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Attack on Thai consulate in Turkey: Prayut blames repatriated Uighurs


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"For the group repatriated to China, the Chinese government said it had guaranteed their safety and will bring them into the Chinese justice system," Werachon said. "Security officials of the two countries reached an agreement on the conditions [of the repatriations] before the repatriations," he said."

​Yeah right, China's justice system…….

As for the agreement on the conditions of repatriation, what are you going to do when China completely ignores any commitments it made.

If it actually did make any that is.

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Mooslum scumbags waving the ISIs flag are not worth having on the planet....and neither are the ones fighting for ISIS. Criminals and terrorists. The things going on in Sandland (ME) are despicable.

What has Isis got to do with this?

Then again dont bother responding.

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Damned if you do damned if you don't. Some you send to Turkey some you send back. Probably

easier to send them all back to China. Once the word is out that you can't get to Turkey via

Thailand,they will stop coming. Maybe not a PC decision but with Salafist fighters heading for

Syria through Thailand/ Turkey, it is probably the best way to remain neutral and fly below the

radar. China is you major trading partner. Turkey, not so much. Just being pragmatic. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulic
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Thai tourists? In Turkey? cheesy.gif

Pretty well the only European country that is visa free for Thais.

As well as being a (secular) Muslim country (for now) where you can drink beer and is fanatical about football (soccer). Sounds like a place a lot of Thais would pick for a vacation, especially if they were Muslim themselves. I'm an atheist but I still toured the Blue Mosque while I had a short layover in Istanbul one time. (Holy flying elephant crap batman - the taxi drivers in Istanbul make Thai drivers look positively slow and gentle by comparison ! Crazy nut jobs, especially if they are listening to a football match on the radio while driving through rush hour traffic !)

Meanwhile, despite the claims of Thailand trying to cozy up to China, note in those news articles that China isn't happy about the 170 Uighurs they sent back to Turkey (because they were able to prove Turkish citizenship).

""Indeed, China disagreed with us over the repatriation of 170 of them to Turkey but as long as they can prove Turkish nationality, we have to send them to their place of origin," he said."

Which of course leads to the question of how Turkish Uighurs are in Thailand claiming to be from China ? (Surely there's no chance of anything fishy going on because that kind of thing never happens when people are trying to avoid going through normal channels to get from one place to another. whistling.gif )

Thailand considers them to be illegal migrants, not refugees and even the UNHCR "urged the government in the strongest possible terms to allow the remaining Uighurs in the country to depart voluntarily as soon as a country of their choice was willing to receive them." Sounds more like people trying to go somewhere else (at someone else's expense) than refugees. "The group entered the Kingdom in March last year, expressing their desire to be settled in third countries." Uh huh - not refugees, illegal immigrants.

There is a big difference between "refugee" and "illegal immigrant". Not liking the place you come from doesn't mean every other country in the world is obligated to feed, clothe, house and then pay for you to go to a place you decide you'd rather live in just because you don't want to go through the normal channels to immigrate there.

Could you imagine if that was the case ? 90% of England would be living in Spain and Thailand right now at the expense of those governments ! Add in all the other Euros/Americans/Australians/Indians/Chinese/Koreans and suddenly you wouldn't be able find a native Thai person in the whole country !

Not to mention that half of America would have suddenly landed in Australia and Canada because they don't like the fact that gay marriage is now legal in the US ! (The laugh being that gay marriage has been legal in Canada for over a decade.)

And yes (sigh) I am well aware of who the Uighurs are, where they come from and their recent history. Like their desire to separate and become their own country (gee, where have we heard that before, over and over and over again).

Like the riots they started in a certain city not long ago because a Han Chinese butcher shop put up a sign offering "Muslim Pork" for sale. The bombings at various train stations (blamed on Uighur militants).

The murder of the (Uighur) head of China's largest mosque, by fellow Uighurs who were upset over his criticism of attacks carried out by other Uighurs ! The attacks on police stations by Uighur militants (and so on and so on).

