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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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Thai TV commercials of creams, deodorants and skin treatments tell that dark skin is ugly, and not always in an subtle manner. This vocabulary chart is merely straightforward and tells the same thing. This is a matter of fact in the society's way of thinking.

Yep, and it's wrong. You left out that part.


>What's really amusing is that I asked you to explain why racism and bigotry were not bad.

I'm not arrogant enough to have any certainty at all as to whether they're bad or good - although there's a compelling economic and demographic case to be made (as I posted elsewhere on this thread) that they may in fact have social utility.

And I'm not the one who kicked off this thread preaching about how morally superior I feel to 'racists' and 'bigots' and 'xenophobes'. I've learned enough humility over the years to realize that I've no basis for claiming to be morally superior to anyone, you see.

I have humility but I do reckon Im morally superior to Pol Pot, Stalin, and George Bush jnr (but not GB Snr).

>I despise thinking that leads people to hate others based on their faith, ethnicity, nationality political philosophy or any physical trait.

So, you're actually self-hating, because you yourself hate others - after all, you've said you despise them, which is really the same thing - who have differing political philosophies from yours?

Your own thinking with regards to 'racism', 'bigotry', and 'xenophobia' falls into that category you claim to despise - you realize this, yes?



Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave

I will post the picture and name next pose









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Careful Pugga...all the Dudley Dorights will be accusing you of exploiting their female, party endorsed, card carrying, fully paid up, female "brothers".

The possibly call you a reverse sexist.

Thank you for your caring

I just express my opinion as a Thai girl. And I know my opinion will be different than their Thai wife. But I understand they just trying to protect their wife.

And they will understand my point. That Thai people already accept the Thai girl who is tan but nonetheless beautiful. And people who is not beautiful even they are tan or white. They will just not consider to be beautiful. Maybe attractive if they are thin which show sign of healthy

To see my point. This is miss Thailand world attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438418977.692556.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438419041.665392.jpg

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You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

You can not try to force people to like something they don't like. It's human right!

Woman people in your contry and lot of product tan skin. Say everything

Why can't you just accept the truth


Most Thai people or Asian prefer white skin


Most farang prefer tan skin

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Cultural diversity is fine, it is a beautiful thing that shows the ignorance and hatred that lies in racism.

Judgemental? You are the one hurling the insults at present. Are you not judging me?

What you call 'racism' is part of Asian culture. You don't seem to find it 'beautiful'. You don't seem to respect diversity at all.

Why shouldn't I judge you, since you seem to've arrogated the privilege of judging everyone else in the world? Is judgmentalism only reserved for the righteous elect like yourself?

Do you respect pedophiles? If not then you do not respect diversity at all! That is exactly how absurd you sound. We do not have to respect people who hurt others, get it now?


> I have humility but I do reckon Im morally superior to Pol Pot, Stalin, and George Bush jnr (but not GB Snr).

Then you aren't humble, at all. Nor are you rational, especially when you categorize the unlamented George W. Bush (that's who I assume you meant) alongside Pol Pot and Stalin.


Actually, there is a lot more to this dark skin business than being ugly. A lot of Asian cultures associate having dark skin with doing manual work outdoors, therefor being poor or lower class. The people with fair skin spend their days indoors and only venture outdoors when the sun is gone, upper class people who have money. thumbsup.gif


Do you respect pedophiles? If not then you do not respect diversity at all! That is exactly how absurd you sound. We do not have to respect people who hurt others, get it now?

You have just made my point for me - that to proclaim that one is opposed to 'intolerance' and 'bigotry' is utter nonsense, since we all make judgements every day based upon our own views and beliefs.

To proclaim oneself 'intolerant' of 'intolerance' is the height of idiocy.


Actually, there is a lot more to this dark skin business than being ugly. A lot of Asian cultures associate having dark skin with doing manual work outdoors, therefor being poor or lower class. The people with fair skin spend their days indoors and only venture outdoors when the sun is gone, upper class people who have money. thumbsup.gif

Ah, I see. So all we have to do is change the poster to read "rich folk" and "po' folk" and everything will be right as rain!

You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

You can not try to force people to like something they don't like. It's human right!

