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Thailand eyes Asia's top 3 place

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The TOURISM Authority of Thailand (TAT) has finalised its marketing plan for next year, positioning the Kingdom as a quality destination and aiming to keep it in Asia's top three in terms of tourism revenue.

Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, minister of tourism and sports, on Monday called on the entire industry, including both the private and public sectors, to work on the principles of the "three Rs": restructuring, rebalancing, and repositioning. The aim is to market the country as a quality destination.

She said TAT's 2016 marketing plans focused on increasing tourist expenditure, raising the average length of stay, and improving the overall quality of the visitor experience.

Because of the current economic instability in Europe and the United States and the lack of recovery in Japan, the agency now is focusing on emerging markets, especially China, India and Asean countries.

This Friday, Kobkarn will sign a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on tourism professionals with Asean secretary-general Le Luong Minh in a bid to boost intra-regional tourism as well as to enhance the travel industry's workforces throughout the region.

Last year in Thailand, Western countries contributed 60 per cent of tourist arrivals and Asia 40 per cent. The ratio is expected to be 50:50 this year as a lot more tourists come from Asia. China alone is expected to contribute 6 million tourists this year, increasing to 7 million next year.

"In 2016, we are confident that we will remain in the top three in terms of international tourism receipts in the Asian region," Kobkarn said.

The tourism-revenue target for is 8 per cent higher than the projected earnings for 2015, or around Bt2.3 trillion. Receipts from both international and domestic tourism will rise by 8 per cent, above the growth projection for the overall Thai economy for 2016.

TAT noted that Thailand has great connectivity via air, road and sea, and allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival access for citizens of 68 countries and territories.

The 2016 marketing strategy will retain the "Amazing Thailand" brand as well as the "Thainess" identity, with concentration on niche markets such as golfers, newlyweds and honeymooners, health and wellness visitors, and halal tourism for Muslims. There will also be a focus on female travellers.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Thailand-eyes-Asias-top-3-place-30263952.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-08


Its time we updated the 20th Century adage.... Lies, damn lies and statistics to the 21st Century.

Lies, damn lies, statistics and TAT.

Amazing Thailand

Yes Peter, the B/S just keeps flowing.

The sad thing is the Thai people believe it.beatdeadhorse.gif


What possibly can TAT offer new to the would be tourists that they didn't offer in the past

20 years or so since they come up with the slogan Amazing Thailand ?

This is the same lady with a different dress and make up, but underneath, is the same old

tired offerings and mantras.... tourist will come to Thailand when they feel safe, cheap hotels

and food and no hassle visa,,, any other ideas and marketing is a waste of time and money...


Ahhh..... The self congratulating TAT slaps themselves on the back again... Positioning themselves... I would infer that it is not up to TAT to position themselves anywhere in the table, it is the rest of the world to do that.

One of my fave sayings..... Self Praise.... Is No Praise at all.


"...to work on the principles of the "three Rs": restructuring, rebalancing, and repositioning..."

Oh my, this is the same type of smelly garbage the big company I used to work for spewed out all the time. It didn't take long before it became easy to ignore by labeling it as the "flavor of the month". They always think if they pick the right words and deliver them just right that it will be the magic bullet they have been searching for.


"TAT noted that Thailand has great connectivity via air, road and sea..."

Ha ha ha. The roads are death traps, the sea is full of rubbish, and the connectivity by air has been called into question for the past several months due to safety concerns. Why not talk about the incredible railways while you are at it?


What possibly can TAT offer new to the would be tourists that they didn't offer in the past

20 years or so since they come up with the slogan Amazing Thailand ?

This is the same lady with a different dress and make up, but underneath, is the same old

tired offerings and mantras.... tourist will come to Thailand when they feel safe, cheap hotels

and food and no hassle visa,,, any other ideas and marketing is a waste of time and money...

I have always thought the motto should have been "Inexplicable Thailand". or "Unexplainable Thailand". Better to focus on public safety, traffic safety, consumer protection, and other areas that will make tourists feel both safe and welcome.


"TAT noted that Thailand has great connectivity via air, road and sea..."

Ha ha ha. The roads are death traps, the sea is full of rubbish, and the connectivity by air has been called into question for the past several months due to safety concerns. Why not talk about the incredible railways while you are at it?

This and so much more..which is sad really as the country should! If it had got its act together and mentality sorted there approach should be clear leaders...however the above along with greed and complete failure of the authorities to address all the issues to do with law enforcement and graft means there is no light at the end of this tunnel. The dreamt up figures of TaT don't convince any sane person either..It's sad because it had everything going for it years ago...

What possibly can TAT offer new to the would be tourists that they didn't offer in the past

20 years or so since they come up with the slogan Amazing Thailand ?

This is the same lady with a different dress and make up, but underneath, is the same old

tired offerings and mantras.... tourist will come to Thailand when they feel safe, cheap hotels

and food and no hassle visa,,, any other ideas and marketing is a waste of time and money...

Forget the last 20 years but just in the last ten, all the things you mention have become more expensive and restrictive yet foreign arrival numbers have more than doubled in the past decade. TAT and every other countries Tourism Departments certainly serve a purpose as do marketing campaigns, advertising and branding for major companies. Grant it, even big companies screw up ( think New Coke) but yet Coke intends on spending $1 Billion next year to promote their brand and products. TAT is one of a number of agencies (the first) dedicated to promoting tourism in Thailand and has offices in major cities around the globe. As for any government agency clearly they have issues but to marginalize the fact TAT has a significant impact on tourism is being naive or just another example of faux superior feelings from self feeling inferior people.

