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Thai Supreme Court begins first trial of fake rice deal


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Supreme Court begins first trial of fake rice deal


BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Offices today began the trial of the controversial fake G2G rice deal that former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom and his deputy were accused of corruption.

Boonsong arrived at the court Monday morning but declined to comment on the accusation compiled by the National Ant-Corruption Commission (NACC).

The first hearing today will allow the former commerce minister to defend himself after the court read the charges indicted upon him and 20 others involved in the corruption scandal.

Today’s hearing is open to public to attend.

The Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) filed the charges on behalf of the NACC, targeting three persons in political positions in the Yingluyck government, three civil servants, and 15 other individuals.

If convicted, Boonsong could face life imprisonment and total fines of 35 billion baht.

The OAG targeted three persons previously in political positions in the Yingluck Shinawatra government, three civil servants, and 15 other individuals who were authorised directors of companies and juristic persons. They were charged with committing and supporting malfeasance in violation of the Criminal Code and competitive-bidding and anti-corruption laws.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/supreme-court-begins-first-trial-of-fake-rice-deal

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-29

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

Edited by Bannum opinions
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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judici

I Think, that's the way to go!!!

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

Prosecuting a criminal who used his APPOINTED position to defraud the Thai people of billions is anti-democratic?

What do they with criminals on your planet, give them medals?

I'm hoping they will lock him up for the rest of his life and take every baht he possesses, then hunt down his family and reclaim anything illegally gained he passed on to them. I'll be holding a party the day of the sentencing. Will PM your invite.

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al

They destroyed themselves. We watched their slow-motion political harakiri for years. The only mercy is that they didn't destroy everything else in the process.

I hope that everyone involved gets a fair trial, and where criminal acts have been proven, the hammer comes down hard as an example and a warning for future generations.

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.


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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al.

Give a man enough rope comes to mind. The only people guilty of destroying the PTP, Yingluck, et al are themselves.

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al

They destroyed themselves. We watched their slow-motion political harakiri for years. The only mercy is that they didn't destroy everything else in the process.

I hope that everyone involved gets a fair trial, and where criminal acts have been proven, the hammer comes down hard as an example and a warning for future generations.

" I hope that everyone involved gets a fair trial"

And therein lies the problem. I wish it was otherwise.

We are back at the 'double-standards' conundrum.

A huge swath of people across the country are totally convinced, based on past practices, that these courts are a mere extension of the anti-democrats...The narrow political slice made up of the Bangkok-centric elite. Beginning with the NACC right up through to this level of the judiciary.....They have seen this movie before...They can point to a myriad of similar occasions which has cemented this conclusion in their mind.

Can millions be wrong.....Namely the electoral majority whose votes would be diametrically opposed to the political space these people come from...namely the Bangkok-centric elitist political space. And from whose votes came the people now being persecuted?.

Them's the facts........." I hope that everyone involved gets a fair trial"......Millions will say "not a chance".

All the evidence one needs is simply calculating how many from the Pro-democracy side have been jailed, and how many from the anti-democrat side....From this latter side, the answer is nill, zippo, none! (other than by Cambodia, bless their hearts)....And the process that leads to jail or not, has something to do with judicial decision-makers if I am not mistaken.....Either one side is squeaky clean, being paragons-of-virtue and the other polar opposites, or there is something else at play here.

Anyone who thinks this pretend judicial stuff is not politically rooted, is strongly pre-disposed to the anti-democrat side of the political divide.

With respect to "They destroyed themselves. We watched their slow-motion political harakiri for years"...........At least that is what the Opposition mantra would claim......,As in so many other instances, I marvel at how so many people will take Opposition stuff as fact...Especially when their sole objective was to destroy the Electoral underpinnings of a Government.........In the end they succeeded......................At least for the time being.

Edited by Bannum opinions
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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

Can you please stop it with the "anti" < deleted > everything you keep posting ... your pseudo-intellectual writing is not that good ... and stating that PTP, Yingluck et al are "pro-democracy" is laughable ... you'd know that if you'd lived here for a while and/or took your head out of your backside.

EDIT: By the way, your user name ... I know it's an old term, but you are not sovereign of anything.

Edited by Tatsujin
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Boonsong and associates deny charges in G-to-G rice scam


BANGKOK: -- Former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyaphirom and 18 co-defendants in the dubious Chinese rice deal denied all the charges against them and asked to present their testimonies in writing in 2-4 months.

