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Why does an intelligent, rabid anti-farang insist on posting in a predominantly farang forum?

I believe I have the answer: inferiority complex. Another one of the many typical Thai traits our fellow board member shows.

I bet he isn't much interested in discussing about his homecountry with the farangs he meets and knows in the US who have never been in Thailand, he wants to do it with us and prove us how bad we are and how good LOS and the Thais are :D

What he doesn't realize is the "logic" he displays and the arguments he uses are but a constant confirmation and reinforcement of the opinion many of us have about Thailand and the Thais...

In defense of my man ThaiGoon I'd like to say that he is much, much less "rabid anti-farang" than folks such as wintermute and others are rabid anti-Thai. His logic is sound when he states that he is living in the USA but does not feel the need to constantly criticise the country, the culture and its residents, while many who post here from Thailand are doing just that.

Even as an American living in Thailand I tend to see things more from TG's point of view than from the rabid anti-Thai crowd. There's plenty of students from families of privelege in the US living the hardcore party life and graduating from top unis without much of a clue (can you say Gee Dubya?) so Thailand is hardly unique in that regard.

Keep fighting the good fight TG -- I'm with ya all the way! :o

He loses it in a serious debate, resorts to mud slinging and loses hands down in a Thai/farang discussion. I say again, he does himself a disservice with his lack of self control and his dogma.

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Why does an intelligent, rabid anti-farang insist on posting in a predominantly farang forum?

I believe I have the answer: inferiority complex. Another one of the many typical Thai traits our fellow board member shows.

I bet he isn't much interested in discussing about his homecountry with the farangs he meets and knows in the US who have never been in Thailand, he wants to do it with us and prove us how bad we are and how good LOS and the Thais are :D

What he doesn't realize is the "logic" he displays and the arguments he uses are but a constant confirmation and reinforcement of the opinion many of us have about Thailand and the Thais...

In defense of my man ThaiGoon I'd like to say that he is much, much less "rabid anti-farang" than folks such as wintermute and others are rabid anti-Thai. His logic is sound when he states that he is living in the USA but does not feel the need to constantly criticise the country, the culture and its residents, while many who post here from Thailand are doing just that.

Even as an American living in Thailand I tend to see things more from TG's point of view than from the rabid anti-Thai crowd. There's plenty of students from families of privelege in the US living the hardcore party life and graduating from top unis without much of a clue (can you say Gee Dubya?) so Thailand is hardly unique in that regard.

Keep fighting the good fight TG -- I'm with ya all the way! :o


do you also call non-americans living in the US "parasites" when you disagree with their point of view, like ThaiGoon does (when speaking of nonThais living in Thailand)?

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In defense of my man ThaiGoon I'd like to say that he is much, much less "rabid anti-farang" than folks such as wintermute and others are rabid anti-Thai. His logic is sound when he states that he is living in the USA but does not feel the need to constantly criticise the country, the culture and its residents, while many who post here from Thailand are doing just that.

Even as an American living in Thailand I tend to see things more from TG's point of view than from the rabid anti-Thai crowd. There's plenty of students from families of privelege in the US living the hardcore party life and graduating from top unis without much of a clue (can you say Gee Dubya?) so Thailand is hardly unique in that regard.

Keep fighting the good fight TG -- I'm with ya all the way! :o

I have met plenty of self-deluded daydreaming western parasites in my time in Thailand but you know what? I too am actually with you and Thai goon! :D

If it wasn't for the thinking of people like him Thailand would actually progress and its culture would actually evolve towards that of a 1st world country and LOS would cease to be the "cheap booze cheap girls" great playground that it has long been :D

I (together with the higher class rich Thais) actually enjoy and reap the benefits (for the rich, that is) of the Thais' classism, poverty, greed, ignorance and stupidity.

As a farang, I unfortunately have to bear the xenophobia and racism cultivated and exploited bu the ruling class to keep the evil westerners (and the progress and the cultural changes that always come with them) at bay and continue to ensure their total control of the country by keeping it as much as possible as it is. Why don't they shut us off completely? Because they know that by doing so they would be ruling a 4th world s.h.i.t.hole and who want to be the upper class of Ethiopia or the China of few years ago?

