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Drunk Swiss man tied up on flight to Bangkok


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Anyone ever considered WHY there are so many western nutters these days from who all the fuses blew?

It's an interesting question to ponder....

  • These days people on medications get out a lot more and a lot further?

  • The daily pressures of "Western-Life" have a cumulative effect and some people just "snap"?

  • Some people just drink too much!?

  • People with all manner of dysfunction are getting out and about more and more?

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I find no humour in the pain and suffering of others, be it the man in question, or the crew.

Some seem to have answers and insight to a situation they most likely did not witness.

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Phew. Thank God it wasn't a Brit! passifier.gif

You beat me to it, I was going to say "Thank God it wasn't an Aussie or a Brit, stick it to the Swiss for a change". clap2.gif

..................................."“Like a madman he climbed over the seats, regardless of whether passengers were sitting in them or not. Children and women screamed in horror,” one witness told Blick.".......................................

Gee, nothing like that ever happens on the flights I am on, they are usually 9hrs of sheer boredom.

Unfortunately on my last flight in I had a Brit in a similar state to this when he boarded the plane. He was originally sitting next to me but decided to make arrangements to swap to sit next to some poor attractive traveller lady who was extremely polite which he took to be a come on signal. I went for a pee and came back to find him now behind me, having ejected the quiet Thai guy from the seat next to the victim of his attentions. First 2 hours he ordered double whiskey and cokes every time the attendants came past and explaining to the poor lady that he 'intended to get the entire cost of the flight back in booze'. After the first fracas when they refused to serve him any more drinks he reached to his bag and pulled out a bottle of Jack which he continued to consume while declaring proudly to the lady 'I dropped some mushrooms before I got on so I'll balance it out with this.' luckily after another hour or so he managed to drink himself into oblivion and passed out for maybe 1 more. An hour before landing he woke and started to patrol the flight for other comrades, sliding, falling and climbing over people to get to his assumed sex tourist pals. Several times the mostly petite Air hostesses tried to usher him back to his seat and he repeatedly escaped and continued his friendship rampage. As we attempted to prepare for landing he refused to get back into his seat, and after making a couple of flyby's because he wasn't cooperating they send back a huge Arab guy from 1st class service (I should have said this was Quatar Airways, so all the staff were probably muslim so they didn't have a high tolerance for drunkenness). Anyhow the big guy came along, picked up the drunk, muscular 6' bricklayer and carried hit to his seat, pinned him down and put the restraining straps around him until we landed.

Unfortunately, no attempt to detain or report him and I saw him pass immigration in that state with no problem. Every one of those idiots re-inforces the perception of stupid farang for the rest of us. I'm all for tazers on planes and arresting them as soon as the plane lands followed by forced deportation to a strict muslim state.

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Phew. Thank God it wasn't a Brit! passifier.gif

That's why I have a hard time believing this story

I was on a KLM flight from Amsterdam to BKK and sat in the middle aisle seats. To my right was a very inebriated individual when he got on the flight! On take off as he had 2 seats to himself he laid down on the floor out of sight and supped one of his duty free vodka bottles half way down. Of course the passenger sat near him by the aisle (the drunk had the window seat) and I exchanged raised eyebrows and shook our heads probably because we realised "uh-oh trouble". Within the half hour the drunkard became abusive to nearby people muttering and spluttering in what I thought was Ukrainian or some other slavic tongue. Cabin crew started moving people away from him and duly warned him to calm down. Then the purser showed up and asked to talk to me - what had I seen, and what did I know of this guy as I was the only one left within earshot of this idiot (yes now he was becoming idiotic). So, I related the vodka swilling incident to the purser and the crew summarily confiscated all his remaining duty free!

Big mistake - within minutes he started shouting - "I want Captain, I want Captain!" By now other passengers were shouting at him to shut up and glowering with menaces at 35,000 feet and less than one hour into a 12 hour jaunt (you all know well). Here is the crunch . . .

This tirade went on for a few minutes various shouts and swearing and subsequent warnings in his direction from all in sundry - I guess he got the hump because before we knew what happened he was out of his seat running down the aisle shouting "Captain I want <deleted> Captain - I want vodka"! Needless to say about 4 or 5 male passengers were on him after about 20 feet and started laying into him, literally. The purser came up with plastic ankle and wrist restraints and he was forcibly put back in his seat like a bad bag of potatoes and told if he didn't be quiet he would be gagged!! Before we arrived at BKK the Captain came and saw this sodden drunk who muttered and cried the entire remaining 11 hours and told him he was under arrest for air piracy and would be dealt with by a Thai court (evidently running towards the cockpit in an aggressive manner is not allowed).

