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Thai govt dared to show proof of international 'role'


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These students are the Mandelas of Thailand.

They have armed themselves with the spirit of democracy to confront the sword of facism.

They are heroes.

That's funny. A certain junta 7% troll on here claimed Suthep to be the Mandela of Asia cheesy.gif

Yes, Mandela was a terrorist as well. That's where the similarity ends. Red-Shirts stand for corruption and greed.

End of story.

As for the Suthep line : an excellent example of the low-calibre dross we see so much of on here. I would expect better from an 8 year old. Are you embarrassed about it now you look back ?.

Not as embarrassed as you must be when you have someone like ddjjamie spouting such sycophantic drivel when it comes to the yellow side of things.

See here is the thing, I am not a red shirt. While I wholly sympathize with the poor of this country (and the REAL backbone of Thailand) I cannot get behind them when supporting someone like Thaksin who is ammart himself and very much part of the problem. I do like calling out sanctimonious plebs like you up on your pedestal thinking you are better than everyone else. Just because the other elites hate Thaksin doesn't make them the 'good' guys. They are just as corrupt, just as bent, just as greedy and money grubbing as him. I am tired of morons like you spouting your nonsense like Thailand has been saved, it hasn't, the corruption rope has just been pulled further to the 'other' side in this corruption tug of war. It's the Thai people that get crapped on again and again.

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In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

"There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with..."

That's right. For example you can illegally occupy central Bangkok and disrupt government and elections, like Suthep did (it does help if you are protesting against a government that allows freedom of speech and assembly and doesn't practice detention without charge). You can boycott elections, like the Democrats did. Or you can stage a coup, like Prayut did.

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I admire the courage of these young people. They must know that this could end badly for them, but they persist.

Heroes. Would Suthep or any of the PDRC fascists have dared to protest if they knew they would face the same punishment? I think not.

All power to these students.

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In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

All that is necessary for the Triumph of evil is that good men do nothing ...

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I admire the courage of these young people. They must know that this could end badly for them, but they persist.

Heroes. Would Suthep or any of the PDRC fascists have dared to protest if they knew they would face the same punishment? I think not.

All power to these students.

Yes, these students should be entitled to peacefully protest.

But your sick description of the PDRC is not only wrong but cowardly.

The PDRC risked and experienced death and injury far beyond what the current students have faced. Disagree with them by all means but don't allow your bias to blacken their bravery.

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I admire the courage of these young people. They must know that this could end badly for them, but they persist.

Heroes. Would Suthep or any of the PDRC fascists have dared to protest if they knew they would face the same punishment? I think not.

All power to these students.

Yes, these students should be entitled to peacefully protest.

But your sick description of the PDRC is not only wrong but cowardly.

The PDRC risked and experienced death and injury far beyond what the current students have faced. Disagree with them by all means but don't allow your bias to blacken their bravery.

Would they of protested if they knew they would be locked up like these students have by a very selective martial law? They were allowed to protest with no fear of ever really being locked up. If the leaders got arrested then the protests would of fizzled out and deaths by armed nutters could Of been avoided.

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"I want to ask everyone, how much would it cost for us to risk our lives?"

A new key statement that Jatuporn would be proud of.

They talk of struggles yet no one is struggling. They talk of uprisings which never eventuate even when they promise them. (another broken promise. They can't even follow through on their uprising promise! pathetic) And now this. We are witness to the most lethargic Junta in history when it comes to brutality of the masses. Not one person has been murdered. Not one person has been beaten up. Every politician from both factions when arrested post coup were treated appropriately and fairly. We had one red shirt run overseas and 3 weeks later once any evidence of any beatings disappeared they claim a beating by the Junta yet these "Front page" attention seekers say they are risking their lives fighting for democracy! Obviously they were not sitting in Lumpini park peacefully protesting behind the security of anti grenade nets because some thought violently attacking their democratic right to protest because it went against their agenda was....well.... "democratic" They are fighting a hypocritical battle while spewing unsubstantiated propaganda to discredit a peace restoring govt that is trying to bring a democracy that has no place in it for violent deaths of innocent protestors.