The ex-minister and 18 former political appointees and private individuals showed up at the Supreme Court’s criminal division for political office holders for the first hearing of the rice scam.

The court however ordered that the written testimonies had to be submitted within August 31. It also scheduled to examine the evidences of the prosecutors and the defendants on September 29.

For the two co-defendants, Dr Veerawuth Watchanapukka, former secretary of Mr Boonsong, and Suthee Loenthaisong, who did not show up at the first hearing, the court issued warrants for their arrests.

The case concerns a rice deal between a Chinese company and the Foreign Trade Department which was proven to be a fake as no rice were exported to the Chinese buyer but, instead, the rice which were bought at discount prices, were sold to other buyers in the country at profits.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/boonsong-and-associates-deny-charges-in-g-to-g-rice-scam

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-29

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go get the bastuds, the deceased pm whose estate has been ordered to rebate plundered monies shows a way down a narrow road.; farmers could raise their families for several years with retu7n of what has been stolen at their expense as well as the general poppulation

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Supreme Court issues warrant to arrest two, failing to stand trial today on rice scandal


BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Offices today issued warrants for the arrest of two persons after both failed to stand trial on corruption and conspiracy charges related to the fake G2G rice deals with China today.

They are Dr Viravuth Vajanapuk, secretary to the former commerce minister Boonsong Teriyapirom, and Mr Suthee Luemthaisong.

They are among the 21 politicians, civil servants and individuals charged by the Office of the Attorney-General in connection with the rice scandal.

All those who appeared at the court to hear their charges denied all charges when it was read at their presence.

After hearing all charges, the court set bails for each defendant with condition that they must not leave the country.

Former commerce minister Boonsong posted a 20- million baht bank deposits as bail and was granted release by the court.

But the court rejected one defendant Nimon Rakdee after his asset placed as bail was untrusted. He was later demanded in prison until he could place trusted asset as bail.

The court also rejected request by some defendants for the court to conduct hearing in absentia, with order that all must be present at every hearing of the case.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/supreme-court-issues-warrant-to-arrest-two-failing-to-stand-trial-today-on-rice-scandal

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-29

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asked to present their testimonies in writing in 2-4 months.

Yeah right, so by then they pray to Buddha that it all blow over??

lock them up and throw away the keys, stealing from the poor farmers dont deserve anything else..... SCUM!!

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

So your definition of democracy is that elected officials (civil servants) should have the right to steal from the people they have sworn an oath to represent without any repercussions? They should be above the very law that they swore to uphold?

In my opinion they should be held at a higher standard and penalties for abuse of the public trust should be much more severe.

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

Well said but I reckon you'll get slaughtered by the "what about Thaksin brigade". Get prepared for incoming!!

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You can argue all day which were the most corrupt ... the red shirts or yellow shirts ... but they were all corrupt, although red shirts did it a lot longer.

You oversimplify things too much.

Many 'red shirt' (Shinawatra-PTP) supporters are decent hardworking people. The same applies to the Democrat party supporters (loosely referred to as 'yellow shirts" and sometimes misguidedly as "the Bangkok elite".

It is not so much these masses of people that are corrupt but more importantly the people they apparently support.

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It's clearly politically motivated...I mean, sure, the G2G deals have already been shown to he fake, but how's that corruption? :rolleyes: Just ''honest mistakes'' if you ask me and so the ''political persecution'' of ''innocent'', democratically elected officials begins....right :rolleyes:

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You can argue all day which were the most corrupt ... the red shirts or yellow shirts ... but they were all corrupt, although red shirts did it a lot longer.

You oversimplify things too much.

Many 'red shirt' (Shinawatra-PTP) supporters are decent hardworking people. The same applies to the Democrat party supporters (loosely referred to as 'yellow shirts" and sometimes misguidedly as "the Bangkok elite".

It is not so much these masses of people that are corrupt but more importantly the people they apparently support.

I agree than there are good honest people in both camps. By "all" I meant "both" the red shirt party and yellow shirt party in general were corrupt.

If I had to declare one party the most corrupt it would have to be the yellow shirts (the elite) who were in power for decades and continuously screwed the poor farmers/workers. Unfortunately when the red shirts finally got into power, their leader ... Taksin ... was a master crook himself and did more bad than good.

And now that the powers that be are clamping down on corrupt gov. officials all I've seen so far is red shirts being singled out and not the yellows. Same same all over again.

