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I agree with you all, especially the last 5 or 6 posts....

I love driving in Thailand... I love that I don't need to worry about going 3 mph above the speed limit lest I incur a 3 point penally (*of 12)... my latest UK infraction had me charged at 35 mph in a 30 zone... OUCH !!!!.... (10% +2)....

Yes, I was p!is$ed off... so I came back to Thailand and gunned it !!!!... Well, no I didn't... I came back to Thailand and drove responsibly...

AND.... (in Capitals for emphasis of this point)... this is where I expect You, my fellow ThaiVisa friends to recognise the key word above.... (underlined for those who can't!)

We, as a community, web based or otherwise have a common ground... We are interested in the subject we are discussing, if we aren't we'd close this web page and move on... So, that out of the way..... back on topic....

......back in Thailand I Drive with the same level of consideration I have when driving in the UK... BUT... without the fear of traffic cams... But its different...

If I drive the same way in the UK that I drive here, I'd be in trouble... If I drive here the same way I drive in the UK I'd still be there trying to exit my soi...

I like not having to be worried of how I drive here... but that comes at the cost of sharing the roads with those who also enjoy not having to be worried of how they drive here...

I am very sure which is the better 'evil'..... the stats also show this...

So, when 'driving pleasure' is concerned I don't much care for it...... I also have an issue with indiscriminate stupidity and feel we need to make any attempt to avoid it at all costs... However, freedom means we have to remain tolerant of those who's standards fall short of our own...

In short... we have to be 'jai yen'... I just hope the tailgaters would back off.....

(Caveat: posted while drunk... !)....

and I wonder how many of these " Thais are wonderful drivers and i feel so free folk" would be if their Wife/Mother/Father / child was ripped to pieces in an incident on the road by someones stupidity/laziness...shrug shoulders and carry on eh?

Erm actually Thailand is Buddhist, they count on amulets for protection and if that doesn't work mai pen rai, it's all part of life to them, the soul moves on to a better existence.

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People who are so nice in daily life and not able to tell fuxx to anyone are just monkeys behind the wheel because this is the only place where they can revenge all their KRENG JAI.

And no where else is this more evident then on western roads. The one thing for certain I miss since being back is the driving freedom I had there and the lack of police presence impeding the traffic flow stopping people for simple infractions everywhere, where here it is constantly on my mind as is the road rage and driver idiocy more then I EVER experienced while there.

So true, especially the road rage issue in the US. I posted this on another thread, but pretty relevant to this thread as well:


I saw that, he was drunk too and apparently broke his ankle in the process, probably stumbled in that drain while acting like a nutter. While not excusing his reactions by any means, I wish I had more info of what happened before the video picks up though, but him putting his hands on the guys girl was OTT, once that happened I'd not been so understanding and forgiving as this guy was, but she should have kept her hands to herself too.. Anyway topic for another discussion, but this is one of my biggest shocks since being back is the OTT way people are driving and over-reacting. I'm guilty myself at times and it's BECAUSE I expect more of the drivers here to know better and drive better, be more courteous, etc. and sadly few do, hwen there it;s easier to justify, accept, take avoidance and move on at your own pace.


I agree with you all, especially the last 5 or 6 posts....

I love driving in Thailand... I love that I don't need to worry about going 3 mph above the speed limit lest I incur a 3 point penally (*of 12)... my latest UK infraction had me charged at 35 mph in a 30 zone... OUCH !!!!.... (10% +2)....

Yes, I was p!is$ed off... so I came back to Thailand and gunned it !!!!... Well, no I didn't... I came back to Thailand and drove responsibly...

AND.... (in Capitals for emphasis of this point)... this is where I expect You, my fellow ThaiVisa friends to recognise the key word above.... (underlined for those who can't!)

We, as a community, web based or otherwise have a common ground... We are interested in the subject we are discussing, if we aren't we'd close this web page and move on... So, that out of the way..... back on topic....

......back in Thailand I Drive with the same level of consideration I have when driving in the UK... BUT... without the fear of traffic cams... But its different...

