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Israel intercepts Gaza-bound flotilla in 'casualty-free' operation

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Will be remising much If I take a wild stab in the dark that you're not a lover on any thing

Jewish or a supporter of Israel? no?

As far as I'm concerned, crticising Israeli politics and crimes has got nothing to do with Israel's Jewishness. The antisemite label to any critic of Israel is wildly inaccurate, very offensive, and wearisomely hackneyed.
Ceding the right to have a terrorist organization receive 'supplies' unchecked is obviously a defense issue for Israel, a thick ten year old could work that out for himself.

I don't follow your addition to the dialogue that you have quoted.

Thick ten year old?

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Rubbish! You are either misinformed or making things up. The UN did no such justification. On the contrary it condemned Israel.

You are the one making things up. You have been caught posting false information repeatedly and this is just one more example.

Approximately one year after the event, the UN investigative committee for the 2010 Flotilla to Gaza concluded that (1) the blockade was legal, based on the principle of self-defense, (2) Israel was "justified in stopping vessels even outside its territorial waters," (3) Israel's decision to board the vessels with such force was "excessive," (4) Israeli forces "faced significant, organized and violent resistance from a group of passengers" that required them to use force for their own protection, and (5) the loss of nine lives was "unacceptable."[3][4]


You are wrong again.

No. YOU are wrong. I said that, according to the UN investigative committee for the 2010 Flotilla to Gaza, Israel is justified in stopping vessels even outside its territorial waters. That is a FACT and I have provided credible evidence to prove it. You claimed that I was "making things up" and "The UN did no such justification." Your dishonest quote is above.You have been caught posting false information once again.

Despite the mod explicitly saying don't edit posts, you have edited my post simply to bicker.

I will not fall for that.


Malarkey. The moderator meant not to post your own words INSIDE OTHER PEOPLE"S QUOTES. It is against Thai Visa rules and another poster attempted it. The post was deleted.


Will be remising much If I take a wild stab in the dark that you're not a lover on any thing

Jewish or a supporter of Israel? no?

As far as I'm concerned, crticising Israeli politics and crimes has got nothing to do with Israel's Jewishness. The antisemite label to any critic of Israel is wildly inaccurate, very offensive, and wearisomely hackneyed.
Ceding the right to have a terrorist organization receive 'supplies' unchecked is obviously a defense issue for Israel, a thick ten year old could work that out for himself.

I don't follow your addition to the dialogue that you have quoted.

Thick ten year old?

It was a reply to post number 18 in response to mine, the slow connection caused me to post in the wrong place.

P.s Yes, even a thick ten year old could work out these flotidiots sole aim is not to deliver aid but to try and engineer a big enough shit storm to stop Israel blockading Gaza, then the arms shipments would flood in.



Israel is doing what it needs to do.

The good news this time is the outcome was peaceful.

Well done!


Wrong Jingthing. Israel does whatever it WANTS to do, regardless of International law, UN resolutions or world opinion, courtesy of being blindly funded and supported by the USA whose allies obediently turn a blind eye to the atrocities and apartheid that are forced on the hapless Palestinians and non-jews daily in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Taking on an unarmed boat carrying medical aid (show proof of any arms or military equipment on board) to the imprisoned Gazans shows just how gutless the Israeli IDF that you swoon over, really are.


A very stupid, hateful post by someone flaunting the swastika. The naval blockade, the boarding in international waters, and the use of force are in accord with long-standing international law, based on the principle of self-defense. Israel is justified in stopping vessels even outside its territorial waters according to the UN investigative committee for the 2010 Flotilla to Gaza.

I'm not hateful, I just stating my view on Israel.

I have both Jewish and Palestinian friends so my statement has nothing to do with religion, there are even Swedish Jews on that ship... this is the 4th time they are trying this, the first time in 2010 the Israelis killed 9 people on the ship.

But my statement is based on:

When non Jewish people living in Israel today are treated like the Nazis treated the Jews in 1930's Germany.

When Israel are occupying more and more land of what is (or should be) Palestine.

When Israel are actively denying healthcare and education for the people living in Gaza.

How can you then support that country?

Israel can't continue to just saying remember WWII or say that you are antisemitic when they are the one that today are acting in the same manners as the Nazis during WWII and are breaking international laws.

Israel even condemned UN for being antisemitic when the UN report of the 2014 fights in Gaza stated that Israel committed war crimes!

Equating Nazi Germany with today? Not hateful? Your slip is showing.

Just compare facts:

How was the Jews in 1930's Germany treated?