Woman people in your contry and lot of product tan skin. Say everything

Why can't you just accept the truth


Most Thai people or Asian prefer white skin


Most farang prefer tan skin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you can't follow a simple conversation in English then why are you here?

No one is trying to convince Thai people that dark skin can be beautiful.

This is about the purposeful convincing of children that dark skin means ugly.


farang teaching others about racism when ironically they are the most racist to black people. Even today yup.

Actually, in my experience, black people tend to exhibit far more 'racism' towards their fellow blacks than do caucasians.


Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave
I will post the picture and name next pose





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Careful Pugga...all the Dudley Dorights will be accusing you of exploiting their female, party endorsed, card carrying, fully paid up, female "brothers".

The possibly call you a reverse sexist.
Thank you for your caring
I just express my opinion as a Thai girl. And I know my opinion will be different than their Thai wife. But I understand they just trying to protect their wife.

And they will understand my point. That Thai people already accept the Thai girl who is tan but nonetheless beautiful. And people who is not beautiful even they are tan or white. They will just not consider to be beautiful. Maybe attractive if they are thin which show sign of healthy

To see my point. This is miss Thailand world attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438418977.692556.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1438419041.665392.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

You can not try to force people to like something they don't like. It's human right!

Woman people in your contry and lot of product tan skin. Say everything

Why can't you just accept the truth
Most Thai people or Asian prefer white skin
Most farang prefer tan skin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Puddagong, nobody judges Thais just because they prefer white skin. What is not acceptable is saying such thing out loud and teaching it to kids.
I am a farang woman and don't prefer dating Thai guys, they are not attractive (both on looking and intellectual level) to me but it doesn't give me a right to insult or hurt Thai men in front of my own people. Nobody tells you to change your preference. But some Thai people have no idea what is rude and when is right time to keep their mouth shut. I know Thai professors making fun of dark skinned Thai students in class but noone else seems disturbed by that.

> I have humility but I do reckon Im morally superior to Pol Pot, Stalin, and George Bush jnr (but not GB Snr).

Then you aren't humble, at all. Nor are you rational, especially when you categorize the unlamented George W. Bush (that's who I assume you meant) alongside Pol Pot and Stalin.

Putting them in the same sentence isnt categorising them alongside each other. GWB wasn't half as smart as those other guys, and he isnt Eurasian! So he's not in the same category at all.

Do you respect pedophiles? If not then you do not respect diversity at all! That is exactly how absurd you sound. We do not have to respect people who hurt others, get it now?

You have just made my point for me - that to proclaim that one is opposed to 'intolerance' and 'bigotry' is utter nonsense, since we all make judgements every day based upon our own views and beliefs.

To proclaim oneself 'intolerant' of 'intolerance' is the height of idiocy.


The height of idiocy is to say what's wrong with bigotry.


Actually, there is a lot more to this dark skin business than being ugly. A lot of Asian cultures associate having dark skin with doing manual work outdoors, therefor being poor or lower class. The people with fair skin spend their days indoors and only venture outdoors when the sun is gone, upper class people who have money. thumbsup.gif

Ah, I see. So all we have to do is change the poster to read "rich folk" and "po' folk" and everything will be right as rain!

No, that will not make it "right as rain". Neither scenario is acceptable in my opinion.

I was just indicating that there is more to it than just being ugly, or pretty.


You ask this crap about what is wrong with hatred after I made it clear why it is wrong?

All you've made clear is that you believe that your own personal brands of hatred, intolerance, and bigotry towards those whose beliefs differ from yours is somehow superior to the hatred, intolerance and bigotry of those with whom you disagree.

In other words, those whom you hate and despise and refuse to tolerate are evil, because their hatred and intolerance is based upon different parameters.

But your hatred and intolerance and bigotry are A-OK, because you're righteous.


I despise thinking that leads people to hate others based on their faith, ethnicity, nationality political philosophy or any physical trait.

I despise it because history shows us where it leads.

It leads us to having a huge empire and living of all the good stuff for free. Mind you, some still seem to be grateful for it I got chatting to an Indian guy in a bar near Munich airport, he was a scientist living in Moscow of all places, when i asked him where he came from he said 'British India'' When i looked at him in surprise he said with a smile,''Well, a lot of well educated Indians still prefer to think of it that way''. A true son of the empire.


farang teaching others about racism when ironically they are the most racist to black people. Even today yup.