Seriously, I support the Thai goons and the Hengs of Thailand. Without them and the cheap cost of living (and boozing and whoring) that comes with their view of Thailand and the rest of the world there is little that interests me in Thailand.

Food, weather, scenery? MUCH better at home for me.

Personal relationships, working environment etc? I understand what many of you like in this regard in today's Thailand but keep in mind that once Thailand gets richer the attitude of the average Thai whould shift towards that displayed today by the already rich Thais. And if you have ever seriously been around them rich upper class folks you woudn't be talking about "mai pen rai", "greng jai", "jai yen" and all the rest of this crap as typical and true Thai values... They are just cultural tools, the tools of the rich by which they handicap the masses of their subjugates and keep them under control.

You have a preview in what's in store for you in those future times by seeing how your average "poor" Thai treats, thinks of and talks of "lesser beings" as for example the Burmese or Cambodians...

They already are richer, more powerful and "better" than them and see how they are "mai pen rai", "greng jai" and "jai yen" about them...

It doesn't take my farang degree in sociology to see all of this... or does it? :D

PS In sociology, one of the best indexes of the socio-cultural degree of development of a society is how they treat the women. Need I to say more..?

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Among other things your view that Thailand is just cheap women and cheap booze shows exactly what type of farang you are. Some people on this forum are just beyond words. I expect because you have your degree in sociology you think you’re qualified to analyze Thailand, point out any slight cracks you may find and moan about it to your hearts content. Its just getting stupid, actually now I think about it, it might be an advantage if you and your crowd keep up all the anti-Thai, Thai hate farang rubbish as eventually you might hate Thailand enough to actually go home and leave Thailand to people that actually like it.

Oh and you seem to have an awfull lot of "degrees". Have you had them acredited by the ministry of labour yet?

Keep it up TG


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Dear BAF,

When you learn to formulate a discussion, then maybe this discussion would/could progress to some enlightenment.

What is clear is you have a thought and no amout of discourse will affect IT.

May you live your life to your full content with your many various degrees which have taught you to make statments based not on research from a broad spectrum , but on your own vast/broad experiences whcih I'm sure include the exoerience of every office in the city of angels.

Perhaos your world is just that - your world - as punters frequent gogo bars, one can only wonder where your life hangs.

have a nice one

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Among other things your view that Thailand is just cheap women and cheap booze shows exactly what type of farang you are.

A smart one? :o

What do you have against cheap food and cheap women? :D

Some people on this forum are just beyond words. I expect because you have your degree in sociology you think you’re qualified to analyze Thailand, point out any slight cracks you may find and moan about it to your hearts content.
You can bet your farang parasite ass that I am qualified :D Whether I am right or wrong is of course another question.

BTW, I do have words to describe Thailand, the Thais and the type of farang that you are. Maybe this is the difference between us (and my degree might have something to do with it...).

Its just getting stupid, actually now I think about it, it might be an advantage if you and your crowd keep up all the anti-Thai, Thai hate farang rubbish as eventually you might hate Thailand enough to actually go home and leave Thailand to people that actually like it.

I do not hate Thailand and Thais (I don't love them either)!

It's just you who think that loving them means keeping your eyes and your brains wide shut and defending them no matter what.

Sorry, I'm neither blind nor stupid.

Anyway, you will be delighted to know that I left Thailand and I am now home, you have Thailand all for yourself :D

As I wrote in the "My Visa Run" thread Thailand (or other similar 3rd world countries) is my Plan B.

Keep it up TG

Yeah, that's what I'm saying! :D

Viva Thai goon, viva the Thai culture and values (MAY THEY NEVER CHANGE! MAY THEY NEVER BE CONTAMINATED!) and down with the farang parasites! :bah:

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Its a shame that you see anyone who may have a different view point to you as wrongly "defending them no matter what". After all we should all bow down to you as your the one with multiple degrees. Did you ever learn in any of your many degrees that stupidity and intelligence can go hand in hand? Even if your argument had a valid point your pompous hollier than thou atitude just stinks.


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Dear BAF,

When you learn to formulate a discussion, then maybe this discussion would/could progress to some enlightenment.

