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Thaskins Visa

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Mr Thaksin looked serious and told reporters about the unexpected coup.

''On my way here I was prime minister. On my way back I'm jobless,'' he was quoted as saying.

now i guess it sucks getting fired from your job on your day -off!!!!!!!!!

TIT has a new meaning Thaksin Is Thrown out..... :o

LOS=Living Out of Siam

Edited by balikbayan
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Mr Thaksin looked serious and told reporters about the unexpected coup.

''On my way here I was prime minister. On my way back I'm jobless,'' he was quoted as saying.

now i guess it sucks getting fired from your job on your day -off!!!!!!!!!

TIT has a new meaning Thaksin Is Thrown out..... :D

LOS=Living Out of Siam

Does that mean he is a LOSer?

I know, a cheapie but I couldn't resist. :o

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I think slightly different rules apply for US Dollar Billionaries than do for internet forum average joes.

I dunno - the owner of Harrods can't get British Citizenship.

the discussion is visas not naturalization.

Yes, but it highlights the fact that money does not make a difference.

For visas, money does make a difference.The more you have the more difference it makes and the more options that become available to you.

Case study 1

2 thai women go to US embasy for a tourist visa. One is a hooker, one is a billionaire.Who gets a visa with no hassles ?

Case study 2

2 farang want to live in Thailand permanently/legally, one is a complete loser with zero qualifications and money, one is a billionaire.Who gets a visa with no hassles ?

I could come up with hundreds of such examples for many different countrys and personal scenarios.Get the point.

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Have you seen his pad in Kensimgton - I wouldn't be in a rush to leave that either - but leave he will, because rich or not rich, a) he is on a visa - like all other Thai visitors and :o he has never been been the FO's favourite South East Asian leader - and they will not let him stay if he is charged with a financial crime.

Also, he was a huge abuser of human rights - importing large quantities of telephone tapping equipment from Isreal - it shocked even those employeed to moniter conversations just how much he stuck his nose into others business. Even those who worked on the Constitutional Court concluded that they could not do anyhting with the mandate they had given the country - they couldnt "sneeze" without Thaksin's office knowing.

Like King Canute who stood on the shore and tried to command the tide to go away, the tide of public dissapproval has caught up with him.....and not a moment too late.


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I think slightly different rules apply for US Dollar Billionaries than do for internet forum average joes.

I dunno - the owner of Harrods can't get British Citizenship.

Thaksin connect Bush connect Blair, with all this money and connection he shouldn't have any problem in getting citizenship of his liking.

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GBP 1,000 to any immigration officer at Heathrow who says:

"Oh dear, sir, I'm afraid that's a tourist visa. You need a 'Fleeing from a military coup and prosecution for corruption visa'. Don't worry, it's quite easy to obtain, you just have to apply in person at the British Embassy in Bangkok. Have a nice day."

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If you had said that 10 years ago, yes I would have conceeded very likely - but not now. My brother works in the FO in a small section that deals specifically with "wayward dictators .... sorry prime ministers and presidents" who turn up unexpectadly bag in hand at Heathrow and having spoken to him, I can assure you - Mr T is not and never has been flavour of the month in London - if there is any outstanding financial, human rights or abuse of office claim aginst him back here, he'll be sent bag in hand back (that is if he doesn't move on of his own accord).

Sure, there are alot who you simply can't send back to their former domains because they 'll have their heads chopped off, guilty or not, but Thailand is not seen by the FO as one of those places.

They sent Pinochet back to Santiago - and if ever there was an FO friend who was owed a favour (re: his still little known behind the scenes "help" to the UK in the Falklands war), it was Pinochet.


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- I like your sense of humour - well said mate


GBP 1,000 to any immigration officer at Heathrow who says:

"Oh dear, sir, I'm afraid that's a tourist visa. You need a 'Fleeing from a military coup and prosecution for corruption visa'. Don't worry, it's quite easy to obtain, you just have to apply in person at the British Embassy in Bangkok. Have a nice day."

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