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Planes 'n Babies

mark henry

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a picture is easy and verbal sparring requires a bit of brain matter after all.

Come on then Terry, give us the photo 'You standing in your fire station holding up a card with a greeting to TV Members'.

It can't be that hard ..... For a real fireman.

It seems people are doubting your claims...

im at home guesthouse and its 11.15 pm in perth so you'll have to wait, as im going to blow your arse away with a cracking photo of my self and said fire truck.

you will have no reason to doubt my self ever again fella and you'll fade away into the sunset where you belong.

putting your silly self to rest once and for all. :D

so of you go and tuck your self up in your bed. :D:D

cricky's mate,

your a real impatient blighter arn't you. :D

B.T.W. people arn't doubting me, there asking for the picture you silly fellow.

nighty night guesthouse. :D

your setting yourself up again guesthouse and im loving it even more matey.

chio mate. :o

So where is this pic? :D

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a picture is easy and verbal sparring requires a bit of brain matter after all.

Come on then Terry, give us the photo 'You standing in your fire station holding up a card with a greeting to TV Members'.

It can't be that hard ..... For a real fireman.

It seems people are doubting your claims...

im at home guesthouse and its 11.15 pm in perth so you'll have to wait, as im going to blow your arse away with a cracking photo of my self and said fire truck.

you will have no reason to doubt my self ever again fella and you'll fade away into the sunset where you belong.

putting your silly self to rest once and for all. :D

so of you go and tuck your self up in your bed. :D:D

cricky's mate,

your a real impatient blighter arn't you. :D

B.T.W. people arn't doubting me, there asking for the picture you silly fellow.

nighty night guesthouse. :D

your setting yourself up again guesthouse and im loving it even more matey.

chio mate. :o

So where is this pic? :D

have patience my friend, :D

got to get things organised but the said picture will appear as surely as night follows day. :D

but not this very second. :D

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The thing is Terry, until we see the photo, your whole online persona is very difficult to take seriously and be believable

Let me try and explain, you say you are an Aussie yet you seem to use a mixture of very American and Very British terms like the word <deleted> which as far as i am aware is a very British term. Now you are the only Aussie i have ever heard say this. Then there are the American spellings of some words.

What about the word crikey or how you seem to like to spell it cricky. Now i would have thought any self respecting Aussie would know how to spell their most famous word :o

And what about the posting style? Your first posts on here were generally quite intelligible, but the most recent posts, you just seem to be trying far too hard to be a Aussie.

Now these are just personal observations made by myself and several other members, so show us your pic and shut us all up.

Crikey cobber until the picture shows up i am on GH side :D

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Thanks for dragging me in as your witness into this little set-to Terry57.

I have to tell you two things: (1) I have learnt to respect Guesthouses' posts and opinions in my time on the forum. and (2) In the past I have had my doubts that you are who the claimed to be. Having made enquiries and engaged you in banter, I think you probably are, but we haven't met in person yet. (I did once work for a while in that building across the road from your firestation so our paths may have crossed) I look forward to that drink!

On topic - I think there is a place for babies on planes. The seat immediately in front of me! :D (thats if the woman who normally sits there, and throws it back into my lap the instance the seatbelt sign goes off, doesn't get there first!) :o

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The thing is Terry, until we see the photo, your whole online persona is very difficult to take seriously and be believable

Let me try and explain, you say you are an Aussie yet you seem to use a mixture of very American and Very British terms like the word <deleted> which as far as i am aware is a very British term. Now you are the only Aussie i have ever heard say this. Then there are the American spellings of some words.

What about the word crikey or how you seem to like to spell it cricky. Now i would have thought any self respecting Aussie would know how to spell their most famous word :D

And what about the posting style? Your first posts on here were generally quite intelligible, but the most recent posts, you just seem to be trying far too hard to be a Aussie.

Now these are just personal observations made by myself and several other members, so show us your pic and shut us all up.

Crikey cobber until the picture shows up i am on GH side :D

ok daly,

im going to step things up here and provide you with cold hard facts that i am who i really say i am.

this is how its going to work my friend.

i have just pm'ed old crock so he can meet me for a drink and also visit me at the fire station.

you have read his post and he is firmly in guesthouses corner and also has stated that he doutbs

that im the real deal.

will you accept his eye witness account as prove of my existance ?

old crock lives in perth so its all too easy for me at this stage and will leave you fellows in no doubt what so ever.

never met this guy before so its totally independant eye witness staight up information.

i await your reply with baited breath and you also guesthouse.

cheers boys. :o

im starting to get excited :D

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all sorted punters.

ive just received a pm from old crock, we will meet this week and he will eye witness me.

he will then make a post to set you doutbters straight especially guesthouse.

and remember that he is in guesthouses quarter and not mine.

so he has no reason to lie to you punters.

i can see you lurking there guesthouse so what do you think about this lot my rome loving friend.

step it up a bit guest house as your silence is deafening.

