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Some of this sounds kinda familiar,,

I could function fairly well

, could drink more than anyone,and had a very high tolerance,then the slide started and a few years later I was the cheapest drunk in town,when your tolerance starts to go down is the time that you have started into acute alcoholism and the only thing to do then is to stop all consumption of alcohol.

I started very early in life and never got to go to high school at all,by that time I was a practicing alcoholic,and this continued til I was 48 Y O. but things were not always bad,at first I could do with out for extended periods,but if I drank even one then I would usually end up drunk and have a slight hangover,then I learned of the hair of the dog method, That worked for a few years,then it got to where I had to have that drink,,then to where I had to drink and couldn't go to work,and then it ended up with me not working,but drinking for the last two years on skid row.

Then came two weeks of hospitalization in KELSO Wash. and since that time I have not had one drink.I do know from years of experimentation that if I have one then I will have more and I choose not to do that,and I have the choice now,but if I have one then I have no choice. And I have made the choice everyday for the last 23 years to not have a drink today.might have one tomorrow but not today.

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From a medical point of view:

An hour before the first drink take a vitamin c booster (1000mg) and one of them multivitamin tablets (rich in vitamin :D. These are basically the effective ingredients in those Chaser tablets, but it works out cheaper!

Vitamin B is needed in breaking down alcohol... Vitamin C just increases your

body's resistance...

Before going to bed drink as much mineral water as you can and wash some aspirin down with it...

Part of a hangover is indeed dehydration, your body uses it's water reserves to flush out the alcohol. (noticed how you have to pee 3 glasses of fluid for every glass of beer you have?)

If you have a bad hangover after taking these precautions you were probably pretty close to an alcohol OD the night before :o



Sure I thought about liver function. I am a physician. We ran all the liver tests and everything came back normal? :o Will repeat soon.. :D


I don't know what is wrong with most people,

If I drink I most likely get sick and have a headache.

If I don't drink I know I will not be sick and have a headache.

If I shoot myself in the head with this pistol then I will most likely be killed.

If I dont shoot my self in the head with this pistol then I will not be killed.

Seems like easy choices to make,with no need to ask for advise on how to shoot yourself in the head without the risk of death.

If a man has a desire to drink,no power on earth can keep him from drinking.


I just spent a week at a safety conference where we took the new guy out for the couple of drinks, around 03:45 am I poured him into his bed and left a wake up call for 07:00am. The next morning he was hurting so bad he took one of the females menstral cramp medications to see if that would help. I don't remember the name of the meds but by lunch time he was almost ready for another round.

The new guy did manage to ditch us before the drinks started on the next night, so I did not get a chance to ask if he had any cramps!

What helps me for sure...once u get up with that terrible hangover...grab another beer.


Do not tell us you smoke and ... you drink,... :o:D

and she probably quite likes a bit of the other. :D

The only thing I found in 45 years of hard drinking is, DON'T SOBER UP. If you keep on drinking,you will not notice it.

Kev in a later post you say you have not drunk for the last 23 years , that plus 45 years of hard drinking , add say 10/15 years of age before you started drinking , you must be an old fella!


you must be an old fella!


A living advertisement for the benefits of alcohol on longevity,...

Or is it that 45 years of heavy drinking affect your ability to add up numbers,... :D


A nurse friend of mine swears by a dose of Nitrous Oxide (Laughing gas) before going out instead of drinking :o

Ibuprofen is a new replacement for Aspirin, better than Paracetamol and without the side effects.


Ibuprofen..along with the rest of the fens has side effects for asthmathics...

please read instructions carefully.....or as you have access to the internet..

look up the drugs you consume


A big bowl of "Jok" with ginger, coriander, fried garlic and a raw egg. That works for me every time :D

Is that before/after or during sleep Boon? :o


CHONOBOT,Sorry about that,I did make an error in the number of years I drank, But not many,

Actually I have been sober 22 1/2 years, I had my first drunk at the age of 5 years old, my father was a single parent and his friends,when meeting in the outback,would all stop their cars and each would breakout a bottle of whiskey and "hunker down" and have a few rounds of the bottle,I had a drink everytime a bottle came around, and I liked what it did,

I did not drink daily at first,but did in the last few years of my drinking career, But I got drunk every time I had a drink there after. and am now 71 years old.

There was always a bottle of whiskey under the seat in the car,a few in the house and the reefer might not have any milk [which I didn't like] but was always full of "SIX SELECT" beer.

and the menstral cramp pills we used to take were MYDOL and they contained an anti-depressant and were taken by a lot of the old winos on the west coast and I would imagine all over the USA.


A multi-vitamin before starting serious drinking - I recommend "Berocca" - 120 baht for ten at any chemist, and one in the norning - full of vitamin B and other healthy type things. Vegemite on toast for breakfast and you're ready to run on the beach........or start drinking again.

Chok Dee Krap.


in a civilized world, one should have the benefit of an air conditioned bedroom with en suite toilet such that relief is a few steps away. I understand that the lower strata with dreadlocks and sandals may have to do with 'watering the mule' in the courtyard with chickens and pigs...

urine incontinence is the domain of english schoolboys that love the smell and feel of rubber blankets...totally unacceptable on a family sensitive website...


it ain't so bad if yo momma was gwine to give you a whuppin' for gettin' the other sheets dirty...

check it out kev...the poet laureate of British Columbia who lived in camps up on the Island said

'go to work,

drink and fight,

ain't no end in sight'

if you ever spent any time in one of those camps up near Ketchikan you can understand his despair...




Yeah, well, I maintain that if you want to get pissed, grab a baggie of Lao Khao (sp) - get off, puke, and the next day you'll feel great! :o


Once you have finished ur beer bongs and what not... take a bottle of water... drink atleast a litre and then hang a big slash before sleeping it off... you get hangovers because of dehydration... you get the same effect as if you start to die of thirst or get sun stroke...

Booze drys anything out..

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