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Two sim cards, same network, same phone, one roaming?

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I have two true sim cards...

One sim card connects and says H the other connects and says RH (Roaming I believe)

The one with the roaming seems slow compared to the other sim and on a data download test gets under 1mb always yet the other gets up to 15mb speeds.

I am confused why one seems to use the roaming and the other does not, they both have the same data package applied and even using the same phone/location/sim slot.

Anyone know why this might be?


Check the APN settings with each SIM in place. See if there are any differences.

Otherwise, the second SIM may not have current Preferred Network connection data.

Take to a True shop and have then check the SIMs.


Thanks for the reply,

I have manually added both APN`s to ensure they are correct yet the one sim always has the R, even when I try it in other phones....

I will take it to the TRUE shop, cheers


What is the make/model of the phone?

When did you buy the SIMs?

It is always best to get the latest SIM(s) from the service provider?

Can you see which MCC/MNCs are active, esp. for the "roaming" SIM.

You could be roaming back onto the old TrueMove GSM1800 network?

With a lot mroe information this could be sorted out.


What is the make/model of the phone?

When did you buy the SIMs?

It is always best to get the latest SIM(s) from the service provider?

Can you see which MCC/MNCs are active, esp. for the "roaming" SIM.

You could be roaming back onto the old TrueMove GSM1800 network?

With a lot mroe information this could be sorted out.

Don't really see why.... same phone I am testing it in.... as above, Imobille IQ 9.2..., both bought two days apart from a True store.

Both sims have roaming active in the settings.....

Anyway I am going to go to the true shop and ask for a new sim, hopefully I will not get another sim like this


Both sims have roaming active in the settings.....

Well the obvious step would be to turn off Roaming? (Man goes to a Doctor...)

Do both SIM slots support the same technologies, and throughput?

What mobile data plans have you subscribed to?

I'd try both SIMs in a known, good, working standard/1 SIM phone.


You could be roaming back onto the old TrueMove GSM1800 network?

Do both SIM slots support the same technologies, and throughput?

I'm going with the above.


Well, I see in the OP that he is getting 1 MBps on the roaming network, and this wouldn't be possible on GSM1800.

I'd go into Settings, About phone, Status, SIM status and try to determine which networks are being utilized.


Pretty sure he's using the same SIM slot on the phone, swapping SIMs. Just getting different results from each SIM.

While it's possible both SIMs are contain identical (except module ID) and that phone is misconfigured for one and not the other, ... more likely the data on the SIM is not identical, or the attached accounts are provisioned differently.


Hey All,

It was using the same sim slot, same phone, same location, sims bought from the true shop both with the same data package on,.... hence why I was confused, I also checked the APN settings and both the same....

Anyway I went to the true shop today and ended up getting another sim with a 4G 12gb Package on, thats now in my 4g modem and speeds are pretty good although when it gets later tonight the speeds will improve even more out of peak hours,

True shop could not explain it to me they merely said 'sometimes roaming is normal' they pretty much said the same on the phone to the call centre so I kind of gave up... I think I just got a dodgy sim card to be honest either that or when they registered it they made a mistake... pretty hard to know these fine details with true staff, most of them don't even know what a sim card is tbh, plus I do not speak Thai which is my problem as I can only go into so much detail before communications brake down.



I've had the "Roaming" issue with several dual SIM phones, using both TRUE and AIS. I never got a coherent explanation either but although the secondary SIM always said "Roaming", I was never charged roaming rates. Most dual SIM phones will only do High speed data on 1 SIM, 2G only on secondary SIM.


I've had the "Roaming" issue with several dual SIM phones, using both TRUE and AIS. I never got a coherent explanation either but although the secondary SIM always said "Roaming", I was never charged roaming rates. Most dual SIM phones will only do High speed data on 1 SIM, 2G only on secondary SIM.

Hey mate... strange thing is, I tried it in my mrs single sim (galaxy s3 mini) and it did the same thing.... dodgy sim card now binned!



So now you have a new SIm and everything is fine?

Did you turn off "Roaming"? Settings, Wireless & networks, More, Cellular networks, Data roaming (slide off).

These menus are on Android 5.1.1., yours may different.

Did you ever determine which network (MCC/MNC) was being utilized when "Roaming"?

Probably something unique to the phone/model/configuration. Or if you did not manually configure the APN, then the APN details encoded on the SIM might have been erroneous.


So now you have a new SIm and everything is fine?

Did you turn off "Roaming"? Settings, Wireless & networks, More, Cellular networks, Data roaming (slide off).

These menus are on Android 5.1.1., yours may different.

Did you ever determine which network (MCC/MNC) was being utilized when "Roaming"?

Probably something unique to the phone/model/configuration. Or if you did not manually configure the APN, then the APN details encoded on the SIM might have been erroneous.

Hey, roaming was always on even on the sim which was fine... if I turned roaming off on the dodgy sim it did not get any internet at all which was strange... I did try that though

I took all the details from the True site on that but no joy, I ended up getting a new sim anyway so put that in the bin!


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