They want a democracy that permanently silenced opposition (Akeyuth) yet denounce a government that only arrests opponents. They want a democracy that allows violent suppression of protestors yet denounce a government that won't allow protests under the current climate of reform. They support a democracy who stays silent on threatening farmers families if they protest in Bangkok yet denounce a government who welcome these protestors to join a forum to constructively air their views.

Seems some are confused about who the facists are and who wants democracy.

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I admire the courage of these young people. They must know that this could end badly for them, but they persist.

Heroes. Would Suthep or any of the PDRC fascists have dared to protest if they knew they would face the same punishment? I think not.

All power to these students.

Yes, these students should be entitled to peacefully protest.

But your sick description of the PDRC is not only wrong but cowardly.

The PDRC risked and experienced death and injury far beyond what the current students have faced. Disagree with them by all means but don't allow your bias to blacken their bravery.

Would they of protested if they knew they would be locked up like these students have by a very selective martial law? They were allowed to protest with no fear of ever really being locked up. If the leaders got arrested then the protests would of fizzled out and deaths by armed nutters could Of been avoided.

More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

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"I want to ask everyone, how much would it cost for us to risk our lives?"

A new key statement that Jatuporn would be proud of.

They talk of struggles yet no one is struggling. They talk of uprisings which never eventuate even when they promise them. (another broken promise. They can't even follow through on their uprising promise! pathetic) And now this. We are witness to the most lethargic Junta in history when it comes to brutality of the masses. Not one person has been murdered. Not one person has been beaten up. Every politician from both factions when arrested post coup were treated appropriately and fairly. We had one red shirt run overseas and 3 weeks later once any evidence of any beatings disappeared they claim a beating by the Junta yet these "Front page" attention seekers say they are risking their lives fighting for democracy! Obviously they were not sitting in Lumpini park peacefully protesting behind the security of anti grenade nets because some thought violently attacking their democratic right to protest because it went against their agenda was....well.... "democratic" They are fighting a hypocritical battle while spewing unsubstantiated propaganda to discredit a peace restoring govt that is trying to bring a democracy that has no place in it for violent deaths of innocent protestors.

They want a democracy that permanently silenced opposition (Akeyuth) yet denounce a government that only arrests opponents. They want a democracy that allows violent suppression of protestors yet denounce a government that won't allow protests under the current climate of reform. They support a democracy who stays silent on threatening farmers families if they protest in Bangkok yet denounce a government who welcome these protestors to join a forum to constructively air their views.

Seems some are confused about who the facists are and who wants democracy.

How domyou know not one person has been murdered or beaten up?

You say that they talk of uprising but none eventuate, a broken promise. You seem sad that there isnt an uprising and more bloodshed. Why do you think they have broken a promise of uprising? It may yet happen, would that make you happy?

Would be nice if those students took the junta to court for defamation if they cant prove there 'outside interests' assisting or directing them. Use the courts to your advantage, play them at their own game.

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More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

They didn't take Charlem or CAPO seriously because they had the army on their side. The army more than trumps a loud mouthed drunkard and his team.


There you go straight from one of the horses mouth. Sure he stuck his neck out but he knew who he had at his back and him being arrested was never going to happen.

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More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

They didn't take Charlem or CAPO seriously because they had the army on their side. The army more than trumps a loud mouthed drunkard and his team.


There you go straight from one of the horses mouth. Sure he stuck his neck out but he knew who he had at his back and him being arrested was never going to happen.

Straight from a discredited & biased horses mouth. Bangkok Pundit is not a credible source and anyone who cites him has run out of ideas.

You are still digging a hole about your lack of knowledge of the PDRC demonstrations. They came from all over Bangkok, at least one million (probably more) to protest against the amnesty bill and it worked & most returned to their homes the next day leaving a smaller group to continue. The army were not involved until much later, well after the killings and injuries started.

If you want to accept the conspiracy theory of the army's support, go ahead & I'll leave you to it but I will view your posts as biased & unbelievable crap.

Back on topic. I support the students right to protest, but they are no ML King types. They broke the law deliberately so they know the consequences although they should not have to face a military court.

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They broke the law deliberately

Sorry, what law exactly (article in the Thai Criminal code) did they break?

Article 113 (Sedition) is a stretch, IMO.