How are non Jewish people treated in Israel today?

Equating with Nazi Germany is easy for me as every time you say something against Israel you get that you are antisemitic and that you should remember the Holocaust and what happened during WWII.

And even thou I'm young but I have 2nd hand knowledge, not from books and movies but from actual people. I had an older friend when I was growing up that was a survivor from first Treblinka and then Auschwitz. She lost her entire family to the gas chambers and she told me a lot about her life growing up in Nazi Germany and of her time in the camps. I have traveled to Auschwitz and seen the camp and museum, I have talked to people who lived thru the war in Poland.

Today I have new friends that have been forced to leave their homes in Palestine, Syria, Iraq and so on and so maybe I should compare how the Israelis are treating the Palestinians with ISIL but I feel that Nazi Germany is more accurate as Israelis will always tell you to remember WWII! .

How little you have learned and how opportunist you sound using friends as props. Before you talk of 'maybe' this and 'maybe' that you might study a little more history in depth before throwing around inaccurate and shallow analogies.


I know why Israel's opponents are particularly angry about this one. It's because they didn't get the confrontation or 'martyrs' they sought. Anyone who believes that these boats are not seeking a flash point despite denying it, is either stupid or being intentionally evasive. Israel has its procedure for processing such craft and its cargo. Follow it, and things go well.

As far as I'm concerned, crticising Israeli politics and crimes has got nothing to do with Israel's Jewishness. The antisemite label to any critic of Israel is wildly inaccurate, very offensive, and wearisomely hackneyed.
Ceding the right to have a terrorist organization receive 'supplies' unchecked is obviously a defense issue for Israel, a thick ten year old could work that out for himself.

I don't follow your addition to the dialogue that you have quoted.

Thick ten year old?

It was a reply to post number 18 in response to mine, the slow connection caused me to post in the wrong place.

P.s Yes, even a thick ten year old could work out these flotidiots sole aim is not to deliver aid but to try and engineer a big enough shit storm to stop Israel blockading Gaza, then the arms shipments would flood in.

The slow connection is not with the internet....I asked what the BDS movement has to do with Israel's defence (as you have asserted)and you reply with rubbish about arms shipments and "shit storms".

A thick ten year old would have been able to look up what BDS is about...I suggest you do that.


I know why Israel's opponents are particularly angry about this one. It's because they didn't get the confrontation or 'martyrs' they sought. Anyone who believes that these boats are not seeking a flash point despite denying it, is either stupid or being intentionally evasive. Israel has its procedure for processing such craft and its cargo. Follow it, and things go well.

You think you know, but you're utterly wrong.

That there were no casualties (this time!) is the good news. To suggest otherwise is an offense to humanity and all the humanitarian criticisers of an evil regime a regime that oppresses millions of innocent people by denying their children basic education materials and medical supplies.


Ok, let's see if I have this right;

- A Swedish fishing trawler sailed from Greece to Gaza, where it was intercepted.

- There was no aid on the vessel. No food, no construction material, no medicine, nothing. Nada . Zipp. Just some old furniture.

This was described as medical equipment humanitarian aid. Thing is, the EU and Qatar fund medical equipment purchases. Their generous donations have provided some top of the line medical equipment. Why would anyone think that Gaza needs some old used chairs and bed frames that were not good enough for Europeans? Is Gaza the new garbage dump for Sweden's urine stained mattresses?

- The argument given for the vessel's voyage was that Gaza needs aid and construction material because there is allegedly a "blockade" on the material. However, since October 2014 over a million tons of construction material has entered Gaza from Israel. There is NO embargo on medical equipment or supplies. In fact it has priority for passage. This is documented by international observers.

- As of June 13, Egypt reopened its Rafah crossing allowing 2 way traffic. Dozens of trucks entered Gaza on the first day, of which 7 were large trucks containing construction material. It wasn't isolated. Journalists went to observe and reported that 15 trucks of construction materials passed through on June 19 alone.

Meanwhile there are hundreds of thousands of starving, sick refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war who are in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and parts of Syria. How come the aid vessel didn't go to help one of those destinations? Ok, aside from the fact that there was no aid on the ship and this was a publicity stunt, why don't these people make an effort to help their arab brother and sisters? Why are they shopping for photo ops claiming they are bringing aid to Gaza, when Gaza doesn't need aid. It is currently struggling with an epidemic of obesity and an increasing incidence of obesity related illnesses such as heart disease,and diabetes. For a place where we are repeatedly told the people are starving, it's rather odd that Gaza and the West Bank are in the top 10 of the highest per capita obesity rates. (Women are in the top 3).

