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Bangkok University - Life Of Thai Students


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wintermute Posted Yesterday, 2007-02-20 18:24:33

QUOTE(ThaiGoon @ 2007-02-20 09:43:54) *

Because I'm still studying in the US. And I also do tutor kids whose parents are friends of my parents when I go home in the summer. I teach them English, Math and Physics.

Let me get this straight you constantly rant and rave about foreigners living in Thailand but it turns out you're studying in the U.S.? Have you heard the saying..a person who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. How about I make you a deal you get out of my country i'll get out of yours...see how absurd your comments are now?


By the way, all your suggestive crap about underprivileged kids in Thailand got basically no chances to better their lives is just a bunch of ....crap. I've seen a lot of Thai students who came from struggling families go to top American colleges and do really well.

Every single statistic i've seen on Thailand shows that there is an enormous wealth gap in the country. The rich elite constitute 1% and own much of the wealth. Did you know the majority of the population in Thailand are farmers (55-60%) and they only contribute a tiny 9% to the overall GDP? That's sad and it just illustrates that there are millions of people living in poverty. I have travelled all over Thailand and have seen it first hand. You can't B.S. me on this.


How did they do it? They got scholarships from the government. Every year, since King Rama V era, the Thai governemnt has been granting thousands of schoalrships to qualified Thai students to study abroad.

Unfortunately there's very few of these scholarships available in Thailand. For every program that works in Thailand there are dozens more that are accused of corruption where funds are lost to fraud or stolen before they ever get to the needy. Also, quite a few of the ones that allow Thai students to study abroad are actually financed in part by foreign nations that you seem to despise so much. I know for a fact that Singapore has a program that gives ASEAN students scholarships to their top universities as does Australia and the U.S.

Just going by the tone of your posts i'd guess that you are most likely a middle/hi-so thai kid who has grown up in relative privilege in Bangkok. I see your type everyday..you preach your hate on foreigners but you readily consume the pop culture and negative aspects of those you despise. You talk about how great Thailand is but your ilk is the first to trample on the rights of your own people with your egocentric upbringing and ill gotten family wealth. I don't respect people like you at all. You have no right to criticize foreigners living in your country or anywhere else. THere is such a thing as hypocrisy and you are just the usual example of it in Thailand.

:o Spot on old chap!

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So what? That's for high school students who have learned math to a certain level..which is about the calculus/trig level. You have countries like Moldova (which was a wartorn hellhole for over a decadel) and Romania scoring higher..woopty doo. To produce skilled expertise in engineering and science to build infrastructure or become technically competitive requires a higher level of learning that goes way beyond a math olympiad. I don't think anyone ever said that the raw human ability wasn't there. Any country has potential the issue is that higher education in Thailand is woefully inadequate to harness this potential and a lot of it is due in part to culture.

Weren't you one of those who made a mockery of IBM's attempt to establish an IT learning center in Thailand? That was a nice attempt to imporve the quality of higher education here, wasn't it? If you genuinely cared about Thailand and wanted Thailand to be better, then why did you criticize both the current state of education system and the attempts to improve it?

Face it, you are just a sad farang parasite loser in Thailand who has nothing better to do in your life than just bash Thailand in every issue on the internet....and yet still has to live in Thailand because you can't afford to live in your homecountry.

You are obviously very inteligent. I was wandering why you use the word parasite. I really would like an answer to this question, in might explain a lot of things.

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There are also many who have "purchased" their university degrees...My question to everyone is... so what?. Does the notion that somebody was able to purchase their degrees make you feel inadequate? Do you feel that Thai universities are themselves less educational than those in Europe or America? Once again, so what?

Since a lot of these posts concern engineering degrees, I just feel uncomfortable

  • landing at airports built by them


  • living in high-rises constructed by them


  • Or plugging in my appliance to a non-grounded electrical system engineered by them


  • Or stepping on manhole covers specified by them.

That's what. :o

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So what? That's for high school students who have learned math to a certain level..which is about the calculus/trig level. You have countries like Moldova (which was a wartorn hellhole for over a decadel) and Romania scoring higher..woopty doo. To produce skilled expertise in engineering and science to build infrastructure or become technically competitive requires a higher level of learning that goes way beyond a math olympiad. I don't think anyone ever said that the raw human ability wasn't there. Any country has potential the issue is that higher education in Thailand is woefully inadequate to harness this potential and a lot of it is due in part to culture.