Turns out he was a Norwegian passport holding sailor who had just docked in Amsterdam and went from his ship straight to the first flight to Thailand!! He was met at Swampy by 4 of the burliest RTP I have ever seen (didn't know they made them that big here). All I got for this nightmare flight was a nice email from KLM thanking me - I replied a free ticket would have been better! wink.png

Oh and I'm a Brit - first time I didn't really feel sorry for my fellow man.

Edited by metisdead
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Wonder if he would have eventually just gone to sleep if they kept feeding him double shots of whatever he was drinking? Stopped his complaining before he started climbing the seats. Hard to tell from the article and I don't sympathize with a drunk being a pain in the ass, I have seen enough of them outside of flights. But I recall a very drunk yank on his final connecting flight from Singapore to Bangkok. When he got onboard in Singapore, he was rambling about Soi Cowboy and Nana. The trolly dolly gave him about 4 or 5 big drinks and he quieted to a mumble until we landed in Bangkok. Then what must have been his last reserve of energy kicked in and he tried to run off of the flight when the door opened, it was actually very funny, the fool! or tool also comes to mind. He was a slight nuisance, and I'm sure would have been much worse if the flight attendant had denied him his booze. Of course the safety issues around drunk passengers and need to have control over ones self are still there.

Yes. Or perhaps induce coma and kill him in the process. One quality tourist less.

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I find no humour in the pain and suffering of others, be it the man in question, or the crew.

Some seem to have answers and insight to a situation they most likely did not witness.

Point taken but they are from Switzerland and this is likely the most excitement ever, albeit unpleasant. Now they can go back to the soothing sounds of cuckoo clocks.

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This Swiss geezer was out of control.

Its time to apply Thai style government to alcohol distribution on aircraft.

Or issue the attendants with tazers.

OK I would go with tazers or electric chockers.... But plse do not touch

my booze.


not sure tazers would be safe to use on an aircraft, they release a considerable charge and could be harmful to vital aircraft systems

I hope this person is locked up for the duration of his intended stay then fined and returned to the airport to catch his return flight

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This Swiss geezer was out of control.

Its time to apply Thai style government to alcohol distribution on aircraft.

Or issue the attendants with tazers.

Ha ha...Tazers

I agree, more people deserve to be Tazered........Zap, Zap ....Zap-pitty....Zap ...you had that coming ...Moron!

Can I have permission to be the one that performs the Tazering?....lol

Possibly, a full time job and a career in the making.


Edited by gemguy
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This Swiss geezer was out of control.

Its time to apply Thai style government to alcohol distribution on aircraft.

Or issue the attendants with tazers.

Speaking of flight attendants, they are not mentioned in terms of this incident, seems (from what's reported) the passengers did all the work to subdue and tie up the drunk.

What ere the flight attendants doing? Perhaps just all repeating mai phen rai.

I'm not quite sure what your getting at with your final comment implying that the flight attendants were doing nothing, I think your missing the main point of an idiot playing up because he's drunk, nothing to do with the flight attendants!!!!

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"Like a madman he climbed over the seats, regardless of whether passengers were sitting in them or not. Children and women screamed in horror, one witness told Blick."

Screamed in horror?

Surprise, yes

Annoyance, yes

Anger, for sure

But horror, not so sure I'd scream in horror.

Maybe he was a horrible drunk...........biggrin.png

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All tied up: Passengers restrain inebriated Swiss man on Bangkok flight
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photo: 8989 Leesereporter

BANGKOK: -- Airline passengers on a flight from Zurich to Bangkok tied up an intoxicated and unruly Swiss man on Sunday.

Passengers on Thai Airways flight TG971 told Swiss newspaper Blick that the intoxicated man began making a commotion around 11:30pm.

When flight attendants tried to calm him down, he became combative and insulted the crew and other passengers.

“Like a madman he climbed over the seats, regardless of whether passengers were sitting in them or not.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/07/30/all-tied-passengers-restrain-inebriated-swiss-man-bangkok-flight

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-07-30

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Let's just be grateful he wasn't number 18,000,000.

