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Military Coup In Bangkok - What Is Effect On Samui/phangan?

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I was just interested to hear accounts from those that are currently in Samui/Phangan of what is the impact or effect, if any at all, from the military coup in Bangkok presently unfolding?

Are the locals acting any differently? Has anything noticebly changed on the Islands?

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I was just interested to hear accounts from those that are currently in Samui/Phangan of what is the impact or effect, if any at all, from the military coup in Bangkok presently unfolding?

Are the locals acting any differently? Has anything noticebly changed on the Islands?

Very quiet on the streets, but it is a low time anyway. Many people did not know it was happening including many Thais who were busy taking children to school only to find the school closed. Even the local "International" school closed although when we called them at 7.30 they said they were opening as usual only to be told when we dropped the kids off at 8.30 that it was closed. One farang asked my advice this morning on whether he should buy into a bar in Chaweng and I suggested he might want to wait a few days and keep his money in the UK - he was not aware of the coup.

Been a long queue at the ATM nearby my house with mostly farangs getting out as much cash as they can in anticipation of banks being closed down.

Samui cable TV was showing all of the BBC and Fox news while UBC had been closed .. so many expats knew more about the coup than the locals because the Thai channels said nothing until 9am. (Samui cable has been a great service over the past few months - the football world cup in English, the tri-nations rugby and now continuing to show the International News when UBC was shut down).

Been quite a bit of noise from Big Buddha in terms of some loud chanting, maybe the locals have gone there to seek some assistance in getting things sorted out quickly.

The Big Issue for Samui will likely be the impact from reduced Tourism and that will depend on the next few days.

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I was just interested to hear accounts from those that are currently in Samui/Phangan of what is the impact or effect, if any at all, from the military coup in Bangkok presently unfolding?

Are the locals acting any differently? Has anything noticebly changed on the Islands?

Its gonna be over by today, latest tomorrow I guess. This is the 20th coup since 1930 and if I recall correctly, the last one in 1992 was over within a few days. After announcement this afternoon we will know more. God bless the King !

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I was just interested to hear accounts from those that are currently in Samui/Phangan of what is the impact or effect, if any at all, from the military coup in Bangkok presently unfolding?

Are the locals acting any differently? Has anything noticebly changed on the Islands?

One farang asked my advice this morning on whether he should buy into a bar in Chaweng and I suggested he might want to wait a few days and keep his money in the UK - he was not aware of the coup.

I would hold back a few days, make sure there is no counter coup, if not i'd say no problem. More than likley once this has blown over running bars will be a lot easier than it was under Thaksin.

Maybe LOS will become fun again.

You can always make the transfer overseas with an agreed amount in $, unless ofcourse the seller wants the money in Thailand.

What has happend will no doubt effect tourism in the short term, tanks on the streets of bangkok is never going to be a good advert for tourism. However with Thaksin gone it may see the end of southern violence which was starting to really hurt tourism, and relaxation on many aspects that have made thailand less appealing to many people.

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Everything normal in Samui. Just another day in paradise.

No visible effects here .Just a change of management at the top.

Life goes on as though nothing happened.

Seriously if you have trips planned here there seems to be nothing to worry about at the moment .

Happy hols.

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