Weren't you one of those who made a mockery of IBM's attempt to establish an IT learning center in Thailand? That was a nice attempt to imporve the quality of higher education here, wasn't it? If you genuinely cared about Thailand and wanted Thailand to be better, then why did you criticize both the current state of education system and the attempts to improve it?

Face it, you are just a sad farang parasite loser in Thailand who has nothing better to do in your life than just bash Thailand in every issue on the internet....and yet still has to live in Thailand because you can't afford to live in your homecountry.

You are obviously very inteligent. I was wandering why you use the word parasite. I really would like an answer to this question, in might explain a lot of things.

The ironic thing is he chose to live and study in the U.S. I suppose a lot of U.S. citizens of the redneck persuasion would refer to him as a "parasite" as well. I suppose deep down inside Thaigoon is just the Thai equivalent of our ignorant inbreds except his family managed to "procure" enough money to send him abroad.

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So what? That's for high school students who have learned math to a certain level..which is about the calculus/trig level. You have countries like Moldova (which was a wartorn hellhole for over a decadel) and Romania scoring higher..woopty doo. To produce skilled expertise in engineering and science to build infrastructure or become technically competitive requires a higher level of learning that goes way beyond a math olympiad. I don't think anyone ever said that the raw human ability wasn't there. Any country has potential the issue is that higher education in Thailand is woefully inadequate to harness this potential and a lot of it is due in part to culture.

Weren't you one of those who made a mockery of IBM's attempt to establish an IT learning center in Thailand? That was a nice attempt to imporve the quality of higher education here, wasn't it? If you genuinely cared about Thailand and wanted Thailand to be better, then why did you criticize both the current state of education system and the attempts to improve it?

Face it, you are just a sad farang parasite loser in Thailand who has nothing better to do in your life than just bash Thailand in every issue on the internet....and yet still has to live in Thailand because you can't afford to live in your homecountry.

You are obviously very inteligent. I was wandering why you use the word parasite. I really would like an answer to this question, in might explain a lot of things.

The ironic thing is he chose to live and study in the U.S. I suppose a lot of U.S. citizens of the redneck persuasion would refer to him as a "parasite" as well. I suppose deep down inside Thaigoon is just the Thai equivalent of our ignorant inbreds except his family managed to "procure" enough money to send him abroad.

I'm really looking forward to his explanation why he used that word. And Thaigoon please stick to the subject of why you used the word parasite.

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"Parasite" is a little strong. I much preferred the "pompous cockroach" reference that ThaiGoon used to band around. :o That was quite original.

Who was it that said that it was only cockroaches and farangs that lived in condo's. I believe it was a Thai minister.

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"Parasite" is a little strong. I much preferred the "pompous cockroach" reference that ThaiGoon used to band around. :o That was quite original.

Who was it that said that it was only cockroaches and farangs that lived in condo's. I believe it was a Thai minister.

Sounds about right. He probably has houses all over the world himself. Or at least near to major casinos.

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"Parasite" is a little strong. I much preferred the "pompous cockroach" reference that ThaiGoon used to band around. :D That was quite original.


And to reply to wintermute, I don't "live" in the US. I'm over here to study. I do appreciate a lot of things in the US and I also never criticize the US unfairly. I don't wish ill on the US.

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"Parasite" is a little strong. I much preferred the "pompous cockroach" reference that ThaiGoon used to band around. :D That was quite original.


And to reply to wintermute, I don't "live" in the US. I'm over here to study. I do appreciate a lot of things in the US and I also never criticize the US unfairly. I don't wish ill on the US.

Do you think of yourself as a "parasite" in the US, then, ThaiGoon ?

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So what? That's for high school students who have learned math to a certain level..which is about the calculus/trig level. You have countries like Moldova (which was a wartorn hellhole for over a decadel) and Romania scoring higher..woopty doo. To produce skilled expertise in engineering and science to build infrastructure or become technically competitive requires a higher level of learning that goes way beyond a math olympiad. I don't think anyone ever said that the raw human ability wasn't there. Any country has potential the issue is that higher education in Thailand is woefully inadequate to harness this potential and a lot of it is due in part to culture.

Weren't you one of those who made a mockery of IBM's attempt to establish an IT learning center in Thailand? That was a nice attempt to imporve the quality of higher education here, wasn't it? If you genuinely cared about Thailand and wanted Thailand to be better, then why did you criticize both the current state of education system and the attempts to improve it?

Face it, you are just a sad farang parasite loser in Thailand who has nothing better to do in your life than just bash Thailand in every issue on the internet....and yet still has to live in Thailand because you can't afford to live in your homecountry.