Imagine the feds dragging him out of the terminal, as drunk as a skunk, acting like a horrible madman, and he is tourist number 18,000,000 and the reps from TAT are waiting for him and try to hang a garland around his neck and he abuses them, swearing his head off............................cheesy.gif

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Wonder if he would have eventually just gone to sleep if they kept feeding him double shots of whatever he was drinking? Stopped his complaining before he started climbing the seats. Hard to tell from the article and I don't sympathize with a drunk being a pain in the ass, I have seen enough of them outside of flights. But I recall a very drunk yank on his final connecting flight from Singapore to Bangkok. When he got onboard in Singapore, he was rambling about Soi Cowboy and Nana. The trolly dolly gave him about 4 or 5 big drinks and he quieted to a mumble until we landed in Bangkok. Then what must have been his last reserve of energy kicked in and he tried to run off of the flight when the door opened, it was actually very funny, the fool! or tool also comes to mind. He was a slight nuisance, and I'm sure would have been much worse if the flight attendant had denied him his booze. Of course the safety issues around drunk passengers and need to have control over ones self are still there.

A friend of mine was an airline steward back in the early 1980's for Pan Am airlines.

He told me about some of the unruly drunken passenger incidents that he had to handle best he could while he told me amongst the airline crew members it was known and recommended that a liberal dose of Visine eye drops ( get the red out ) was very useful in subduing drunk and very obnoxious passengers.

He informed me the Visine works very well indeed and only takes about 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes maximum before the effects of the Visine take place resulting in a diarrhea like feeling and effect upon the unruly passenger with the passenger making way to the toilet in a big hurry and spending the rest of the flight in and out of the toilet a dozen times or more.

He told me he only did that once because the passenger was really being loud and obnoxious and demanding more alcohol..... so he gave him another drink...with the Visine...and a big cheerful smile on his face saying: "Here is your drink sir...please enjoy"


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Wonder if he would have eventually just gone to sleep if they kept feeding him double shots of whatever he was drinking? Stopped his complaining before he started climbing the seats. Hard to tell from the article and I don't sympathize with a drunk being a pain in the ass, I have seen enough of them outside of flights. But I recall a very drunk yank on his final connecting flight from Singapore to Bangkok. When he got onboard in Singapore, he was rambling about Soi Cowboy and Nana. The trolly dolly gave him about 4 or 5 big drinks and he quieted to a mumble until we landed in Bangkok. Then what must have been his last reserve of energy kicked in and he tried to run off of the flight when the door opened, it was actually very funny, the fool! or tool also comes to mind. He was a slight nuisance, and I'm sure would have been much worse if the flight attendant had denied him his booze. Of course the safety issues around drunk passengers and need to have control over ones self are still there.

A friend of mine was an airline steward back in the early 1980's for Pan Am airlines.

He told me about some of the unruly drunken passenger incidents that he had to handle best he could while he told me amongst the airline crew members it was known and recommended that a liberal dose of Visine eye drops ( get the red out ) was very useful in subduing drunk and very obnoxious passengers.

He informed me the Visine works very well indeed and only takes about 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes maximum before the effects of the Visine take place resulting in a diarrhea like feeling and effect upon the unruly passenger with the passenger making way to the toilet in a big hurry and spending the rest of the flight in and out of the toilet a dozen times or more.

He told me he only did that once because the passenger was really being loud and obnoxious and demanding more alcohol..... so he gave him another drink...with the Visine...and a big cheerful smile on his face saying: "Here is your drink sir...please enjoy"


Your friend should be in jail.

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I've said it before. Passengers who behave like this should be shown the door, irrespective of altitude.

As much as I like your idea... not safe to open a door in flight.

But I hope on arrival in LOS he was shown the door or more to the point after what ever the courts decide he should be kicked out and make his way home by whatever means he can find...

Maybe one of the Muslim "dry" airlines will accept him as a passenger.

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Interesting that the OP only refers to a Swiss citizen, blind drunk and causing mayhem on a plane to Thailand.

No name no pack drill.

If said Swiss national subsequently "passes away" while in Thailand, not only would a photo of the deceased, as found, be forthcoming but also his name and possibly a photo of his passport.

Maybe he already has or may soon be. With a little help.

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Katoeys would make good flight attendants in this situation. No messing!

Blind drunk delusional passenger being held down by what they mistake for a leggy woman of pleasingly slender (not skinny but just the right body shape) build yet possessing a generous full pair of breasts.

Yep, sure nothing could go wrong there.

Video of that event would instantly go viral.

I know I'd watch it.

Edited by Bluespunk
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