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US billionaire Koch warns conservatives must demand smaller government


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yes, start with the military, then eliminate the police , fire dept. and teachers. These clowns want everything from their Gov. but they don't want to pay any taxes for it. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Actually yes the Military is way too big spends silly $$$$ I think most Americans agree. If it were in protection/defense standing not Nation building

That is not to say "Donor" groups such as these are any good nor any solution as they are just buying "their" puppets.

Rest assured that when the Kochs talk about small government they do not include downsizing the military and thus downsizing lucrative military contracts. The Kochs have no qualms with the folks over at Lockheed for the debacle of the F-35, nor with the folks at Boeing for the failures of their new tanker, nor the people at General Dynamics for their failed electromagnetic launch system. No, the Kochs want to cut Federal programs that provide services to the needy, eliminate agencies that oversee environmental laws, and of course any service that provides healthcare to anyone.

The Kochs are running a bit scared these days. Their party, the Republican Party is in turmoil, with the leading candidate being someone they can not control and who had absolutely no chance in the general election. And they see on the other side that Clinton is losing what little momentum she had and that Sanders is surging. And Sanders represents the folks with pitchforks coming after the Kochs and their ilk.


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But they love people like Ronald Reagan, who got the Feds to pay 1 trillion dollars for a 'Star Wars' program that everyone, except maybe Reagan himself, knew was a complete boondoggle. An they love the multi-millionaire boys from Goldman Sachs who got appointed by Bush Jr. to save the economy, and their first order of business: Make sure Goldman Sachs didn't take any hits - which some other similar pyramid schemes did. And they love Bush Sr you rode to the presidency with the promise "Read my lips, no new taxes" .....and then proceeded to raise taxes when he got the top spot.

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They want to get rid of things like the pesky EPA, who keep fining them for polluting water supplies and making people sick.

They also want less employment and safety laws, so if they lose a few workers because they work them to the bone for peanuts or cut corners on safety to save money, they won't have to pay anything for it.

That's just two examples.

They are a pair of a-holes.

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And, what we may ask, is wrong with a smaller government?

Ask the Somali's.

They have small government down-pat.

Smaller gov't is all in the eye of the manipulator. For rich Americans, it means lessen all programs they don't care about but preserve 'essentials' like PIK, welfare-for-rich, too-big-to-vail, bail-outs for GM/Goldman Sachs/Chrysler/Amtrak/Insurance/banks, ..essentially all large corporations which fail or about-to-fail.

For people like me, it's across-the-board cuts in all services and hand-outs. That's why people like me are not in charge, and why rich well-connected selfish men are. Corporations rule America. Politicians are bystanders who add a bit of burnishment where needed, by rich controllers. That's why the US needs a prez like Bernie Sanders - the opposite of Trump, whose whole empire is built upon borrowing + lies + deception, not to mention 4 declarations of bankruptcy.

Edited by boomerangutang
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And, what we may ask, is wrong with a smaller government?

Ask the Somali's.

They have small government down-pat.

Smaller gov't is all in the eye of the manipulator. For rich Americans, it means lessen all programs they don't care about but preserve 'essentials' like PIK, welfare-for-rich, too-big-to-vail, bail-outs for GM/Goldman Sachs/Chrysler/Amtrak/Insurance/banks, ..essentially all large corporations which fail or about-to-fail.

For people like me, it's across-the-board cuts in all services and hand-outs. That's why people like me are not in charge, and why rich well-connected selfish men are. Corporations rule America. Politicians are bystanders who add a bit of burnishment where needed, by rich controllers. That's why the US needs a prez like Bernie Sanders - the opposite of Trump, whose whole empire is built upon borrowing + lies + deception, not to mention 4 declarations of bankruptcy.

Your right on the money corporations rule the world not only America. You can see that at play here. They are the orchestra and the government is the orchestra leader and the sound has been a bit flat lately to us the audience. My sainted grandmother had an old saying " You can fool part of the people part of the time but you cannot fool all the people all of the time" God bless her. It is election time in the North America's and I really think the voters are at a crossroads. If we allow the rich peoples government the status quo to remain well we could eventually reach a point of no return for the little guy. Governments are becoming more blatant in their used to be off the radar dealings with the Money Merchants but its coming out into the open more every day. Its a difficult choice because the choice has remained small on purpose to keep you herded in the right direction. We need a broader choice. For decades it seems the best funded candidate has picked up all of the marbles. The twin evils keep asking for smaller government well from our side of the fence we already have it. Banks are up on charges every week paying billions in fines the costs of which are eventually passed on to you the consumer and after that the fraud continues in a more cladstine manner. All the government agencies that are the watchers in the system are complaining of layoffs and cutbacks personal shortages and on and on. Obama says that if you do not vote for the Iranian deal your voting for WAR just more fear tactics from someone elected for honesty and truthfulness sadly lacking in all levels of government. When you look back 2015 will be viewed as a pivotal year in many things. I thankfully will be on the other side and with luck looking down.

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Are these the same two greedy BTDS that tried to control the silver market years ago. A lot of people got burned in that fiasco.

That would be the Hunt brothers. I believe Lamar Hunt owned the Kansas City Chiefs football team.

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Are these the same two greedy BTDS that tried to control the silver market years ago. A lot of people got burned in that fiasco.

That would be the Hunt brothers. I believe Lamar Hunt owned the Kansas City Chiefs football team.

Lamar was not involved in the silver market caper.

That was his two brothers, Nelson and Herbert.

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