved in a pedestrian failed to look accident.


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From my understanding, she was crash testing the Mercedes, for a high impact collision.... She lived, and someone died.... Hungry at 3 A.M. in the morning? So just how fast is 100kph? From the pic, doesn't look like she hit the brakes.... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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This is already too predictable. Walks away from an accident which killed someone, "sorry, too traumatised to talk with the cops", strolls down to the police station over 10 hours later to answer questions (feel better now love?), tested for drugs and alcohol "it'll take a week for the results for alcohol" (seriously? What about drunk drivers getting blood tests with instant results?) , a motorbike cut me off, i want to help the family, I'm off to the temple.

The media will be all over her at his funeral, big sunglasses, lots of waiing, big envelope to the family and thats about all you will hear of it.

OK...you may be correct in many respects....but what to you want from her??

To be publically executed for any irresponsible actions on her part??

To be tortured without mercy??

To be locked up in a maximum security prison, without fair trial, for the rest of her life??

30 years of hard labor breaking rock???

What would you demand to satisfy yourself and the growing "Lynch Mob"

Just asking

To which degree she will be held accountable is yet to be seen.


Edited by gemguy
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What anyone would want is for the due course of law to be upheld which obviously in this case hasn't.

What did happen was this woman killed someone in an accident, was allowed to go home and not questioned and tested until at least 10 hours later by which time any alcohol in her system will be gone.

Compensation will be paid as normal but how much? Two little girls and a mother have lost their bread winner, do ypu think 1 million would be enough to see them through their needs until they are old enough to look after themselves?

What do YOU think should happen to her? Should she not be held accountable for what happend in accordance to the law? Already that has not happened as the police let her leave the scene of a fatality accident.

Its this sort of disregard for law that gets people mad as we have to live amongst it. What kind of message does it send to others?

Im guessing that benz was around 2~3 million. Do you think any compensation to the policemans family will be anywhere near that? From past events it won't. It will be around 1 million. Do you think thats fair?

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What anyone would want is for the due course of law to be upheld which obviously in this case hasn't.

What did happen was this woman killed someone in an accident, was allowed to go home and not questioned and tested until at least 10 hours later by which time any alcohol in her system will be gone.

Compensation will be paid as normal but how much? Two little girls and a mother have lost their bread winner, do ypu think 1 million would be enough to see them through their needs until they are old enough to look after themselves?

What do YOU think should happen to her? Should she not be held accountable for what happend in accordance to the law? Already that has not happened as the police let her leave the scene of a fatality accident.

Its this sort of disregard for law that gets people mad as we have to live amongst it. What kind of message does it send to others?

Im guessing that benz was around 2~3 million. Do you think any compensation to the policemans family will be anywhere near that? From past events it won't. It will be around 1 million. Do you think thats fair?

First of all, u have no idea if she was drunk. She was speeding which confers reckless driving. U have no idea if the police car is legally allowed to park there.

So her crime may be as little as driving recklessly or as much as drink driving and other offences.

It is impossible to know the full extent without more details.

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I guarantee she was texting...

I'm sure you will be called at the trial as an expert witness!!!!If i was one of the rich elite i would call,not text,wouldn't you?

At the risk of wading into page 17 of this drivel ... I had to ask.

Do you honestly think people text because they are avoiding the phone bill?

You believe that?

No, i really want to know. Do you actually think that the "rich elite" call ... not text?

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From my understanding, she was crash testing the Mercedes, for a high impact collision.... She lived, and someone died.... Hungry at 3 A.M. in the morning? So just how fast is 100kph? From the pic, doesn't look like she hit the brakes.... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

If that is humor .. please .. don't quit your day job just yet.

You do know that the basis of humor is the joke has to have some relationship to reality? yes? Let me answer your four sentences.

Let's just skip the first sentence. That is sadly stupid.

Yes, people get hungry at 3;00 AM.

100 KPH is 100 KPH

How could you, or anyone, know what it would look like if she hit the brakes?

Lastly, may we please refrain from ending a posting about a horrid death .. with three smiley faces? Please.

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What anyone would want is for the due course of law to be upheld which obviously in this case hasn't.

What did happen was this woman killed someone in an accident, was allowed to go home and not questioned and tested until at least 10 hours later by which time any alcohol in her system will be gone.

Compensation will be paid as normal but how much? Two little girls and a mother have lost their bread winner, do ypu think 1 million would be enough to see them through their needs until they are old enough to look after themselves?

What do YOU think should happen to her? Should she not be held accountable for what happend in accordance to the law? Already that has not happened as the police let her leave the scene of a fatality accident.

Its this sort of disregard for law that gets people mad as we have to live amongst it. What kind of message does it send to others?

Im guessing that benz was around 2~3 million. Do you think any compensation to the policemans family will be anywhere near that? From past events it won't. It will be around 1 million. Do you think thats fair?

I surmise there will be a good possibility that she did not go outside for something to eat at 3:00 AM rather she was already out and had been partying and drinking ( you know the weekend is like that ) and on her way home she was speeding ( no heavy traffic to stop her from speeding ) while she was not paying attention and possibly talking on her cell phone while the cell phone records may show she crashed while she was talking on her cell phone.

