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My problem with Sexpats.


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I'm not retired, fool. Try reading what I wrote. Outside of the idiots saying they're here for the temples and golf, I don't find anything wrong with the lifestyle.

Personally, I think paying for sex is a bit of a turnoff, but I can understand people are very different in this regard.

Why in the world would it bother you not knowing personal things about others especially when it comes to their personal sexual desires and practices? And how in the world do you know people's real reason for being here? If you think it is all about sex then that is coming from your own issues your putting on others or you simply are hanging out with that type of crowd. Thailand is a huge tourist destination for people wanting to experience the culture, visit temples and beaches to name just a few of the reasons that come before sex-pats or sex-tourists. Women and families make up a large part of foreign visitors to Thailand and the biggest number of visitors are coming from regional countries where cheap sex is also available.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Why would any man want to settle for an aging 50 year old droopy European woman when they could have a nice, tight-bodied 20 year old?

Would you rather have a 50 year old?

If you said yes, then I'm just going to assume you're a liar and call BS on everything you've said so far.

I like women of my age, I'm not 50 yet so can't say I would rather have a 50 y.o. but the chances are I would when I get there. Franky I have nothing to talk about with 20 y.o. and being with a woman isn't all about sex.

Please just give up the act already. It's amusing how hard guys like you and Soutpeel try to score sympathy points from women by trying to act like "the good guys."

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I'm not retired, fool. Try reading what I wrote. Outside of the idiots saying they're here for the temples and golf, I don't find anything wrong with the lifestyle.

Personally, I think paying for sex is a bit of a turnoff, but I can understand people are very different in this regard.

Why in the world would it bother you not knowing personal things about others especially when it comes to their personal sexual desires and practices? And how in the world do you know people's real reason for being here? If you think it is all about sex then that is coming from your own issues your putting on others or you simply are hanging out with that type of crowd. Thailand is a huge tourist destination for people wanting to experience the culture, visit temples and beaches to name just a few of the reasons that come before sex-pats or sex-tourists. Women and families make up a large part of foreign visitors to Thailand and the biggest number of visitors are coming from regional countries where cheap sex is also available.

Not sure where most of that is coming from, but if I'm friends with someone, and you want someone to know who you are, I think it's best to be straightforward. Most people consider me to be a regular guy, so I don't think I would give the impression of being disgusted if someone told me they were here just to use their johnson. It's not something that causes me to lose sleep, I just roll my eyes when they start telling me about how their girl makes the best somtam, implying that's the basis of their relationship.

My post addressed sexpats , not all tourists or expats. Get a clue.

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I'm not retired, fool. Try reading what I wrote. Outside of the idiots saying they're here for the temples and golf, I don't find anything wrong with the lifestyle.

Personally, I think paying for sex is a bit of a turnoff, but I can understand people are very different in this regard.

Why in the world would it bother you not knowing personal things about others especially when it comes to their personal sexual desires and practices? And how in the world do you know people's real reason for being here? If you think it is all about sex then that is coming from your own issues your putting on others or you simply are hanging out with that type of crowd. Thailand is a huge tourist destination for people wanting to experience the culture, visit temples and beaches to name just a few of the reasons that come before sex-pats or sex-tourists. Women and families make up a large part of foreign visitors to Thailand and the biggest number of visitors are coming from regional countries where cheap sex is also available.

Not sure where most of that is coming from, but if I'm friends with someone, and you want someone to know who you are, I think it's best to be straightforward. Most people consider me to be a regular guy, so I don't think I would give the impression of being disgusted if someone told me they were here just to use their johnson. It's not something that causes me to lose sleep, I just roll my eyes when they start telling me about how their girl makes the best somtam, implying that's the basis of their relationship.

My post addressed sexpats , not all tourists or expats. Get a clue.

I am still nor getting it. Friend or not, why do you need to know somebody's obviously personal sexual life? Are you a teenager, do you also need to know their favorite positions? This is just a bizarre issue ... is somebody not allowed to tell you they enjoy their girlfriend, wife or friend's cooking without you judging them (roll eyes)? If you feel people are hiding things from you then I suggest a look at yourself. If it is true and not in your own mind then it probably has something to do with how you judge people as you also started off the thread with talking about sexpats and now you say they are your friends. Again, why is this any of your business and why in the world do you feel people (friends or not) should be obligated to tell you? And though you say you are not losing sleep over this, clearly this is an issue troubling you enough to make public forum posts about and I just can't grasp why.

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Takes a pretty desperate guy to fly X,000 miles just to get his end away.

Aren't there prostitutes in the US & Europe?

Yes. But they won't flatter your ego, pluck your ear hairs, or hold your hand as you walk round a shopping mall together.

I don't think guys come to Bangkok for sex. They come looking for a mother figure.

I see

Still, can't one pay a woman to do those things in the US & Europe?

Not on the budget these guys are working on.

So they're in Thailand because the cost of getting their end away is cheaper than it is in the US & Europe?

Isn't that exploitation?

Yes those young vamps do exploit us to an extent but I dont mind.

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Doctor doctor quick need some medication as I find myself agreeing with all of CH and SB posts for once

They are simply exchanging their "love" and "nurturing" for the Farang's financial support, thinking that they can make both parties lives better, or sometimes, just their own.

If it's just an exchange, then surely it can be made in the West, right??

Or would that wipe out your pocket money?

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I'm here just to get laid!

Thailand doesn't have much else going for it.

You're kidding right?

Thailand is the best country on Earth. Just go outside and observe Thais being Thais.

It's like watching Fawlty Towers but set in paradise, or observing 50 people racing to finish a plate of spaghetti using only wooden spoons.

