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"The lawyer reasoned that the freezing of the share transaction by the CSD since July 17 has now caused damage of up to 16 million baht in loss of the share values when they could not be traded on the stock market by his client, the girl who received the shares from Mr Chuwong."

Oh that poor girl! Now she has allegedly lost 16 million Baht by being unable to trade stocks that were gifted to her for FREE in the first place - and totally unexpected and out of the blue, as she had insisted earlier.

I wonder what alleged damages she would claim if she had NOT received any free shares at all.

Shut up, lawyer! If your client turns out to be clean and not have anything to do with Chuwong's rather suspicious demise, the shares will be released eventually - and even if their value may have fallen by then, she will still receive a sizable fortune for them.

Why the rush to sell them off in the stock market? To liquidate ill-gotten assets, perhaps? Frankly, the lawyer's argumentation just adds to the suspicions surrounding the magnate's death.

If the girl is unable to sell the shares she will also be unable to pay her lawyer, who is probably on a percentage. Enough said.

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That car crash he wouldn't even have spilt his Starbucks coffee.

This was my crash, not wearing seatbelt (I know, I know) and obviously I'm still here...

Couple of small cuts to my melon and sprained wrists...but otherwise, unhurt.

Not buying that this little ding, in a Lexus, supposedly with seat belts, killed him, airbags did not go of and Banyin did not get a scratch.

Coupled with all the other anomalies...this stinks.



why did they video him getting into the car? Is this a normal practice for them ? As in videoing him leaving home daily?

Sounds a bit weird?

It's not at all unusual for high-profile, famous people to be videoed by the media when entering and exiting cars.

It wasn't the media who filmed them, it was his sister wink.png

Or may be just a nearby CCTV?

Naah, that wouldn't fit in TV's armchair detective's theory.


That car crash he wouldn't even have spilt his Starbucks coffee.

This was my crash, not wearing seatbelt (I know, I know) and obviously I'm still here...

Couple of small cuts to my melon and sprained wrists...but otherwise, unhurt.

Not buying that this little ding, in a Lexus, supposedly with seat belts, killed him, airbags did not go of and Banyin did not get a scratch.

Coupled with all the other anomalies...this stinks.

Looking at your picture, the theme song of George of the Jungle came to mind. Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt.


That car crash he wouldn't even have spilt his Starbucks coffee.

This was my crash, not wearing seatbelt (I know, I know) and obviously I'm still here...

Couple of small cuts to my melon and sprained wrists...but otherwise, unhurt.

Not buying that this little ding, in a Lexus, supposedly with seat belts, killed him, airbags did not go of and Banyin did not get a scratch.

Coupled with all the other anomalies...this stinks.

Looking at your picture, the theme song of George of the Jungle came to mind. Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt.

Yeah...tree won.

Compared to Chuwongs car...he shouldn't even have a bruise...it's a very small impact...probably buff out...



Looks like it didn't even break the headlight on the passenger side. And yet the passenger sat about 6 feet behind that suffered such a massive impact that he died of brain damage while the driver walked away with not even a scratch. Unusual whistling.gif .


I understand that the driver's wife also died the same way.. In a car accident with the same driver. Not sure if you all have seen, but the tree that he hit was in some really bizarre place. Through high grass, in a location sort of like a parking lot, and this tree was off to the side through some tall grass.

Anyone living here has to be quite nervous, if this is the standard for a murder that one can expect to get away with..


Chuwong always wore his safety belt, family insists

Pensri Gaden,

Noppadon Sritaweekart,

Supachai Phettewee

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- CONSTRUCTION tycoon Chuwong Saetang habitually wore the safety belt, which is making it difficult for his family to believe claims that he had died in a car crash because he had failed to put on his safety belt.

"He survived two car accidents before because of the safety belt. That's why he always had it on, no matter if he was the driver or the passenger," Chuwong's elder sister Wanpen Tanathamsiri told a press conference yesterday.

Chuwong died on June 27 in what his friend Pol Lt-Colonel Banyin Tanpakorn a former deputy commerce minister and a former MP claims was an accidental car crash.

The family, however, raised doubts in light of the fact that Banyin survived the crash unscathed and that a huge volume of Chuwong's shares were transferred to two women just days before his death without his family's prior knowledge.

Wanpen yesterday quoted an employee of Chuwong's company as saying that he saw his late boss put on the safety belt before Banyin's car headed out of the firm's compound.

Anek Kamchum, who represents Chuwong's family, told the same press conference yesterday that he too had noticed the dubious share transfers after Chuwong died.

"That's why I asked his family about these transfers," he said.

The two women who received nearly Bt300 million worth of shares from Chuwong claimed to have had special ties with the tycoon. Kantana Siwathanapon, 26, told police that she and Chuwong were romantically involved and that he had voluntarily transferred his shares to her.

Kantana's lawyer, Seksan Senachu, yesterday called on the Central Investigation Bureau's chief Maj General Akaradej Pimonsri to unfreeze her shares.

"This freezing has caused her the financial damages of over Bt16 million already," Seksan said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Maj-General Chanthep Sesawet said Banyin was close to both Kantana and the other recipient.

"But I don't know how deep their relationships were," he said.

At this point, Banyin only faces the charge of reckless driving that caused death. Relevant police officers will meet tomorrow to discuss Chuwong's case and determine the cause of his death.