Section 113 Whoever, commits an act of violence or threatens to commit an act of violence in order to...

hard to see how their protest was an act of violence?

Having a group larger than five is not against any criminal code. I think the Junta/NCPO put this in place via one of their many, many, many "orders" issued after the 22 May 2014 coup. Not sure this qualifies as a "law", and they are being tried in a Military court, rather than a civilian court.

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More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

They didn't take Charlem or CAPO seriously because they had the army on their side. The army more than trumps a loud mouthed drunkard and his team.


There you go straight from one of the horses mouth. Sure he stuck his neck out but he knew who he had at his back and him being arrested was never going to happen.

Straight from a discredited & biased horses mouth. Bangkok Pundit is not a credible source and anyone who cites him has run out of ideas.

You are still digging a hole about your lack of knowledge of the PDRC demonstrations. They came from all over Bangkok, at least one million (probably more) to protest against the amnesty bill and it worked & most returned to their homes the next day leaving a smaller group to continue. The army were not involved until much later, well after the killings and injuries started.

If you want to accept the conspiracy theory of the army's support, go ahead & I'll leave you to it but I will view your posts as biased & unbelievable crap.

Back on topic. I support the students right to protest, but they are no ML King types. They broke the law deliberately so they know the consequences although they should not have to face a military court.

Google the subject and there are many different sources. One of them being time magazine that actually banned in Thailand (probably because they don't hold back)

One million people cheesy.gif there were never that many people even at the height of it. And if you lived in Thailand long enough you would understand exactly what is happening but it is liable to talk about it.

But yeah agree to dis-agree thumbsup.gif

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These students are the Mandelas of Thailand.

They have armed themselves with the spirit of democracy to confront the sword of facism.

They are heroes.

I hope your right. It would be wonderful if real democracy could arrive in Thailand.

Hope they would fight fascists, communists, one part state advocates. those who seek to cripple checks and balances and criminal dictatorships too.

Then they would indeed by heroes.

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In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

Hmm, what? Oh, sorry, my mind just flashed back to the street protests that brought on the most recent coup.

Edited by wwest5829
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In order for a true democracy to work and function, there must in my opinion always be an opposition to keep check and balances on the ruling party. Through reasoning and proper arguments the party in charge must prove worthy of their power. This is the direction that Thailand intends to go, I hope.

These students are asking reasonable questions to the ruling party - and if the rulers wants to prove why they need to be in power, all they need to do is provide proper argumentation and everybody is happy.

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"I want to ask everyone, how much would it cost for us to risk our lives?"

In the civilised world, we recognise that students have no <deleted!> clue about what goes on in the world and yet in their ignorance they are so certain they are right. We've all been there. When these kids are 40, they will look back and wonder how they could be so naïve and gullible.

Who is actually risking their lives ?. Red-shirts have been programmed with this line yet everyone gets released unharmed.

If this student had any wits, he might think back to how many of the protestors went to the streets and lost their lives without getting a single baht - and did it freely. About 27 dead wasn't it ?. Then he might ask himself why the educated masses in Bangkok decided to do this. And then he might ask himself who murdered them and wonder why he is following such people.

But he won't because it doesn't suit his purpose. The word 'student' in Thailand does not infer any intelligence. And that's why I see most educated farang who do write intelligent posts on here do not support the red-shirt movement.

Though your analytical capacity not to mention your idiosyncratic grammar and syntax do not suggest a close aquaintance with the dreaming spires, I must as a matter of politeness take you at face value when you claim to speak for "educated farang".In which case it is surprising you seem unware of the role and significance of students in Thai political history, particularly 1973 and 1976.It is a story of great moral and physical courage in the face of brutality that all Thais who value democracy and freedom can take pride in.The current incident is not obviously on that scale, but those who remember the past will understand and recognise the same themes.

As a student of Thai politics you might wish to be more precise in your labelling.It is quite possible to be a critic of the current regime without being a redshirt sympathiser.

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"I want to ask everyone, how much would it cost for us to risk our lives?"

A new key statement that Jatuporn would be proud of.

