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Motorcycles Riding on the Footpath.


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It is no more likely to change, than motorcyclists (and sometimes cars and trucks) going the wrong way on the highway so they can exit more quickly when their turn-off arrives! Totally dangerous, especially at night, but I cannot see it changing anytime in the near future !

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It is no more likely to change, than motorcyclists (and sometimes cars and trucks) going the wrong way on the highway so they can exit more quickly when their turn-off arrives! Totally dangerous, especially at night, but I cannot see it changing anytime in the near future !

It's mental. Even with four lanes coming one way they'll use the sidewalk and hard shoulder to go the other way. The traffic lights went down in Nong Khai and I saw - through fingers - four schoolgirls on one scooter gun the motor and just take a run through the junction. The disconnect between what would happen if they met something coming the other way, and what they obviously thought would happen, was truly staggering. They should anesthetize a pig, put it on a scooter, and ram it with a truck just to show them what would happen. I saw a little deer that had been halved by a truck a couple of months ago. Thirty mph impact and the whole thing was completely separated into two clean parts, with the sum of the two vectors meaning that one half was thirty yards away. I'll bet it's great fun being a Thai cop/paramedic. Rather them than me.

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