If I drive the same way in the UK that I drive here, I'd be in trouble... If I drive here the same way I drive in the UK I'd still be there trying to exit my soi...

I like not having to be worried of how I drive here... but that comes at the cost of sharing the roads with those who also enjoy not having to be worried of how they drive here...

I am very sure which is the better 'evil'..... the stats also show this...

So, when 'driving pleasure' is concerned I don't much care for it...... I also have an issue with indiscriminate stupidity and feel we need to make any attempt to avoid it at all costs... However, freedom means we have to remain tolerant of those who's standards fall short of our own...

In short... we have to be 'jai yen'... I just hope the tailgaters would back off.....

(Caveat: posted while drunk... !)....

They have speed limits in Thailand?................Well I never.whistling.gif

Unfortunately where they have speed cameras here (Highway 7 for example) and working you do not get the 10% plus 2 even - 130 in a 120 limit........sad.png


Simple answer is speed limits.coffee1.gif

No it's not. Not a single thai person (or anyone else) know what the speed limit is on any road in Thailand. Besides, if they know they wouldn't care.


Did you ever think they may be chasing a criminal and you were in the way?

I love driving here - so much freedom compared to the UK. Many don't and are moaning old gits who should stop moaning about things and be grateful they have another day in a beautiful tropical cheap country.

laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png oh really!!


I agree with you all, especially the last 5 or 6 posts....

I love driving in Thailand... I love that I don't need to worry about going 3 mph above the speed limit lest I incur a 3 point penally (*of 12)... my latest UK infraction had me charged at 35 mph in a 30 zone... OUCH !!!!.... (10% +2)....

Yes, I was p!is$ed off... so I came back to Thailand and gunned it !!!!... Well, no I didn't... I came back to Thailand and drove responsibly...

AND.... (in Capitals for emphasis of this point)... this is where I expect You, my fellow ThaiVisa friends to recognise the key word above.... (underlined for those who can't!)

We, as a community, web based or otherwise have a common ground... We are interested in the subject we are discussing, if we aren't we'd close this web page and move on... So, that out of the way..... back on topic....

......back in Thailand I Drive with the same level of consideration I have when driving in the UK... BUT... without the fear of traffic cams... But its different...

If I drive the same way in the UK that I drive here, I'd be in trouble... If I drive here the same way I drive in the UK I'd still be there trying to exit my soi...

I like not having to be worried of how I drive here... but that comes at the cost of sharing the roads with those who also enjoy not having to be worried of how they drive here...

I am very sure which is the better 'evil'..... the stats also show this...

So, when 'driving pleasure' is concerned I don't much care for it...... I also have an issue with indiscriminate stupidity and feel we need to make any attempt to avoid it at all costs... However, freedom means we have to remain tolerant of those who's standards fall short of our own...

In short... we have to be 'jai yen'... I just hope the tailgaters would back off.....

(Caveat: posted while drunk... !)....

and I wonder how many of these " Thais are wonderful drivers and i feel so free folk" would be if their Wife/Mother/Father / child was ripped to pieces in an incident on the road by someones stupidity/laziness...shrug shoulders and carry on eh?

Erm actually Thailand is Buddhist, they count on amulets for protection and if that doesn't work mai pen rai, it's all part of life to them, the soul moves on to a better existence.

and we all know thats 100% true, amulets protect you 100% and youll be reborn 100% so how come you're having to be reborn if they are protecting you?


See my sig.

Also understand that they're only conditioned to believe their own hype. Jai yen, Kwarm dee, it's actually that they believe they are.

Land of Jai Yen.... cheesy.gif

They are cute. wub.png



IMHO, Thai drivers are dangerous because they would rather rely on trinkets and buddhas for good luck than their brains.

Brains? As far as most of them are concerned,the wheel is still going around but the hampsters dead

Id say the Hamster was never alive to start with.


I seem to attract tailgaters about once a month, I have no problem in extreme circumstances taking my speed down to zero, even in full on high speed traffic conditions, after all, it's not my rear end that's going to be impacted at speed.