You are obviously very inteligent. I was wandering why you use the word parasite. I really would like an answer to this question, in might explain a lot of things.

Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

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Thaigoon: You are most welcome to live in and study in my country. I think you don't need to respond to those people that are making references otherwise. I am sure there are other forum for that.

This forum is about Thailand (not the US, and not about Thai people who study, work, live in other countries).

Now, about the education system in the country. There are numerous problems in education. First of all, it is under the almost complete control of the gov't with almost no input from ordinary citizens, parents or other grassroots organizations. Secondly, the elite do not usually send their children to public (gov't run) schools. They send them to private, international or overseas schools--or some combination of this.

From Bangkok there is very little concern for the overall education of the provinces.

The overall level of the teachers (including the foreign ones I might add) is very low. If you don't have a good grasp on the knowledge yourself, it's hard to pass it on.

Finally, most people, parents and administrators are impressed with work that is WAY too difficult for any given level. They will cheer those that are giving 3 digit subtraction to P. 1 students (I've seen this). The students couldn't possibly conceptualize how this works. They did memorize however and those that couldn't were "helped" by their teachers. Later this becomes cheating.

All this said, however, education in most countries is a real problem and in spite of it all, kids seem to be able to do what is needed of them in the work place.

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Seems to be a lot of frustrasted folks on both sides around here. Why all the froth and spit?


It's not froth and spit from me. I'm quite calm, I just asked Thaigoon to explain the use of the word parrasite which todate he has not tried to explain. I just want to understand his mindset.

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Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

I don't wanna sound rude. But why do you care? I didn't aim it at you.

Thaigoon I just want you to explain to me and the other readers why you used the word parasite. You typed the comment, you must have had a reason for using that particular word. Just answer, its not difficult. I'm not being rude to you either.

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Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

I don't wanna sound rude. But why do you care? I didn't aim it at you.

Thaigoon I just want you to explain to me and the other readers why you used the word parasite. You typed the comment, you must have had a reason for using that particular word. Just answer, its not difficult. I'm not being rude to you either.

I don't go and live in a foreign country and then try to damage or tarnish that country and her people's reputation/image by spreading lies and false rumours on the internet. The word, parasite, pretty much explains itself really.

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I don't go and live in a foreign country and then try to damage or tarnish that country and her people's reputation/image by spreading lies and false rumours on the internet. The word, parasite, pretty much explains itself really.

I've been reading your posts on TV, Thai goon.

It's exactly because of people like you that I wish that the West in general, and my homecountry in particular, would RECIPROCATE all the s.h.i.t. we get from 3rd world countries like yours.

(Even if that meant that my Thai wife, currently working and living with me in Italy, would have to prove an income of 10000 euro/month (the Italian equivalent of 40000 baht/month in Thailand compared to the average Thai salary) in order to be allowed to live 1 year with her husband.)

That would take care and "fix" very many of the issues that are always being discussed here...

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Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

I don't wanna sound rude. But why do you care? I didn't aim it at you.

Thaigoon I just want you to explain to me and the other readers why you used the word parasite. You typed the comment, you must have had a reason for using that particular word. Just answer, its not difficult. I'm not being rude to you either.

I don't go and live in a foreign country and then try to damage or tarnish that country and her people's reputation/image by spreading lies and false rumours on the internet. The word, parasite, pretty much explains itself really.

Thaigoon, you get away with a lot of personal attacks of the lowest kind here on TV. Ever read the rules? Ever wonder why? Think deeply now.

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Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

I don't wanna sound rude. But why do you care? I didn't aim it at you.

Thaigoon I just want you to explain to me and the other readers why you used the word parasite. You typed the comment, you must have had a reason for using that particular word. Just answer, its not difficult. I'm not being rude to you either.

I don't go and live in a foreign country and then try to damage or tarnish that country and her people's reputation/image by spreading lies and false rumours on the internet. The word, parasite, pretty much explains itself really.

You are responding in a typical Thai manner by sticking your head in the sand and denying a problem exists or blaming it on a foreigner. I love my Thai wife and kids so I hope someday Thai people stop trying to hide from reality so my kids and grandkids have a future that doesn’t include being a slave to their Chinese masters. Because Thaigoon I can foresee Thailand being swallowed up by the giant dragon. It might not be so easy to have the “Mai Pen Rai” attitude then and blaming Farangs won’t be so easy. If you really love Thailand you will stop defending it to save face and start fighting for a change in the education system.

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I love my Thai wife and kids so I hope someday Thai people stop trying to hide from reality so my kids and grandkids have a future that doesn’t include being a slave to their Chinese masters.

