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Ministry of Tourism Website Hacked by “TeenageWorms”


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News by Khmer Times/Jonathan Cox

A Nepalese group of hackers calling themselves “TeenageWorms” hacked into the website of Cambodia’s Ministry of Tourism Thursday, changing the title of the site's URL in Google search. The title read: “We are insid [sic]” with a message below saying “Your Site's Security Has Been Compromised by #TeenageWorms. ALL YOUR DATA BELONGS TO US NOW!”

This sort of hack is relatively common, according to Google's documentation, and usually works by changing the site's .htaccess and index.php files to trick Google's web-crawler bots into returning the wrong site title. The site itself has continued functioning normally.

The Ministry of Tourism could not be reached for comment.

read: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/13038/ministry-of-tourism-website-hacked-by----teenageworms---/

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Pathetic to realise there are many out there who have nothing better to do than sit in front of their computer screens and screw over as many people as they can. "Worms" could not be more appropriate. This form of crime is still in it,s infancy, and the whole field is in desperate need of more laws, and more severe sentencing, for those who commit such crimes. One thing I highly respect the chinese for is that as soon as they determine a person has nothing positive to offer, only malignancy, they just take them round to the back of the copshop and "poof" !

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