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Repeat Offender Wants "the Life Of Reilly".


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Some people just never learn

From ABC News online:

WA refuses to repatriate heroin smuggler from Thai prison

The State Government has rejected an application by the convicted heroin smuggler Holly Deane-Johns to be transferred from prison in Thailand to Western Australia.

Thai authorities and the Federal Government had agreed to Deane-Johns's transfer, but WA Corrective Services Minister Margaret Quirk has rejected the idea.

Deane-Johns was sentenced by a Thai court in 2003 to 31 years' jail.

She applied for the transfer to WA on the grounds she wants to move closer to her boyfriend, who is also in jail for drug trafficking.

Ms Quirk says the WA prison system is not a dating service for heroin dealers.

"Holly Deane-Johns has been convicted not once but twice of heroin trafficking," she said.

"She served five years in Bandyup prison. When she committed her crime in Thailand, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"I don't believe she deserves any favours from the Western Australian community."

Ms Quirk says taxpayers would not want her to serve her sentence in the State.

"Most people would think that she doesn't deserve an even break and would resent spending any money to have her returned and be maintained at the community, the taxpayer's expense," she said.

Ms Quirk says Deane-Johns can apply to be transferred to another state.

"There are bound to be people who think I'm being too tough, but I'm there to do a good job, I'm not there to be popular," she said.

Well said Ms Quirk from a West Aussie, as far as I'm concerned the Monkey House here in Thailand is just reward for a repeat drug trafficker.

Lets see how long this lasts before the thread gets closed?

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Some people just never learn

From ABC News online:

WA refuses to repatriate heroin smuggler from Thai prison

The State Government has rejected an application by the convicted heroin smuggler Holly Deane-Johns to be transferred from prison in Thailand to Western Australia.

Thai authorities and the Federal Government had agreed to Deane-Johns's transfer, but WA Corrective Services Minister Margaret Quirk has rejected the idea.

Deane-Johns was sentenced by a Thai court in 2003 to 31 years' jail.

She applied for the transfer to WA on the grounds she wants to move closer to her boyfriend, who is also in jail for drug trafficking.

Ms Quirk says the WA prison system is not a dating service for heroin dealers.

"Holly Deane-Johns has been convicted not once but twice of heroin trafficking," she said.

"She served five years in Bandyup prison. When she committed her crime in Thailand, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"I don't believe she deserves any favours from the Western Australian community."

Ms Quirk says taxpayers would not want her to serve her sentence in the State.

"Most people would think that she doesn't deserve an even break and would resent spending any money to have her returned and be maintained at the community, the taxpayer's expense," she said.

Ms Quirk says Deane-Johns can apply to be transferred to another state.

"There are bound to be people who think I'm being too tough, but I'm there to do a good job, I'm not there to be popular," she said.

Well said Ms Quirk from a West Aussie, as far as I'm concerned the Monkey House here in Thailand is just reward for a repeat drug trafficker.

Lets see how long this lasts before the thread gets closed?

This reminds me of a young convicted trafficer from the U.K. who was repatriated and then went on to make six figure sums of money selling her story to one of the low life news organisations.

Of course she said she wasn,t guilty even though it was shown that she had done practice runs before going on to commit the real deal.

These merchants of death deserve to be put in a room with some of the pathetic addicts / users parents and families.

Then locked up in isolation indefinitely.

How Jack Straw was sucked into getting her repatriated is a mystery to this day.

I don,t give a fukc how innocent / ignorant she said she was, she knew exactly what her actions would cause and the deaths and misery that would have resulted had her mis deeds to humanity been successful.

Of course we must also judge each case on it,s merits and this is very important.

As for the above case i refer to, " Guilty " as charged and consequently proved.

She should also be in the B.Hilton for a few more years at the very least. ( 15 at the very least )

marshbags :o:D:D


She did it for greed and money pure and simple without a care about the implications to anyone, along with those to her own family who where also victims of her actions.

I bet they think twice next time something similar happens at the home office.

Unfortunately also just maybe the next time the offender/offenders may be genuinely framed and innocent.

Due to the clear abuse of the above offender they may not get the help they need.

Edited by marshbags
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I second that, these parasites are greedy (and probably have MANY deaths, caused by their Drug activites-2nd degree murder) And OF COURSE should do the time in the country of their offence!

Would like to hear of any that don't agree, to a truely guilty party. And what they do to their loved ones, is another good reason (out of sight is out of mind)

I've known many of these peoples victims!

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Deane-Johns was sentenced by a Thai court in 2003 to 31 years' jail.

1. How long do you think she will actually serve?

2. & how long do you think she will last?


She'll serve a long time if she stays in Thailand <but not 31 years> and she'll likely be fine.

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How refreshing to see a politician with a bit of backbone. Would be great if there were more Margaret Quirk 's around. :o
There is only one other that I know of in WA. She was a major influence and big help in quashing a hi density housing development planned next to my property in the middle of a rural enviroment. It had been approved by a dodgy council and stamped by the States Planning Minister. 10 years down the track all is still peaceful.
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