You make that sound like a bad thing.


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Thaigoon I really would like you to answer my question honestly.

I don't wanna sound rude. But why do you care? I didn't aim it at you.

Thaigoon I just want you to explain to me and the other readers why you used the word parasite. You typed the comment, you must have had a reason for using that particular word. Just answer, its not difficult. I'm not being rude to you either.

I don't go and live in a foreign country and then try to damage or tarnish that country and her people's reputation/image by spreading lies and false rumours on the internet. The word, parasite, pretty much explains itself really.

Thaigoon, you get away with a lot of personal attacks of the lowest kind here on TV. Ever read the rules? Ever wonder why? Think deeply now.

Mr. Thaigoon, after having been the recipient once or twice of your blind, invective spiced tirades and learning that you are deaf and blind to all reason, I have only one more question to which you may, just for once, provide a rational answer. Why does an intelligent, rabid anti-farang insist on posting in a predominantly farang forum?

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I think it is very irresposible to make such broad statements.

Rote learning has been acknolwedged to be very positive in certain aspects - such as math and engineering classes. IIT in india is the premier school for tech in the world - students who can not get in can easily get into MIT in the U.S. Many north american engineering students go to europe and fail because their standards are so far behind them. Also many local kids who can not get into chula or the other top schools vcan easily get into top programs abroad and if they have the money do so. Yes some will get good jobs when they come back

I just finished touring architecture depts in bangkok and can tell you that the students work very hard and know their stuff and can compete with the students at harvard or AA in London.

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Why does an intelligent, rabid anti-farang insist on posting in a predominantly farang forum?

I believe I have the answer: inferiority complex. Another one of the many typical Thai traits our fellow board member shows.

I bet he isn't much interested in discussing about his homecountry with the farangs he meets and knows in the US who have never been in Thailand, he wants to do it with us and prove us how bad we are and how good LOS and the Thais are :o

What he doesn't realize is the "logic" he displays and the arguments he uses are but a constant confirmation and reinforcement of the opinion many of us have about Thailand and the Thais...

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I think it is very irresposible to make such broad statements.

Rote learning has been acknolwedged to be very positive in certain aspects - such as math and engineering classes. IIT in india is the premier school for tech in the world - students who can not get in can easily get into MIT in the U.S. Many north american engineering students go to europe and fail because their standards are so far behind them. Also many local kids who can not get into chula or the other top schools vcan easily get into top programs abroad and if they have the money do so. Yes some will get good jobs when they come back

I just finished touring architecture depts in bangkok and can tell you that the students work very hard and know their stuff and can compete with the students at harvard or AA in London.

Do you know what "broad statements" are?

They are generalizations meant to define the average, the standard, the medium level.

Is architecture your area of expertise/knowledge? Would you say that, in general, the average Thai architect is of the same level of the average American or western European architect?

This is what those "broad statements" are all about.

My areas of expertise/knowledge are IT and "tech stuff" (worked in this area for a while, both in Italy and the US), liberal arts (hold a degree from Italy on this one), paramedical area (getting a degree, again in Italy, as a professional nurse). Trying to compare what I see/have seen in Western Europe and the US to what I have seen in Thailand is, well, an absolute joke...

Thai standards, procedures and knowledge are, simply put, generally abysmal. And that's, FWIW, my professional opinion.

Edited by BAF
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Why does an intelligent, rabid anti-farang insist on posting in a predominantly farang forum?

I believe I have the answer: inferiority complex. Another one of the many typical Thai traits our fellow board member shows.

I bet he isn't much interested in discussing about his homecountry with the farangs he meets and knows in the US who have never been in Thailand, he wants to do it with us and prove us how bad we are and how good LOS and the Thais are :D

What he doesn't realize is the "logic" he displays and the arguments he uses are but a constant confirmation and reinforcement of the opinion many of us have about Thailand and the Thais...

In defense of my man ThaiGoon I'd like to say that he is much, much less "rabid anti-farang" than folks such as wintermute and others are rabid anti-Thai. His logic is sound when he states that he is living in the USA but does not feel the need to constantly criticise the country, the culture and its residents, while many who post here from Thailand are doing just that.

Even as an American living in Thailand I tend to see things more from TG's point of view than from the rabid anti-Thai crowd. There's plenty of students from families of privelege in the US living the hardcore party life and graduating from top unis without much of a clue (can you say Gee Dubya?) so Thailand is hardly unique in that regard.

Keep fighting the good fight TG -- I'm with ya all the way! :o

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