Although an accident the event could easily be categorized as reckless endangerment on her part if it is confirmed she was speeding while intoxicated and or talking on her cell phone before the accident occurred.

If that is the case and proven so then of course she should be held accountable as much as the law allows.

But she is High So ( sort of ) and has money and influential friends.... so yes...she will not be reprimanded any where near as much as the law dictates and or as much as the public would like to see the laws applied to her case.


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I guarantee she was texting...

I'm sure you will be called at the trial as an expert witness!!!!If i was one of the rich elite i would call,not text,wouldn't you?

At the risk of wading into page 17 of this drivel ... I had to ask.

Do you honestly think people text because they are avoiding the phone bill?

You believe that?

No, i really want to know. Do you actually think that the "rich elite" call ... not text?


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A Big Bike racing a Benz ,bit like me racing Hamilton...I've got an idea the car was unlit and parked drunk

Have some respect for the dead policeman, he was not drunk he had called His wife that he was tired and taking a nap which is a very sensible thing to do if you are falling to sleep behind the wheel.

He had been to a meeting in bangkok which started at 8 30am so he had left home very early morning spent the day at the meeting and was heading back late, sadly this cost him is life.

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Supan to Bkk doesn't need that timescale ,plus no one with half a brain sleeps on Motorways unless half pissed stopping of to see fellow drinkers.Im not taking sides until facts are known.The only fact I see is there are many Red teacher types here. In the Wolrld the Cop would have a

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What anyone would want is for the due course of law to be upheld which obviously in this case hasn't.

What did happen was this woman killed someone in an accident, was allowed to go home and not questioned and tested until at least 10 hours later by which time any alcohol in her system will be gone.

Compensation will be paid as normal but how much? Two little girls and a mother have lost their bread winner, do ypu think 1 million would be enough to see them through their needs until they are old enough to look after themselves?

What do YOU think should happen to her? Should she not be held accountable for what happend in accordance to the law? Already that has not happened as the police let her leave the scene of a fatality accident.

Its this sort of disregard for law that gets people mad as we have to live amongst it. What kind of message does it send to others?

Im guessing that benz was around 2~3 million. Do you think any compensation to the policemans family will be anywhere near that? From past events it won't. It will be around 1 million. Do you think thats fair?

Well said, with you 100 percent on your comment...

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you would be traumatized also. do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Mercedes in Thailand in the color and with the options you want? She may have to wait four to six weeks for a replacement.

one things sure you wait for bus
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So the police are going to investigate why the policeman at the scene let the woman go home with relatives before being questioned and presumaby breathalysed?

If that is cause for concern for them why didnt the go and collect her straight away instead of waiting more than 10 hours for her to stroll down herself?

Just another excuse cover up that point to any uncomfortable questions that arise.

Secretly he didn't want her soiled bottom to sit in his patrol car. But you are correct in your observation; the police should have at least followed/escorted them to the hospital where blood could have been drawn for DUI/drugs testing. I don't see a big problem with her calming down/getting legal representation before making a statement, though.

I wonder what happened to that actress pulled over for DUI on Asoke, a few months ago, who refused to go to the station or take a field sobriety test. The deference the RTP show to anyone who 'might' be hi-so or connected is disgusting.

A Thai acquaintance of mine owns a huge Benz and he intimidates any policeman who stops him until they let him go on his way. He drives so fast and crazy that I won't ride with him anymore. He knows that whatever accident he gets in that he won't be the one that gets hurt and he has no compassion for anyone else. That's why I will never be his friend but I don't dare tell him any of this or I will have an enemy for life.

On a street full of empty, parked cars, she hit the one car with someone sleeping in it. If that policeman's Karma didn't cause him to choose that particular spot/time to park and sleep (a parking lot would have been safer), she would have hit an empty car and there would be no tragedy and no story. I tend to believe in predestination and accept what life delivers. I worry a lot less, also. Thais seem to feel the same way about the vicissitudes (:a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.) of life.

I understand that some on this forum will miss my point and think I'm defending her driving but that, too, is part of life.


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Speed kills. And she must have been motoring. Hope they spend that poor copper's life for something.

Speed doesn't kill , lack of attention signals and awareness kills.

Of course speed kills. If she was going the correct speed the guy prob would have survived.

That means you know the posted speed limit on that section of street/road. What was the correct speed she should have been going? No one else seems to know.


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That means you know the posted speed limit on that section of street/road. What was the correct speed she should have been going? No one else seems to know.



We don't even know if she was on that road when she lost control.

We certainly don't know if she was speeding. If she was on the motorway doing 100kph when she lost control then she was 20 under the limit.

Going round in circles again.

Stop trying to find blame in an unfortunate set of circumstances where potentially a collaboration of minor errors lead to the death of a police officer.

Ask instead how with 26000 deaths on Thai roads every year, you can avoid the same thing happening to you.