They talk of struggles yet no one is struggling. They talk of uprisings which never eventuate even when they promise them. (another broken promise. They can't even follow through on their uprising promise! pathetic) And now this. We are witness to the most lethargic Junta in history when it comes to brutality of the masses. Not one person has been murdered. Not one person has been beaten up. Every politician from both factions when arrested post coup were treated appropriately and fairly. We had one red shirt run overseas and 3 weeks later once any evidence of any beatings disappeared they claim a beating by the Junta yet these "Front page" attention seekers say they are risking their lives fighting for democracy! Obviously they were not sitting in Lumpini park peacefully protesting behind the security of anti grenade nets because some thought violently attacking their democratic right to protest because it went against their agenda was....well.... "democratic" They are fighting a hypocritical battle while spewing unsubstantiated propaganda to discredit a peace restoring govt that is trying to bring a democracy that has no place in it for violent deaths of innocent protestors.

They want a democracy that permanently silenced opposition (Akeyuth) yet denounce a government that only arrests opponents. They want a democracy that allows violent suppression of protestors yet denounce a government that won't allow protests under the current climate of reform. They support a democracy who stays silent on threatening farmers families if they protest in Bangkok yet denounce a government who welcome these protestors to join a forum to constructively air their views.

Seems some are confused about who the facists are and who wants democracy.

HAHA HA Your second to last sentence takes the pie. They can air their views as long as they are in line with the current governments views. Freedom of the press? Here? Right now?

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"I want to ask everyone, how much would it cost for us to risk our lives?"

In the civilised world, we recognise that students have no <deleted!> clue about what goes on in the world and yet in their ignorance they are so certain they are right. We've all been there. When these kids are 40, they will look back and wonder how they could be so naïve and gullible.

Who is actually risking their lives ?. Red-shirts have been programmed with this line yet everyone gets released unharmed.

If this student had any wits, he might think back to how many of the protestors went to the streets and lost their lives without getting a single baht - and did it freely. About 27 dead wasn't it ?. Then he might ask himself why the educated masses in Bangkok decided to do this. And then he might ask himself who murdered them and wonder why he is following such people.

But he won't because it doesn't suit his purpose. The word 'student' in Thailand does not infer any intelligence. And that's why I see most educated farang who do write intelligent posts on here do not support the red-shirt movement.

You are claiming to be an 'educated farang' but clearly it is you who is not educated enough ! An educated farang would know the difference between 'infer' and 'imply' which you obviously don't . Your posts reveal a total depth of ignorance both in substance ......and literacy. Are you really English? Hard to believe !

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More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

They didn't take Charlem or CAPO seriously because they had the army on their side. The army more than trumps a loud mouthed drunkard and his team.


There you go straight from one of the horses mouth. Sure he stuck his neck out but he knew who he had at his back and him being arrested was never going to happen.

Straight from a discredited & biased horses mouth. Bangkok Pundit is not a credible source and anyone who cites him has run out of ideas.

You are still digging a hole about your lack of knowledge of the PDRC demonstrations. They came from all over Bangkok, at least one million (probably more) to protest against the amnesty bill and it worked & most returned to their homes the next day leaving a smaller group to continue. The army were not involved until much later, well after the killings and injuries started.

If you want to accept the conspiracy theory of the army's support, go ahead & I'll leave you to it but I will view your posts as biased & unbelievable crap.

Back on topic. I support the students right to protest, but they are no ML King types. They broke the law deliberately so they know the consequences although they should not have to face a military court.

Your knowledge of Martin Luther King needs work.

Dr. King was arrested 30 times, as one of his standard tactics was civil disobedience - deliberately breaking laws he believed to be unjust.

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In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

Ohhh CUZZZ,,, really?????????

unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket," Did ya read the OP at all bro? They are law students still studying their craftpost-4641-1156694606.gif

They came out challenging the powers that be with the alleged proof that they were backed by outsiders, the big shots said they have names and evidence! &lt;deleted&gt;!!!!!

[students] come back with, OK you got ["evidence"]??? it then bring it on!!! Show us and the world your [evidence,,,] the thing is that [evidence] is often manufactured in LOS you know it as do the rest of the country

Would ya like to educate us just wear and when and what country has had democracy installed without struggle or sacrifice??? coz mate the people in power making disgusting amounts of money do not relinquish power and position let alone money without being pushed...

Cheers cuz.

