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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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I just showed my Thai girlfriend the poster. She had to think hard before she could tell me whats wrong. And shes a dark skinned girl herself! This stuff gets internalised and is the source of years of angst and (in some) self loathing. Thats what wrong with it. And its just crap - not an ounce of usefulness in it.

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Just another example of how nepotism. corruption and graft gets people jobs they simply cannot do........... what educationalist in his/her right mind would compile this crap and then even consider publishing.....(even if they were racists??)

True. Western racism has has to get a whole lot subtler to survive. Im sure the KKK yearn for the good ol'days when you could call a spade a spade...

Not just the KKK, PC has got ridiculous. You can't say a fat person is fat ( in Germany the clothe size for fat is voll schlank = 'full slim' for christ's sake) you cant openly admire a woman's body, that's sexist, you cant say you feel uncomfortable with gays, that's being homophobic, you cant dislike certain national traits, that's racist, i call a spade a spade as does everybody else, just not openly among strangers, which makes us all caring hypocrites,


Very strange that anybody having been in Thailand for more than a few does not pick up on the prejudice against darker skinned people. Actually it probably speaks to an innate racism on the part of those who did not "notice" it.

Skin bleaching products, etc., are pretty obvious clues.

I know a beautiful young woman in Bkk who is originally from Issan, and quite distraught that she is not pretty because of her darker than ideal skin.

I told her about my farang sister who regularly roasts herself in the sun in order to get a tan colour like this young lady has.

Sorry, but you must be thick as a brick to not be aware of that particular national racism, or xenophobia if the idea of racism really bugs you, (same thing... just sounds more scientific )


Just another example of how nepotism. corruption and graft gets people jobs they simply cannot do........... what educationalist in his/her right mind would compile this crap and then even consider publishing.....(even if they were racists??)

True. Western racism has has to get a whole lot subtler to survive. Im sure the KKK yearn for the good ol'days when you could call a spade a spade...

Not just the KKK, PC has got ridiculous. You can't say a fat person is fat ( in Germany the clothe size for fat is voll schlank = 'full slim' for christ's sake) you cant openly admire a woman's body, that's sexist, you cant say you feel uncomfortable with gays, that's being homophobic, you cant dislike certain national traits, that's racist, i call a spade a spade as does everybody else, just not openly among strangers, which makes us all caring hypocrites,
And I celebrate and rejoice that these things are now recognised as hatred and prejudicial and as such are socially unacceptable.

Viva PC.

Viva tolerance.

Viva understanding and acceptance.


My best friend is a black man, and I'm a white man. And I do not give a <deleted> about thai mindset. Oh! I'm happy to teach my family to love every human being just as they are. Racist - away from them, they stink.


I used to teach my Thai students that, in America, white women often spent upwards of 2000 baht to lie in a tanning machine for a half hour to make their skins darker. It seems people just want what other people have. I wonder how Chameleons feel about skin color.

"I wonder how Chameleons feel about skin color."



Just another example of how nepotism. corruption and graft gets people jobs they simply cannot do........... what educationalist in his/her right mind would compile this crap and then even consider publishing.....(even if they were racists??)

True. Western racism has has to get a whole lot subtler to survive. Im sure the KKK yearn for the good ol'days when you could call a spade a spade...

Not just the KKK, PC has got ridiculous. You can't say a fat person is fat ( in Germany the clothe size for fat is voll schlank = 'full slim' for christ's sake) you cant openly admire a woman's body, that's sexist, you cant say you feel uncomfortable with gays, that's being homophobic, you cant dislike certain national traits, that's racist, i call a spade a spade as does everybody else, just not openly among strangers, which makes us all caring hypocrites,
And I celebrate and rejoice that these things are now recognised as hatred and prejudicial and as such are socially unacceptable.

Viva PC.

Viva tolerance.

Viva understanding and acceptance.

being PC is not the same as being tolerant, i want the freedom to not be PC, my choice, if you are fat i will describe you as fat, i will describe an African as black, and i will say i don't like being around Fred because he is gay, who are you to jump up and down like an excited school boy pointing fingers, your choice i suppose. I will have the freedom to say what i think, be it right or wrong, you, being constrained by indoctrination will in most cases think the same but not dare say it


Don't really understand why people can be shocked about this? This is Thailand! Hub of everything you can think of, but have no skills to bring to life.

I am more surprised, that there are no spelling mistakes on the chart.



Dare not say it, yeah right. I notice that all the time, oh wait, no I don't. This thread alone proves that.

I don't need to jump up and down or point fingers because society is maturing and realising that it is wrong to judge or resent others because of their appearance, ethnicity or lifestyle choices.