Various other clashes between the (Muslim) Uighur and the (Taoist/Confucius/Atheist) Han Chinese going back centuries.

Another surprise ! Despite the literacy rates and lifespans of the Uighurs skyrocketing ever since the (Communist) Chinese took over in 1949, the Uighurs aren't happy because they don't feel they are getting a "big enough slice of the pie" (Gee - where have we heard that before ?)

Al Jazeera makes no attempt to downplay the Uighur violence or blame the Chinese for everything, unlike the various Uyghur groups who, unsurprisingly, seem to think everything is the fault of the government (gee, where have we heard that before, over and over - you get the picture).

Here is part of a statement by a leader of an Uighur Separatist movement in 2009: "“We have to conquer our own country and purify it of all infidels. Then, we should conquer the infidels’ countries and spread Islam. "

(Sound familiar ?)

(ps: the region inhabited by the Uighurs now was first recorded as being settled by the Chinese in 200 BC, so they were probably there long before being "first recorded". The Uighur in that region apparently came from Mongolia after the collapse of the Uyghur Khaganate (646 - 840 AD). Genetics suggest that the Uighur are a mix of Mongolian and "Tocharian" from a region stretching from the Tarim Basin along the Silk Road as far as northern Iran. Historians suggest that the Mongolian Uyghurs conquered the Tocharians after the collapse of the Khaganate and the inter-mingling since has resulted in the "modern" Uighur. They were Buddhist (like their Tocharian and Mongol predecessors) until, between 900-1,600 AD, they started being conquered by various Islamic factions.)

You are very well read Kerryd. But your reading has been very selective and only looking at one side of the coin. China is a very complex country which you have tried to simplify. However I will make only one point. Ethnic groups in China have no chance of self determination. Unlike Singapore and many western countries they are not invited into the tents of the power brokers. China is an atheist country at the top, the Uighurs are not all Muslim but many are. Once another race ie Han Chinese takes over the land of another ie Turkic peoples, deny them religious and cultural freedom, deny them any form of empowerment in their own lands you are asking for a problem. East Turkistan or Xinjiang is a Turkic region comprising many sub groups from Central Asia. It was their territory for a very long time. The whole free world is becoming alarmed at the forced repatriation to China of Uighurs where they may face the death penalty. There is no way that Thailand's actions are within international law and very contrary to human rights. The fact that you do not like the Uighurs from a personal perspective would carry absolutely no weight in international law. Some of the many Uigurs I have met are very nice people, others not so nice, but you will find that in most places in the world.

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Japan spent about four years here, as well.

Thais do not usually claim that they were never "invaded", in fact the Burmese spent more time here than at home !!!

You are confusing "colonised" which is the common claim, with invaded.

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179 Uighurs were accepted by Turkey on the 1st this month.

"A number of Uighur Turks who had been detained in Thailand for over a year, pitting Turkey against China in a diplomatic tug-of-war, have been allowed to go to Turkey's central province of Kayseri after the Turkish government made intense diplomatic efforts on their behalf."


The remaining 109 Uighurs have been sent back to China.

Any information on the selection process and why Turkey only wanted to accept 179?

Obviously Thailand didn't know what to do with the remaining Uighurs just as they don't really care about the Rohinya. Also it's so much more easy to be able to say that the receiving government gave some guarantees.

"The Uighurs had been in Thailand for over a year, along with others who had fled China and claimed to be Turkish, the spokesman, Verachon, said. Thai authorities sought to verify their nationalities before relocating them, he said. "We found that about 170 of them were Turkish, so they were recently sent to Turkey," he said. "And about 100 were Chinese, so they were sent to China as of this morning, under the agreement that their safety is guaranteed according to humanitarian principles." He denied reports from Uighur activists that the refugees resisted deportation and some had been hurt."


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