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Prayut asks for donations to support universal healthcare scheme

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High speed trains: check

Submarines: check

Floating markets: check


Don't forget all that money saved from curbing corruption.

Has anyone any idea as to where the proceeds from the sale of corruptly/illegally acquired assets go to. Unlikely to be to benefit the Healthcare Fund is it?

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So who comes from a country where healthcare DOESN'T cause budget problems?

The Norwegians?

That's right, and the other countries using the Nordic System; Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland.

These inforgraphics are very telling. Sweden has the lowest health spending per capita and the lowest infant mortality. The USA has the highest health spending and the highest infant mortality! Of course many Americans will have you know that their health care is amongst the best in the world, I guess it has been important to mislead the public there in the past in order to prevent widespread unrest. The truth is they pay the most in the world for a system which is far below western standards. At least Obama has addressed the issue, shame the propaganda from the opposition has managed to misslead many of the public into believing that the American dream includes massive corporations right to charge people the highest rates in the world for a third world system.




To put the amount spent on Health Care as a % of GDP into an approximate perspective compare Thailand and UK with similar population numbers. Thailand is 3.9% and UK is 9.6% (USA is 17.9%). Source : Guardian


Just waiting for rametindallas, ginjag, djjamie et al to give us their beloved argument;

....but, but, but...Thaksin!!!

Ironic that Mr T first introduced affordable health care in Thailand and now the General is looking for ways to improve it. The same with another T idea of subsidising farming the General is handing out dosh all over the place hoping people will like him.

The Dems/Army govs of the past spent decades ignoring these issues but now they are fashionable.


Scrap crappy schemes like submarines and give the money to Healthcare.

Then ask people for donations to go towards buying submarines ..... and see how many satangs he receives for the subs.

Maybe you can pay for an entire sub. That way you get to name it. [Please note I didn't write "launch" it.] Any name suggestions from TV fans of Dear Leader.


Not to support the general, but through experience in the UK , I found that charities in the UK were and still are, a very important contributor to individual hospitals. Not in the day to day running, but rather in the purchase of specialised equipment.

So charitable donations can play a part, but not as a funder of daily expenses. That would be like going back to Victorian times when public hospitals were totally reliant on donations and fund raising efforts.


So who comes from a country where healthcare DOESN'T cause budget problems?

What you clearly don't understand is that Thailand have three health care systems. The one is SS (the only one which people pay for) which has the worst coverage. Then there is the universal health care system or the B 30 system which cost the tax payer B 2800 per person per year. The you have the elite one, the one for civil servants which cost the taxpayer B 14 000 per person per year. By the way the civil servant get this as a tax free benefit. On top of this the civil servants got a 3 times the inflation rate salary increase and a pension hand out worth billions. But all in vain as there is no money for the poor. Let them eat chicken - for those that know what it means.


No money for health care???.............3 Chinese submarines, no problem.

You guys are not looking at the positive side. They could give rides, make up songs and maybe even a movie. We all live in a Thailand submarine, Thailand submarine, Thailand submarine........ Catchy eh? And use the revenue to fund healthcare!smile.png


I think he's trying to wind people up , what else can he be doing, Why ? . I think they are trying to shift the debate from the real issues of oppression and Miitary rule

No one could be so stupid as to deny they have bought Submarines instead of extending Health care and then ask fo private Donations for the Health care system


I think he's trying to wind people up , what else can he be doing, Why ? . I think they are trying to shift the debate from the real issues of oppression and Miitary rule

No one could be so stupid as to deny they have bought Submarines instead of extending Health care and then ask fo private Donations for the Health care system

Ehmm, biggrin.png


if they included farangs in the scheme I think more money would be plowed into it thus giving everybody a fair crack of the whip if everyone donated so much a year the nhs in Thailand would progress .


if they included farangs in the scheme I think more money would be plowed into it thus giving everybody a fair crack of the whip if everyone donated so much a year the nhs in Thailand would progress .

I'd rather donate to buying Submarines , than give this Shower of a Government some Kudos with ordinary people


Wow, that is seriously taking the piss, especially considering the massive expenditures they are planning for things they don't need (obviously good ways to get those brown paper bags filled).