Not really surprised by this blatant illustration.

The "ugly" guy is a negro, not a dark-skinned Thai.

How can a population grow up with this kind of racism and not be biased ?

Ive seen a lot of young Thai men who look like the illustration....... and a few Tomboys.....whistling.gif

I would say he looks quite handsome, but 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. That is the lesson that should be being taught.

Unbelievable Thailand!


I spoke to some girls whose perception of beauty was their colour, saying I am not beautiful, I asked why, they said I am dark or others referred to as black. I could understand that they have a mind set that white is handsome or pretty while black is ugly.


Thais like white scin ! at least 95%

so why it should not be noticed, that the other colour on the picture is not ?

That tatoos - all over the body, hanging around the bars, bad dressed, bad behavier is for 90% of people -

and I mean people all over the worl ugly !!

So you would be happy if they would have put one of this guys on the spot ?

I would have agrred to put such an looser instead !! ( if possible still to see a peace of white scin on him !)

They didn't talk about which colour is nice or ugly !! or did i miss something ??


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

Everyone should change negative attitudes and opinions based upon skin colour.

Judging someone on their skin colour isn't an opinion it's hatred.

You're a 100% right but......... where does your argument stop.

If someone has a big nose, is fat, short, has long arms, bald, is poor, is too tall, is just plain ugly.

The color of your skin is just a fractions of how you are perceived. Using the racist card does indeed stop any further discussion.

Maybe people should judge people less on how they look and more on how they behave. A poster with 'handsome' and 'ugly' is wrong, but in this case not necessarily racist. Maybe they are both Thai, but the handsome one has been using whitening cream and the darker one has enjoyed too much of a beach life.

Calling someone a racist without knowing his or hers intentions is as bad as being a racist in my opinion.


When I drive I am a bad driver because I am not Thai

When I shop in Do Home I am a shoplifter because I am not Thai

When I shout I am told to stop because I am not Thai and only Thai people are allowed to do that

I must not stand and block up a doorway, only Thai people can do that

I cant plant rice because I am not Thai

I can pay up when required though so my money is good.

Thank goodness that there is something good about me.

you are not right !

Last time I shopped in Do Home - Rangsit -

and a nice sales girl come to me and asked if she can help me -

I was surpriced , she spoke relatively good english -

but she denoed her english is not so good, and she need someone to practice with her english;

But she wer very said that I told her , that I'm already engaged with a thai -

( had to do it, as moste time my wife is with me and if that nice lady would have come to me in the shop -

with ! high frank, how are you today ??

I would have got serious troubles !

She promised me, when catched, my best part on my body will gone missing !!

But back to thar ugly !

Once my sweet honey catched me in chatting with a - similat colour lady !!

She promised ma,

catched again with her or similar -

my good peace will go off,

and it will be BBQed until gets same black colour as her :-((((((((((

Thats life and feeling of Thais !!


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

Everyone should change negative attitudes and opinions based upon skin colour.

Judging someone on their skin colour isn't an opinion it's hatred.

You're a 100% right but......... where does your argument stop.

If someone has a big nose, is fat, short, has long arms, bald, is poor, is too tall, is just plain ugly.

The color of your skin is just a fractions of how you are perceived. Using the racist card does indeed stop any further discussion.

Maybe people should judge people less on how they look and more on how they behave. A poster with 'handsome' and 'ugly' is wrong, but in this case not necessarily racist. Maybe they are both Thai, but the handsome one has been using whitening cream and the darker one has enjoyed too much of a beach life.

Calling someone a racist without knowing his or hers intentions is as bad as being a racist in my opinion.

I never said the person who did this was deliberately racist (at least don't recall doing so). The fact they choose skin colour to define ugly is a racist action. What worries me is they themselves may not see this. It shows a form of institutionalised racist thinking exists in society as a whole.


Miss Uganda?, Miss America? Nope Miss Japan 2015. Nivea et al should be pooping their pants right now!

do you know which guys are sitting in such a JURIE ??

and what this girls must promise if they are selected ??

I am sure your wife would never ever agree to this conditions,

evn so my ones !!


The fact they choose skin colour to define ugly is a racist action. What worries me is they themselves may not see this. It shows a form of institutionalised racist thinking exists in society as a whole.

So? It's their society, who're you to lecture them about it?


Leave the Thais be.

Right or wrong, most here (farangs) in Thailand are here with the permission of the Thai government. If you want the take a stance on "racism" or any other garden variety "do good cause" go back to your own bloody country and open a Non-Profit.

But please stop bellyaching about this silly nonsense.

We all have our own silly misconceptions, nobody is perfect.

Thai children, indeed all children are educated socially at home!