An informed source said investigators were preparing to conclude that Chuwong died in an accident, because there are no records of him and Banyin ever quarrelling.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Chuwong-always-wore-his-safety-belt-family-insists-30265847.html


-- The Nation 2015-08-04

"An informed source said investigators were preparing to conclude that Chuwong died in an accident, because there are no records of him and Banyin ever quarrelling."

Robbery and thieving couldn't possibly be the motive.

A very unusual very large sudden share transfer to two pretties, who seem connected to the unhurt, unscathed, not even scratched drive, shortly before the "accident", and apparently with unusual signatures and spelling errors in the family name do not point to grand theft as a reason.

Clearly a very unfortunate accident.

Lesson to be learned - if someone here targets you for theft and murder, and they are well connected, then any story will be believed and no one will be remotely interested in justice, law, morals or ethics. That interest diminishes as the amounts involved increases. Farangs have even less chance.


An informed source said investigators were preparing to conclude that Chuwong died in an accident, because there are no records of him and Banyin ever quarrelling.

Do people end up dead under suspicious circumstances only if there was a quarrel? Did Somyet's boys ever consider that the pretties and Banyin came up with a scheme to forge his signature on the share transfer documents (Chuwong's name was misspelled on the transfer documents), and then kill him off so that he couldn't report them for forgery. Then, the pretties pay off Banyin from the sale of the shares, and they all wind up happier and richer. Of course, Somyet's boys need to be paid off as well, so they will just chalk this whole thing up as an accident. Banyin will pay a small fine for his negligent operation of the Lexus. Nothing will be investigated, because there's no money in it. Thai society is corrupt to its core.

And you've outlined the basic blue print and rules of how it works here.

No one is interested in justice, right and wrong, or the law. Just how can we steal, scam, acquire money by any means preferably not involving too much effort or work.

Look at how those wanted for interview pick and choose when it's convenient to go to the police. When stories have been agreed and aligned. The pregnant pretty refuses a DNA to establish paternity - now why would that be? The report from the car data collector seems to be of no interest etc etc.

Smoke and mirrors for public consumption while the deals are worked out and cash sorted.

Any bets on the outcome - accidental death due to the car hitting the tree. Ex senior policeman and MP given warning about driving more carefully and fined 500 baht. Nothing unusual found in the share transfer. Voice recording inclusive, spelling errors in family were an honest mistake like people make all the time when writing their own name. Obviously the two pretties were good friends and the deceased wanted to give them a gift. They were his shares and up to him what he did with them.

I've seen several examples of how Thais will plan a con,even marrying and then divorcing to get their hands on cash, land, property and valuables. On a personal and business basis. Those you meet who are honest and professional are a rarity.


Looks like it didn't even break the headlight on the passenger side. And yet the passenger sat about 6 feet behind that suffered such a massive impact that he died of brain damage while the driver walked away with not even a scratch. Unusual whistling.gif .

Nothing is unusual in Thailand, it only takes money, contacts, or high rank police / military to make what ever happen completely normal and acceptable.


The reform of the police is long overdue.

No independent accident experts exists here?

Wonder why always the top cops here are the experts.

Medium-sized fender bulge resulting in death.

Driver unhurt, passenger death.
Years ago similar accident of the wife resulting in death.

Securities worth 300 million shortly before traded to two women.
The death rider knows the two women.

The death rider is the financial advisor of the dead.
The signature on the transfer Statement is misspelled.

The responsible investigator is a school friend of the death rider.

Better than any skript for a soap opera.

Only in Thailand.


This is going to make a great movie plot. The only plausible way you can die with a crash like that and a seatbelt on is the car was thrust sideways by the impact and he hit his head on the side window. I have seen it happen. Seatbelts stop forward movement but the side ways whip can often put a head into the window and cause concussion to the passenger or driver. That my dear TV watsons is the clue to watch for. He has to have sustained a blow to the left temporal area of the head.

Failing that he died in suspicious circumstances. I have seen cars damaged like this with dead people from head injuries. But they did not die straight away. Usually takes a while. Who was first on scene, was he still alive then though unconscious.

Lots of questions but few answers.


Failing that he died in suspicious circumstances.

5-iron, to the back of the head.

But it was an accident; Pol Lt Col Bunyin Tangphakorn was helping him with his swing by demonstrating how to drive through the ball, rotate the hips, and, oops.

Then it's "Weekend at Bernie's", into the SUV, "sign" a few stock transfer papers, and then, wham, a freak car accident, just like the one which took his ex-wife's life back in 1988. What are the odds?


The police have more important things to do than investigate things like this: like closing Asoke intersection to film a scene from a soap....as they did yesterday, causing a mega jam. They are truly pathetic and treat the public with contempt.


Failing that he died in suspicious circumstances.

5-iron, to the back of the head.

But it was an accident; Pol Lt Col Bunyin Tangphakorn was helping him with his swing by demonstrating how to drive through the ball, rotate the hips, and, oops.

Then it's "Weekend at Bernie's", into the SUV, "sign" a few stock transfer papers, and then, wham, a freak car accident, just like the one which took his ex-wife's life back in 1988. What are the odds?

I was thinking along the same lines.

But would the police connect the dots if there was a dent in the back of his head that said "Big Bertha"?


But would the police connect the dots if there was a dent in the back of his head that said "Big Bertha"?

Not without a mirror.

Maybe he replaced his divot?


Well I wonder if there was DNA samples taken of the driver, and the two female beneficiaries?

Has the autopsy report been released as to the cause of death? surely they couldn't conclude their investigation until AFTER the cause of death has been released?

Shades of Koh Tao all over again.

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