Actually, in my experience, black people tend to exhibit far more 'racism' towards their fellow blacks than do caucasians.

So what? There's nothing in the definition of racism that says it only goes one way. Many ethnic minority groups are overtly racist - its still racism.

What's especially strange to me is your seeming reverence for George H.W. Bush.

He's the one who involved the United States in a war in the Middle East to bail out his Kuwaiti friends and business partners - a war that in no way served the interests of the United States.


> So what? There's nothing in the definition of racism that says it only goes one way. Many ethnic minority groups are overtly racist - its still racism.

The person to whom I was replying stated that caucasian Westerners were more racist than others towards black people, that's what. I was refuting this claim.

Pay attention!


You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

You can not try to force people to like something they don't like. It's human right!

Woman people in your contry and lot of product tan skin. Say everything

Why can't you just accept the truth


Most Thai people or Asian prefer white skin


Most farang prefer tan skin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you can't follow a simple conversation in English then why are you here?

No one is trying to convince Thai people that dark skin can be beautiful.

This is about the purposeful convincing of children that dark skin means ugly.

I know what that topic talking about

But this guy word is "

Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker."

So what <deleted>***ing wrong with Thai male like white skin girl

What about your guy like tan skin girl?

You people are <deleted>**** forget you own skin color. Before teaching teaching Thai people to appreciate tan skin.

Go BACK to your contry! And teach your people to like white skin. Don't fuc*ing use tan product and don't fucki*ng bake yourself in sun

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


What's especially strange to me is your seeming reverence for George H.W. Bush.

He's the one who involved the United States in a war in the Middle East to bail out his Kuwaiti friends and business partners - a war that in no way served the interests of the United States.

Well OK, the guy made one mistake. But nobodies perfect, right?

Anyway, I dont revere him as such. I just dont feel morally superior to him, thats all.


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty.

That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?

Thailand John talking sh1t, who would have guessed that!


You can not use famous people to make your point. Those women have been promoted and are not necessarily looked upon by the color of their skin but instead by their being famous, popular, or rich. The average Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker.

You can not try to force people to like something they don't like. It's human right!

Woman people in your contry and lot of product tan skin. Say everything

Why can't you just accept the truth


Most Thai people or Asian prefer white skin


Most farang prefer tan skin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you can't follow a simple conversation in English then why are you here?

No one is trying to convince Thai people that dark skin can be beautiful.

This is about the purposeful convincing of children that dark skin means ugly.

I know what that topic talking about

But this guy word is "

Thai male sees dark skin as unattractive. That is why so many women buy skin whitening cream and wear jackets when they rude motorcycles even on cloudy days. They want to hide from the sun so they don't get any darker."

So what <deleted>***ing wrong with Thai male like white skin girl

What about your guy like tan skin girl?

You people are <deleted>**** forget you own skin color. Before teaching teaching Thai people to appreciate tan skin.

Go BACK to your contry! And teach your people to like white skin. Don't fuc*ing use tan product and don't fucki*ng bake yourself in sun

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually no, you dont know what the topic is about.

Its got bugger all to do with what guy likes what girl's skin colour in what culture.

Its about institutionalised racism perpetuating baseless stereotypes to little impressionable children.

Its not racist to be attracted to a particular skin colour.

It is racist to say or think all people of a particular colour or race (race is an artificial concept anyway, but one most humans appear to need) are less than you because of that colour or race.

The poster shows two faces whose main and obvious distinction is their ethnicity. It says one is ugly and one is handsome. This is dangerous stuff to give kids.

Get it?


What's especially strange to me is your seeming reverence for George H.W. Bush.

He's the one who involved the United States in a war in the Middle East to bail out his Kuwaiti friends and business partners - a war that in no way served the interests of the United States.

Well OK, the guy made one mistake. But nobodies perfect, right?

Anyway, I dont revere him as such. I just dont feel morally superior to him, thats all.

The understatement of the century


I actually don't think the black guy in the picture looks particularly ugly. And given that the "handsome" picture resembles a K-pop singer I think a better adjective it could be used to illustrate might be "useless" or "stupid" or "untalented".

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