Ugly and Pretty are defined there, not in the classroom!

by the way DBX -

in which category you would put that profile picture of this police man ?

Nice or the other side around ?

what you think thai people would say ? - even that he is a " Thai " ????


The fact they choose skin colour to define ugly is a racist action. What worries me is they themselves may not see this. It shows a form of institutionalised racist thinking exists in society as a whole.

So? It's their society, who're you to lecture them about it?

I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.


Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

I understand your points and I have also lived here for ages, but what if the handsome kid was dark and the ugly white? Then it would be racist as well.

Educational resources should not show images of people to describe ugly or prettiness. Its tasteless and wrong, but not per definition racist. You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it.

I feel I do.

Whether they were being deliberately offensive or not I can't say.

But they made a deliberate choice to use a dark skinned face to represent ugly.

Colour played a role in their reasoning.

They see dark skin as a trait that is undesirable and ugly.

The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison.

What on earth have UK police forces of the 80's got to do with this? Even if you think they were institutionally racist, which I don't, it bears no relevance to a conversation about teaching Thai children that black is ugly. You obviously have a problem, best you creep back under your stone.


I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.

Ah, so you're a better, more enlightened person than the natives, are you?

There's a word for that attitude - it begins with an 'r', and ends with an 'm'. Can you guess what it might be?

There're a lot worse things in this world than being a 'racist'. Just on the attitudinal side, being a hypocrite is one of those things, IMHO.

Myself, I figure that I ought to work to improve my own character flaws before I go lecturing others on theirs.


Ok I'm sorry for my aggressive lol I'm in good mood now. I actually don't read every comment. But choose to read only one that compliment dark skin only.

So I agree with those comment who said the pic look a lot like Africa guy and that will be racist.

But I still find the post about skin which try to change Thai people of liking white skin.

Why do you even care? When everybody who is Asian know you guy prefer tan skin. And when we have national beauty contest those Asian girl who are fair will try to tan themself to please your guy! My point is they trying to change their skin color to go along with the flock in your guy contry. So why don't you just accept who we are what we like in Thailand.

We don't even realize it's racism. Because to us it's not about race. Skin color is more about status and class in Thailand ( which is also bad) .

But I can assure you it's not Not about race!

Because you guy are very critism about us ,Thai people.

Do you wanna know how thai girl with fair skin think of you guy farang? They accept that they are not your type but they know they are Thai guy type. and what of girl with dark skin. They realise it that you guy prefer them .

When I am still not married with my husband. I always ask him why he choose me. Why don't go after those isan girl. Because they are beautiful to farang. And I'm not his type. He had to assure me lot of time that I'm his type and beutiful to him. And after marriage that is when I can really accept it that he really find me attractive. And when my friend know about him we talk about farang. She is very white. She said she think farang is handsome but she is not farang's type.

Well that is what Thai woman think.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Just another example of how nepotism. corruption and graft gets people jobs they simply cannot do........... what educationalist in his/her right mind would compile this crap and then even consider publishing.....(even if they were racists??)

True. Western racism has has to get a whole lot subtler to survive. Im sure the KKK yearn for the good ol'days when you could call a spade a spade...

Those days are still with us. Drives me mad when I ask someone to bring me a spade and they hand me a shovel.


I'm someone who knows racism is a foul disgusting filthy mind set. I'm someone who knows it should always be challenged.

Ah, so you're a better, more enlightened person than the natives, are you?

There's a word for that attitude - it begins with an 'r', and ends with an 'm'. Can you guess what it might be?

There're a lot worse things in this world than being a 'racist'. Just on the attitudinal side, being a hypocrite is one of those things, IMHO.

Myself, I figure that I ought to work to improve my own character flaws before I go lecturing others on theirs.

Clearly you have a lot of work ahead of you.


Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

I understand your points and I have also lived here for ages, but what if the handsome kid was dark and the ugly white? Then it would be racist as well.

Educational resources should not show images of people to describe ugly or prettiness. Its tasteless and wrong, but not per definition racist. You don't know what the designer of this fine piece of had in mind when he made it.

I feel I do.

Whether they were being deliberately offensive or not I can't say.

But they made a deliberate choice to use a dark skinned face to represent ugly.

Colour played a role in their reasoning.

They see dark skin as a trait that is undesirable and ugly.

The institutionalised racism of many UK police forces in the early 80s might be an appropriate comparison.

What on earth have UK police forces of the 80's got to do with this? Even if you think they were institutionally racist, which I don't, it bears no relevance to a conversation about teaching Thai children that black is ugly. You obviously have a problem, best you creep back under your stone.

Yeah right, it's me that has a problem.

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