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Thai-English actress Anna Reese begs cop's family for forgiveness

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Brass necked or what, turning up at the funeral, ??? I would be mortified if I was her, but to show up ??? Jesus, what a neck she has.

Now if I was one of the victims family and she walked in, I would floor her within two seconds, and suffer the consequences later.... Shocking terrible and heartless....

Will justice be served , doubt it, ....

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If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Yeah,,,she shouldn't have gone to the funeral at all, let alone to ask for forgiveness, and least of all in front of the cameras.


Stop buying Red Bull products Your only helping this Guy avoid prosecution by filling his pocket with money Hopefully she will get what is coming to her

In 2012 a Thonglor police officer was killed when 28-year-old Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya slammed into his motorcycle at 200kph. Vorayuth has avoided arrest ever since in a case that tops many lists as one of the nation’s worst cases of privilege and injustice.

This guy should be extradited from Singapore and brought to justice here in Thailand

Who did his family pay to stay out of reach

Common People stop buying RED BULL products Your only perpetuating his run


For those who are complaining that Anna hasn't said "sorry" here is what the Thai Rath headline says, "Anna Reese prostrates in apology in front of the body of the Supanburi policeman as wife and mother wail loudly." (includes video) They use the Thai word "kraap" which means to get down flat on the floor in a waiing pose. This is the highest form of respect. One might want to hold off on their condemnation until they have a bit more information than one gets on ThaiVisa and the local English language newspaper translations of Thai newspaper articles.


No way!

30 years hard labor....breaking rock with a sledge hammer....ha ha ...lol....that would be a whole lot of forgiveness.


So what happens in farangland.......?

Sarcasm, sarcasm ...learn to recognize sarcasm....lol

In Farangland.......some celebrities also get special considerations as often seen when they get caught driving drunk or pulling off something illegal....like drawing a gun and threatening to shoot someone or getting into a drunken brawl or causing property damage while drunk and all mindless.

However, often enough the Judge has his day and throws the book at them while being very aware that the public wants some degree of justice served ..... while sending the signal that their celebrity status and their fame and their money and their influence and their connections will not influence the course of the law...at least not with that particular Judge that harshly reprimands them ...according to the measure of the law while they are not above the law.

But this is Thailand where money and fame and influence and connections will nearly always get you out of trouble.

I can only surmise immediately after the accident the lovely women was thinking: Hmmmmm.....how exactly am I going to fix this problem without any real discomfort coming down on me....

My influential lawyer...My influential producer...My influential lovers....my influential Politician friends....my influential Media connections..... and...Ahhhh...maybe the Prime Minister ...he likes my acting and movies...... and we met and shook hands once........etc. etc. etc.



This woman is full of remorse ...She knows it's futile to say sorry ....For what's done cannot be undone and she will never be the same again.

She knows she was driving to fast and the margin for error was getting smaller, yet she did it.

The Wife and Family will never be the same a again ....... The whole thing is a great tragedy.

For those of us who drive and have driven at high speed ... we have got away with it and hopefully by experience we have gained Wisdom.

This woman didn't get away with it.

Nothing will cleanse that fact ...... not now not ever.


No way!

30 years hard labor....breaking rock with a sledge hammer....ha ha ...lol....that would be a whole lot of forgiveness.


So what happens in farangland.......?

Sarcasm, sarcasm ...learn to recognize sarcasm....lol

In Farangland.......some celebrities also get special considerations as often seen when they get caught driving drunk or pulling off something illegal....like drawing a gun and threatening to shoot someone or getting into a drunken brawl or causing property damage while drunk and all mindless.

However, often enough the Judge has his day and throws the book at them while being very aware that the public wants some degree of justice served ..... while sending the signal that their celebrity status and their fame and their money and their influence and their connections will not influence the course of the law...at least not with that particular Judge that harshly reprimands them ...according to the measure of the law while they are not above the law.

But this is Thailand where money and fame and influence and connections will nearly always get you out of trouble.

I can only surmise immediately after the accident the lovely women was thinking: Hmmmmm.....how exactly am I going to fix this problem without any real discomfort coming down on me....

My influential lawyer...My influential producer...My influential lovers....my influential Politician friends....my influential Media connections..... and...Ahhhh...maybe the Prime Minister ...he likes my acting and movies...... and we met and shook hands once........etc. etc. etc.


I wonder why common Thai people are putting up with this kind of stuff going on?


What was he doing parked on the side of the highway?