This was a PR stunt that failed. It provides an excuse for the Israeli bashers to come out in full force. but aside from that, most people are weary with the arabs and their friends who are in a perpetual state of sectarian strife, murder and terrorist activity.


I know why Israel's opponents are particularly angry about this one. It's because they didn't get the confrontation or 'martyrs' they sought. Anyone who believes that these boats are not seeking a flash point despite denying it, is either stupid or being intentionally evasive. Israel has its procedure for processing such craft and its cargo. Follow it, and things go well.

You think you know, but you're utterly wrong.

That there were no casualties (this time!) is the good news. To suggest otherwise is an offense to humanity and all the humanitarian criticisers of an evil regime a regime that oppresses millions of innocent people by denying their children basic education materials and medical supplies.

Are you referring to Hamas and its refusal to allow anything but a Hamas friendly fundamentalist political/religious curriculum, because you certainly cannot be referring to Israel. Israel doesn't deny children basic education materials nor medical supplies. How many times do you have to be told that there are no restrictions on medical supplies? The UN oversees the delivery of medical supplies. In respect to educational materials, the international community has supplied large amounts of money to Gaza and the West Bank over the years. Who's fault is it if the arabs insist on stealing as much of the aid as they can and directing the balance to text books which teach children to count by way of killing "jews". Who attacked and set fire to the UN HQ last January when the UN decided to reorganize the type of aid it was giving to one of the region's capitals of obesity and double digit family sizes?

There is no need to work, no need to have an education, no need to restrict the size of a family when everything is handed to them. Gazans have been made dependent on aid thanks to the west. What sane responsible person has 10+ children? What sane responsible parent encourages a child to become a "martyr"?


Never cases to amaze me that every time there is an article about Israel, there are those who

come out frothing at the mouth spiting all sorts of accusations and innuendos about and against

Israel, true or not, no matter to them, they defend the Palestinians no matter what,

If tomorrow, Israel will withdraw from all occupied territories, compensate every last

so called Palestinians in the world, it would still not be good enough, simply because

the issue here is not the Palestinians or about their 'plight and suffering' but the question

about Israel legitimacy to exist at all, as a nation and as an entity, and many of the

pro Palestine contributors to this forum will be very happy if Israel will be gone from the

face of the earth tomorrow morning... simple as that, and any more arguments about

this and that is moot points.....

Strangely enough you have just outlined the Arab Peace Initiative [actually it's far less demanding than your prerequisites], that Israel has been ignoring for the last 13 years and it's still on the table.
Full recognition of Israel's right to exist, permanent borders, exchange of ambassadors, trade agreements, tourism .... the works.
and Israel and Palestinians stand to gain $250 billion from peace.
The ball has always been in Israel's court.
I am glad no lives were lost in the OP instance of Israeli piracy. The flotilla has achieved its purpose...international attention drawn to Israel's collective punishment of 1.8 million Gazans again.
The truth will out.

I know why Israel's opponents are particularly angry about this one. It's because they didn't get the confrontation or 'martyrs' they sought. Anyone who believes that these boats are not seeking a flash point despite denying it, is either stupid or being intentionally evasive. Israel has its procedure for processing such craft and its cargo. Follow it, and things go well.

You think you know, but you're utterly wrong.

That there were no casualties (this time!) is the good news. To suggest otherwise is an offense to humanity and all the humanitarian criticisers of an evil regime a regime that oppresses millions of innocent people by denying their children basic education materials and medical supplies.

Are you referring to Hamas and its refusal to allow anything but a Hamas friendly fundamentalist political/religious curriculum, because you certainly cannot be referring to Israel. Israel doesn't deny children basic education materials nor medical supplies. How many times do you have to be told that there are no restrictions on medical supplies? The UN oversees the delivery of medical supplies. In respect to educational materials, the international community has supplied large amounts of money to Gaza and the West Bank over the years. Who's fault is it if the arabs insist on stealing as much of the aid as they can and directing the balance to text books which teach children to count by way of killing "jews". Who attacked and set fire to the UN HQ last January when the UN decided to reorganize the type of aid it was giving to one of the region's capitals of obesity and double digit family sizes?

There is no need to work, no need to have an education, no need to restrict the size of a family when everything is handed to them. Gazans have been made dependent on aid thanks to the west. What sane responsible person has 10+ children? What sane responsible parent encourages a child to become a "martyr"?

