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2016 Republicans use Trump, TV to make debate cut


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Trump would probably take as many, if not more votes from the dem side. Careful what you wish for.

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

The only reason he's up there now is because of the media attention, and that's more because of the howlers he keeps coming out with.

He has only motivated the angry white racist base, who clearly aren't as impressed with McCain as people thought.

That will evaporate when he's asked to actually come up with something more substantial than soundbites.

The only thing he has going for him is that him keeping one professional politician off the debate stage is one less person going for his throat.


Because I know American politics. Media attention is what matters in this day and age. That "angry white racist base" has been losing too many jobs to illegals, is getting tired of political correctness, and getting fed up with the regular politicians. And those people make up the largest section of the American voting public. The last successful 'insider' campaign was George Bush the 1st. It's why governors run so well. But, since you think it is "angry white racist base" , I'll forgive your stone age thinking. Trump sells tickets. The media notices, likes them greenbacks.

More on your ideas.....

“Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan

Republicans have no one to blame for Trump except themselves

If the people you want to woo are the ones who like Trump’s ideas you don’t attack the man who articulates those ideas; you embrace them. Ted Cruz is the only one on the Republican bench who seems to understand that. He stood on the floor of the Senate and called Senator McConnell a liar. That resonates.


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us it's "fair" *and* "balanced".

Those shows are. They excellent reputations and not just with conservatives. You sure don't know much about the things you comment on.


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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us it's "fair" *and* "balanced".

Those shows are. They excellent reputations and not just with conservatives. You sure don't know much about the things you comment on.


An interesting post.

I can see where you get your idea of fair and balanced from.


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Trump would probably take as many, if not more votes from the dem side. Careful what you wish for.

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

The only reason he's up there now is because of the media attention, and that's more because of the howlers he keeps coming out with.

He has only motivated the angry white racist base, who clearly aren't as impressed with McCain as people thought.

That will evaporate when he's asked to actually come up with something more substantial than soundbites.

The only thing he has going for him is that him keeping one professional politician off the debate stage is one less person going for his throat.


Because I know American politics. Media attention is what matters in this day and age. That "angry white racist base" has been losing too many jobs to illegals, is getting tired of political correctness, and getting fed up with the regular politicians. And those people make up the largest section of the American voting public. The last successful 'insider' campaign was George Bush the 1st. It's why governors run so well. But, since you think it is "angry white racist base" , I'll forgive your stone age thinking. Trump sells tickets. The media notices, likes them greenbacks.

Would be nice if you read my posts, but for the sake of argument, I'll elaborate.

Romney was looking good in the polls and had the media fawning over him until he was asked detailed questions about his policies.

And in almost every instance he proved that while he was saying he was going to do great things, he had absolutely no answers as to how he was going to pay for them.

Trump has not said much yet apart from "I'm going to send all the illegals back to Mexico" and "I'm going to stop IS". They are just soundbites, and when he starts getting asked for specifics he will flounder like Romney did. You'd better hope he does, because when it comes to a Presidential campaign, he'll collapse like the clowns car he's driving.

Would be nice if you actually elaborated, but, then you couldn't insult .Romney never looked good in the polls, he barely got even with Obama, and with a sitting president, that ain't looking good. Substance hasn't mattered in a presidential campaign since the Kennedy-Nixon debates. (Do you actually read any history?) Trump doesn't have to say anything important, look at Obamas' first campaign. He was a fish out of water when it came to specifics. The middle 30% of American voters are undecided, with about 18% leaning left in the last presidential election. That middle is called undecided for a reason. And Trump could easily appeal to the left-center as well as the right-center. Probably more so as the left-center would like to make up for voting Obama in.

Speaking of clown buses the dems have a socialist, a guy no one has heard of, a guy that can't keep his foot out of his mouth (I like Joe) and a former First Lady that is soon to be grilled for Benghazi, and maybe under indictment soon by the DOJ. Speaking of which, as an independent he wouldn't be a Republican. Now, would he?

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Yes but Ted Cruz is a vacuous nutbag as well.

That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?

Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

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Why isn't it called Fox Entertainment? They like the facade of being a "news" channel. That and for most of the people watching Fox that is their only news. It's on 24/7 at the old folks home. Liberals like actual entertainment rather than news. That's why they don't have anything like Fox. The Daily Show is the closest thing to Fox News, an actual comedy show rather than a comedy show masking itself as news.

I'm so disappointed all of them aren't going to be on stage. Yeah, 10 of them at once is ridiculous, but 16 at once could be comedy gold! Why deprive the American people of this once in a lifetime opportunity? Just like Republicans...no sense of humor.

