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Drunk Swiss man tied up on flight to Bangkok

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Must be a British naturalized Swiss, real Swiss don't act like this! giggle.gif

Like the Swiss idiot who spray painted graffiti over images of the King of Thailand, or the Swiss neighbour of my Wifes family house who I witnessed 1 night drunkenly strangling his Thai wife whilst screaming in fluent Isaan how he was going to kill her.


The drunkard continued to be for the reason that condition for that remaining six hrs from the flight, until he was shipped to Thai police on landing in Bangkok.

I wonder what the duty charges are for an imbecile who gets shipped to Thailand.


Hope they deported him on arrival. His behaviour, if true is a disgrace to the country he has come from and the land of smiles continues to attract drunks and dropouts.


perhaps just another alcoholic upset in that the plane had no internet so with his laptop he was unable to participate on tv forum.


I think you are all missing the point here.

This is a notification of another quality tourist arriving in Thailand. coffee1.gif

He should be back on the next plane out and deported, end of story


Phew. Thank God it wasn't a Brit! passifier.gif

The Oz guys have been busy in this department too of late.

But I guess you and I agree that boozing is out of control in the UK now.


This Swiss geezer was out of control.

Its time to apply Thai style government to alcohol distribution on aircraft.

Or issue the attendants with tazers.

I think most of the alcohol has been consumed before boarding and often the violent reaction is due to them being refused more on the plane.

Whilst it may be inconvenient to the other passengers, perhaps landing and having the annoying passenger removed from the aircraft in say Afghanistan, Pakistan or the likes is the safest option.

Yeah and then the passenger can complain about not having any alcohol! Incidentally, based on the 10-hour flight time and that the incident occurred roughly mid-way through the flight, the aircraft would have been flying over Afghanistan or Pakistan at the time it unfolded.


Phew. Thank God it wasn't a Brit! passifier.gif

You beat me to it, I was going to say "Thank God it wasn't an Aussie or a Brit, stick it to the Swiss for a change". clap2.gif

..................................."“Like a madman he climbed over the seats, regardless of whether passengers were sitting in them or not. Children and women screamed in horror,” one witness told Blick.".......................................

Gee, nothing like that ever happens on the flights I am on, they are usually 9hrs of sheer boredom.


Some years ago I was on a Singapore Airlines flight that had a stop in Bangkok.

Two Germans were drinking beer in the aisle talking to their friend. They were asked several times to sit down as the fasten seat belt sign was on due to turbulence. Eventually with all that turbulence one of the Germans spilled a class of beer on another Chinese passenger from Singapore.

A bit of an altercation started which led to some punches bring thrown. Unfortunately for the Germans this Chinese guy knew some martial arts and he wasn't drunk like they were.

I definitely would have given the round to the Chinese guy on points.

But when the plane made it's stop in Bangkok, all 4 of them were taken off the plane to "discuss" their conduct with the Thai police.

That was not a boring flight.

You mean you were on a Singapore Airlines flight from Singapore to Bangkok, period. Apart from a period when there was a Singapore Airlines service from Singapore to Osaka and another one from Singapore to Tokyo via Bangkok, all Singapore Airlines flights to Bangkok end here. The Chinese passenger was probably a Singaporean of Chinese ethnicity.


I think you are all missing the point here.

This is a notification of another quality tourist arriving in Thailand. coffee1.gif

the question is, what did the Thai's do to him when he arrived? was he allowed to stay or put on the first flight back to is country? I am beting that the Thai's let him stay!

They put him on the bus to Pattaya, that's where most of the quality tourist go.


Another to Jessi's question - they fined him a small amount (500? or 1000? THB) and he was allowed entry. Since his conduct didn't happen on Thai soil, there was no reason to refuse him entry. He also didn't attack any of the cabin crew. It also appears that he won't face any problems flying back to Switzerland on THAI on his return journey.


This Swiss geezer was out of control.

Its time to apply Thai style government to alcohol distribution on aircraft.

Or issue the attendants with tazers.

Speaking of flight attendants, they are not mentioned in terms of this incident, seems (from what's reported) the passengers did all the work to subdue and tie up the drunk.

What ere the flight attendants doing? Perhaps just all repeating mai phen rai.

My experience of Thai flights, they do not get involved. I have been on several flights where Chinese passengers are having a stand up argument and not a flight attendant to be seen.

Why didn't you do anything on those flights? Chinese passengers getting angry can be an extremely dangerous situation to be in. It's one thing if it happens on the ground, but you don't want problems to unfold up in the air. No way I would have just sat there and let the situation unfold like you apparently did. The least you could have done was to get a flight attendant to come and attend to the situation.

But seriously, Thai flight attendants should learn that the whole "conflict avoidance" that Thai culture teaches them is not really applicable up in the air or outside of Thailand. Sometimes you have to confront problems head on for the comfort and safety of everyone on board. Otherwise, choose another career.

Having said that, whenever I've flown on THAI to/from China or other countries, the Thai cabin crew have been more than assertive when it comes to telling passengers to "SIT DOWN" before the plane comes to a complete stop at the gate.


Bravo TAT. Another quality tourist arrival. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

What a weird comment!

A drunk Swiss scum on a flight is the fault of TAT?

Then TAT should be blamed for the likes of you and you been in Thailand too.



Swiss from ..... Thai-Air- m.... tied up -

I know now, why i will not fly with Thai anymore! Not only that i wait for more then 1 1/2 years

for more the more then 20000 mails ( i am waiting for since they promiced me the voucer)

They had 2 houers time to calm, the guy down!!!!! What they did - they did sleep, as all the time.

They had 2 houers time to do something! - Did nothing! Thet could land, ..., ..... , .......!

I hope, that this will be a very expensive expirience for Thai.

We all ..ow that T...land .. the moste intelligent country in all of the world........


He had it all planned out to be the 17th million tourist to Thailand and got sauced . The Omani got it instead.


Bravo TAT. Another quality tourist arrival. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

What a weird comment!

A drunk Swiss scum on a flight is the fault of TAT?

Then TAT should be blamed for the likes of you and you been in Thailand too.


TAT is not even good for open toiletts and smokingrooms. How they should be responsible for something


Where you come from WhhizBang: Nord Korea? If it is like this. Sorry. gigglem.gif I do say nothing, about you - CAN'T


Normaly i would say nothing to your comment. But it looks like that you do not know, that in no free countries

(ex. may USA facepalm.gif ) do chain peoples! Only the US is the country in the west, we shoud send to rest for ever.


I think you are all missing the point here.

This is a notification of another quality tourist arriving in Thailand. coffee1.gif

the question is, what did the Thai's do to him when he arrived? was he allowed to stay or put on the first flight back to is country? I am beting that the Thai's let him stay!

They put him on the bus to Pattaya, that's where most of the quality tourist go.


Another to Jessi's question - they fined him a small amount (500? or 1000? THB) and he was allowed entry. Since his conduct didn't happen on Thai soil, there was no reason to refuse him entry. He also didn't attack any of the cabin crew. It also appears that he won't face any problems flying back to Switzerland on THAI on his return journey.

1. The problem is, that the Thais are not educated.They had 2 houers time to clear the problem!!

2. They think, that they can handle customers same sclaves. And if they think, they put them a nive in der body!

3. ......

3 A.

4..... Thais never should be allowed be allowed air-assistants.


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