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Submarine procurement project put on hold, says Thai Deputy PM


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I applaud this U-turn on the U-boats.


I think with your convictions your time and energy would be more usefull clearing the mines in Cambodia and saving a few lifes.If it were not for our servicemen you would not have the freedom to spout your archaic opinions.The world is a dangerous place and people like you do not make it safer

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I applaud this U-turn on the U-boats.


I think with your convictions your time and energy would be more usefull clearing the mines in Cambodia and saving a few lifes.If it were not for our servicemen you would not have the freedom to spout your archaic opinions.The world is a dangerous place and people like you do not make it safer

You got all that from a seven-word quip?

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Unbelievable. They have actually listened to public opinion. Well knock me down with a feather.

More likely the idea was a thumb in the eye of the US, and never seriously under consideration. Now they can use the ruse of 'public opinion' to back down.

Keep flirting with China, Somchai - you may not like the ending.

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One potential benefit the sub program could provide is a place to hide the police chief goon who has stirred up this controversy about not pulling over superior officers. They could keep him 100 meters under in the Andaman for a month or so. Cold storage of top ranking fools. A cooling off period.

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'Prawit ... said the Navy will have to work on informing the public ... and come up with comparative information on what Thailand will gain in terms of maritime benefits ...' Something the navy evidently didn't need to do in order to convince Prawit.

"Something the navy evidently didn't need to do in order to convince Prawit"

Nice point, but isn't DPM-Prawit the current Defense Minister, and part of the Cabinet which is rejecting even considering the proposal to buy the submarines, for now at least ?

So perhaps (in fairness) he himself isn't as convinced by it as you believe ? Since he's rejecting it, and all ?

If he was convinced by the proposal, he would be letting it go forward to be rejected by the full Cabinet or his boss, the PM, wouldn't he ?

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Prayut didn't torpedo the sub puchases, just delayed approval. He just ordered the navy to Dive, Dive and Go to Periscope Depth.

The Navy was denied its request for subs during the Yingluck regime. It appears it wants to take advantage of the Junta's control of the government to press for sub purchases.

So the Navy doesn't need to convince the cabinet (aka Prayut) or the NLA (aka Prayut), only Prayut. And with the probable backing of Admiral Narong Pipathanasai as Deputy Leader of the NCPO, you can be sure that tentative approval was already considered by NCPO Chief Prayut.

Now that Prayut is essentially a politician as Head of Government, he needs the navy to do some PR to rally pro-Junta supporters as a show of strength. This will climax with a new Dusit or NIDA poll finding that 80%+ of those polled feel the subs are vital to the nation's security.

The sub purchases are possibly part of the Chinese dual rail deal to compensate for below market Chinese loans and three-year grace period for loan payments - essentially pure profit to the lender. Rejection of the sub purchases would upset the financial arrangements and neither party can suffer public humilitation with having to renegotiate the deal when 36 billion baht is removed from the profit margin.

But maybe another Chinese naval weapons system like advanced anti-submarine and mine sweeping capability might be substituted for the subs. This would merely be upgrades for the navy. And the Dual Rail financial deal remains in tact.

Why did Thaksin deny their previous request during his last regime? They wouldn't agree to support him? Not high enough kick back?

I don't remember the PTP Defense Minister speaking about it in parliament - oh, but wait, she never actually spoke in parliament as DM did she?

You like speculating, would you like to speculate the amount of back-hander Thaksin was in for if the water management project had been pushed through without any EIA's or real tendering following his visit to the contractor? Or how much of the 2.2. trillion off budget, out of parliament, loan would have been scammed into Shin and Shin crony pockets?

Why don't you keep on subject, or is that too much for your English mentality?

I usually like your posts, amusing, but your too like Jamie, boring and predictable!

I didn't like the Shins either, but I don't slag them off at every opportunity like you do!

Tell me SOMETHING that this present government has done to improve the lives of normal Thai people? Not just the famous and elite!

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Prayut didn't torpedo the sub puchases, just delayed approval. He just ordered the navy to Dive, Dive and Go to Periscope Depth.

The Navy was denied its request for subs during the Yingluck regime. It appears it wants to take advantage of the Junta's control of the government to press for sub purchases.

So the Navy doesn't need to convince the cabinet (aka Prayut) or the NLA (aka Prayut), only Prayut. And with the probable backing of Admiral Narong Pipathanasai as Deputy Leader of the NCPO, you can be sure that tentative approval was already considered by NCPO Chief Prayut.

Now that Prayut is essentially a politician as Head of Government, he needs the navy to do some PR to rally pro-Junta supporters as a show of strength. This will climax with a new Dusit or NIDA poll finding that 80%+ of those polled feel the subs are vital to the nation's security.

The sub purchases are possibly part of the Chinese dual rail deal to compensate for below market Chinese loans and three-year grace period for loan payments - essentially pure profit to the lender. Rejection of the sub purchases would upset the financial arrangements and neither party can suffer public humilitation with having to renegotiate the deal when 36 billion baht is removed from the profit margin.

But maybe another Chinese naval weapons system like advanced anti-submarine and mine sweeping capability might be substituted for the subs. This would merely be upgrades for the navy. And the Dual Rail financial deal remains in tact.

Why did Thaksin deny their previous request during his last regime? They wouldn't agree to support him? Not high enough kick back?

I don't remember the PTP Defense Minister speaking about it in parliament - oh, but wait, she never actually spoke in parliament as DM did she?

You like speculating, would you like to speculate the amount of back-hander Thaksin was in for if the water management project had been pushed through without any EIA's or real tendering following his visit to the contractor? Or how much of the 2.2. trillion off budget, out of parliament, loan would have been scammed into Shin and Shin crony pockets?

Why don't you keep on subject, or is that too much for your English mentality?

I usually like your posts, amusing, but your too like Jamie, boring and predictable!

I didn't like the Shins either, but I don't slag them off at every opportunity like you do!

Tell me SOMETHING that this present government has done to improve the lives of normal Thai people? Not just the famous and elite!

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