Now the thin veil is off the Republican racism and calling each other insulting names is de rigueur, the world can look forward to seeing the GOP for what it really is...a mean spirited, racist, paranoid, group of nutters. Anyone has ever listened to wing nut radio in the States, knows that what Trump has been doing is not only accepted but demanded by Republicans. It's going to be so much fun.

Put the beer on ice Darling, oh and see if we get Fox News on the TV. clap2.gif

And all the Republican candidates are household names now. Thanks to people like you constantly talking about them. Since the dem candidates are so boring, except for Hilary, but that's because she keeps chewing on her shoes. Please do watch the debates. Get more people interested.

Now Obama has contributed to the Trump publicity campaign with his utterly inapropriate rantings about Trump in Ethiopia ( average Ethiopian- who's Trump? ). Talk about putting his foot in it! With publicity like that Trump doesn't need to spend a cent on advertising.

As noted in the OP, Prez Obama is indicating he will get in to the campaign and will get in early, not wait for the eventual bedraggled R nominee to crawl out of the party's national convention.

Prez Obama's popularity is good, the unrelenting campaign of the Republicans and the far right that controls them has failed.

Donald Trump has turned out to be the unknown surprise of this presidential election campaign although it might be impossible for Trump to get the nomination.

Prez Obama will campaign heavily among his huge and diverse electoral base while the D party presumptive nominee campaigns among her base and inclusively among voters outside the D party, the highly receptive suburban Republican women in particular. The D party will turn out a record number of general election voters to vote D up and down the ballot.

We're talking potential tsunami.

Thank you Mr. Donald for being the right guy in the right place in the right party at the right time. And for making Christmas come early this year, on August 8th in Cleveland, the Cleveland 1 + 9.

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Why isn't it called Fox Entertainment? They like the facade of being a "news" channel. That and for most of the people watching Fox that is their only news. It's on 24/7 at the old folks home. Liberals like actual entertainment rather than news. That's why they don't have anything like Fox. The Daily Show is the closest thing to Fox News, an actual comedy show rather than a comedy show masking itself as news.

I'm so disappointed all of them aren't going to be on stage. Yeah, 10 of them at once is ridiculous, but 16 at once could be comedy gold! Why deprive the American people of this once in a lifetime opportunity? Just like Republicans...no sense of humor.

Now the thin veil is off the Republican racism and calling each other insulting names is de rigueur, the world can look forward to seeing the GOP for what it really is...a mean spirited, racist, paranoid, group of nutters. Anyone has ever listened to wing nut radio in the States, knows that what Trump has been doing is not only accepted but demanded by Republicans. It's going to be so much fun.

Put the beer on ice Darling, oh and see if we get Fox News on the TV. clap2.gif

And all the Republican candidates are household names now. Thanks to people like you constantly talking about them. Since the dem candidates are so boring, except for Hilary, but that's because she keeps chewing on her shoes. Please do watch the debates. Get more people interested.

Now Obama has contributed to the Trump publicity campaign with his utterly inapropriate rantings about Trump in Ethiopia ( average Ethiopian- who's Trump? ). Talk about putting his foot in it! With publicity like that Trump doesn't need to spend a cent on advertising.

As noted in the OP, Prez Obama is indicating he will get in to the campaign and will get in early, not wait for the eventual bedraggled R nominee to crawl out of the party's national convention.

Prez Obama's popularity is good, the unrelenting campaign of the Republicans and the far right that controls them has failed.

Donald Trump has turned out to be the unknown surprise of this presidential election campaign although it might be impossible for Trump to get the nomination.

Prez Obama will campaign heavily among his huge and diverse electoral base while the D party presumptive nominee campaigns among her base and inclusively among voters outside the D party, the highly receptive suburban Republican women in particular. The D party will turn out a record number of general election voters to vote D up and down the ballot.

We're talking potential tsunami.

Thank you Mr. Donald for being the right guy in the right place in the right party at the right time. And for making Christmas come early this year, on August 8th in Cleveland, the Cleveland 1 + 9.

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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us it's "fair" *and* "balanced".


I have a friend at a coffee shop I see in the mornings a few times a week. It's really sad what thet TV program has done to people. A steady drip feed of conservative hate and fear.

He doesn't trust the media. ONLY FOX will give you the fair and balance news. I call it a cult if ignorance.

There are a hundred thousand legitimate, aggressive journalists out there but they only trust the few at FOX.

He is jacked up with a full dose of Roger Ailes fear and hate every morning. He rattles off the daily FOX talking points. He's outraged...every morning.