Here's an alternative suggestion ... how about all the top Military, Police and Government Officials all take a big pay cut to fund the healthcare scheme, there's so many of these guys the scheme could be funded immediately.

Sound idea but.... that would be unThai.

Next ! coffee1.gif


I would think if he opened the scheme to expats and charged them 15,000 baht per year each there would be no shortage of applicants and it would raise a lot of money. But if he expects the elite to open their wallets to help the needy he is dreaming.


Sell Thai Airways - if anyone is idiotic enough to buy it - and throw the Money into public healthcare, ups forgot it would cause massive loss of face ...whistling.gif


^ Indeed they are, the future is very very bleak :-/

The lunatics are running the asylums all over the planet and the future does look bleak for us average poor folk. No money and grandiose schemes. Look at Obama so desperate to leave a legacy that future generations will pay for. I am afraid they will be remembered for a lot less than they planned for.


I Think there is something that the Dear Leader must be reminded of. Submarines DON'T VOTE!

You forget - this is Thailand where nobody votes anymore.


So who comes from a country where healthcare DOESN'T cause budget problems?

The Norwegians?

That's right, and the other countries using the Nordic System; Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland.

These inforgraphics are very telling. Sweden has the lowest health spending per capita and the lowest infant mortality. The USA has the highest health spending and the highest infant mortality! Of course many Americans will have you know that their health care is amongst the best in the world, I guess it has been important to mislead the public there in the past in order to prevent widespread unrest. The truth is they pay the most in the world for a system which is far below western standards. At least Obama has addressed the issue, shame the propaganda from the opposition has managed to misslead many of the public into believing that the American dream includes massive corporations right to charge people the highest rates in the world for a third world system.



Statistics require a little forethought in their comparison. Raw mortality data is provided by each country according to its own criteria. For example:

The USA includes in infant mortality deaths from still-borne and miscarriage that is excluded in other countries.


"Chairing the committee is Ammar Siamwalla, an expert health economist."

There's a job title that screams, "forget the patients, cut the budget".

And being an "expert" one would think this person could come up with something better than begging for donations!!!!!!!!!!


with at least 600 million on his bank account for selling that land, maybe he can give 1 to 10% of his own wealth ?

that would be a great example


Another thing haunting the general, subs, health care, students, draught.......

I wonder how this guy is able to sleep every night.

He must be immune to problems.


So who comes from a country where healthcare DOESN'T cause budget problems?

The Norwegians?

That's right, and the other countries using the Nordic System; Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland.

These inforgraphics are very telling. Sweden has the lowest health spending per capita and the lowest infant mortality. The USA has the highest health spending and the highest infant mortality! Of course many Americans will have you know that their health care is amongst the best in the world, I guess it has been important to mislead the public there in the past in order to prevent widespread unrest. The truth is they pay the most in the world for a system which is far below western standards. At least Obama has addressed the issue, shame the propaganda from the opposition has managed to misslead many of the public into believing that the American dream includes massive corporations right to charge people the highest rates in the world for a third world system.



Statistics require a little forethought in their comparison. Raw mortality data is provided by each country according to its own criteria. For example:

The USA includes in infant mortality deaths from still-borne and miscarriage that is excluded in other countries.

Why would they do that, did they not understand the question? Are you seriously trying to tell me that "Infant deaths per live birth" includes those not born alive? Surely that is not true. Please cite your source that still borns are included. I'm only joking I already know it is not true. What you have confused is premature births, obvioulsy live births does not include still borns, that would be ridiculous! Some countries do not include very early premature births as they are extremely unlikely to survive and so some countries categorize these as miscarriages, but obvioulsy still borns are not included amongst any countries LIVE BIRTH data.

A baby born (alive) in the US is 3 times more likely to die in their first year of life than a child born (alive) in Finland. Even Cuba has a better health record than the US. Mississippi has a higher rate of infant mortality than Botswana.

Lets here your thoughts on this infographic. Do you think a different set of criteria has been used to demonstrate deaths at one year old? Not really possible is it?


Do you think they have used different criteria for each race? Any comments?



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