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Wife wants to open a clothing shop in Pattaya


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Hi there,

So my wife wants to open a small clothing shop in Pattaya. I gave her 100,000 baht when we got married and she wants to use that money to open a clothing shop.

In my opinion this doesn't seem to be enough money to have a fashion shop and I am worried that she is going to get in over her head on this.

Does anyone here have any experience with there wives owning a small business.

It seems like to me that it wouldn't generate a lot of money. I just would like to see her not throw all her money down the drain. Opinions.


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At least 30% of your budget should be marketing so that leaves 70k for rent, interior and stock for the duration until operative break-even. Hmmm...

I have two water machines that is estimated about 6000b/month low season and the double in high season. I sell them, including the contract for 100k - Break even in 1 year AND the cost of the machines paid ;)

Edited by MRYANG
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Might be an ok idea. As usual everything depends on location and cost of rental space. What you need is a lot of passing traffic. Anywhere out of the way will go unnoticed. The profit on a single item of clothing can be about 100 baht on average. Less for t shirts etc and maybe more for ' choot sak ' .... Full dress. Competition is tough but at least Pattaya has a lot of women with disposable income.

Good luck but don't lose your shirt !!.

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Ask her why, with all the clothing shops and market stalls in Pattaya, what will it be about her shop that will make people buy her clothes as opposed to going somewhere else.

I never liked the idea of going into retail: a lot of $$ up front for inventory, thin margins, and another dozen things. If things don't fly she'll need more money. Careful of getting a hole in your pocket.

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Ask her why, with all the clothing shops and market stalls in Pattaya, what will it be about her shop that will make people buy her clothes as opposed to going somewhere else.

I never liked the idea of going into retail: a lot of $$ up front for inventory, thin margins, and another dozen things. If things don't fly she'll need more money. Careful of getting a hole in your pocket.

I agree seems like won't make much if anything. Told her if you run out of money don't come to me because I won't give you more.

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Do not worry OP. You will be paying rent , bills and buying stocks , while she gets to keep the sales.

Perfect business arrangements , be thankful she does not want to open bar, otherwise you would be not only paying all of the above but wages as well as police donations .

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When the money has gone, she will want more., what you going to do ? cave in / yes / no

she will then want to start one more business, as first one was unlucky.

Sorry mate but most Thais don't want to work hard, most want a business so they can sit down and money come through the door.

Don't do it. you will have endless problems.

how many shops are there around town the same ?

Try something a bit more mobile, with small fixed costs.

shops are expensive and will eat all, if any profit.

Good luck

Edited by onemorechang
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Ask her why, with all the clothing shops and market stalls in Pattaya, what will it be about her shop that will make people buy her clothes as opposed to going somewhere else.

I never liked the idea of going into retail: a lot of $$ up front for inventory, thin margins, and another dozen things. If things don't fly she'll need more money. Careful of getting a hole in your pocket.

I agree seems like won't make much if anything. Told her if you run out of money don't come to me because I won't give you more.

but wouldn't it be nice if you could persuade her not to lose anything in the first place.As bendejo rightly says there are so many places to buy clothes so what would make your wife's place any different?

and with the continual tightening of the economy in Thailand looking forward I can see people will have even less disposable income in the foreseeable future. Clothing will be just the kind of commodities that people will reluctantly have to cut back on.

Edited by Asiantravel
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I see this all the time.Um prices of things add up quick.Put A business plan together.see how much for everything.Rent,inventory.

How much will her monthly wage be.What price do you buy the clothes for?How much will you sell the clothes for.

How long of A time will it take to turn over the inventory.You need to go into this with eyes wide open..not with eyes wide shut.

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Tell her you will help her if she starts out by selling in the markets. She will then learn business basics if she hasn't had that before. She will learn what overheads are, profit and loss , book keeping and record keeping and so on . And if her interest wanes after a few weeks then the loss will not be as great as paying out a lease. Then , if it is successful in the markets and she makes money that money can go into expanding the business into a shop and she will have some business skills..

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Diversify, have motorbike rentals, internet and massage offerings as well, oh, and don't forget to sell coffee and confectionery. By selling all those things under one roof you'll have covered at least 90% of small business offerings in Thailand.

More seriously, people need to come up with new business ideas rather than doing to death existing concepts that have been, well er, done to death, talk about market saturation.

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The chance of success is very small. She may make a few thousand baht a month but for the time and effort it is not worth it. Inventory, storage, trips to Bangkok for stock are all things she will need to attend to. Also, rainy season is coming and numbers will be down just due to that. Plus, there are thousands of girls doing the exact same thing and they don't make money.