It's impossible to discuss politics with these people. Anybody that doesn't watch FOX is a lame stream media sheep being feed BS.

He also thinks the universe is 6,000 years old and global warming scientists are running a hoax! Ultra conservative, religious, gullible non thinkers with a dose of anti science thrown in.

People like that are in they sweet spot of the Roger Ailes target demographic.

Looking forward to the debates.

Edited by Jupiterjim
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Yes but Ted Cruz is a vacuous nutbag as well.

That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?
Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

That's your answer? You didn't even bother to look it up, did you? That's called bigotry. And ignorance. Could got a better answer from a kindergartner.

Keep talking about Trump you liberals. Keeps the Republicans out front.

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Yes but Ted Cruz is a vacuous nutbag as well.

That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?
Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

That's your answer? You didn't even bother to look it up, did you? That's called bigotry. And ignorance. Could got a better answer from a kindergartner.

Keep talking about Trump you liberals. Keeps the Republicans out front.

I think Trump is doing a lot of damage to the republican party. According to him, the rest of the conservative candidates are bozos.

He's alienating the middle ground voters with his moronic comments. He doesn't have a chance.

His poll numbers are good because he is a television personality with a show in Prime Time.

Batman, Britney Spears or even Bruce Jenner could file and get those kind of poll numbers at this point.

The republicans are toast.

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Yes but Ted Cruz is a vacuous nutbag as well.

That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?
Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

That's your answer? You didn't even bother to look it up, did you? That's called bigotry. And ignorance. Could got a better answer from a kindergartner.

Keep talking about Trump you liberals. Keeps the Republicans out front.

I think Trump is doing a lot of damage to the republican party. According to him, the rest of the conservative candidates are bozos.

He's alienating the middle ground voters with his moronic comments. He doesn't have a chance.

His poll numbers are good because he is a television personality with a show in Prime Time.

Batman, Britney Spears or even Bruce Jenner could file and get those kind of poll numbers at this point.

The republicans are toast.

Republicans control both houses of Congress. At this stage of the game media exposure is what counts, not polls. Who's talking about any of the democrats? Quiet doesn't work in this game. It's fine to root for your home team, it's another to think your opponent is an idiot because you're losing.

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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us it's "fair" *and* "balanced".

I have a friend at a coffee shop I see in the mornings a few times a week. It's really sad what thet TV program has done to people. A steady drip feed of conservative hate and fear.

He doesn't trust the media. ONLY FOX will give you the fair and balance news. I call it a cult if ignorance.

Well, your friend is not very smart, but no one I know only trusts Fox. They look at a variety of news sources and compare them. Fox presents some news that you can't get anywhere else and they also present conservative views as well as moderate and liberal ones. This viewpoint was missing until they came to be and it is very welcome as they are the top cable news network by far.

What scares me is people who only get their news from dishonest sources like Media Matters, Salon and Slate, They make no attempt to report political stories honestly.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?
Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

That's your answer? You didn't even bother to look it up, did you? That's called bigotry. And ignorance. Could got a better answer from a kindergartner.

Keep talking about Trump you liberals. Keeps the Republicans out front.

I think Trump is doing a lot of damage to the republican party. According to him, the rest of the conservative candidates are bozos.

He's alienating the middle ground voters with his moronic comments. He doesn't have a chance.

His poll numbers are good because he is a television personality with a show in Prime Time.

Batman, Britney Spears or even Bruce Jenner could file and get those kind of poll numbers at this point.

The republicans are toast.

The GOP doesn't need Trump to damage them. They are just fine doing that on their own. They are bozos.

Cruz attacking McConnell for not attaching his add ons to the highway bill is a good example of the GOP shooting themselves in the foot. McConnell has already said he'll support them as stand alone legislation, but Cruz is making him look as bad as that scoundrel Reid.

quote removed to allow posting

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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Nonsense. They work for Roger Ailes. Their program is political propaganda.

Fear and hate merchants.

Didn't you read up on republican strategist Roger Ailes?

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Rick Perry ( oops man ), Rick santorum ( boring as ) and Lindsey Graham ( can't think of anything he's done ). Grey men all, beholden to the money men.

Santorum is known as the 'man on dog' guy.

For an even more, er, colorful take do a google on Santorum.

I'll remember him as the guy who called Obama a snob for saying children should go to college.

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Yes but Ted Cruz is a vacuous nutbag as well.

That's a pretty silly comment. all you have are insults. Do you know Ted Cruz' platform?
Ted Cruz' platform is nothing more than soundbites to fire up the teabaggers.

