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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash

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Why has she got hair? I've never seen a nun with hair. Oh, wait...I know...because it's just a typical superficial HiSo gesture that makes everything better. Is she going to shell out 3 million baht to the victim's family like the Red Bull punk's daddy did?

Because when becoming a nun for a short time, you don't need to cut your hair.

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7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

Murder ! You seriously think she intended to kill the policeman and planned the whole thing ??


Where was the cops car parked....half way out in the lane with no flashers or any other lights on like we all know that Thai's do constantly? I haven't seen anything about that. Maybe that's why there is no prosecution, maybe the cops know it was just as much his fault. Just a thought.


In my country if you unintentionally kill someone in an accident and you're not drunk, you're also not sent to jail and the fine is not that high. Most of the expenses will be paid by your insurance.

I believe that's a good thing.

Never think you're perfect - you too can cause a deadly accident,

Not sure of your country but it can be unintentional but still grossly negligent if speeding, reckless or drunk. That will result in jail-time if found guilty. Ever heard of vehicular manslaughter?

In your country would you be able to tell the cops at the scene that you are too stressed to go to the station? Then simply go home and turn up the next day at your own leisure for a breath test and an interview?

Would the police investigate the scene to determine speed of impact? Try to work out why a stationary police vehicle was hit at high speed?

The cars management computer will have accessible data from prior to the accident depending on the engine installed and year of manufacture. I'm unsure if the BMW computers have crash detection to avoid over writing the data, as can happen if the ignition is restarted.

Usually the raw sensor numbers from the PIC loops will be available, though someone will need to convert those into RPM and positions.

Without that data the only way they can estimate the speed is the length of the skid marks post slide and post impact slide. There are some models available that can ballpark a figure given decent information and the actual weight of the cars. Some ex-crash investigators might be willing to explain it fully.

Mercedes man!


In my country if you unintentionally kill someone in an accident and you're not drunk, you're also not sent to jail and the fine is not that high. Most of the expenses will be paid by your insurance.

I believe that's a good thing.

Never think you're perfect - you too can cause a deadly accident,

Not sure of your country but it can be unintentional but still grossly negligent if speeding, reckless or drunk. That will result in jail-time if found guilty. Ever heard of vehicular manslaughter?

In your country would you be able to tell the cops at the scene that you are too stressed to go to the station? Then simply go home and turn up the next day at your own leisure for a breath test and an interview?

Would the police investigate the scene to determine speed of impact? Try to work out why a stationary police vehicle was hit at high speed?

The cars management computer will have accessible data from prior to the accident depending on the engine installed and year of manufacture. I'm unsure if the BMW computers have crash detection to avoid over writing the data, as can happen if the ignition is restarted.

Usually the raw sensor numbers from the PIC loops will be available, though someone will need to convert those into RPM and positions.

Without that data the only way they can estimate the speed is the length of the skid marks post slide and post impact slide. There are some models available that can ballpark a figure given decent information and the actual weight of the cars. Some ex-crash investigators might be willing to explain it fully.

Mercedes man!

ahaha My Bad.....



cant they all see through this ?

anyway... of course she did a mistake.. and she never dreamed she would kill someone.
i'm sure she feels awful for what happened,, and scared to go to jail etc...

and i am sure that this will pop-up in her mind for the rest of her life... and it was a smart idea to be a nun.

BUT.. 7 days seems PATHETIC !!!

honestly,, she cant even manage to do a month ?


Although I agree that all around this world, and now, more than ever .. the Rich and Famous thumb their noses at law, authority, and the 99% of us left who, have .. MADE them rich and famous.

It does suck to be gears in the machine they use to live a life ... above the clouds... where nothing can touch them.

I just thought it would be nice to remind you all that this charade is Standard Operation Procedure from Hollywood, to Bollywood and any other place that actresses in low cut dresses provide ... wood.

When something like this happens in Thailand, I like to log on to Thai Visa to watch page after page after page after page of little old ladies leaning over the cyber fence and waving their fingers in the air.

"Oh those naughty Thai people, how DARE they do EXACTLY what we do back in Farangatopia! How DARE they!

OK, Ladies ... Start your engines .. the race to that perfect Thai bash is under way:


One part Racism
One part Elitism
One part Xenophobia
And a pinch of uncut stupidity.

Vrooooom Vroooom! the race is ON! Ladies. Start your Engines!


...if that is the best acting that she can do....

...how the h*ll did she even become 'famous' or 'popular' to begin with......


I agree this looks like a disgusting media circus which she should have avoided. Whether she is the proponent of it, how can we tell?

I agree that it is ridiculous that no alcohol tests were run on the scene. Is that the fault of her or the police? Who can tell?

The write-up in the British press seemed to suggest her reluctance to go to the police station was a stress reaction. But was it a deliberate calculated attempt to avoid a breath test? Who can tell?

Maybe I'm reacting because I have my own British look-kreung. If the reporting, of the ghosts telling her that she is forgiven stuff, is accurate/balanced then maybe she is just a sickening person. But let's at least acknowledge that trial by social media does not always tell the full story.

[Gotta love the way the ThaiVisa internet warriors brand any old reality/soap TV 'star' as Hi-So. Would the Brits among you regard a Corrie actress or overnight sensation from Big Brother as "upper class"?]