Send her to school to learn English or a trade.

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Why not open 2 shops? Get rid of the $$$ even quicker.

Seriously, the market concept seems more risk averse. You are not locked in with a lease.


A little more imagination might be helpful. This strategy is the usual idea for a Thai female.

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It is a positive sign that your wife has a desire to "run a business"; however, does she have experience running a clothing shop or even working in one. Pattaya would be one of the worse places to start a clothing shop since they is an overflow of them from the little shops on the sois , to the little stands at the night markets. The profitable times depends on the tourist season which is about 5 months out of the year and now with the flow of tourists down (and Chinese are not out and about spending their money with their group tour bookings) things are bleak. The other downfall is that rent in Pattaya is quite high and most owners renting out space want a year's worth of rent. (They do not care if you go out of business; for some other fool will move in and pay another annual year's rent.)

What your wife should do is take that money and attend a beauty salon school and learn how to cut/style hair or learn some other trade so she has a skill to lean on.

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I think its a good thing your girl wants to work. you could rent a home on a busy street with a front room to make small shop and some clothes out front. you move in to home and save rent, thats if you rent now i mean. and it would be easy to come and go from work. your cost would come down.

anyway that's my thoughts cheers big ears

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If you are really serious about this idea than you should contact me back.

I work for a garment manufacturer in China who is looking for an opportunity to slowly get into Thailand

Quality brand clothing and mainly swimwear but also other lady and menswear but at affordable prices and with EU and Asian sizes

so some for the tourist and some for the locals

Then you have a product that stands out...

In a few months I am opening a shop also with these items (and others) in Wang Noi

Now back to your investment, do you think 3,500 USD will be enough to set up shop?
You need shelves, racks, storage, cash register, lights, fitting rooms, floors...

And then the goods....

You need to dig a little deeper in your pockets or forget the whole thing..

Contact me if you are interested

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It is a positive sign that your wife has a desire to "run a business"; however, does she have experience running a clothing shop or even working in one. Pattaya would be one of the worse places to start a clothing shop since they is an overflow of them from the little shops on the sois , to the little stands at the night markets. The profitable times depends on the tourist season which is about 5 months out of the year and now with the flow of tourists down (and Chinese are not out and about spending their money with their group tour bookings) things are bleak. The other downfall is that rent in Pattaya is quite high and most owners renting out space want a year's worth of rent. (They do not care if you go out of business; for some other fool will move in and pay another annual year's rent.)

What your wife should do is take that money and attend a beauty salon school and learn how to cut/style hair or learn some other trade so she has a skill to lean on.

I think there could be a few around town now days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle.gif

Having a desire to have a business is the usual dream in Thailand, but very few wish to put the real effort into it, to have any chance of successes.

Its usually this.

Free money = start business = hire staff = sit down money come = bust in year = unlucky = try again !!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Op prepared for his wife to not be around the home for 14 hours a day. every day ?

The list of cons for a business here is very long.

but that said some do ok,


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Agree with thrilled, that get her to write a simple 1-page Business Plan...so she can she for herself that she will be broke in 12 6 3 months...

Better still, get her a job with a successful clothing store for 6 months so she can at least understand what it takes to run a business...and how hard it actually is.

Bad idea all round...but sometimes you have to let them prove you right...expensive lesson...but hopefully she'll only do it once.

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diversification ..... she could also have a couple of massage rooms out the back .. and a few bottles of brew to sell.

Make the clothing as just a front ... she can make more on the other ...

Once word gets around and customers keep coming back for more ..... 50,000 - 60, 000 / month easy.

How often do customers return to buy a dress or shirt ? once a year ? whistling.gif

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diversification ..... she could also have a couple of massage rooms out the back .. and a few bottles of brew to sell.

Make the clothing as just a front ... she can make more on the other ...

Once word gets around and customers keep coming back for more ..... 50,000 - 60, 000 / month easy.

How often do customers return to buy a dress or shirt ? once a year ? whistling.gif

Are you talking about the other occupation that some hair dressers / Stylists can have

in this town ohmy.pnggigglem.gifohmy.png

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Forget the 100k set up.. Calculate monthly costs. Rent, staff, utilities, transport. What is the profit on a dress or shirt? These shops come and go for a reason. Why not try try at the markets, less hours and overheads

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Run 2 to 3 shops 1 is clothing/shoes/bags not a good idea my friend peak times ok but longer low season, make money but then little, the money makers are the hair laundry shops trust me, big investments and top ups often required with slow returns that are not noticeable but having said that it keeps her happy she also does a loan scheme wow now that makes bigtime.

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