I seem to attract tailgaters about once a month, I have no problem in extreme circumstances taking my speed down to zero, even in full on high speed traffic conditions, after all, it's not my rear end that's going to be impacted at speed.

bah.gif no problem for you hey?,

but maybe someone even further back not tail gating or doing anything stupid gets injured

retaliating like that is a fools errand (and i'm being nice here)


I seem to attract tailgaters about once a month, I have no problem in extreme circumstances taking my speed down to zero, even in full on high speed traffic conditions, after all, it's not my rear end that's going to be impacted at speed.

bah.gif no problem for you hey?,

but maybe someone even further back not tail gating or doing anything stupid gets injured

retaliating like that is a fools errand (and i'm being nice here)

Drivers need to be able to stop safely if the car in front of them stops, if they can'/don't, it was their problem, end of! And I'm being nice here!!!


I seem to attract tailgaters about once a month, I have no problem in extreme circumstances taking my speed down to zero, even in full on high speed traffic conditions, after all, it's not my rear end that's going to be impacted at speed.

bah.gif no problem for you hey?,

but maybe someone even further back not tail gating or doing anything stupid gets injured

retaliating like that is a fools errand (and i'm being nice here)

Drivers need to be able to stop safely if the car in front of them stops, if they can'/don't, it was their problem, end of! And I'm being nice here!!!

Yeah when a bus or truck is bearing down on you at speed, you jump on the brakes hard cuase he needs to be able to stop at your commandfacepalm.gif

You are making this stuff up as bravado.thumbsup.gif

Like so many I'm sure you think you are a "great driver", but I always ask, how did you become one?blink.png

But please no more make believe.gigglem.gif


OK, I'll let you bait me for a while since reading and comprehension are clearly not your strong points!

If you have an aggressive tailgater you have options: speeding up is not sensible because that compounds the problem; moving into another lane is often not easily possible in heavy traffic; therefore, reducing speed continuously is a sensible choice, until the 'gater backs off/gets the message, even if that means gradually reducing speed down to a mere crawl. Another option that can work well is a couple of taps of the brake lights, just to send a message, a stronger message if that doesn't work is a short jab on the brakes. But I never cease to be amazed at the utter stupidity of some drivers who are prepared to virtually latch on to your tail and not move, no matter what, it's actually quite scary at times, particularly in the North.


Agreed, but what to do if you can't let them by, because of heavy traffic.

Slow down and make yourself space in front of you. Personally tailgating never bothers me I drive ahead of me and on those rare occasions when one does I do what I suggested, but it is seldom necessary.


Ah geez, not another whining/whinging thread about Thai drivers. Is it that time of the month?

Sounds like you have had a brain transplant,had your Thai drivers brain removed and replaced with a vacuum,hope you have enough gray matter left to read this.


Ah geez, not another whining/whinging thread about Thai drivers. Is it that time of the month?

That time of the month where there isn't a minivan/truck/bus massacre in the news for one day?

Oh right, they're all down to the brakes failing.

I probably just 'misunderstand' because I am a Westerner.

Never mind.



3 pages, 52 posts and still not one correct answer.

Let me help....

Because you drive too slow


Did you not read my post???? I had a car directly in front of me on a single lane busy road. I drive a Toyota Yaris not a Harrier Jump Jet. I'm not sure whether a cigarette paper would have fit between the two vehicles


3 pages, 52 posts and still not one correct answer.

Let me help....

Because you drive too slow


Did you not read my post???? I had a car directly in front of me on a single lane busy road. I drive a Toyota Yaris not a Harrier Jump Jet. I'm not sure whether a cigarette paper would have fit between the two vehicles

Uh Oh, Someone's lost their sense of humor :P


Yah see IMHO now you see why no one posted the obvious answer, frankly I'm surprised you took the chance? Anyhooo, there was no way that was going to work.. gigglem.gif

Harrier jump jet was pretty comical though.. clap2.gif Does anyone still fly Harriers?

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