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to reply to the OP I would say stay away from Gulf Air as in the best of times their service is the worst...irresponsible and surly ground staff and hopelessly confused cabin crew. I'd say stick with reputable airlines like BA as their staff is competent especially with kids, if a bit more expensive.

Having said that, I must say that Garuda/Indonesia offered a good service from SG to Jakarta when I was travelling with my infant son and his mother...they had lots of room in first class and upgraded us and were very attentive...and this a cheap airline.

generally speaking with cheap airlines on long haul you get what you pay for...

Thanks for that, too late to change airline, i'll have to hope they've improved! Cheers

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As a punter, i think i speak for all my punting brethren when i say that we really need the picture of Terry with his fire engine to settle this one....

could'nt agree more, over to you Ozy, are you up for it? man enough, got the *****?

over to you mark henry,

you've read my posts above so get ready for cold hard facts and have you got the balls to handle it?

guest house has just disappeared real quick, so has the daly boy.

crickys mate,

there all hiding under a rock somewhere more than likely holding each others hands. :D

come back boys as your all big enough to make your crap posts to me and now im providing you guys with good old hard facts.

sorry about ruining your day boys and im not forgetting you GUESTHOUSE.

bye fellas :o

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Great, but let's not forget the evidence we've been promised here by Terry is a photo of terry in his fire station holding up a greating to TV members.

We have no evidence that Crock is not Terry.

Give us the photo you've promised us Terry.... Maybe you can get Crock to take it for you.

How you fixed Crock?

Do fancy helping out by running off a photo of Terry for us... holding up a hello TV placard at the fire station?

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As a punter, i think i speak for all my punting brethren when i say that we really need the picture of Terry with his fire engine to settle this one....

could'nt agree more, over to you Ozy, are you up for it? man enough, got the *****?

over to you mark henry,

you've read my posts above so get ready for cold hard facts and have you got the balls to handle it?

guest house has just disappeared real quick, so has the daly boy.

crickys mate,

there all hiding under a rock somewhere more than likely holding each others hands. :D

come back boys as your all big enough to make your crap posts to me and now im providing you guys with good old hard facts.

sorry about ruining your day boys and im not forgetting you GUESTHOUSE.

bye fellas :o

you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? i can handle can YOU?

p.s Is'nt this getin just a bit silly??

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Joined a month ago and only 14 posts Mark henry. Not worth the discourse.

It was maybe the fact that his thread had been taken over by an argument between DB, GH and El Tel.

dont worry about it lacoste as he can have his thread back very shortly as its not going anywhere.

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Great, but let's not forget the evidence we've been promised here by Terry is a photo of terry in his fire station holding up a greating to TV members.

We have no evidence that Crock is not Terry.

Give us the photo you've promised us Terry.... Maybe you can get Crock to take it for you.

How you fixed Crock?

Do fancy helping out by running off a photo of Terry for us... holding up a hello TV placard at the fire station?

Yes, we're going to do that.

Just to mess with your brain, you know my name is also Terry don't you?

But remember I was one of the first to suggest T57 was Scampy.

Bugger it, alright, I'm TGS and also Khall! I couldn't keep it going any longer!

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As a punter, i think i speak for all my punting brethren when i say that we really need the picture of Terry with his fire engine to settle this one....

could'nt agree more, over to you Ozy, are you up for it? man enough, got the *****?

over to you mark henry,

you've read my posts above so get ready for cold hard facts and have you got the balls to handle it?

guest house has just disappeared real quick, so has the daly boy.

crickys mate,

there all hiding under a rock somewhere more than likely holding each others hands. :D

come back boys as your all big enough to make your crap posts to me and now im providing you guys with good old hard facts.

sorry about ruining your day boys and im not forgetting you GUESTHOUSE.

bye fellas :o

you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? i can handle can YOU?

p.s Is'nt this getin just a bit silly??

im walking mate, . straight to the fire station with the camera.

its not getting silly as we are just getting a few truths sorted as guesthouse has accused me of lying and thats not a very nice thing is it.

sorry about high jacking your thread and you can have it back now.

good night.

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Joined a month ago and only 14 posts Mark henry. Not worth the discourse.

i know young (ish), foolish and inexperienced what can i say!

Not that youngish I would guess Mark. In a post elsewhere you mentioned your Thai wife was 39. You may well be my vintage.

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