As for cheap places to stay ... year after year these places are disappearing as more and more high end resorts, hotels and shopping centers are built.


Its time we updated the 20th Century adage.... Lies, damn lies and statistics to the 21st Century.

Lies, damn lies, statistics and TAT.

Amazing Thailand

Yes Peter, the B/S just keeps flowing.

The sad thing is the Thai people believe it.beatdeadhorse.gif

While domestic tourism contributes to total tourism dollars. These news articles and TAT itself is geared towards foreigners. Even their default language on their website is International English. Just as most people in most countries pay no attention to Tourism numbers, unless they are in the industry, Thais are no different despite how big tourism here.


"There will also be a focus on female travellers."

I bet there will be, especially from drunk men gropping them where ever they go or maybe even a gang-rape ... What specific focus is she babling about ... Not to wear bikini or what (yes, thats gonna follow the dear Leader untill he steps down or getting kicked down) ...

Tourism in Thailand has about the same chance as the (innocent ...) B2 = Its a Non starter ...


The SPIN factory is back at work again.coffee1.gif

Stand back a fair distance as we know what they are spinning. I will wear a matching brown suit on the sidelines. They might get more Chinese to come as the are propping up the stock market by illegal means methinks. Governments and brokers should stay out of the market personally. Brokers should only handle other peoples money not distort the market with their tons of yuan. Everybody jumped for joy at the 150% increase in the last year but the last few months have seen a sharp drop and now the government is coming to their aid to stop the crying/bleeding and it may be to little to late. People should be responsible for their own actions when investing in the market not rely on governments or others to bail them out. All the real estate money in China is now migrating to the market as real estate has slowed or gone into reverse in some cases. You can even put your home up as collateral and get margin money to sink into the market. I guess when the bubble collapses and they all do eventually the stock market and real estate will collapse together. What causes this oh yeah GREED!!


What possibly can TAT offer new to the would be tourists that they didn't offer in the past

20 years or so since they come up with the slogan Amazing Thailand ?

This is the same lady with a different dress and make up, but underneath, is the same old

tired offerings and mantras.... tourist will come to Thailand when they feel safe, cheap hotels

and food and no hassle visa,,, any other ideas and marketing is a waste of time and money...

Amazing Thailand is that not the name of a book written by a Brit? Maybe TAT should give each new tourist a copy. Now that would be amazing. Sorry would not work it would cost money.


OK, call me an average want-a-be visitor to Thailand of any gender. Here is what would grab my attention…not some stupid, silly video like the recent one about a woman with lock-jaw, but simple, beautifully made videos of all the fantastic places you can see in Thailand and things to do. Make heavy use of a drone camera.

  1. Do a series of videos on Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.
  2. Do a series of videos on the incredible beaches you can visit here.
  3. Do a couple of diving videos.
  4. Do a series on the incredible ruins they have in Thailand especially in Ayutthaya.
  5. Do one on that temple high on a mountain that you get to by walking up these scary stairs built on the side of the mountain.
  6. Do one or more on the different islands you can visit.
  7. Do a couple on kayaking in Phang Nga bay.
  8. Do a series on some of the National Parks.
  9. Do a series on the sites of Bangkok with the temples, floating markets and grand palace.

That should layout their campaign for the next 5-10 years and they could fire everybody at TAT except a small office to hire and supervise the company that makes the videos. Don’t have any voice or talking whatsoever in the videos…maybe some tasteful music and labels for what the people are seeing. At the end of the video simply say, “Come Visit Thailand”.

This country does have some amazing sites to see so put them out there for everyone to see. It’s a shame TAT has no idea how to market this country.


A simple start to increasing tourism would be to CLEAN THE BLOODY COUNTRY UP. We are looking for a seaside holiday during the next school hols, somewhere a reasonable drive from Wichianburi, Phetchabun. My youngest has not yet seen the sea. Only need a clean beach, decent food and a beer or two for me Every location I come up with, Facebook friends of my wife tell her how dirty the beaches are. If a Thai notices rubbish strewn about, there must be a lot of it. OK, so I don't have the money for two weeks in a 5 * resort, but a lot of tourists don't either. How much would it cost to hire people to keep the tourist spots clean? A tiny fraction of the local Amphoe budget.



"She said TAT's 2016 marketing plans focused on increasing tourist expenditure, raising the average length of stay, and improving the overall quality of the visitor experience".... How?


One thing this very photogenic lady post-9891-0-33825200-1436348281_thumb.jp seems to have forgotten in her rush to make a complete Rs of herself using restructuring, rebalancing, and repositioning, is that most important word RESPECTING

Respecting the tourists who have saved hard for a holiday only to find a litany of potential problems.

Respecting their rights to:

Safety on the streets of the cities and resort towns.

Safety on the highways and in public transportation.

Recourse to justice when problems occur.

A polite and helpful immigration department who make tourists feel welcome and not like intruders.

TAT always trumpets how much money can be made from tourists. How about providing them with an experience NOT to be forgotten and they will tell their friends and will return to see more.

Stop treating the tourism business as a cash cow and start building it as a cornerstone of Thailand's future.

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