Tried that a number of times, on this and other boards, under this and other handles.

It rarely "progresses to some enlightenment" :o

Why did I bother?

Part for fun, part to vent, part because I do appreciate those who "make the effort" and try to avoid others some unnecessary pain and hardship by offering their opinions, experiences and knowledge (the great thing about these m.boards)...

What is clear is you have a thought and no amout of discourse will affect IT.
A well reasoned, hard facts based one definitely would. Never got much of that in the past.
May you live your life to your full content with your many various degrees which have taught you to make statments based not on research from a broad spectrum , but on your own vast/broad experiences whcih I'm sure include the exoerience of every office in the city of angels.

Perhaos your world is just that - your world - as punters frequent gogo bars, one can only wonder where your life hangs.

No need to wonder about that one, I've detailed my experiences in LOS in more than one occasion (just about in each and every thread where I have tried to have a serious discussion about Thailand and Thai society).

Search for it and comment on it if you are so inclined, it's all out in the open. No need to speculate (or hope?) about go-go bars and the like...

have a nice one

I'm havin' it... a very nice one, TNX... :D

Edited by BAF
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Its a shame that you see anyone who may have a different view point to you as wrongly "defending them no matter what". After all we should all bow down to you as your the one with multiple degrees. Did you ever learn in any of your many degrees

Why all this emphasis on my "many degrees"?

BTW, it seems you and shochu have problems counting to 2 :o Actually, less than 2.

that stupidity and intelligence can go hand in hand? Even if your argument had a valid point your pompous hollier than thou atitude just stinks.

Just trying to tune in on the wavelength of this thread :D

For some serious and less pompous stuff you may try a search on past threads, I can PM you my old handle on this board and the handle under which I have posted in "serious" threads on this and other boards.

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No its ok I don’t want to read anything else that might annoy me. Seriously though its just the recent surge of moaning anti everything threads that really starts to be a pain. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about your posts it just happened to be the last complaint I read before I had to post. I honestly don’t have anything against criticism of Thailand or Thai people its just the way some people go about it, its like a broken record. If you read some peoples post history its just moan, moan, moan, Thai hate farang, Thai racist, Blah Blah Blah. I know people like to vent there frustration here but honestly I never knew there was actually such a large number of people who ha such a negative look on life, I certainly don’t like living like that.


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No its ok I don't want to read anything else that might annoy me. Seriously though its just the recent surge of moaning anti everything threads that really starts to be a pain. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about your posts it just happened to be the last complaint I read before I had to post. I honestly don't have anything against criticism of Thailand or Thai people its just the way some people go about it, its like a broken record. If you read some peoples post history its just moan, moan, moan, Thai hate farang, Thai racist, Blah Blah Blah. I know people like to vent there frustration here but honestly I never knew there was actually such a large number of people who ha such a negative look on life, I certainly don't like living like that.


Quite so! As for me, I like everyone, even BAF and Thaigoon, really I do. :o

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No its ok I don’t want to read anything else that might annoy me. Seriously though its just the recent surge of moaning anti everything threads that really starts to be a pain.

You are so right. How has the tune changed just recently, hasn't it?

Not long ago I was in the tiny minority to speak some "hard truths" about Thailand and I was used to get a lot of "heat" for it, even "the boot" sometimes...

What has changed? The things I and others used to talk about (and not believed and ridiculed for it) are now being felt on their own skin by many in the farang community (either directly or indirectly through friends and acquaintances).

Haven't you, honestly, not seen the mounting pressure the ever changing laws, attitudes and "moods" have been putting on foreigners, lately?

There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about your posts it just happened to be the last complaint I read before I had to post. I honestly don’t have anything against criticism of Thailand or Thai people its just the way some people go about it, its like a broken record. If you read some peoples post history its just moan, moan, moan, Thai hate farang, Thai racist, Blah Blah Blah. I know people like to vent there frustration here but honestly I never knew there was actually such a large number of people who ha such a negative look on life, I certainly don’t like living like that.

In fact, there WERE NOT such a large amount of people complaining as of now.

"Complaining", believe it or not, is a powerful force and an engine of the progress.

Many "complainers" would very much like to have a chance to fix the problems they complain about. Many complainers, just like you, actually love the country and the people they complain about.