Did he have hazard lights on or even any lights on?

To me this sounds like a legitimate accident with some blame on both sides.

Just because she might be rich is no reason to want to see her suffer further, she is no doubt going to carry the burden of having accidentally killed someone for the rest of her life.


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

It is quite beyond belief. Begging forgiveness before saying sorry. Beyond that, as yet, the family has no idea if this woman is going to face any punishment at all, other than money.

So I wouldn't be offering any forgiveness before working out how culpable the woman actually is.

Isn't this woman a luug kreung. Can't her father offer any advice worth taking. I.e. say sorry before you beg for forgiveness..

Her father died when she was 2.


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

It is quite beyond belief. Begging forgiveness before saying sorry. Beyond that, as yet, the family has no idea if this woman is going to face any punishment at all, other than money.

So I wouldn't be offering any forgiveness before working out how culpable the woman actually is.

Isn't this woman a luug kreung. Can't her father offer any advice worth taking. I.e. say sorry before you beg for forgiveness..

Her father died when she was 2.

My condolences. Obviously too much to expect the Thai side of the family to understand grief and personal circumstance.


Not there to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness. Unless misquoted, that really is quite digusting.

Since when is begging for forgiveness less then just saying "oops, sorry" ?????

I can say sorry and never be forgiven... but IMHO asking for forgiveness is far more then say "sorry"...


Not there to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness. Unless misquoted, that really is quite digusting.

Since when is begging for forgiveness less then just saying "oops, sorry" ?????

I can say sorry and never be forgiven... but IMHO asking for forgiveness is far more then say "sorry"...

Ordinarily, asking for forgiveness, would need someone to say sorry, and obviously meaning it. One should not demand forgiveness.......yes, you can say sorry and not be forgiven, but without a sorry, ur not likely to get much forgiveness from me or most others.

Note she didn't attend to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness.


What was he doing parked on the side of the highway?

Did he have hazard lights on or even any lights on?

To me this sounds like a legitimate accident with some blame on both sides.

Just because she might be rich is no reason to want to see her suffer further, she is no doubt going to carry the burden of having accidentally killed someone for the rest of her life.

Indeed, the question of 1 million dollar ;-) why was he sleeping there ? how safe was his position for the other trafic ? and how about the signaled motorbike ? the one who provoked her reaction ? Why should we attack her ? she did not look drunk... she did appear to be in shock.. nothing strange after such event...

IMO she is also a victim , caused by a third party who flew the scene...

Innocent untill proven guilty before a court of law.. isn't that the way how we all want to be treated ?


This may all look very strange and in poor taste to westerners, but it may very well reflect cultural norms in Thailand, so we should not be so quick to condemn her without knowing more about this. I, for one, don't know what Thais expect under such circumstances. But I do know that some prisons hold annual reconciliation ceremonies to bring prisoners and victims' families together (imagine that in the west!), and I do know that in many countries, you can wipe the slate clean with a payment to the victim's family (the idea of 'blood money' is, for example, acceptable within Islamic cultures). Our culture is no more 'right' in such matters than others....


We can apply our culture to every incident in Thailand , but it will never change it . Lets face it things are done different here...


Not there to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness. Unless misquoted, that really is quite digusting.

Since when is begging for forgiveness less then just saying "oops, sorry" ?????

I can say sorry and never be forgiven... but IMHO asking for forgiveness is far more then say "sorry"...

Ordinarily, asking for forgiveness, would need someone to say sorry, and obviously meaning it. One should not demand forgiveness.......yes, you can say sorry and not be forgiven, but without a sorry, ur not likely to get much forgiveness from me or most others.

Note she didn't attend to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness.

try to beg for forgiveness without saying sorry....

I don't know her besides this story, so before i judge her, i don't rely on the comments from others but from what i see...

I have never seen someone begging for forgiveness without saying sorry for any wrongdoing...

Begging for forgiveness is also admitting guilt... saying sorry can also means, "oops, sorry, but it was actually not my fault... "


We can apply our culture to every incident in Thailand , but it will never change it . Lets face it things are done different here...

but I wonder why Thai people are putting up with this kind of double standard?


