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I jerked my head the other day playing sport. Not the first time I have had minor whiplash. I used to have a neck brace to relieve the pain when I am sitting down for long periods. I cannot find it, so I have made do with a large rolled up towel and a belt around my neck.

I don't wear this all the time as neck mobility is important for healing, but when I am sitting down at a desk for a while I find it really useful.

It relieves nearly all the pain but comes unraveled after a while

Any ideas where I can get a proper neck brace - I go to Fascino to get my other meds and think I may have seen them in there?

Any help would be much appreciated as I cannot easily drive around Pattaya looking for somewhere, I need to go straight to a known supplier.

Thanks very much for your help


Thanks Mikebell for the reply.

I live North of Pattaya, so sadly I expect driving to that Fascino would take me quite some time allowing for all the traffic over that way now due to the underpass roadworks. Useful to know for the future though.

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