Gazans would love to have a flourishing economy if only Israel would allow them.

WikiLeaks: Israel aimed to keep Gaza economy on brink of collapse
Cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv says Israeli officials wanted Gaza's economy 'functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.'

I hear that the activists were privately relieved to be intercepted by the Israelis and didn't have to dock in Gaza and disembark. Lol


Thanks for sharing your source !

The reporter, author of your article is Roger Pumper :

Quote from the same link :

"Journalism has been in Roger Pumper’s blood since he began his first paper route in Kabul, Afghanistan, at the age of seven. After graduating from Cairo’s Al-Azhar University with a Doctorate in Animal Husbandry, Pumper worked as a fact-checker for Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly. Pumper was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for his investigative reporting on Iraq’s WMD program, though the award was later revoked. Pumper currently resides on a goat farm outside Kirachi, Pakistan."


I hear that the activists were privately relieved to be intercepted by the Israelis and didn't have to dock in Gaza and disembark. Lol


Thanks for sharing your source !

The reporter, author of your article is Roger Pumper :

Quote from the same link :

"Journalism has been in Roger Pumper’s blood since he began his first paper route in Kabul, Afghanistan, at the age of seven. After graduating from Cairo’s Al-Azhar University with a Doctorate in Animal Husbandry, Pumper worked as a fact-checker for Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly. Pumper was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for his investigative reporting on Iraq’s WMD program, though the award was later revoked. Pumper currently resides on a goat farm outside Kirachi, Pakistan."

Sounds more credible than the UNHRC if you ask me. :D

Never cases to amaze me that every time there is an article about Israel, there are those who

come out frothing at the mouth spiting all sorts of accusations and innuendos about and against

Israel, true or not, no matter to them, they defend the Palestinians no matter what,

If tomorrow, Israel will withdraw from all occupied territories, compensate every last

so called Palestinians in the world, it would still not be good enough, simply because

the issue here is not the Palestinians or about their 'plight and suffering' but the question

about Israel legitimacy to exist at all, as a nation and as an entity, and many of the

pro Palestine contributors to this forum will be very happy if Israel will be gone from the

face of the earth tomorrow morning... simple as that, and any more arguments about

this and that is moot points.....

Strangely enough you have just outlined the Arab Peace Initiative [actually it's far less demanding than your prerequisites], that Israel has been ignoring for the last 13 years and it's still on the table.

Why do you and your comrades post the same LIES over and over again - even after they have been exposed? Hamas turned down the Arab Peace Initiative and it could not move forward without them. Hamas are responsible for rejecting this plan, not Israel.


Never cases to amaze me that every time there is an article about Israel, there are those who

come out frothing at the mouth spiting all sorts of accusations and innuendos about and against

Israel, true or not, no matter to them, they defend the Palestinians no matter what,

If tomorrow, Israel will withdraw from all occupied territories, compensate every last

so called Palestinians in the world, it would still not be good enough, simply because

the issue here is not the Palestinians or about their 'plight and suffering' but the question

about Israel legitimacy to exist at all, as a nation and as an entity, and many of the

pro Palestine contributors to this forum will be very happy if Israel will be gone from the

face of the earth tomorrow morning... simple as that, and any more arguments about

this and that is moot points.....

Strangely enough you have just outlined the Arab Peace Initiative [actually it's far less demanding than your prerequisites], that Israel has been ignoring for the last 13 years and it's still on the table.

Why do you and your comrades post the same LIES over and over again - even after they have been exposed? Hamas turned down the Arab Peace Initiative and it could not move forward without them. Hamas are responsible for rejecting this plan, not Israel.

As usual you are muddying the waters and distorting my post.

I leave forum members to judge the truth by following the wiki link from my post above that you deleted.


All Arab countries plus Iran have agreed to recognize Israel's right to exist, and have offered a full permanent peace agreement.

Hamas is a political party not a country, which at various times has offered Israel an indefinite truce, and is willing to accept Israel, if Israel in turn will accept Palestine within the 67 borders, which members of right wing political parties currently sitting in the Israeli cabinet are unwilling to do.

Israel's intransigence is the problem.


I leave forum members to judge the truth by following the wiki link from my post above that you deleted.

As usual, your link does NOT support your post. Who do you think you are fooling? Why do you keep posting the same old lies that have been disproved repeatedly? There is no deal without Hamas - they govern Gaza - and they have NEVER agreed to recognize Israel's right to exist, under ANY circumstances and they REJECTED the Arab Peace Initiative. Please quit wasting readers time with lies that have already been refuted and which even your own links expose.