The fact is, as farangs in Thailand they are absolutely powerless, totally passive subjects upon whom any change (small, medium, big and life changing) is just forced upon. They are and remain "aliens" whose contributions is not only NOT asked for, is very much totally rejected and disparaged.

In one thing you are wrong, I am not one of them.

I have no personal interest in seeing Thailand succeed. I don't think they deserve it either.

My personal observations are just of academical value, I don't actually wish for my "advices" to be put into action by the Thais.

I would lose my playground, and that's what matters to me.

One final point, I absolutely and totally believe that every nation (on a large enough scale of events, time and space -too long to elaborate-) has the leadership they deserve.

This is very important.

The BS that the Thais don't "deserve" the current govt (or the previous one, or any one of the rest of them), the notion that the powers that be are a completely detached reality and have nothing to do with the Thai nation, culture, values and society, as if they came from the Moon, is utter nonsense.

Show me the stupidity (along with the good points) of the last 100 years of the political life of my own homecountry and I will tell you that thay mirrored the values and the culture of the nation at that point in time.

This is true always and for everybody.

Even for Thailand and the Thais.

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No its ok I don't want to read anything else that might annoy me. Seriously though its just the recent surge of moaning anti everything threads that really starts to be a pain.

You are so right. How has the tune changed just recently, hasn't it?

Not long ago I was in the tiny minority to speak some "hard truths" about Thailand and I was used to get a lot of "heat" for it, even "the boot" sometimes...

What has changed? The things I and others used to talk about (and not believed and ridiculed for it) are now being felt on their own skin by many in the farang community (either directly or indirectly through friends and acquaintances).

Haven't you, honestly, not seen the mounting pressure the ever changing laws, attitudes and "moods" have been putting on foreigners, lately?

There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about your posts it just happened to be the last complaint I read before I had to post. I honestly don't have anything against criticism of Thailand or Thai people its just the way some people go about it, its like a broken record. If you read some peoples post history its just moan, moan, moan, Thai hate farang, Thai racist, Blah Blah Blah. I know people like to vent there frustration here but honestly I never knew there was actually such a large number of people who ha such a negative look on life, I certainly don't like living like that.
In fact, there WERE NOT such a large amount of people complaining as of now.

"Complaining", believe it or not, is a powerful force and an engine of the progress.

Many "complainers" would very much like to have a chance to fix the problems they complain about. Many complainers, just like you, actually love the country and the people they complain about.

The fact is, as farangs in Thailand they are absolutely powerless, totally passive subjects upon whom any change (small, medium, big and life changing) is just forced upon. They are and remain "aliens" whose contributions is not only NOT asked for, is very much totally rejected and disparaged.

In one thing you are wrong, I am not one of them.

I have no personal interest in seeing Thailand succeed. I don't think they deserve it either.

My personal observations are just of academical value, I don't actually wish for my "advices" to be put into action by the Thais.

I would lose my playground, and that's what matters to me.

One final point, I absolutely and totally believe that every nation (on a large enough scale of events, time and space -too long to elaborate-) has the leadership they deserve.

This is very important.

The BS that the Thais don't "deserve" the current govt (or the previous one, or any one of the rest of them), the notion that the powers that be are a completely detached reality and have nothing to do with the Thai nation, culture, values and society, as if they came from the Moon, is utter nonsense.

Show me the stupidity (along with the good points) of the last 100 years of the political life of my own homecountry and I will tell you that thay mirrored the values and the culture of the nation at that point in time.

This is true always and for everybody.

Even for Thailand and the Thais.

Phooooooooooow! Heavy stuff, BAF but I find myself strangely inclined to agree with you on one or two of your points. I don't think it would make a jot of difference to the life of most Thais if all the farangs left tomorrow and never went back. Perhaps we'd be missed by about 10% of the (rich) population and some Thai wives but they'd probably soon turn their attention to something else too. Most of them would follow their hubbies anyway.

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Why did some guys get all worked up when I called wintermute, not anyone else, a parasite? I've also already stated the reasons why I said so. Was it really that hard to understand and accept that it was never intended for anyone else on here? I thought I made it quite clear already. And thanks to everyone who understood me.