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Yes, these students should be entitled to peacefully protest.

But your sick description of the PDRC is not only wrong but cowardly.

The PDRC risked and experienced death and injury far beyond what the current students have faced. Disagree with them by all means but don't allow your bias to blacken their bravery.

Would they of protested if they knew they would be locked up like these students have by a very selective martial law? They were allowed to protest with no fear of ever really being locked up. If the leaders got arrested then the protests would of fizzled out and deaths by armed nutters could Of been avoided.

More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

I don't see that you understand the dynamics of Thai politics at all.

Suthep and the monk were never going to get tossed in jail. They had all the right people on their side.

And if you object to PDRC being called Fascists, then we'll have to redefine the word... what else do you call an anti-democratic movement which would leverage their right to free speech and assembly in order to supplant a constitutional system of government with their own hand-picked council of "good people".... and then deny their fellow citizens precisely those same rights and many more???


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More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

They didn't take Charlem or CAPO seriously because they had the army on their side. The army more than trumps a loud mouthed drunkard and his team.


There you go straight from one of the horses mouth. Sure he stuck his neck out but he knew who he had at his back and him being arrested was never going to happen.

Straight from a discredited & biased horses mouth. Bangkok Pundit is not a credible source and anyone who cites him has run out of ideas.

You are still digging a hole about your lack of knowledge of the PDRC demonstrations. They came from all over Bangkok, at least one million (probably more) to protest against the amnesty bill and it worked & most returned to their homes the next day leaving a smaller group to continue. The army were not involved until much later, well after the killings and injuries started.

If you want to accept the conspiracy theory of the army's support, go ahead & I'll leave you to it but I will view your posts as biased & unbelievable crap.

Back on topic. I support the students right to protest, but they are no ML King types. They broke the law deliberately so they know the consequences although they should not have to face a military court.

the source quoted by the BP is from the BKK Post - it was a first hand report ... not rumour or innuendo.

additionally, the "laws" broken by these students are directives from a military junta and these directives violate the human rights of every person in Thailand today.

These students are doing a service to every Thai (and Farang) in this country.

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Yes, these students should be entitled to peacefully protest.

But your sick description of the PDRC is not only wrong but cowardly.

The PDRC risked and experienced death and injury far beyond what the current students have faced. Disagree with them by all means but don't allow your bias to blacken their bravery.

Would they of protested if they knew they would be locked up like these students have by a very selective martial law? They were allowed to protest with no fear of ever really being locked up. If the leaders got arrested then the protests would of fizzled out and deaths by armed nutters could Of been avoided.

More selective and attempted deflection.

You need to ask them whether they would have protested or not - it's irrelevant anyway. No fear of being locked up? Bullsh1t. It's sounds like you didn't follow the protests as Chalerm's CAPO and his obedient police threatened to arrest the leaders many times and even tried & failed at least once.

I don't see that you understand the dynamics of Thai politics at all.

Suthep and the monk were never going to get tossed in jail. They had all the right people on their side.

And if you object to PDRC being called Fascists, then we'll have to redefine the word... what else do you call an anti-democratic movement which would leverage their right to free speech and assembly in order to supplant a constitutional system of government with their own hand-picked council of "good people".... and then deny their fellow citizens precisely those same rights and many more???


Tossers? :D

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I'll say that the normal protesters Of the PDRC were brave as they were getting attacked by armed nutters but the leaders like suthep and the 'monk' were fearless as they knew they had the army onside.

Shout conspiracy if you want. It was obvious, and suthep even admitted it!

Edited by lildragon
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In this climate there brave guys..respect to them...it's a pity more weren't able to speak out.

Could it be that you have confused bravery with stupidity ?

There are ways and means of going about changing things that you don't agree with, provided of course that they can be changed, in this instance their actions can only cause trouble and slow down the process of returning to an elected democracy. Far better, if they do have any ideas of their own, to make those ideas heard in a constructive manner.

Lord knows there are enough reforms needed in education, which they should know something about and law, their chosen subject, to need input from anyone who is willing to offer constructive comment.

This lot are doing nobody any good particularly themselves, unless they have been promised list positions on a party ticket, as has been given to trouble makers before.

Please don't judge everyone by your own deplorably low standards.

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