From its inception in 2002, the Initiative deeply divided the organization.[7] As stated before, members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, committed the Passover Massacre on same day as the peace Initiative's adoption.[3] At that time, Hamas rejected not only peace with Israel but even negotiations with it.[18] The official administration of Hamas never recognized the Initiative, which alienated it from members of the Arab League, especially Jordan and Egypt.[46] One of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' conditions of forming a national coalition government with Hamas after the 2006 election was that Hamas had to recognize the Initiative, but he was unsuccessful.[46]



I leave forum members to judge the truth by following the wiki link from my post above that you deleted.

As usual, your link does NOT support your post. Who do you think you are fooling? Why do you keep posting the same old lies that have been disproved repeatedly? There is no deal without Hamas - they govern Gaza - and they have NEVER agreed to recognize Israel's right to exist, under ANY circumstances and they REJECTED the Arab Peace Initiative. Please quit wasting readers time with lies that have already been refuted and which even your own links expose.


From its inception in 2002, the Initiative deeply divided the organization.[7] As stated before, members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, committed the Passover Massacre on same day as the peace Initiative's adoption.[3] At that time, Hamas rejected not only peace with Israel but even negotiations with it.[18] The official administration of Hamas never recognized the Initiative, which alienated it from members of the Arab League, especially Jordan and Egypt.[46] One of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' conditions of forming a national coalition government with Hamas after the 2006 election was that Hamas had to recognize the Initiative, but he was unsuccessful.[46]


Again you have edited my post to suit your agenda in creating a straw man which you prefer to attack rather than the truth..
Please re-read: All Arab COUNTRIES have agreed to recognize Israel. Hamas is a political party, not a country.
The political party Hamas on various occasions have offered Israel 5,10 year and indefinite truces.
Haniyeh: Hamas willing to accept Palestinian state with 1967 borders
Hamas leader in Gaza addressed group of European MPs who sailed to Strip to protest Israel's blockade.
The Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said on Saturday his government was willing to accept a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.
The Hamas leader spoke at a meeting with 11 European parliamentarians who sailed from Cyprus to the Gaza Strip to protest Israel's naval blockade of the territory. Haniyeh told his guests Israel rejected his initiative.
Why doesn't Israel capitalize on these olive branches? Accept the offered truces. Reciprocate by easing the blockade. Build trust. Make the OP flotilla exercises redundant.
Israelis have more to gain from a peaceful fully employed neighbor in Gaza, collaborating to subdue rogue IS elements.
People get used to peace and don't want to return to the bad old days. I have a feeling though that Netanyahu starts to lose his grip on power when the Palestinians win the peace offensive.

THERE CAN BE NO DEAL WITHOUT HAMAS and they REJECTED the Arab Peace Initiative. It does not matter what other Arabs were willing to do.

Hamas was (supposedly) willing to accept a Palestinian state with 1967 borders, but they were not willing to recognize Israel or accept their existence. That means Hamas would get land and Israel would get NOTHING. Who is stupid enough to go for that?

Why is almost every single one of your posts packed with distortions and lies?


Time for Israel to be laid back and less vigilant about its borders?

I think not....


Headline from your link: Islamic State threatens to topple Hamas in Gaza Strip in video statement.

That is precisely why Israel should be building trust with Hamas to crush any nascent IS organisation in Gaza. Don't reward Daesh.

End the blockade. Help build the Gazan economy. People are the same the world over : they simply want to live peaceful productive lives with good health, jobs, education and a better future for their children.


THERE CAN BE NO DEAL WITHOUT HAMAS and they REJECTED the Arab Peace Initiative. It does not matter what other Arabs were willing to do.

Hamas was (supposedly) willing to accept a Palestinian state with 1967 borders, but they were not willing to recognize Israel or accept their existence. That means Hamas would get land and Israel would get NOTHING. Who is stupid enough to go for that?


.....says who? You?? You are simply inventing a straw man to attack rather facing the truth of my original link All Arab countries have agreed to recognize Israel.

Israel gets peace. Hamas is simply a political party. And just like fanatical right wing Zionist political parties, they will be sidelined by the majority when a peace deal is signed with the PA.

Look to the future. Stop burying your head in the past.


Hamas is simply a political party that was elected to govern all of Gaza and was half of the Palestinian government until a few weeks ago. Hamas REJECTED the Arab Peace Initiative and it could not happen without them. Blaming it on Israel is a LIE. wink.png

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