Edited by HerbalEd
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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

What a load of nonsense. Only the usual Shin apologists will support the notion that the Shins and their wholly owned political party are pro-democracy. Winning an election and then promptly handing over the government to a convicted criminal fugitive billionaire, who pays a salary to the MP's and Ministers as they work for him and do his bidding, is not democracy.

The Shins and their gang are not socialists or democrats. They are an amply rich elite family who manipulated things to their advantage, reaped billions and got caught out. Not for the first time either. Thoroughly dishonest.

It's alleged they fraudulently forged export contracts, re-sold the rice and pocketed the profits themselves. Robbing the Thai people of billions, get caught and now having to stand trial. Just like any common criminal.

Hardly surprising when their boss is a crook is it?

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You can argue all day which were the most corrupt ... the red shirts or yellow shirts ... but they were all corrupt, although red shirts did it a lot longer.

You oversimplify things too much.

Many 'red shirt' (Shinawatra-PTP) supporters are decent hardworking people. The same applies to the Democrat party supporters (loosely referred to as 'yellow shirts" and sometimes misguidedly as "the Bangkok elite".

It is not so much these masses of people that are corrupt but more importantly the people they apparently support.

I agree than there are good honest people in both camps. By "all" I meant "both" the red shirt party and yellow shirt party in general were corrupt.

If I had to declare one party the most corrupt it would have to be the red shirts (the elite) who were in power for decades and continuously screwed the poor farmers/workers. Unfortunately when the yellow shirts finally got into power, their leader ... Taksin ... was a master crook himself and did more bad than good.

And now that the powers that be are clamping down on corrupt gov. officials all I've seen so far is red shirts being singled out and not the reds. Same same all over again.

Red shirts were in for decades? Wow, time flies. The democrat power brokers in the South and Bangkok obviously haven't created their own political dynasties for decades......

All sides are bent, one could say the reds were playing catch up for decades of the other side being in power.....

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You can argue all day which were the most corrupt ... the red shirts or yellow shirts ... but they were all corrupt, although red shirts did it a lot longer.

You oversimplify things too much.

Many 'red shirt' (Shinawatra-PTP) supporters are decent hardworking people. The same applies to the Democrat party supporters (loosely referred to as 'yellow shirts" and sometimes misguidedly as "the Bangkok elite".

It is not so much these masses of people that are corrupt but more importantly the people they apparently support.

I agree than there are good honest people in both camps. By "all" I meant "both" the red shirt party and yellow shirt party in general were corrupt.

If I had to declare one party the most corrupt it would have to be the red shirts (the elite) who were in power for decades and continuously screwed the poor farmers/workers. Unfortunately when the yellow shirts finally got into power, their leader ... Taksin ... was a master crook himself and did more bad than good.

And now that the powers that be are clamping down on corrupt gov. officials all I've seen so far is red shirts being singled out and not the reds. Same same all over again.

Red shirts were in for decades? Wow, time flies. The democrat power brokers in the South and Bangkok obviously haven't created their own political dynasties for decades......

All sides are bent, one could say the reds were playing catch up for decades of the other side being in power.....

My bad. I got my reds and yellows mixed up. I've corrected my post.

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The anti-democrats merely advancing another cog on their wheel to destroy the PTP, Yingluck, et al. In effect the pro-democracy side of things

But destroying it at the Bangkok-centric elitist political level, will not work. Their reach does not extend beyond their narrow political base.

Attacking the Commerce Minister first, so they can move on to Yingluck as well.

It is this same anti-democrat chain-of-command starting with their favorite, the NACC, on through the judicial system as cover to provide legitimacy.

The same chain-of-command which never puts any component of the anti-democrats in jail, regardless of their excesses.

All in the service of clearing any electoral obstacles in the future for the anti-democrats, that 'reform' may have overlooked.

But a related fact that is conveniently omitted, is that the rice in question is being sold very successfully. It is placing Thailand in a top tier of rice exporters....Little of that money is flowing down to the farmers however...Re-distribution of wealth is not what the anti-democrats are all about.

Well said but I reckon you'll get slaughtered by the "what about Thaksin brigade". Get prepared for incoming!!

Alwyn - you seriously see no wrong with the commerce minister, other politicians, civil servants and business people faking export deals, selling the rice in country and pocketing large amounts of money?

You see nothing wrong with robbing the Thai people?

It seems they organized a scam, got caught out and now face prosecution like any other common criminal - which, if proved guilty, is what they are.

Did they fake the G2G deals as part of a scam - surely that should be the question?

Not, well some of them were elected, others connected by family, so that makes it all ok.

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