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Swiss man admits to part in smear campaign: Thai-Malaysia relations


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Is Justo a 'hedonistic' blackmailer or 'kind' dad?



Two days after Umno-linked New Straits Times painted Xavier Andre Justo as a "hedonistic" and "greedy" man with a photograph of him covered in tatoos on its front page, Sarawak Report today sought to give another human face to him. Sarawak Report, which spoke to Justo's friends in Switzerland, said his family was distraught at the "terrible injustice" to make him a "scapegoat" over Malaysia's billion-dollar scandal and the "orchestrated" defamation against him.


This ought to be interesting, we now have a farang scapegoat.

Somehow he looks like Laotian to me... shock1.gif

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It is of Spanish origin, but Swiss.

Is that like a "Rachel Dolezal" thing? I mean, you can actually change your ethnicity nowadays? How cool, tomorrow i thought i would change my ethnicity to thai so i don't have to do visa-runs :)

To be Swiss or Spanish surely has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity.

Are these not terms used to describe someone's nationality?

Bluespunk, it's really nice of you to try to explain the difference between "ethnicity" and "nationality" to him... but I think it might be a waste of your time and efforts - if he hasn't understood it by now, he never will.

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