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Whenever something is done, the intention is always to do something right and never to do something wrong. For each action, the choice of what to do is determined by many different things, including competence, understanding of the situation, experience, habit, demands, available resources, and expectations about how the situation may develop – not least about what others may do. If the expected outcome is obtained, the next action is taken, and so on. But if the outcome is unexpected, then the preceding action is re-evaluated and classified as wrong rather than right, as an error or as a mistake, using the common but fallacious post hoc ergo propter hoc argument (since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X). With hindsight, it is pointed out what should have been done, if only people had made the necessary effort at the time. The whole argument is, however, unreasonable because the action was chosen based on the expected rather than the actual outcome. Failures and successes are equivalent in the sense that we can only say whether the preceding action was right or wrong after the outcome is known. That changes the judgement of the action, but not the action itself.


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Looks like she has now made it to the police station.

pic from Sanook.com

People who are drunk don't usually have such good posture. People can be inattentive for reasons other than intoxication. She looks distraught, not drunk. She was steady on her feet in the video, also. This is a tragedy for all concerned.


after the accident and realising the dilemma she was in, the adrenaline and all sorts of chemicals react in the body

the rest will be up to the tox report - but why she was allowed to leave the scene allowing (presumed) the alcohol content in her blood stream to go down is a travesty of justice

but why she was allowed to leave the scene allowing (presumed) the alcohol content in her blood stream to go down is a travesty of justice

Crappy standards of policing? Too much deference to Benz drivers? Or the old, never fail, Thainess? She went to the hospital for her arm and they at least should have followed/escorted her there and drawn blood at that time in stead of waiting. I understand she shouldn't be making statements while distraught or without legal representation but blood should have been taken within a half hour of the police arriving on the scene. Forensics know the rate of metabolism of alcohol in the blood and could then deduce the alcohol level in her blood at the time of the accident; this can't be done if the blood sample is drawn several hours later.

Other questions: Why were cameras allowed to film the dead officer? Why wasn't the entire scene closed off until investigators could do their job? Why was the woman allowed to get close to the victim? Police work in Thailand is both substandard and inconsistent. I can't believe anyone who has been in Thailand for long would be surprised at the amount of FAIL within the RTP where promotions are bought and not earned. (last sentence not directed at you)


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Not much left of the police car.

This pic shows a head on collision. I can see the full engine and front in tact on the video.

From the very first sentence of the OP: Police Sub. Lt. Noppadol Wongbandit, a 44-year-old inspector with the Suphanburi Police Department, was found dead with a cracked skull in the driver seat after the 28-year-old actress slammed into the rear end of his car, propelling the squad car into a tree along the road before it landed back on the motorway road

His car was hit from the rear and the force of impact drove the front of his police car into a tree. Hitting the tree is what did the damage to the front of his police car. Post #32 shows the damage to the rear of his police car, from the initial impact, in daylight.


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If you're driving in a straight line and are forced to swerve to avoid some moron who gets in your way then it's not reckless to do so.

The charge should be speeding and she should pay a small fine.

They should really be looking for the motorcycle driver who caused this accident by forcing someone else to alter their course, he appears to have been the reckless one.

When I was learning to drive I was taught that any action I take on the road should not cause anyone else on the road to take any kind of action / evasive reaction in response to what I'm doing. If it does then I'm doing it wrong.I

If a motorcycle swerved in front of her and her choice was to hit a motorcyclist or a parked car, which she could not possibly know was occupied by a sleeping policeman, it is a sensible choice to sacrifice your own car and hit the parked car to avoid injury/death of the motorcyclist. It is possible the woman did the right thing but Karma put that sleeping policeman in the parked car turning the situation into a tragedy.


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People seem to be getting a little too carried away with the whole speed issue here - 100 KM/hour is only 62 MPH - that's not very fast.

Depending upon the circumstances, it can be then it may not be but please don't get hit be a vehicle at that speed, why, because you will never know what hit you.

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Im sure she is using her `Acting skills to the utmost in the video ..maybe she thinks she will get some `Pity ?? im sure the poor person (man) in the car isnt acting ... when will women realise that a speeding car is not a fashion accessory .. it is a dangerous weapon when driven by stupid people.. maybe she thinks she is someone special because she is an `Actress,,and just does what she wants .. i feel really sorry for the mans wife and family.. since she only just spoke to him ... before it happend ...... why is she even allowed to be looking into the car ... crazy !!

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I think her point was that you can point the finger and blame others all you want

Carol can be a man's name in many places, and Jadzia sounds Eastern European where Carol is more commonly a man's name. Not that it matters but watching Carol's video, riding a MC, made me think Carol was a man. My apologies, Carol, if you are a woman.


Thank you for the concern.

Carol in English is a female name. The English male version would be Carl.

Thank you for checking. To be honest I had not noticed a gender error.

Being a female senior Instructor Trainer has lead to some funny situations regarding my abilities to ride.

Fortunately you don't get the job title without the experience and skills to back it up.

Wouldn't the English male version be Charles? Carl/Karl is more European

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