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There are 200+ countries in the world....Somehow having a woman that has had sexual relations & had their mouths/legs/orifices around countless unwashed and unprotected men from 100 - 200 countries is not very appealing.....

Well when you put it like that..........................

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Doctor doctor quick need some medication as I find myself agreeing with all of CH and SB posts for once

I've seen your posts on this site and frankly I think you're a radical liberal with delusional views.

What you don't understand is that an exchange is taken place. No one is forcing these girls to become "slaves" to these farangs.

They are simply exchanging their "love" and "nurturing" for the Farang's financial support, thinking that they can make both parties lives better, or sometimes, just their own.

Why would any man want to settle for an aging 50 year old droopy European woman when they could have a nice, tight-bodied 20 year old?

Would you rather have a 50 year old?

If you said yes, then I'm just going to assume you're a liar and call BS on everything you've said so far.

A lot of people prefer a partner their own age. Someone they can actually have a conversation with and share their life with. Not just a sex toy.

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Cypress Hill wrote:

"So they're in Thailand because the cost of getting their end away is cheaper than it is in the US & Europe?

Isn't that exploitation?"


No more so than someone who lives in an apartment or house in Thailand or buys tailormade clothes or pays for petrol and Thai food in Thailand because they're all cheaper than they are in the US & Europe.

All things taken into consideration I estimate that my money is worth three to five times more in Thailand than it is in my country of birth, possibly the same for you. Isn't that exploitation?

If you think it is, then that's "your problem", maybe someone can help you with it.

And which farangistan utopia would that be ?

Fact is a lot come here for the Thai women because they can make "slaves" out of them and they feel like some old colonial among "their" natives" and feel all superior about themselves, even if they were "trailer trash" in their own farangistan countries

Its not about hookers per se but also about superiority, control, feeling like they are a "big cheese"


I did wonder what you are still doing here, explains everything

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Doctor doctor quick need some medication as I find myself agreeing with all of CH and SB posts for once

They are simply exchanging their "love" and "nurturing" for the Farang's financial support, thinking that they can make both parties lives better, or sometimes, just their own.

If it's just an exchange, then surely it can be made in the West, right??

Or would that wipe out your pocket money?

I dont want a white woman, indont want to pay an exhorbitant amount for an hour of a disinterested woman that i do not find attractive in the least.

I am interested in having beers with friends and at the end of the night chose a woman that i like and get a nice gf experience and it wont cost an arm and a leg.

No, that cannot be done in the west, there is not the same choice.

Edited by Linky
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Personally, I can't imagine many things sadder than having to pay someone to pretend they enjoy your company.

And I can't imagine anything sadder than coming to Thailand and dragging my English baggage along with me.

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Personally, I can't imagine many things sadder than having to pay someone to pretend they enjoy your company.

And I can't imagine anything sadder than coming to Thailand and dragging my English baggage along with me.

I can - dragging myself halfway round the world to a country I admit I don't like, just so I can get laid with women I have nothing in common with.

But I guess we have different views. I'm not sure why you find it so hard to understand that not everyone wants what you want.

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Personally, I can't imagine many things sadder than having to pay someone to pretend they enjoy your company.

And I can't imagine anything sadder than coming to Thailand and dragging my English baggage along with me.

I can - dragging myself halfway round the world to a country I admit I don't like, just so I can get laid with women I have nothing in common with.

But I guess we have different views. I'm not sure why you find it so hard to understand that not everyone wants what you want.


But to be fair, it's you that's the odd one out on this forum.


I have a son and daughter in common with my wife, which I would suggest is probably more than you have in common with your partner.

We also share English, my first and her 5th language, and central Thai her 3rd and my 4th language.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Personally, I can't imagine many things sadder than having to pay someone to pretend they enjoy your company.

And I can't imagine anything sadder than coming to Thailand and dragging my English baggage along with me.

I can - dragging myself halfway round the world to a country I admit I don't like, just so I can get laid with women I have nothing in common with.

But I guess we have different views. I'm not sure why you find it so hard to understand that not everyone wants what you want.


But to be fair, it's you that's the odd one out on this forum.

Indeed. But don't make the mistake of presuming that a web forum is an accurate reflection of the real world. I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me - but they avoid this place because it's seen as a forum for sexpats.

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Indeed. But don't make the mistake of presuming that a web forum is an accurate reflection of the real world. I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me - but they avoid this place because it's seen as a forum for sexpats.

What, do you meet on your bicycles and decide what forum you are all going to use to slag off Thailand today?

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Indeed. But don't make the mistake of presuming that a web forum is an accurate reflection of the real world. I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me - but they avoid this place because it's seen as a forum for sexpats.

What, do you meet on your bicycles and decide what forum you are all going to use to slag off Thailand today?

I think you must be confusing me with someone else. I like Thailand.

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Indeed. But don't make the mistake of presuming that a web forum is an accurate reflection of the real world. I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me - but they avoid this place because it's seen as a forum for sexpats.

What, do you meet on your bicycles and decide what forum you are all going to use to slag off Thailand today?

I think you must be confusing me with someone else. I like Thailand.

Quote from nest above: I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me. I don't know many if any expats in Thailand. Period, If I wanted to know many expats, I would ex-expat.

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Indeed. But don't make the mistake of presuming that a web forum is an accurate reflection of the real world. I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me - but they avoid this place because it's seen as a forum for sexpats.

What, do you meet on your bicycles and decide what forum you are all going to use to slag off Thailand today?
I think you must be confusing me with someone else. I like Thailand.

Quote from nest above: I know many expats in Thailand who agree with me. I don't know many if any expats in Thailand. Period, If I wanted to know many expats, I would ex-expat.

Whilst I'm sure that made some sort of sense to you when you typed it, I'm somewhat lost as to what you're trying to say.

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