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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash

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She is trying to avoid going to jail, deal will be done it wont mean a think that she was totally in the wrong she is a movie star, has plenty of money to pay her way out of this, cruoting still reins in thailand in these cases,any where else in the world you would be arrested on the spot and forced to have a drug and breatherlizer test and blood test ,tbe bad tbi g about thailand is this and i have seen tbis first handed ,my girlfriends brother ,got drunk in bangkok ,was on the wrong side of the road got hit ,by a car ,the driver paniced ran away he was no way in rhe wrong had his drivers license etc, my girlfrients brother has not got a license and has been in 3 colisions to date ,with a bit of dealing with the police and money changing hands , the car driver had to pay him 60,000 baht to get out of being charged for running away. SO you can understand how it works here money paves the way. The red bull one ,they payed the family a few million what a joke they make more than 50 million baht an hour world wide ,he ran the police officer down reversed and left the officer to die on the road.pissed of to singapore and lou whiledad sorted it out .


Very unsafe safe to even stop in a car momentarily to park on a highway, let alone sleep on the shoulder. Smart cops know this. In 1990 speed/extreme skiing pioneer Steve Mckinney was killed in California in such an accident.

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Thailand at its best, I strongly believe that she is sorry, and feels guilty, like many people in prison feel after committing a crime, but I believe that she should have been punished by a judge in a court, and not by using that famous religious card that blinds so many people of what is right and what is wrong, if I killed somebody and by going to church would help my case and keep me free, then I would go too, and I am a non believer.


Why so much jealousy?

She had an ACCIDENT caused by poor road lighting, some daft bloke parking his car on the highway without warning lights and her driving a bit too fast.

We've all driven over the speed limit at one time or another. She was driving a decent car which makes going fast easier.

Point is it was nothing more than a terrible accident and she is just a young woman who's life was suddenly turned upside down. She has to live with the thought that she killed someone, which can't be an easy thing to deal with.

The policeman should not have been parked where he was, or at very least he should have had his lights flashing.

One day you or I might have an ACCIDENT, when we do I hope people treat us with a bit more fairness than is being thrown around on this forum towards her.

I thought they were just miserable old gits but might be jealousy, Probably been here years and not got any decent contacts or money so live scared of the law,


Pathetic, absolutely pathetic beyond words!

A few weeks a a "nun", plenty of tears for the cameras, (smiles and laughter when the cameras have gone), a brown envelope passed under the table and that's it.

That's the value of a human life here.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic beyond words!


My God, why the hatred, it could happen to anyone, even you. You are in the wrong country dude - why not try Cambodia - the last stop for your types.


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

ahhhh..... the thainess is all around us .............


Sorry missy, you have no choice yourself..we have to answer for our deeds, whether positive or negative...universal law..all these religions, mantras, movies, money, photo-ops and media-circus will not relieve you of that. I'm at a loss to what Thai-English actress is suppose to mean anyway; more P.C. rubbish I suppose.


So the police could not find any charges to put to her?

another HiSo, gets away with vehicular killing?

regards Worgeordie

Agreed. How about manslaughter as it wasn't really murder.

Once again I think money talks

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Sometimes we as westerners with our western education

and upbringing have to pinch ourselves and ask,,,

'' am i awake / or dreaming ?''

is this real


This is how it works. Those who have lived in Thailand for a while should know.

I strongly believe that she was under the influence when the accident happened. The erratic behavior that was filmed right after the accident proves that. She felt really guilty and of course she didn't want to harm anyone, but shit happens. By knowing her status, her relatives (parents) begged the cops not to test her for the alcohol. Of course those cops were generously rewarded. Its a big case. Normally in small cases if someone dies they agree about 100.000 baht. I believe in this case it was paid more.

At the moment the advisory team is putting on a public show trying to restore her previous image.

I don't judge her, shit happens. Everyone who drinks drove under the influence until the shit happened. Her case was really unfortunate. That was a lifetime lesson. I bet she will never do it again and if they agree with the deceased family about the money compensation this case will be closed and never spoken again! This is Thailand and they way they do things.

Don't keep telling us that this is the way it is done in Thailand. We know that but it is still wrong and it is still corruption.The rich and famous have nothing to worry about------ even murder


Money, Money, Money, the most important thing in the world in The land of sin.

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She will never achieve Merit for this tragic loss of life, as a nun for seven days,,,,Take a life in this manner...ordain, and commit to life as nun! Seven days = nothing


It may not be law but by doing this she is definatley sheilding herself from any prosecution. The cops let her walk away from a fatality, do you think they are going to walk into a monestry and ask her questions?

Its quite common for criminals to run off up country and hide out in temples to avoid prosecution. A lot of them make tamboon for forgivness and firmly believe that that is the end of it then and there.


This blardy stinks. This is not Buddhism as I know it. Meditate all you want, make all the merits you want, but the law is the law. You killed someone on the road and you serve time for that. Becoming a dammed 'monk' absolves you from the crime you committed? This is one part of Thai culture that, if I'm honest, is nothing but rubbish. Wai-ing at anything and everything makes it ok. Sheesh...


even if she was tested for alcohol the scene, which he was NOT! unbelievably the press dont even seem to care or are that stupid they dont know.
The fact that she could also have been on Ice or Coke which wouldnt show up under a breathalizer test is another possibility

Lets not forget she was driving home at 3am - obviously from some party


why was the cop sleeping? why did he park there? why wasnt she also tested for drugs?

why oh why - Thailand doesnt care


why was the cop sleeping? why did he park there? why wasnt she also tested for drugs?

why oh why - Thailand doesnt care

Forget what the cop was having a kip.

She's killed him & thinks 7 days as a nun will absolve her.

She needs to be prosecuted for manslaughter & do her time.

Whether she was drunk, high, tired etc. is no excuse

She needs to face the music - full stop

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why was the cop sleeping? why did he park there? why wasnt she also tested for drugs?

why oh why - Thailand doesnt care

I normally sleep when I am tired, ever thought he was tired after working all day. He parked there because he could. Are you aware of anything that he did illegally? If the media reports are correct, she was and the test came back negative. Apparently she was also tested for alcohol, which allegedly the results would be available in 7 days. Haven't heard any more so who knows?


It may not be law but by doing this she is definatley sheilding herself from any prosecution. The cops let her walk away from a fatality, do you think they are going to walk into a monestry and ask her questions?

Its quite common for criminals to run off up country and hide out in temples to avoid prosecution. A lot of them make tamboon for forgivness and firmly believe that that is the end of it then and there.

I thought she was only doing this for 7 days, correct me if I'm wrong. But if it is for only 7 days, then how will she avoid prosecution? Yes, the cops should be hauled over the coals for what they allowed but given further reports, she has been charged with reckless driving causing death and leaving the scene of an accident, so maybe something will come of it, we will just have to wait and see.


"...normally sleep when I am tired, ever thought he was tired after working all day. He parked there because he could. Are you aware of anything that he did illegally?"


You don't park next to a busy highway, unless it's an emergency. It's a safety hazard. Another car could run into your car.

In what country did you take driving lessons? I'm guessing India?



So if I got this right the dead cop told her she was fogiven? So 7 days as a nun all is forgiven? Oh so this is Thainess? What a crock of"deleted" you get the picture.

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