So it seems almost no one believes that a motorcycle cut in front of her and caused her to lose control of her car. Maybe it's true and maybe not, but it amazes me how so many people on TV want to burn her at the stake, without having any personal knowledge of all the details, just because she has money and a little fame. At least she is trying to take responsibility whereas most Thais run.

And her case isn't even close to what the Red Bull killer did. In that case, the facts have always been the same. He didn't only kill the policeman, he dragged him on his car for some distance and then ran and the authorities allowed him to leave the country knowing full well he would never return. Now him I could see turned to charcoal.

Well I'll stand alone and say she deserve the benefit of the doubt. Now flame away.


Why has she got hair? I've never seen a nun with hair. Oh, wait...I know...because it's just a typical superficial HiSo gesture that makes everything better. Is she going to shell out 3 million baht to the victim's family like the Red Bull punk's daddy did?

Becoming a 'temporary', as my wife calls it, nun carries no requirement to shave the head.

My wife and her friends will go to a temple several times a year, usually for about a week and none of them ever shave their heads.


So it seems almost no one believes that a motorcycle cut in front of her and caused her to lose control of her car. Maybe it's true and maybe not, but it amazes me how so many people on TV want to burn her at the stake, without having any personal knowledge of all the details, just because she has money and a little fame. At least she is trying to take responsibility whereas most Thais run.

And her case isn't even close to what the Red Bull killer did. In that case, the facts have always been the same. He didn't only kill the policeman, he dragged him on his car for some distance and then ran and the authorities allowed him to leave the country knowing full well he would never return. Now him I could see turned to charcoal.

Well I'll stand alone and say she deserve the benefit of the doubt. Now flame away.

I read where she begged the family for forgiveness, possibly meaning she gave them a wad, so No jail sentence, this is thai law


Let's be frank, shall we? The only (ONLY!) reason why she is putting up this circus is because she is mortified that the dead police officer's ghost might come to haunt her. Otherwise she'd give a rat's ass about having to atone for her deed.

Let's be frank, shall we? How do you know she’s "putting up a circus” and "she'd give a rat's ass about having to atone for her deed? As it was an accident your hate and jealousy seem misplaced. Is it the feeling of inferiority that drives your hatred?


Her agent told her it was the best to do in order to improve her image to make money out of a bad situation... smart.

She'll probably wear kinky panties and a pouch of cocaine under her robes.

Best thing is, most will fall for it.


Why has she got hair? I've never seen a nun with hair. Oh, wait...I know...because it's just a typical superficial HiSo gesture that makes everything better. Is she going to shell out 3 million baht to the victim's family like the Red Bull punk's daddy did?

another celeb runs off to the "temple" after screwing up! ala suthep! he ran off to the temple after the "dear" leader took over!


Let's be frank, shall we? The only (ONLY!) reason why she is putting up this circus is because she is mortified that the dead police officer's ghost might come to haunt her. Otherwise she'd give a rat's ass about having to atone for her deed.

Let's be frank, shall we? How do you know she’s "putting up a circus” and "she'd give a rat's ass about having to atone for her deed? As it was an accident your hate and jealousy seem misplaced. Is it the feeling of inferiority that drives your hatred?

how would you know that it was an accident? it happened at o dark thirty, was she drunk was she on something? we will never know,. but reckless driving is rampant in this country!


Come on, this is exactly what receives social acceptance in Thailand. She was advised well

"I pray every night, and a part of me believes he has forgiven me," Anna told reporters and cried.

It doesn't matter if its all a sham, she is going through the motions and that is what counts. But you belching cynical Ex pats just don't care, ... You sit there on your loathsome spotty behinds not caring a tinkers cuss for the struggling Hi-So. Your type disgust me biggrin.png


Wow.. I didn't realise she murdered him.. Was he parked legally when he was sleeping on the highway? As far as I know she wasn't speeding or intoxicated, I wonder if he had his hazard lights on.


One good reason why Church and State should be separate.

How one reconciles their crime with their faith should have no relation to reconciling with Criminal Justice.

Imprison this woman for 20 years and she will have no distractions from her merit making.


Why has she got hair? I've never seen a nun with hair. Oh, wait...I know...because it's just a typical superficial HiSo gesture that makes everything better. Is she going to shell out 3 million baht to the victim's family like the Red Bull punk's daddy did?

Because when becoming a nun for a short time, you don't need to cut your hair.
Thats not correct. She would need to lose the hair to become an actual nun. All she is doing is staying in a temple for a week and wearing white. If you are a real monk or nun even if you only ordain for 1 day you need to have your head shaved

There are two things here. First it is an exposure of a corrupt , reckless, pathetic and sick justice system. This is a system for rich and shows wanton disregard for the poor.

Secondly this lady is making a mockery of the Buddist religion. This is supposed to be secured . Now it is used as a tool in corruption.

This shows your justice system and religion is failing the country.


Just a thought, okay the blood test, after a significant delay was negative.... But can't they trace back her time before the accident to see where she was and what she was doing, then get witness statements to confirm or deny she was drinking or taking banned substances????


The saddest thing about this whole affair is that it has shown a side of nature amoung the Farang Community that is so unloving and unforgiving that it would make one want to hang one's head in shame. " It is by forgiving...that one is forgiven". ...This was an ACCIDENT...plain to see by all, and for that accident people are demanding their of pound flesh ...the full vengance of the law. Please please God may none of the "holier than thous" be even faced with such a tragedy, either to themselves or a member of their family or friends.

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