Food for thought. I have read a report which says the policeman was asleep in his police car parked in the nearside lane of a frontage road. Asleep when supposed to be on duty protecting the populace from criminal activities. I have not read anywhere how the policeman died and whether his death was indeed a direct result of the accident. Is it possible that he had died from natural causes before the accident and was not asleep in his vehicle but already dead. I am not siding with the actress/model because she is probably a bitch of the first degree and the fact she fled the scene of the accident as is typical in Thailand, signifies she is a thoughtless, selfish bitch at that. Reporting to the police many hours after the accident can only enforce the supposition that she was under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Why does it take so long for the Thai police to analyse blood/urine samples? When I go to hospital for a check up the results are normally ready within an hour.


I can only see three reasons as to why the tradgedy happened. She was either high on drugs, drunk as a newt or driving without due care and attention; probably a combination in reality. She should be incarcerated for a minimum of 10 years. When she got out she may think twice about being so stupid when in charge of a motor vehicle.

As for refusing arrest that should be an additional charge made by the police with additional jail time, all of which not carrying any parole.


It can only be Thainess. If I killed someone for driving far to fast ( which she was , her Benz is mainly steel , cop car plastic , disindigrated) I would not be able to face the ones at the funeral , but to turn up for a photo shoot.! Maybe LoS acceptable.


Food for thought. I have read a report which says the policeman was asleep in his police car parked in the nearside lane of a frontage road. Asleep when supposed to be on duty protecting the populace from criminal activities. I have not read anywhere how the policeman died and whether his death was indeed a direct result of the accident. Is it possible that he had died from natural causes before the accident and was not asleep in his vehicle but already dead. I am not siding with the actress/model because she is probably a bitch of the first degree and the fact she fled the scene of the accident as is typical in Thailand, signifies she is a thoughtless, selfish bitch at that. Reporting to the police many hours after the accident can only enforce the supposition that she was under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Why does it take so long for the Thai police to analyse blood/urine samples? When I go to hospital for a check up the results are normally ready within an hour.

It has already been reported that he was returning from a meeting in Bangkok and he had called his wife and told her he was pulling over to get some rest.

This may all look very strange and in poor taste to westerners, but it may very well reflect cultural norms in Thailand, so we should not be so quick to condemn her without knowing more about this. I, for one, don't know what Thais expect under such circumstances. But I do know that some prisons hold annual reconciliation ceremonies to bring prisoners and victims' families together (imagine that in the west!), and I do know that in many countries, you can wipe the slate clean with a payment to the victim's family (the idea of 'blood money' is, for example, acceptable within Islamic cultures). Our culture is no more 'right' in such matters than others....

Bla bla bla. Seen it before yes. But, unless the reports are translated wrong, the way she is expressing herself actually doesn't go with the norm.

Normally they come to say sorry,not to ask for forgiveness first.


Not there to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness. Unless misquoted, that really is quite digusting.

Since when is begging for forgiveness less then just saying "oops, sorry" ?????

I can say sorry and never be forgiven... but IMHO asking for forgiveness is far more then say "sorry"...

Ordinarily, asking for forgiveness, would need someone to say sorry, and obviously meaning it. One should not demand forgiveness.......yes, you can say sorry and not be forgiven, but without a sorry, ur not likely to get much forgiveness from me or most others.

Note she didn't attend to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness.

try to beg for forgiveness without saying sorry....

I don't know her besides this story, so before i judge her, i don't rely on the comments from others but from what i see...

I have never seen someone begging for forgiveness without saying sorry for any wrongdoing...

Begging for forgiveness is also admitting guilt... saying sorry can also means, "oops, sorry, but it was actually not my fault... "

You don't know much about Thai social strata. She perceives herself as a pooyai and they as lowly victims.

She wants forgiveness. They will be asked to forgive. There is little or no direct mention of her offering to apologise and say sorry. Yes it is the conflict of Judaeo-christian culture of penance to gain forgiveness versus Buddhism.

So yes, she can ask for forgiveness without admitting any wrongdoing or offering any apology. It is perfectly possible that this can be legally completely an accident, so she can have done nothing legally wrong.

So, yes, she appears tone asking for forgiveness purely for her own piece of mind. I hope the family doesn't offer it so easily.


I hope and believe karma will take it's full course on this "lady"

I hope her career comes to a sudden end.

Her performance at the funeral was disgusting, what an insult to the victims family.

Hang your head in shame Anna Reece.

The only respect I have for you, would be to tell the RTP the truth and nothing but the truth.

If you were under the influence of drink, I hope you are charged with manslaughter, and are jailed accordingly.

Unfortunately this is Thailand, and after you have made the appropriate financial payments you will live a free life. But your life will never be the same, because YOU know the truth.

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