And to qwerts, I was drawn to this forum because I was interested to know how foreigners view my country. I never intended to post on here as much as I have. I only wanted to observe, but unfortunately a lot of unfair criticism and pure ignorance posted on here provoked my response. I felt I needed to defend my country and the people. I couldn't just keep sitting on my ass and let ignorant fools unfairly attack my country.

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Why did some guys get all worked up when I called wintermute, not anyone else, a parasite? I've also already stated the reasons why I said so. Was it really that hard to understand and accept that it was never intended for anyone else on here? I thought I made it quite clear already. And thanks to everyone who understood me.

And to qwerts, I was drawn to this forum because I was interested to know how foreigners view my country. I never intended to post on here as much as I have. I only wanted to observe, but unfortunately a lot of unfair criticism and pure ignorance posted on here provoked my response. I felt I needed to defend my country and the people. I couldn't just keep sitting on my ass and let ignorant fools unfairly attack my country.

Well, now you know, TG. I posted you in another thread in which you write in similar vein. My point was, I'm sure you're a nice guy but you lose it when the debate heats up. You may or may not have noticed my relatively neutral, factual stance but I case you haven't, I should stress that I like Thailand, its people and what they offer me. I seem to in a minority that has never had a problem in LOS that I couldn't easily handle. My sincere advice, you should learn to handle yours.

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Why did some guys get all worked up when I called wintermute, not anyone else, a parasite? I've also already stated the reasons why I said so. Was it really that hard to understand and accept that it was never intended for anyone else on here? I thought I made it quite clear already. And thanks to everyone who understood me.

And to qwerts, I was drawn to this forum because I was interested to know how foreigners view my country. I never intended to post on here as much as I have. I only wanted to observe, but unfortunately a lot of unfair criticism and pure ignorance posted on here provoked my response. I felt I needed to defend my country and the people. I couldn't just keep sitting on my ass and let ignorant fools unfairly attack my country.

Well, now you know, TG. I posted you in another thread in which you write in similar vein. My point was, I'm sure you're a nice guy but you lose it when the debate heats up. You may or may not have noticed my relatively neutral, factual stance but I case you haven't, I should stress that I like Thailand, its people and what they offer me. I seem to in a minority that has never had a problem in LOS that I couldn't easily handle. My sincere advice, you should learn to handle yours.

As far as I've ever seen, ThaiGoon has never "lost it" to the extent that other posters subscribing to the "Thai people are ignorant and Thai culture sucks" persuasion tend to lose it whenever somebody throws a bit of their own bile back in their faces.

If I was a Thai person reading this forum, believe me, I'd show much less restraint than TG has in all the Thai-bashing topics he's responded to. For just a moment, if possible, some folks ought to suspend their extremely critical, biased rhetoric and read some of the things they've posted, and then imagine what it might be like as a Thai person reading that ignorant garbage.

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You are responding in a typical Thai manner by sticking your head in the sand and denying a problem exists or blaming it on a foreigner. I love my Thai wife and kids so I hope someday Thai people stop trying to hide from reality so my kids and grandkids have a future that doesn’t include being a slave to their Chinese masters. Because Thaigoon I can foresee Thailand being swallowed up by the giant dragon. It might not be so easy to have the “Mai Pen Rai” attitude then and blaming Farangs won’t be so easy. If you really love Thailand you will stop defending it to save face and start fighting for a change in the education system.

Spot on mate.. Right on the money..

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As far as I've ever seen, ThaiGoon has never "lost it" to the extent that other posters subscribing to the "Thai people are ignorant and Thai culture sucks" persuasion tend to lose it whenever somebody throws a bit of their own bile back in their faces.

If I was a Thai person reading this forum, believe me, I'd show much less restraint than TG has in all the Thai-bashing topics he's responded to. For just a moment, if possible, some folks ought to suspend their extremely critical, biased rhetoric and read some of the things they've posted, and then imagine what it might be like as a Thai person reading that ignorant garbage.

As is all too typical with folks of your persuasion, a lot of hot air and no real arguments or hard facts thrown against the "ignorant garbage".

Just, as you oh so rightly say, some bile in the face...

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