Look how he fell on his behind when he put them to a moderate audience.

That's your answer? You didn't even bother to look it up, did you? That's called bigotry. And ignorance. Could got a better answer from a kindergartner.

Keep talking about Trump you liberals. Keeps the Republicans out front.

You boys really hate the truth don't you?

Cruz surrounded by fawning teabaggers:

Cruz in front of an audience of people with brain cells:

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Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Brett Bair, etc. Fox News has plenty of good straight news.

Shep Smith is the only one who displays a sense of embarrassment at some of the ridiculous stuff they make him say.

The bombshell a lot of people are waiting for is when Shep comes out -- can Fox deal with having an openly talker on their station?

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So the chimpanzee moves to the corner of the room and proceeds to hurl his feces. Disgusting as it is, we are behind the glass wall so it doesn't affect us and we can laugh, as we see all the other candidates get splattered. Amid the laughter a pollster comes around and asks who you'd vote for, and everyone says 'yay for the chimp!'

I always thought of the guy as a complete buffoon, never understood why the NY press was so infatuated with him when he emerged in the 1980s. He didn't anticipate that his remarks about Mexicans would have the blowback it did, so now that he has nothing left to lose he's going for broke. I'm curious how this will end.

Ted Cruz is pushing hard on the moron vote. He'll make statements he can't qualify, even when pressed by an interviewer.

"Obamacare is a trainwreck!"

"What, specifically, makes it so?"


In the early 2000s, when FN was getting to be known for what it is, I would come across people who would say things like "c'mon, nobody is that dumb, it's all a put-on. Those people like Sean Hannity can't really be that stupid!" I don't hear people say stuff like that any more.

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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png

Normally to be ridiculed, if not at that moment, then after they have gone off air.

It's laughable.

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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png

Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.

FOX "news" president, Roger Ailes was forced to admit that his program is a counter weight to all the "liberal" news outlets.

That is how he came up with the "fair & balanced" slogan.

MSNBC does the same act on the reverse side for the democrats.

Sleaze merchants peddling insults, fear and hate for a political gain.

These programs are political campaigns framed as "news." Willing to say anything to bring in the votes.

The people that work for Roger or MSNBC are the laughing stock of real journalists.

It will be an interesting debate.

I believe Roger won't allow Trump to throw his insults at the conservative field. Tearing down republicans is against Rogers orthodoxy.

He will instruct Trump to attack Hillary only. Lay off his fellow republicans.

Edited by Jupiterjim
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Fox is not left of center and the whole world knows it.

As has been pointed out, Fox identified and staked out a specific political audience. Fox is a smashing success at causing that specific political audience to drool regularly instead of occasionally.

Denying the political realities of Fox is counter productive.

Fox is universally known as a rightwing network and a highly profitable one. Fox having a stable of liberals to trot out regularly changes nothing about the network cause they mostly provide bathroom time for viewers.

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Two questions the republican candidates won't be asked at the FOX debates.

1. Do you believe teaching creation or evolution in our science classes at our schools?

2. Do you think the majority of 480,000 earth scientists at the American Academy Of Scientists are wrong on global warming?

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The program is extreme right wing propaganda.

Except for the 20 paid progressive commentators and numerous liberals who appear and present left-wing talking points every single day for free. laugh.png

Comments like that are why I usually don't engage FOX viewers. I don't tolerate nonsense like that.

FOX "news" president, Roger Ailes was forced to admit that his program is a counter weight to all the "liberal" news outlets.

That is how he came up with the "fair & balanced" slogan.

MSNBC does the same act on the reverse side for the democrats.

Sleaze merchants peddling insults, fear and hate for a political gain.

These programs are political campaigns framed as "news." Willing to say anything to bring in the votes.

The people that work for Roger or MSNBC are the laughing stock of real journalists.

It will be an interesting debate.

I believe Roger won't allow Trump to throw his insults at the conservative field. Tearing down republicans is against Rogers orthodoxy.

He will instruct Trump to attack Hillary only. Lay off his fellow republicans.

The points are well taken yet both Ailes and Trump want ratings, Ailes from Neilson and Trump from the public pollsters. After all, there's no business like show business. smile.png

Ailes wants to hammer liberals of either party as much as Trump wants prime time self-promotion. Trump is not in this to listen to anyone or to accept any advice, dicta, instructions, rules, reasonable expectations or any sense of fair play.

It just might not after all be a single Republican Clown Car packing 'em all in. It seems more to be a couple of dozen individual clowns crashing around, each one in his own zig-zagging car brightly spotted, striped, honking. thumbsup.gif

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